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新视野大学英语读写第一册作文写作模式与范文 (要求: 请同学们记住这些写作模式并要求能举一反三)Unit 1. Doing Sth.My Most Rewarding Experience写作模式(理由陈述)1) As one of my most rewarding experiences, doing something has brought a lot of benefits to my life. 2) For one thing, (理由I) 3)Unlike, it offers me much freedom to4) For another(理由II) 5)Through, I have more chances to6) And the most amazing result of doing so is that(理由III) 7)Now I tend to 8) In sum, there is not anything in (my life) that is more beneficial than doing sth.Reference model:Chatting Online My Most Rewarding Experience1) As one of my most rewarding experiences, chatting online has brought a lot of benefits to my life. 2) For one thing, it helps me avoid nervousness and embarrassment I used to feel in regular talks. 3) Unlike the face-to-face conversation, it offers me much freedom in time to think out my ideas and prepare them well before posting them on the screen. 4) For another, it adds no little to the improvement of my English. 5)Through online chatting, I have more chances to speak with native speakers, thus bathing myself in the sea of genuine English. 6)The most valuable result of chatting online is that it gives me insights into other cultures and keeps my mind open to better ways of seeing things. 7) Now I tend to see things from a more objective perspective. 8) In short, there is not anything in my free time that is more beneficial than chatting online.Unit 2. Views on Sth. 写作模式(各抒己见) 1) When it comes to sth., peoples ideas are not cut from the same cloth. 2) Some people hold /argue that (观点一) 3) They base their argument on the ground that (理由) 4) But others react to the problem the other way around and contend that the opposite is just reasonable or right. (观点二) 5) From their angle of view, (理由) 6) I am of the opinion that(我的看法) 7) (理由) 8)(结论句).Reference model:Views on generation gap1) When it comes to the problem of generation gap, peoples ideas are not cut from the same cloth. 2) Most of the old argue that young people should be responsible for the problem. 3) They base their argument on the ground that young people either turn a deaf ear to the elders experience-based advice or set themselves against what the elders have been proud of. 4) Yet the younger generation reacts to the problem the other way around and holds that the opposite is just reasonable. 5) From their angle of view, the older generation is too conservative to accept anything new, as a result of which, their voices are not taken into account, and their efforts are far from the requirements set by the elders. 6) I am of the opinion that both generations should take the responsibility for the problem. 7) Much evidence proves that the generation gap results just when the two generations miss connecting or understanding with each other. 8) As long as both sides keep their minds open to each others outlooks on the world and get ready for adjustment of their own ideas to the social needs, therefore, the gap between them will be narrowed down in time.Unit 3.The Effect of Sth. upon Our Society写作模式(影响分析)1) The effects / influences / impacts / mark of sth. on our life / society are (is) positive/ negative/ profound/ far-reaching / a mixed one.(主题句). 2) On the one hand, (分析I). 3) (进一步阐述). 4) On the other, (分析II). 5) (进一步阐述). 6) On the whole,_ (分析III). 7)(进一步阐述). 8) Therefore, _(结尾句). Reference model: The Effects of SARS upon Our Society1) The effects of SARS on our society are both negative and positive. 2) On the one hand, it has brought about a heavy loss to our economy. 3) According to the official report, it is a foregone conclusion that there is a great loss in such industries as transportation, food, recreation, and tourism. 4) On the other, it will serve as a reminder of what the healthy lifestyle should be like. 5) We will think of it when we spit anywhere, when we help ourselves to wild game, and when we are careless of our personal hygiene. 6) On the whole, SARS has made a great difference to our long-honored ways of seeing things. 7) Despite our efforts, for example, our wish to better economy has invited heavy losses in it as a result of our ignorance of other factors, such as the attack of SARS. 8) Although SARS is bound to die out, therefore, its influences will not fade away in the years to come. Unit 4. The Importance of Sth. to Sb. / Sth. Else写作模式:1) The importance of sth. is now drawing more of our concern than ever2) To begin with, it has a strong hold on 3)(进一步阐述)4) Besides, it serves as a litmus test for 5)(进一步阐述)6) And most of all, itit has the power to determine whether or not 7)(进一步阐述)8) In short, where there is a better employment of sth., there will be more hope ofReference model:The Importance of Body Language to Our Success in Social Contact1) The importance of body language to our success in social contact is now drawing more of our concern than ever before. 2) To begin with, it has a strong hold on the reactions of others to us. 3) What we tend to show through our eyes, faces, bodies and gestures often brings about a chain of reactions from others, ranging from appreciation to disgust. 4) Besides, it serves as a litmus test(试金石)for our true feelings. 5) Every time we make insincere remarks, our facial expressions, the tones of our voices and even our posture may reveal more to others than our speech. 6) And most of all, it has the power to determine whether or not we will succeed in social contact. 7) If you have a decisive date with a girl / boy and your manners or the way you conduct yourself doesnt match your social status, for example, your chances of winning the others heart will be slim. 8) In short, where there is a better exercise of body language in social contact, there will be more hope of success. Unit 5: How to Break with Something Unwanted(建议类) 写作模式 1)If you find it hard to get rid of sth., you are not alone, for many people have tried to break with sth. but without any success. 2) Like other things, sth., once you have become addicted to it, is hard to break.3) For instance, . 4) If there is every reason for you to rid yourself of it, here is how:5)(方法I)6)(方法II)7)(方法III) 8) As long as you cling to the steps, you will be amazed at how effective they are. Reference model:How to Break with Your Bad Habit of Smoking 1) If you find it hard to get rid of your bad habit of smoking, you are not alone, for quite a few smokers have tried to break with it but in vain. 2) Like other bad habits, smoking, once you have become addicted to it, is very hard to break. 3) For instance, one friend of mine, a chain smoker, has done everything he could to give up smoking but now he is still living with it. 4) But if there is every reason for you to rid yourself of it, here is how: 5) Build up your will to abandon it by frequently reminding yourself of its harmfulness. 6) Replace your bad habit with a good one, such as coffee drinking or bubble-gum chewing. 7) And listen to the regret the victims of smoking express from the bottom of their hearts. 8) As long as you cling to the steps as mentioned above, you will be amazed at how effective they are. Unit 6: Contributors to Changes /Success / Failure in Sth.写作模式: changes: decline / rise / improvement, etc) (原因分析)1)Just as what has happened to anything in the world, many factors lead to the changes in sth. 2) In the first place, (原因I). 3) (进一步阐述). 4) In the second, (原因II) 5) (进一步阐述) 6) And above all, (原因III) 7) (进一步阐述) 8) Our list of contributors could go on, but the foregoing ones are already enough to give us a deep insight into the changes.(划线部分可被替代)Reference model: Contributors to Their Success in Marriage Life1) Just as what has happened to anything in the world, many factors lead to their success in marriage life. 2) In the first place, a positive psychological suggestion plays a role. 3) If a couple often utter syllables, like “We will love each other and live a happy life” as shown in their story, about the bright side of their marriage, they will bring more spirits of love and happiness into their life whereas, if a couple constantly speak of poison-words such as “terrible”, “painful” and “exhausted”, they will build one little ghost of bitterness after another to live with. 4) In the second, a common and good taste for life counts much to a couples thirst for each other. 5) As told in their story, the couple used to underline favorite passages to share with each other, which added color to their marriage life. 6) And above all, readiness to devote more to the other serves as the bottom line in their marriage life. 7) Like many other couples, the couple in the story also had much to complain about in their daily life, but both acted to fill each others needs as time and opportunity allowed. 8) Our list of contributors to their success in marriage life could go on, but the foregoing ones are already enough to give us a deep insight into the problem. Unit 7:Changes in the Age Distribution of Drug Addicts青少年吸毒者成年吸毒者20021982写作模式1) As can be seen from the graph, there have been sharp changes in the age distribution of drug addicts over the past 20 years. 2) To be concrete, the teenage addicts only made up 10 percent of all the drugsters in 1982 while this ratio rose up to 65 in 2002. 3) These changes are disturbing / distressing, but the causes for them are not hard to find. 4)First of all, (原因I) 5) Second, (原因II). 6) And above all, (原因III) 7) (进一步阐述) 8) To sum up, (结论句). (注:划线部分可被替换) Reference model:Changes in the Age Distribution of Drug Addicts1) As can be seen from the graph, there have been sharp changes in the age distribution of drug addicts. 2) To be concrete, the teenage addicts only made up 10 percent of all the drugsters in 1982 while the ratio rose up to 65 in 2002. 3) These changes are most distressing, but the causes for them are not hard to find. 4) First of all, teenagers fearless curiosity about everything new has led some of them into this marsh, and now they find it impossible to get themselves out of it. 5) Second, many of the young addicts turned for the first time to drugs for escape either from their failure in the national college entrance exams or from their parents breakup. 6) And above all, our education in the harmfulness of drugs has been far from adequate to build teenagers sound resistance to drugs. 7) Most addicts admit that they were then too ignorant of drugs to keep themselves away from the lure of the drug traffickers(贩毒者). 8) To sum up, the causes mentioned above must call for more of our concern, and effective measures should be taken to check the trend. Uuit 8. Why I See/Choose Sth. over Sth. Else要求:从四种(科研,经商, 行医, 从教)职业中选出两种进行对比分析,并阐明你的选择倾向和理由. 写作模式1)If my choice were restricted between (doing) sth. and (doing) sth. else, the former / latter would hold more attraction for me. 2) For one thing, 3) By contrast, 4) For another, 5) In contrast to that, 6) And the most striking difference between both lies in 7) (进一步阐述)8) From the comparisons and contrasts above, anyone can conclude that my preference for sth. is more reasonable.Reference model: Why I Choose Doing Science over Doing Business1) If my choice were restricted between doing science and going into business, the former would hold more attraction for me. 2) For one thing, a businessman has to waste his precious time beating one bargain after another with his counterparts. 3) By contrast, a scientist can always spend his valuable time attacking one profound problem after another in science. 4) For another, a businessman, once involved in a dirty or illegal deal, tends to place himself on the road to crime. 5) In contrast to that, a scientist, once involved in a potential or landmark research, is more likely to put himself on the way to success. 6) And the most striking difference between both lies in their contributions to society. 7) What a businessman has achieved may be of much profit to his firm or his circles while what a scientist has fulfilled will be of great benefit to his field or the whole human society. 8) From the comparisons and contrasts above, therefore, anyone can conclude that my preference for doing science is more reasonable and more acceptable.Uuit 9. In the Face of Something Challenging写作模式(建议类)1) In the face/event/ case of , what should we do? 2) In my opinion, the first thing of the first is to(建议I) 3) (进一步说明) 4)What also counts much to this matter is (建议II) 5) (进一步说明) 6) And the most important for one is (建议III) 7) (进一步说明) 8)In sum, will determine whether or not one will prepare oneself best for (结论句). Reference model: In the Face of the Future Shock1) In the face of the future shock, what should we do? 2) In my opinion, the first thing of the first is to take as much interest in your present life as possible. 3)Such an interest in what you are engaged in will help you to keep up with the pace of life. 4)What also counts much to this matter is the timely renewal of your knowledge about your field. 5) Renewing your knowledge will enable you to establish your place in the future society. 6)And the most important for you is to develop a sense of being critical of our long-honored beliefs. 7)This means looking beyond what is taken for granted now. 8) In sum, the actions of the present will determine whether or not you will prepare yourself best for the future shock .Uuit 10 Should We Leave Some Room for Sth. Undesirable?(批驳分析)写作模式(批驳分析)1) Doing sth. / Sth. is so popular in our society that many people regard it as a natural thing we have to live with.(错误观点) 2) Underlying their view is the ground that (理由I) 3) Furthermore, they argue that (理由II) 4) A deeper insight into the problem, however, can find that (批驳分析I) 5)If allowed to run its course, it would (进一步阐述) 6)On the other hand, (批驳分析II) 7) It must be kept in mind that (进一步阐述) 8) Thus, no room is to be left for (doing) sth. in our society.Reference model: Should We Leave Some Room for Cheating on Exams in Our Society?1) Nowadays, cheating in exams is so popular on campus that many people regard it as a natural thing we have to live with. 2) Underlying their view is the ground that any struggle against it will give rise to more sophisticated methods of cheating, like burning the grass that comes back to life in spring winds. 3) Furthermore, they argue that the cheaters success in the college entrance examinations did not come by easily and they will forever lose the chance of further education if they are expelled from school. 4) A deeper insight into the problem, however, can find that those keen on this have formed a raging current, which is eating away at the foundations of our values and moralities in education. 5) If allowed to run its course, this current, with more and more students getting involved in it, would become stronger and stronger until there would be little that we can do about it. 6) On the other hand, a severe punishment for cheating on exams can bring both honesty and fair competition back into our campus life. 7) It must be kept in mind that the purpose of our education is not to preserve every students false mask but to build up their self-confidence for the sake of future competition. 8) Thus, no room is to be left for cheating on exams in our society.The end2007-10-28 14


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