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英语绿色教与学的理念与实践南浔中学 潘 燕教育部英语课程标准研制组核心成员教育部高中新课程实验专家工作小组成员Green AsiaGreen teaching刘兆义Green is life Abundant in nature,green signifies growth,renewal,health and environment.In many cultures,green symbolizes hope and growth.实战训练与体能训练 没有体能训练,能有好的实战表现吗?对普遍存在的“周考”、“月考”的反思?英语教学的体能训练体现在哪些方面?英语教学中,如何进行体能训练?英语教与学的体能:兴趣和自信;习惯和策略;听说读写及自主学习的能力;有效教学是我们的追求有效教学意味着:教学目标达成度高(全体/绝大多数学生)教学资源消耗较少(时间、精力和物资)教学过程快乐有趣(更高的学习积极性)学生学习能力提升(更强的学习能力)EFFECT&EFFICIENCY英语绿色教与学的途径 师生是教与学的共同体-贴近学生需求和认知水平的教学策略和方案贴近学生需求和认知水平的教学策略和方案 整体优化教与学内容与方式-教学设计和教学实施是教师工作的重中之重。教学设计和教学实施是教师工作的重中之重。学习策略和方法的培养学习策略和方法的培养-教学过程是形成和培养和构建学生学习策略和教学过程是形成和培养和构建学生学习策略和方法的主要途径方法的主要途径 广东省东莞中学松山湖学校广东省东莞中学松山湖学校梁梁 泉泉Introduction to the lessonTopic:Type:Teaching Content(1)Knowledge:A few simple forms of English poems and characteristics of each Learn the language points in the text,including words convey,rhyme,cottage,balloon,teasing,salty,endless,await,translation,transform,branch,and phrases take it easy,run out of,be made up of(2)Skills:A.reading skillsskimming and scanning B.the ability of interpreting the meaning of some poems including the meaning of the lines,theme,feeling(3).Interest in English poems(4).Cooperative learningTeaching Resources Reading text on page10-11 New poems Worksheet Strategies applied Task-based approach,co-operative learningStudents Prior knowledge:Students could know something about the basic elements of English poems,including theme,repetition,rhyming words,rhythmic pattern,imagery,purpose,form,etc Students could have obtained the reading skills-skimming and scanningTeaching Procedure:Warm-up-greeting and grouping Revision-basic elements of English poems Reading-skimming,scanning and interpreting Show time Read and identify new poems Summary HomeworkWrite an English poem in the form you like best.广东省东莞中学松山湖学校广东省东莞中学松山湖学校梁梁 泉泉The apple is round,red,juicy and sweet.I love to eat apples very much.Apple round,apple red AApple juicy,apple sweet BApple apple,I love you CApple sweet,I love to eat.BPurpose:to describe an apple in detail and give an impressionLets enjoy a poem Twinkle twinkle little starhow I wonder what you are Up above the world so highlike a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little starhow I wonder what you are theme repetition rhymes rhythm imagery purpose form Elements of poetryA few simple forms of English pomes First reading Skimming for main idea Title partsMain ideapart1 paragraph1part2paragraph2paragraph3paragraph4paragraph5paragraph6A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMSA general introduction to a few forms of English poemsintroduction to nursery rhymesintroduction to list poemsintroduction to cinquainintroduction to Haikuintroduction to Tang poems(pair work)Second readingScanning for characteristics Forms Characteristics POEMS FORMSCHARACTERISTICSNursery rhymesList poemsCinquainPoem EHaikuPoem GTang Poems strong rhythm and rhyme,a lot of repetition,easy to learn and to reciterepeated phrases and some rhyme made up of five lines,convey a strong picture in just a few words made up of 17 syllables,give a clear picture and create a special feeling in just a few words.have a free formPoem APoem BPoem CPoem DPoem FPoem HThird reading(Group work)Interpreting the poemsTime frame:8minutes to prepare 5minutes to showLight musicA job for each member1.Leader and spokesman doing presentation in front of the class2.Draw your poem3.Look up the new words in the dictionary and write down the important words and phrases on the blackboard4.Read the poem aloud in your group5.Write down the answers on the sheetLight musicOne part of the worksheet1.This poem is a _,which is often sung by parents to get their children to_.It has a strong _ and _.2.Can you find out the words that rhyme at the end of the lines?3.The rhyme pattern is_.4.There are four strong beats in each line.Can you work out the strong stressed syllables?Read them out.5.The word hush means_;looking-glass_.6.The word broke should be_,but the writer has used this word to rhyme with billy-goat.Challenge yourself what form?My mother:She makes me take the garbage out.She makes me practice the piano.She makes me turn off the TV and do my homework.As soon as I go to my room,she turns on the TV and watches it.and so on“A little cuckoo cries;The sea is roaringas the day breaks.”(by naku)My Noisy Brother He slurps when he eats cereal in the morning.He gargles milk.He burps after eating.He cracks his knuckles.He whistles.He snaps his fingers.He squawks when hes mad.He snores at night.Watching a kite up in the sky,I think of nothing.“(by sora)Tree Sturdy,Tall Climbing,swinging,playing Fun among the branches Maple (byAdelaide Crapsey)A Tranquil Night Abed,I see a silver light,I wonder if its frost ground.Looking up,I find the moon bright;Bowing,in homesickness Im drowned.(许渊冲译许渊冲译)Ten Little Indians.One little,two little,three little Indians,Four little,five little,six little Indians,Seven little,eight little,nine little Indians,Ten little Indian braves.Ten little,nine little,eight little Indians,Seven little,six little,five little Indians,Four little,three little,two little Indians,One little Indian brave.summaryForms 0f poemsNursery rhymesList poemsCinquainHaikuTang PoemsA flea and a fly A flea and a fly flew up in a flue Said the flea,“let us fly.Said the fly,“let us flee”.So they flew through a flaw in the flue.Form:Tongue TwisterSIZZLE POEMSizzle,sizzle.Bang,bang,Sizzle,sizzle,pop!Sizzle,sizzle,Bang,bang,Sizzle,sizzle,hop!Winifred MokForm:sound poemHEY BABY Hey babyHey babyHeyGirls say,boys say Im the kinda girl thatHangs with the guysLike a fly on the wallWith my secret eyesTakin it inTry to be feminineWith my makeup bagWatchin all the sinMisfit,I sitLit up,wickedEverybody elseSurrounded by the girlsWith the tank topsAnd the flirty waysIm just sippin on chamomileForm:RapForm:shape poemAABBForm:shape poemDevotedObedientGood friend of manForm:Acrostic poem(离合诗)What forms of English poemshave we learned today?Forms 0f poemsNursery rhymesList poemsCinquainHaikuTang PoemsTongue TwisterSound PoemRapShape PoemAcrostic poem(离合诗离合诗)Write a poem in the form you like best.“Tell me,and I will forget.Show me,and I may remember.Involve me,and I will understand.”-David Kolb为用而学,在用中学,学以致用.Everyone can be a great teacher.思-乃从心,从囟.即心脑并用产生之思想。让学生真正为教学的中心 教学中始终考虑学生的特点、需要和兴趣。what they know;what they dont know;what they want to know;what they expect the teacher to do;激活学生的参与积极性,关注学生活动的实效。在教学的各个环节(备课、上课、作业和评价)充分考虑学生的作用。鼓励学生主动积极的学习,提高学习的自主性和合作意识。重视教学过程,提高教学效率教师的教学设计与实施要作到:有学生有学生 有目标有目标 有操作设计有操作设计 有学习过程有学习过程 有交流、互动有交流、互动 有逻辑有逻辑 有效果有效果教学准备阶段:确定目标确定目标 教学目标的分层研究设定教学目标的分层研究设定 教学目标:对学生预期应达到能力的描述 教学目标应合理,具有单位时间的可操作和达成性 教学目标应清晰准确,具有可观测性 确定教学目标的依据是什么?确定教学目标的依据是什么?学生的特点和需要、原有知识和技能 教材内容(语言知识、技能要求)教学条件(学生和教师、教学资源等因素)教学流程设计 所有的设计首先要考虑学生的程度和需要 从有利学生学习角度设计学习流程 考虑教学设计和实施的具体目标和逻辑联接 考虑学生与教师、学生与文本、学生之间的有效互动 真正有效的教学是学生在学习活动中自然顺畅地完成认知和内化;树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育树立符合新课程要求的教学观念,优化教育教学方式教学方式 提倡采用任务型语言教学 “英语教学中的任务指有利于学生用英语做事情的各种语言实践活动。任务的设计一般应遵循下列原则:(1)任务应有明确的 目的;(2)任务应具有真实意义,即接近现实生活中的各种活动;(3)任务应涉及信息的接收、处理和传递等过程;(4)学生应在完成任务的过程中使用英语;(5)学生应通过做事情完成任务;(6)完成任务后一般应有一个具体的成果。”有效性教学中学生学习策略的培养有效性教学中学生学习策略的培养 学习策略的形成孕育在自主学习的过程之中。要掌握学习策略,就必须有自主学习的过程。所以说,学生独立自主学习是自我发展的关键。教师了解学生,在学习的过程中给予具体指导在形成学生的学习策略方面具有特别的意义。可以有针对性地指导学生独立制定个性化的学习计划,并指导学生不断修正和调整自己的学习计划。通过多种方式,使学生有机会通过联想、推理和归纳等思维活动用英语分析问题和解决问题,在这个过程中要注意引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式.EFFECT&EFFICIENCY 真实、扎实、落实才是有效的教学:有效首先是指学生学习的有效,教师教学的有效是指教师与学生互动,提高学生学习效果的有效性 What is the knowledge and ability they have accumulated?What do they want to learn?How are they learning?(内需与外部条件)新课程对教师的要求 充满激情enthusiastic 热忱幽默warm and humorous 学识丰富knowledgeable 鼓励支持encouraging and supportive 高效有序business-like 灵活施教adaptive/flexible 真诚可信credit 期望成功holding high expectations for successTeacher talk Talk:we talk for others to understand,Teacher talk:for students to learn,Function;demo,organise(transfer),comment/evaluate,要注意:Think logically(想清楚)Talk clearly (说明白)With a purpose(有目的)Step by step (分步骤)Short,concise,to the point(短,精,准)外语教育资源 Interesting 趣味 Entertaining 愉悦 Informative 新信息 Cross-cultural 跨文化 Learners personal experience&requirement 学习者个人经历和发展需求 Suitable lexical and Structural level 语言知识恰当 Attractive layout 版面安排 Suitable for exploitation 可拓展和利用的可能性结 论 语言教学的有效性体现为学生学习能力的提升;语言学习的高效性体现为单位时间和资源利用的价值最大化,(在有限时间内完成可能完成的教学任务);真实是语言学习的内在追求,扎实表现为语言学习过程的平衡和有效;落实体现在学生语言运用活动中的成功表现;课堂教学的有效性取决于学生学习的有效性;课堂教学的有效性研究要着眼于学生的学习规律、能力、学习状态和发展要求,研究如何为学生的学习提供良好的氛围、环境和发展平台。


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