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Unit One Pollution fightersNew words:1. pollution n. 污染2. pollute v. 污染3. interview v. & n. 采访4. scientist n. 科学家5. science 科学6. suppose v. 猜想7. breathe v. 呼吸8. breath n. 呼吸9. pure adj. 纯净的10. gas n. 气体11. release v. 释放12. oxygen. 氧气13. hectare 公顷14. alive adj. 活着的15. nature n. 自然界16. natural adj. 天然的17. certainly adv. 当然18. certain adj. 确定的,无疑的19. example n. 例子20. produce v. 产生21. product n. 产品22. nasty adj. 令人作呕的23. communicate v. 沟通,交流24. communication n. 沟通,交流25. fight v. 战斗26. fighter n. 斗士27. danger n. 危险28. dangerous adj. 危险的29. replace v. 取代30. destroy v. 毁坏31. reduce v. 减少32. material 材料33. urban adj. 城市的34. medicine 药物35. illness 疾病36. warmly adv. 友好地37. soil 土壤38. remove v. 去除39. supply v. (provide) 提供40. cure v. 治疗Phrases:1. pollution fighter 环境卫士2. living things 有生命的东西3. make streets less noisy 使大街变得更安静4. breathe pure air 呼吸纯净的空气5. take harmful gases from the air 从空气中带走有害的气体6. release oxygen back into the air 把氧气释放回空气中7. produce enough oxygen 产生足够的氧气8. keep your whole class alive 使你整个班级存活9. cool the air 使空气凉爽10. natural air conditioner 天然的空调11. for example 例如12. protect themselves 保护他们自己13. produce a chemical 产生一种化学物质14. taste nasty 尝起来很恶心15. communicate with one another 相互交流 16. in danger 处于危险中17. fighters against pollution 环境卫士18. remove dust 去除灰尘19. produce oxygen 产生氧气20. reduce sound pollution 减少噪声污染21. add beauty to cities 增加城市的美丽22. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物23. cure illnesses 治疗疾病24. in the last 200 years 在过去的200年里25. in the next 10 years 在今后的10 年里Water talkNew words:1. impatient adj. 不耐烦的2. patient adj. 耐心的 n. 病人3. comfortable adj. 舒服的4. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的5. comfortably adv. 舒服地6. uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地7. chemical adj. 化学的 n. 化学物质8. chemistry n. 化学9. thorough adj. 完全的,彻底的10. thoroughly adv. 完全地,彻底地11. mean v. 表示什么意思12. meaning n. 含义13. reply v. & n. 答复14. pour v. 流动,倒15. vanish (disappear) v. 消失16. washbasin 脸盆17. drain n. 下水道18. freeze - froze - frozen 结冰19. voice 嗓音20. obey v. 服从,遵守21. faint adj. 微弱的22. float v. 漂浮23. speed- spedsped 急行24. relax v. 放松25. relaxation n 放松, 娱乐26. puzzle v. 使困惑27. puzzled adj. 困惑的28. treatment n. 处理,对待29. works n. 工厂30. pipe 管道31. sewage 污水,污物32. plant 工厂33. pump 以泵丑出或压出34. precious 珍贵的35. liquid 液体(的)36. solid 固体(的)37. litre 公升38. increase v.& n. 增加39. decrease v.& n. 减少40. remain v. 保持41. cover v. 覆盖 n. 封面42. symbol n. 符号43. flow v. 流淌44. stream 小溪Phrases:1. turn that tap off 把水龙头关上2. sound impatient 听起来不耐烦3. a drop of water 一滴水4. float comfortably 舒服地飘浮5. enjoy the view 欣赏风景6. the Yangtze River 扬子江7. travel a long way 走了好长一段路8. get cleaned up 变得彻底清洁9. sound puzzled 听起来很困惑10. a water treatment works 一个水加工厂11. a thorough cleaning 一次彻底的清洗12. a few chemicals 几种化学物质13. chemistry lesson 化学课14. a sewage plant 一个污水处理厂15. in the first place 首先, (一开始的时候)Unit 3 A dangerous servantNew words:1. electricity n. 电2. electric adj. 电的3. electrical adj. 与电有关的4. servant n. 仆人5. serve v. 服务6. service n. 服务7. invisible adj. 看不见的8. visible adj. 看得见的9. trick n. 诡计,把戏10. foolish adj. 愚蠢的11. fool v. 愚弄 n. 傻瓜12. monthly adj. 每月的 adv. 每月13. yearly adj. 每年的 adv. 每年14. weekly adj. 每周的 adv. 每周15. flow v. 流淌16. wire n. 电线17. bury v. 埋于地下18. connect v. 连接19. meter n. (电,水)表20. measure v. 测量21. amount n. 数量22. bill 账单23. scratch v. 挠24. example n. 例子25. bulb 灯泡26. cable 电缆27. polite adj. 礼貌的28. politely adv. 礼貌地29. impolite adj. 没礼貌的30. impolitely adv. 没礼貌地31. grin n. 露齿笑32. battery n. 电池33. contain v. 包含,含有34. clear adj. 明白清楚的35. iron n. 熨斗36. switch v. 开或关(电器)37. lock v. (用锁)锁上38. test v. 试验39. encourage v. 鼓励40. behave v. 表现41. staff n. 全体员工42. customer n. 顾客 43. imagine v. 想象44. wonder n. 奇妙的事物45. indeed adv. 的确46. explanation n. 解释47.explain v. 解释Phrases:1. changeinto 把改变成2. different kinds of energy 不同种类的能量3. heat energy 热能4. moving energy 动能5. light energy 光能6. sound energy 声能7. a dangerous servant 一个危险地仆人8. a packet of sweets 一袋糖果9. trick sb. 戏弄某人10. play tricks on sb. 戏弄某人11. look foolish 看上去愚蠢12. flow through a wire 通过电线流淌13. in a way 在某种程度上14. be careful with 对小心15. different forms of energy 不同形式的能量16. think of an example 想到一个例子17. be connected to 被连接到18. power station 发电站19. produce electricity 产生电20. in villages 在村子21. on farms 在农场22. electrical machine 电器23. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事Unit 4New words:1. section 部分,版面2. headline 标题3. local 地方的4. announce v. 宣布,通告5. consider v. 考虑6. considerate adj. 考虑周到的7. inconsiderate adj. 不顾他人的8. consideration n. 深思,考虑9. stand v. 忍受10. unfair adj. 不公平的11. fair adj. 公平的12. properly adv. 正确地,适当地13. intelligent 聪明的14. improve v. 改善,提高15. recognize v. 认出16. competition n. 竞赛17. editor n. 编辑18. chief adj. 主要的(main)19. chiefly adv. (mainly) 主要地20. term n. 学期21. publish v. 出版22. elect v. 选举23. suggest v. 建议24. suggestion n. 建议25. experience (C) n. 经历; (U) n. 经验26. vote v. 投票27. secretary 秘书28. decide v. 决定29. decision n. 决定30. reader n. 读者31. briefly adv. 简要地32. conclude v. 结束33. conclusion n. 结束,结论34. arrange v. 安排35. discuss v. 讨论36. discussion n. 讨论Phrases:1. local news 地方新闻2. on everybodys lips 挂在每个人的嘴边3. win a competition 赢得了一场竞赛4. set up 建立5. publish a newspaper 出版一份报纸6. elect the chief editor 选出主编7. vote for her 投了她的票8. elect sb. to be 选举某人为9. take charge of 对负责10. be in charge of 对负责11. be responsible for 对负责12. ought to 应该13. ask for suggestions 征求意见14. different sections of the paper 报纸的不同版面15. talk over 讨论16. pay for sth. 为付钱17. consider the question briefly 粗略地考虑一下这个问题18. think about 考虑19. make a decision to do 决定做某事20. make up ones mind to do 下定决心做某事21. agree to do sth. 同意做某事22. agree on sth. 在某事上意见一致23. agree with sb. 同意某人的观点24. conclude the meeting 结束会议25. arrange to do sth. 安排做某事26. in one weeks time 在一周之后Unit 5New words:1. sight 视觉2. hearing 听觉3. smell 嗅觉4. taste 味觉5. touch 触觉6. sense n. 感觉7. soul 灵魂8. balance 平衡9. blind adj. 瞎的10. drama n. 戏剧11. dramatic adj. 戏剧性的12. reception 接待处13. book v. 预订14. clerk 职员15. exclaim v. 叫喊16. bark v. 犬吠 & n. 吠声17. repeat v. 重复18. interrupt v. 打断19. guest n. 客人20. lead- led- led 带路,引领21. personal adj. 个人的22. personally adv. 亲自23. location n. 位置24. exit n. 出口25. safety n. 安全26. safely adv. 安全地27. safe adj. 安全的28. save v. 救29. sensible adj. 明智的30. describe v. 描述31. description n. 描述32. asleep adj. 睡着的33. wake - woke - woken 唤醒34. blanket 毛毯35. wet - wet - wet 弄湿36. towel 毛巾37. bottom 底部38. cough 咳嗽39. lie - lay - lain - lying 躺40. seem 似乎,好像41. explain v. 解释42. enter v. 进入43. entrance n. 入口处Phrases:1. as soon as 一就2. reception desk 接待处3. book a room 预订一个房间4. allow sb. to do 允许某人做某事5. let sb. do 让某人做某事6. take me everywhere 把我带到每个地方7. sound like 听起来像8. at once 立刻9. lead them personally to their room 亲自把他们带到他们的房间10. the location of the fire exit 安全出口的位置11. Safety first 安全第一12. in his own words 用他自己的话(说)13. pull at my blankets 拉我的毛毯14. go off 突然发出巨响15. wet some towels 弄湿一些毛巾16. the bottom of the door 门的底部17. seem like 似乎是18. moments later 一会儿之后19. Seconds later 一会儿之后20. against the rules 违法规则21. explain about sth. 解释关于22. explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事23. save Charlies life 救了Charlie的命24. be located 坐落于Unit 6 New words:1. France 法国2. French adj.法国的 n. 法语 3. abroad adv. 去国外,在国外4. spread - spread - spread 展开,张开5. Paris 巴黎6. destination 目的地7. landmark 地标8. wide adj. 宽的9. widely adv. 广泛地10. widen v. 拓宽11. offer 给予12. attract v. 吸引13. attractive adj. 吸引人的14. attraction n. 吸引人的事物,吸引力15. Britain n. 英国16. enable v. 使能够17. agricultural adj. 农业的18. region n. 区域19. excellent adj. 优秀的,极好的20. scene (C) n. 场景,景色 21. scenery (U) n. 自然景观 22. scenic adj. 风景优美的23. influence n./ v. 影响 24. provide v. 给予25. leader n. 引领者26. art n. 艺术27. artist n. 艺术家28. culture n. 文化29. further v. 继续,使进一步30. concert n. 音乐会31. organize v. 组织32. organization. n. 组织33. throughout prep. 各处,遍及34. defeat v. 击败35. adult 成年人36. level n. 楼层,层面Phrases:1. now that 既然2. start to do 开始做3. think about doing考虑做某事4. go abroad 出国5. spread your wings 张开你的翅膀6. the capital of France 法国的首都7. one of the most popular tourist destinations 最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一8. world-famous landmarks 闻名世界的地标9. such as 例如10. tree- lined street 树木成行的大街11. one of the most beautiful cities 最美丽的城市之一12. take your children with you 带着你的孩子和你一起13. offer sb. sth. 給某人某物14. offer sth. to sb. 給某人某物15. go on to do sth. 接着做另一件事16. without doing 没有做某事17. enable sb. to do 使某人能做某事18. the centre of France 法国的中部19. agricultural region 农业区20. scenic area 风景优美的区域21. be famous for 以而著名22. the influence of France 法国的影响23. provide sth. for sb. 給某人提供某物24. provide sb. with sth. 給某人提供某物25. French product 法国产品26. a leader in art and culture 文化和艺术方面的引领者27. further their studies 继续学习28. throughout the world 全世界Unit 7New words:1. poem n. 诗歌2. fix (repair) v. 修理3. narrow adj. 狭窄的4. scare v. 惊吓5. scared adj. 害怕的6. cross (angry) adj. 生气的7. silence n. 沉默8. silent adj. 沉默的9. attention n. 注意力10. scold v. 责备11. chat 聊天12. alone adv. 独自地13. pretend v. 假装14. score n. 分数15. concern n. 关心16. accept v. 接受17. reject v. 拒绝18. refuse v. 拒绝19. express v. 表达20. pain n. 疼痛21. generous adj. 慷慨的22. honest adj. 诚实的23. honestly adv. 诚实地24. honesty n. 诚实25. dishonest adj. 不诚实的26. dishonestly adv. 不诚实地27. dishonesty n. 不诚实Phrases:1. on ones own 独自地,独立地2. pay attention 注意3. chat with 与聊天4. keep lively 保持活力5. be pleased with 对满意6. feel like 想做某事7. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事


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