2022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案

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2022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案 2022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案(精选6篇) 2022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案 篇22022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案 篇42022届高考英语必修1 Unit 2 顶尖复习教案 篇6 XX届高考英语必修3unit 2顶尖复习教案 unit 2healthy eatin to offer ae wonders. 5.many thousands of patients have _(受益)from this new treatment and recovered quickly. 6.after the tirin not to_(叹息)over the failure of yesterdays test. 8.his en. 9.children are_(奇怪)about everythined. (2)we should know our stren. 1.diet2.customers3.balancebines5.benefited6.strenited9.curious;curiosity 10.(1)weaken (2)weaknesses 高频短语 1._平衡饮食 2._ 应当;应当 3._ 减轻体重;减肥 4._ 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩处 5._ 说谎 6._ 赢回;重新获得 7._ 谋生 8._ 欠债 9._ 暗中监视;侦查 10._ 削减;删节 11._ 不久以后 12._ 增加体重 1.balanced diet2.oueal? 你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢? 4.accordiny research,_your restaurant_mine _ a balanced diet. 我的讨论表明,你我两家所供应的都不是平衡膳食。 5.their balanced diets became_ before lone slimmer and yonore weiportant to have a balance between study and a social life,so im pany has had a successful year. 总的来说,公司这一年是胜利的。 例句探源 【高效记忆】 即境活用 1.完成句子 (1)众所周知,均衡的膳食使我们身体健康。 as is known to us,_ _ _can keep our body healthy. 答案:a balanced diet (2)生活中他很好地平衡了工作与玩的关系。 there is _ _ _ _ work and play in his life. 答案:a nice balance between 2.dietn.日常饮食vt. vi.节食,使实施饮食疗法 (回归课本p9)everybody has to eat,but do you eat a healthy diet? 每个人都要吃东西,但是你有健康的饮食吗? 归纳拓展 no suy coffee,please;im dietiny holiday. 我打算在休假前节食。 it is important to have a balanced,healthy diet. 拥有均衡、健康的饮食很重要。 the doctor put him on a diet after operation. 手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。 例句探源 2.would you like some more chicken? no,thanks.i am_a diet and im tryine but i opened it out of curiosity. 那封信不是写给我的,然而我出于奇怪把它拆开了。 (陕西高考)he was curious to know what was happenin. 小孩对四周的全部事物感到奇怪。 it was curious that she didnt tell anyone. 她没有告知任何人,这很反常。 例句探源 3.(XX年高考天津卷)people have always been_about exactly how life on earth be his face that he was lyinework last nie that happiness lies in helpinan _ there _ that he had _ the money on the table. 答案:lyinitn.界限;限度vt.限制;限定 (回归课本p14)i dont want to upset you,but i found your menu so limited that i stopped worryiny food. 我并不想让你心烦,不过我发觉你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不焦急了,我也开头宣扬我餐馆的食物的好处。 归纳拓展 ill help as much as i can,but there is a limit to what i can do.我会尽力帮忙,但我所能够做的也是有限的。 i believe teachinited to the classroom. 我认为教学不应当局限在教室内。 they did well within the limits of their knowledount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. 你要消费的金额限制着你的选择。 this technique is useful but it has its limitations. 这种技术有用但也有局限性。 5.is there any_to the time that i can stay here? yes,you must leave here before he comes back. a.number b.lenit d.matter 解析:选c。问句句意:我待在这里的时间有限制吗?limit表“限定,限制”之意。如:my mother sets a limit to the amount of food that i can eat.我母亲限制我的饭量。 即境活用 6.benefitv.使受益,得益于;得利于 n.好处,利益,优势 (回归课本p14)i dont want to upset you,but i found your menu so limited that i stopped worryiny food. 我并不想让你心烦,不过我发觉你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不焦急了,我也开头宣扬我餐馆的食物的好处。 归纳拓展 (牛津p170)we should spend the money on somethin sure that everyone will benefit a lot from this activity. 我信任大家都会从这个活动中获益良多。 many people find that re an unexpected benefit. 很多人发觉定期熬炼使他们受益匪浅。 it is said that yoan health. 据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大好处。 例句探源 6.a lar of money has been raised for the_of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts. a.profitb.favour c.advanta c.benefits from;benefit d.benefits;are benefited from 解析:选b。句意:众所周知,练瑜伽有助于我们的健康,也就是说,我们的健康将从练瑜伽中受益。benefit常用于sth.benefits sb.或sb.benefits from sth.结构中,两者均为固定搭配,由该结构可知应选b项。 7.stren is one of her many strenake members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their_and weaknesses. a.stren e you arkinoved into a bie_the clothes on the line? a.y life shook me so deeply as the first visit to china.在我的一生中给我震撼最大的是第一次到中国参观。 you can never be too careful.你再怎么当心也不过分。 归纳拓展 12.(XX年北京海淀区模拟)our women athletes achieved pic es. yes.no one could perform_,i think. a.well b.better c.best d.the best 解析:选b。答句句意:我们的女运动员在温哥华冬奥会上取得了巨大的成就。是的。我想,没人比她们表现得更精彩了。此处用“否定形式比较级”表达“没人比更,最”之意。 13.how beautifully she sinother in a rude manner.you must apolomediately. 我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必需立即向她赔礼。 i have a lot of thinornine hot doeetinother had me e salt.妈妈让我去商店买些食盐。 15.excuse me,sir,where is room 301? just a minute.ill have bob_you to your room. a.show b.shows c.to show d.showing 解析:选a。此题考查动词have的用法。have sb.do sth.命令或支配某人做某事。


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