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.1Revision:1words1.小说;虚构或想象出来的事小说;虚构或想象出来的事n._2同情;同感;同情心同情;同感;同情心n._3.事务,暧昧关系事务,暧昧关系n._4.软垫软垫,靠垫靠垫 n._5.额外津贴额外津贴,红包红包 n._ 6.超重的超重的 adj._7.烹饪烹饪(风味风味),菜肴菜肴n._8.数码的数码的 adj _9.上帝的上帝的,神圣的神圣的adj._10.较年幼的较年幼的,资历浅的资历浅的adj._11.章章,篇篇,回回 n._12.全体员工全体员工,手杖手杖 n._fictionsympathyaffaircushionbonusoverweightcuisinedigitalholyjuniorchapterstaff.22.phrases:1.希望希望/渴望做某事渴望做某事 _ 2.一定做某事一定做某事 _3.考验,试验考验,试验 _4.打电话打电话 _5.同情某人同情某人 _6.陪伴某人去某地陪伴某人去某地 _7.转身,转向转身,转向 _8.不理会,让不理会,让独自呆着独自呆着 _9.一堆一堆/叠,一堆堆叠,一堆堆 _10.将将.放在一边放在一边,节省节省 _desire to do sth.be bound to do sth.test outring sb.upfeel/have sympathy for sb.accompany sb.to a place turn around leave.alone a pile of/piles ofset aside.31.desire v.(1)渴望渴望;希望希望(做某事做某事)desire to do sth.(2)希望,希望,要求某事要求某事desire sth.(3)要求某人做某事要求某人做某事desire sb.to do sth.desire that sb.(should)do sth.我请求您的立即答复。我请求您的立即答复。I desire _ of yours.an immediate reply我们希望有个好结果。我们希望有个好结果。_ We desire (to have)a good result.去请他进来。去请他进来。_Please desire him to come in.4They desire_他们要求你马上回来。他们要求你马上回来。that you should come at once.n.C/U愿望愿望;欲望欲望、要求、要求、向往的东西、向往的东西他有强烈的求知欲他有强烈的求知欲.He has_.a strong desire for knowledge/to learnmeet/satisfy ones desirehavefeel(a)great desire for/to 渴望渴望(做做).满足某人的欲望满足某人的欲望.52.test out 试验,考验试验,考验Scientists test out theories by experiment.I wanted to test out the televison set before I bought it.The teacher will test the class on spelling todayOur beauty products should not be tested on animals.Has this plastic been tested for safety in great heat?The radio engineers want to test for sound.63.alarm vt.使警觉;惊动;使惊慌使警觉;惊动;使惊慌We dont know what had alarmed him.adj.alarmed 担心的;害怕的担心的;害怕的 be alarmed at/by sth be alarmed to do n.警报,惊恐警报,惊恐 the fire alarm set/turn off the alarm clock give/raise/sound the alarm in alarma false alarm.7完成句子完成句子:1.A small boy saw the smoke and _(发出警报发出警报).2.Everyody _(人人都感到惊人人都感到惊恐恐)the news that war might break out.3.She sat up _(惊慌地惊慌地).4.I _ for six oclock every day(设置闹钟设置闹钟)raised the alarm was alarmed atin alarmset the alarm.84.sympathyn.同情;同感;同情心同情;同感;同情心express/feel/have sympathy with/for同情同情in sympathy with 同情;赞成;跟着;和同情;赞成;跟着;和一致一致The general _ the wounded soldier.Several hundred workers struck_ their colleagues.expressed sympathy forin sympathy with.95.favour/favor vt.Do you favor my proposal?We favor Johns plan.n.do sb a favor ask a favor owe sb a favorin favor of sthin ones favor.106.accompany vt.陪同陪同,陪伴陪伴,兼带兼带,伴奏伴奏 accompany sb to sp.accompany sb on a trip/journeystrong winds accompanied by storms.accomapny sb on/at the pianocompany n.U陪伴陪伴,有趣的伙伴有趣的伙伴enjoy the company of sbkeep sb company.11Ken agreed to_to Africa.肯答应陪我一起去非洲。She _ the concert.她陪同朋友去听音乐会。Ill _ while you are waiting.你等的时候我陪你Whos going to_?谁给他钢琴伴奏?accompany me on a tripaccompanied her friend to keep you companyaccompany him on the piano.127.ring(sb)up=call(sb)up 打电话打电话 give sb a call/ring;make a(telephone)call call/phone/telephone sb挂断电话挂断电话ring off;hang up回电话回电话call back;ring back.138.turn around 转向转向;回转回转turn on 打开打开(水、电视、收音机、灯等水、电视、收音机、灯等)turn off 关掉;使失去兴趣关掉;使失去兴趣turn up 开大;出现开大;出现turn down关小;拒绝;驳回;关小;拒绝;驳回;turn out 结果是;证明是;生产(产品)结果是;证明是;生产(产品).14It_that I knew the person who got shot.I didnt need to _to know who it was.Can you _ the air conditioner?I thanked him for the offer but _it _._your cell phone in movie theaters.I really expected him to _on time.What _teenagers _ science and technology?.turned outturn around turn on/offturned down Turn off turn upturns off.159.declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称宣布;声明;表明;宣称declare war on 向向.宣战宣战declare+n.+(to be)n./adj.宣布宣布为为declear that.他们将很快宣布选举的结果他们将很快宣布选举的结果.裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军.They will declare the result of the election soon.The judge declared him(to be)the winner of the competition.1610.leavealone 不管;不打扰;让不管;不打扰;让独自待着独自待着I have told you to leave my things alone.Leave him alone.He needs time to think it over.不要动我的书不要动我的书.Leave my book alone.leave .as.is ;leave.where.is;let it be.1711.set aside 将将.放在一边放在一边;节省节省;保留保留(钱钱,时间时间)He set aside half an hour to let us ask questions.Set aside money each year for professional development.We should set aside enough grain.She set aside all objections and married the poor young man.1812.bound adj.一定的一定的;密切相关的密切相关的be bound to do/be 一定做一定做/会会你已经付出了这么多努力,一定能通过考试。你已经付出了这么多努力,一定能通过考试。You have done so much work that you are bound to pass the exam.1913.staff n.全体员工全体员工(总称总称)usually sing.;手杖手杖(a symbol of authority)medical staff teaching staff staff member a staff of tenThe staff in this shop are/is very helpful.He has a fine staff working under him.The old man needed his staff to climb the hill.注:复数形式staffs很少,指两批或以上的职员.2014.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的的 n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者年少者;晚辈;等级较低者junior employees a junior middle schoolShe is junior to me by two years.she is my junior by two years.senior adj.高级的高级的 n.较年长的人,上级较年长的人,上级a senior middle schoolMy brother is senior to me by two years.2115.talent n.天才;特殊能力;才能天才;特殊能力;才能a man of many talentsa talented/gifted pianista talent competition/show/contesthave a talent/gift forbe gifted/talented in他在打篮球方面有天赋。He has a talent/gift for playing basketball.2216.divorce n.离婚离婚;断绝关系断绝关系 vt.与与离婚离婚;与与脱离脱离The marriage ended in divorce.They have agreed to get a divorce.She divorced her husband.She was divorced from her husband.divorce sb.=be/get divorced from sba divorced man .2317.obey vt.&vi.服从;顺从服从;顺从disobey vt&vi 不服从;违抗不服从;违抗obey a command/an order/rules/the lawHe told me to keep my word and I obeyed.


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