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2022关于4.4寒食节的英语作文关于寒食节的起源有不同说法。民间流传最广的说法是为了纪念春秋时期晋国的介子推。There are different versions about the origin of the cold food festival. The most popular folk saying is to commemorate the spring and Autumn Period Jin jie.春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子推不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,做了国君(即晋文公),封赏有功之臣。唯独介子推拒绝接受封赏。他带母亲隐居绵山,不肯出来。晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,逼其下山。谁知介子推母子宁愿被烧死也不肯出来。为了纪念介子推,晋文公下令将绵山改名为介山,并修庙立碑。同时,还下令在介子推遇难的这一天,“寒食禁火,举国高低不许烧火煮食,只能吃干粮和冷食。In the spring and Autumn period, Chonger childe could escape in the outside, hard life, follow his muon push from his leg at cut off a piece of meat let him eat. Later, he returned to the state of Jin, do the monarch (the Jin), a reward meritorious. Muon push refused to accept Fengshang alone. He took mother seclusion mt.mianshan, refused to come out. Jin Wen Gong had to be put in a quandary, set the mountain on fire, forcing it down. Who knows the Jie mother would rather be burned to death also refused to come out. In order to commemorate Jie, Jin Wen Gong ordered Mianshan renamed medium mountain, and to repair the temple built. At the same time, also ordered in this day of Jie Zitui died, cold food observance ban fire, the whole nation not only eat food cooked food, and cold.古代的人们都非常崇敬介子推的气节,“寒食禁火的习俗,被后人流传下来,形成了寒食节这个特殊的纪念节日。The ancient people worship muon push , cold food observance ban fire custom, was later handed down, the formation of the cold food festival this special festival.民俗专家介绍说,汉代以前,寒食节禁火的时间较长,以一个月为期。整整一个月都吃冷食,对身体实在不利,汉代改为3天。Folklore experts say, before the Han Dynasty, the cold food festival fire ban time is longer, with a month. Eat cold food for a whole month, is detrimental to the body, the Han Dynasty to 3 days.


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