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湘少版六年级上学期英语句型转换课堂知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求改写句子。1. I canplay ping-pong.(对句子主题意思提问)_can_do ?2. I can do some kung fu .(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)-_you_kung fu?-_, I_.3. They can speak English .(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)-_speak English?-No, they_.4. She can sing English songs .(改为否定句)She_English songs.2. 根据要求完成句子。1. fourth / year / is / the / winter / season / of / the (.) (连词成句)2.Summeris the hottest season. (对句子主题意思提问)3. Can you tell me something about spring ? (作肯定回答)4. We eat moon cakes in Mid-autumn Day. (改为一般疑问句)5. I shouldhelp my mum to cook. (对句子主题意思提问)3. 按要求改写句子。1My brother makes friends at school.(改为一般过去时)My brother_at school.2Mr Brown wrote letters to his students.(改为否定句)Mr Brown_letters to his students.3Ten years ago, I could read and write.(改为否定句)Ten years ago, I_read_write.4My grandparead newspaperslast night.(对句子主题意思提问)_your grandpa_last night?5He can do many things.(改为一般疑问句)_he_many things?4. 按要求完成句子。1Saw is watching TV now.(用every Sunday代替now)Saw_every Sunday.2He plays football in the park.(用this morning改为过去式)He_football in the park this morning.3He brought some bread and honey.(改为否定句)4You should do that.(改为否定句)You_do that.5Im going to pick oranges on the farm.(改为否定句)Im_going to_oranges on the farm.5. 按要求完成句子。1We went there bytrain.(对句子主题意思提问)_did you_there?2Icleaned my roomyesterday.(对句子主题意思提问)_did you_yesterday?3How tall are you?(根据自身情况回答)4cleaned room on I Saturdays my(连词成句)5sometime pictures Can see I your(连词成句)6. 按要求改写句子。1. Iplayed basketballin the playground.(对句子主题意思提问)_you do in the playground?2. I was ata clothes shoplast night.(对句子主题意思提问)Where_last night?3. He ate a cake last night.(用every day改写句子)He_a cake_.4. I caught some fish there last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)_you_fish there last weekend?7. 句型转换。1. I went to the beachby taxi. (对句子主题意思提问)_to the beach?2. I went to Shanghai by bus. (改写同义句)I_to Shanghai.3. We had a party last night. (改为一般疑问句)_last night?8. 按要求改写句子。1. I want to bean artist. (对句子主题意思提问)2. The women will go toTaipeinext week. (对句子主题意思提问)3. Ill stay therefor a month. (对句子主题意思提问)4. David and Helen visited Japanthis weekend. (对句子主题意思提问)5. He will go to Taipei tomorrow. (改为否定句)9. 句型转换,每空一词。1. Shell get to the supermarketby taxi.(对句子主题意思提问)_she get to the supermarket?2. My cousin would like to watch a film. (改为同义句)My cousin_watch the film.3. My mother does a lot of housework every day. (改为否定句)My mother_a lot of housework every day.4. There are somany vegetablesin the fridge.(对句子主题意思提问)_in the fridge?5. Mike brought a football form home just now.(改为一般疑问句)_Mike_a football form home just now?10. 按要求完成句子。1. This is a dish. (改为复数)2. My father isin the living room. (对句子主题意思提问)3. There are four bedrooms on the second floor. (改为一般疑问句)4. potatoesontablearethecarrotstheand(连词成句)5. I would likesome milk and breadfor breakfast. (对句子主题意思提问)11. 按要求完成下列各题。1My sister always does eye exercises. (改为一般疑问句)2Do you have a volleyball? (作否定回答)3I wash my face and go to school. (用Li Lei改写句子)4What are you doing? (用watch TV回答)5到上床睡觉的时间了。(汉译英)12. 根据要求完成句子。1. river/ a/ the/ is/ park/ there/ beside (.) (连词成句)2. I likemy school. (对句子主题意思提问)3. I can see everything. (改为否定句)4. I live ina tall building. (对句子主题意思提问)5. I like the park. (改为一般疑问句)13. 句型转换。1I went toSanyayesterday.(对句子主题意思提问)_you go yesterday?2He was at the library last weekend. (改为否定句)He_at the library last weekend.3Mike went to a park with his parents last weekend.(改为一般疑问句)_Mike_to a park with his parents last weekend?4Hewent fishinglast Saturday.(对句子主题意思提问)_he_last Saturday?5Did you clean your room? (作否定回答)6I am reading a book.(用yesterday改写句子)I_yesterday.14. 句型转换。1The TV program is aboutscience.(对句子主题意思提问)_is the TV program_?2He boughtsome applesfor his sister.(对句子主题意思提问)_he_for his sister?3Did you go to the park on Sunday?(做肯定回答)_,_.4Please give me an eraser.(变为同义句)Please_an eraser_me.5My mum bought some sweets for me.(变为同义句)My mum bought_sweets.15. 按要求完成句子。1They are going to makejiaozi. (画线部分提问)_they going to_?2Im going to buy some flowers.(改为一般疑问句)_going to buy_flowers.3They are very nice fireworks. (改为感叹句)_they are!=_the_!4我不知道怎么写英文邮件。(翻译句子)I dont know how_English email.5下周二是教师节! (翻译句子)Its going_next Tuesday.16. 按要求完成句子。1The boy flies kites in the park.(改成过去时)The boy_in the park.2He brought some drinks. (改成一般现在时) He_some drinks.3He likes computer games.(改成否定句)He_computer games.4Nancy flew kites yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)_Nancy_kites yesterday morning? Yes,_.5The students played football last Wednesday. (用now替换last Wednesday)The students_football now.17. 按要求改写句子。1.There are many trees near my house. (改为单数形式)2.There are some birds in the tree. (改为一般疑问句)3.Are there any elephants in the zoo? (做否定回答)4.The tall building isbeside the tree. (对句子主题意思提问)18. 按要求改写句子。(1)Its an interesting CD-ROM! (感叹an interesting CD-ROM)(2)There are three books in my bag.(写出同义句)(3)Grandma gives Daming a present.(写出同义句)(4)Look at this picture.(写出否定句)(5)The snake comes out of the box. (改为现在进行时)19. 按要求写句子。1I can dance and sing(改为否定句)2We will have a picnic next week.(改为一般疑问句)3Have you got any books?(做否定回答)4Id likeeating fast food. (就主题意思提问)5She wants towatch TV.(就主题意思提问)20. 句型转换。(1)I likethe one on the right. (就主题意思提问)(2)They are going to the art museum tomorrow.(用last weekend改写句子)21. 按要求完成下列句子。1.Liu Taovisited his unclelast week .(对句子主题意思提问)_Liu Tao_last week ?2. I was in the playground just now .(改为一般疑问句)_in the playground just now ?3.She had an Art lesson this morning .(用tomorrow morning改写句子)She is_an Art lesson tomorrow morning .4.Theyhelp the old man clean the house. (对句子主题意思提问)_the old man clean the house?5. Theysanghappilyyesterdayafternoon.(对句子主题意思提问)_they_yesterday afternoon?6. Where did you visit?(同义句转换)_did you visit?7. Mike walked to Garden Theatre this morning. (同义句)Mike_to Garden Theatre on_this morning.22. 句型转换。1. My brother likes playing basketball after school. (改为否定句)My brother_playing basketball after school.2. She is buying some snacks now. (用an hour ago改写句子)She_some snacks an hour ago.3. Mike went to school by bus. (写出同义句)Mike_a bus_school.4. I am going to stay in Shanghaifor a month. (对句子主题意思提问)_you going to stay in Shanghai?5. You must not run on the road. You must not play football on the road. (合成一句)You_run_play football on the road.23. 按要求写句子。1Its seven dollars and twenty-five cents.(对句子主题意思提问)_is it?2Its eight pm.(对句子主题意思提问)_is it?3We are going to eat at seven oclock. (对句子主题意思提问)_are you going to_?4Hes sitting down now(变为否定句)5The sun is_. Were looking_the ducks.(完成句子)6My mother is at thesupermarket.(对句子主题意思提问).7He isplaying basketball.(对句子主题意思提问)8The ducks are watching them.(变为一般疑问句)24. 句型转换。1. Her hair was short.变成一般疑问句。2. Im your mum.变成否定句。25. 句型转换。1Dancooks dinnerin the kitchen. (对句子主题意思提问) 2The children are going to visit Shanghai this holiday. (改为一般疑问句)3We are celebrating National Day. (改为否定句)We_National Day.4Danny would likea big new carfor Christmas. (对句子主题意思提问)_Danny like for Christmas?5Are you Alice?(作否定回答)11 / 11


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