考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 46

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考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 46一、 真题文章(1998年Text 1)Few creations of big technology capture the imagination like giant dams. Perhaps it is humankinds long suffering at the mercy of flood and drought that makes the ideal of forcing the waters to do our bidding so fascination. But to be fascinated is also, sometimes, to be blind. Several giant dam projects threaten to do more harm than good. The lesson from dams is that big is not always beautiful. It doesnt help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achievement for nations and people striving to assert themselves. Egypts leadership in the Arab world was cemented by the Aswan High Dam. Turkeys bid for First World status includes the giant Ataturk Dam. But big dams tend not to work as intended. The Aswan Dam, for example stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left - all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity. And yet, the myth of controlling the waters persists. This week, in the heart of civilized Europe, Slovaks and Hungarians stopped just short of sending in the troops in their contention over a dam on the Danube. The huge complex will probably have all the usual problems of big dams. But Slovakia is bidding for independence from the Czechs, and now needs a dam to prove itself. Meanwhile, in India, the World Bank has given the go-ahead to the even more wrong-headed Narmada Dam. And the bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction. The benefits are for the powerful, but they are far from guaranteed. Proper, scientific study of the impacts of dams and of the cost and benefits of controlling water can help to resolve these conflicts. Hydroelectric power and flood control and irrigation are possible without building monster dams. But when you are dealing with myths, it is hard to be either proper, or scientific. It is time that the world learned the lessons of Aswan. You dont need a dam to be saved.二、 译文没有什么技术发明像大型水坝这样能抓得住人们的想象力。也许是因为人类长期遭受洪水和干旱的折磨,所以让水听命于人类这个想法特别令人着迷。但有时,令人着迷的东西也会使盲目。几个大型水坝项目对人们的威胁似乎要大于它们的益处。 建造大坝的教训是:大的未必是美的。但这个教训也无法阻止修建高大雄伟的大坝,这是因为那些大坝已成为一个努力展示自我的国家和人民伟大成就的象征。埃及由于修建了阿斯旺大坝而巩固了它在阿拉伯世界的领导地位。土耳其在力图跻身第一世界的努力中也包括了修建阿塔克特大坝。但是大坝经常起不到预期的作用。以阿斯旺水坝为例,它阻止了尼罗河的洪水,但埃及再也得不到洪水留下的富含养料的淤泥;与此同时,大坝里因为积满了淤泥,几乎已经无法发电了。不过,控制水的神话还在继续。本周,在欧洲文明的中心地区。斯洛伐克人和匈牙利人就在多瑙河建坝问题发生了争端,差点动用了军队。这个大型工程可能会出现大坝上常见的所有问题,但斯洛伐克正在要求从捷克独立出来,现在需要一个大坝来证明自己的实力。同时,在印度,世界银行批准一甚至更加执迷不悟的纳尔默达河大坝工程,尽管银行的顾问认为建这座大坝会给平民带来苦难,也会给环境造成破坏。大坝的益处很难保证,但即使有利,也是对那些有权有势的人来说的。对大坝的影响和治理洪水的成本、利益进行合理、科学的研究有助于解决这些冲突。即使不建大型水坝,水力发电、治理洪水以及灌溉也是可能的。但当你面对神话时很难做到合理或科学。该是我们认真吸取阿斯旺大坝教训的时候了,人们不需要通过大坝来拯救自己。三、 考研核心词汇capture / 5kAptFE / n. 捕获, 战利品 vt. 俘获, 捕获, 夺取例 The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city.罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。同义 apprehend,arrest,imprison,seize反义 release / ri5li:s / n. 1释放2让渡, 豁免3发行的书, 释放证书vt. 1释放, 解放2放弃, 让与, 免除3发表n. 版本, 发布派生 captive / 5kAptiv / n. 俘虏, 被美色或爱情迷住的人 adj. 被俘的, 被迷住的giant / 5dVaiEnt / n. 1巨人, 大力士, 巨大的动物或植物2伟人, 天才adj. 庞大的, 巨大的例 Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亚是一位文坛巨匠。同义 colossal,enormous,gigantic,huge,immense,mammoth,monumental 反义 diminutive / di5minjutiv / adj. 小的, 指小的, 小型的n.小的人, 指小辞, 指小词, 爱称, dwarf / dwC:f / n. 矮子, 侏儒 v. (使)变矮小 mercy / 5mE:si / n. 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯例 Its a mercy that the explosion happened after the theatre.爆炸发生在散戏以后,真是不幸中之大幸。同义 charity,compassion,kindness,pity,sympathy反义 cruelty /5kru:EltI/ n. 残忍, 残酷派生 merciful / 5mE:siful / adj. 仁慈的, 慈悲的固定搭配 at the mercy of 在.的掌握之中, 完全受.支配, 任.摆布;take mercy on 对.表示怜悯drought / draut / n. 1干旱2 缺乏例 The crops are being threatened by the continuous drought. 庄稼的生长受到了这场持续干旱的威胁。同义 dryness反义 wet / wet / adj. 湿的, 潮湿的, 有雨的, 多雨的 vt. 弄湿fascination /fAsI5neIF(E)n/ n. 1魔力, 入迷2 魅力, 迷恋, 强烈爱好例 Old churches have a certain strange fascination for me.旧教堂对我具有某种奇特的魅力。同义 interest , attract, charm 反义 bore / bC: / n. 1令人讨厌的人2怒潮3枪膛, 孔 v. 1使烦扰2钻孔 , 钻孔派生 fascinate /5fAsineit/ vi. 迷人; 令人入神fascinating / 5fAsineitiN / adj. 迷人的, 醉人的, 着魔的symbol / 5simbEl / n. 符号, 记号, 象征例 White is the symbol of purity.白是纯洁的象征。派生 symbolic / sim5bClik / adj. 象征的, 符号的 symbolize / 5simbElaiz / vt. 象征, 用符号表现 vi. 作为.的象征, 采用象征, 使用符号cement / si5ment / n. 水泥, 接合剂 vt. 接合, 用水泥涂, 巩固 vi. 粘牢例 Our holiday together cemented our friendship. (喻)我们一起度假加强了我们的友谊。同义 fasten , secure , solidify, weld反义 weaken / 5wi:kEn / v. 削弱, (使)变弱status / 5steitEs / n. 1身份, 地位2情形, 状况例 Her status is that of a guest.她是客人身份 同义 class, condition, division , grade, position , state, stationdeprive / di5praiv / vt. 剥夺, 使丧失例 The court ruling deprived us of any share in the inheritance.法庭裁决剥夺了我们全部的继承权同义 take away , take from反义 provide / prE5vaid / v. 供应, 供给, 准备, 预防, 规定 entitle / in5taitl / vt. 给.权利(或资格), 给.题名, 给.称号v. 授权, 授权派生 deprivation / 7depri5veiFEn / n. 剥夺 deprival / di5praivEl / n. 剥夺固定搭配 deprive sb. of. 剥夺某人的., 使某人丧失.; 免去某人(职务)fertile / 5fE:tail; 5fE:til / adj. 肥沃的, 富饶的, 能繁殖的例 A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.在西北地区有一大片沙漠经过改良变成了肥沃的土地。同义 abundant , creative , fruitful , productive反义 barren / 5bArEn / adj. 1不生育的, 不孕的2贫瘠的3没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的 n. 荒地派生 fertilize / 5f:tIlaIz / vt. 1施肥, 使丰饶2使受精;使肥沃silt / silt / n. 淤泥, 残渣, 煤粉, 泥沙 v. (使)淤塞, 充塞例 River sediments gradually silted the harbor. 河流的沉积物逐渐使港口淤积派生 silty / sIltI / adj. 淤泥的, 塞满了淤泥的reservoir / 5rezEvwB: / n. 水库, 蓄水池例 This reservoir gives water to the whole city. 这个水库供全城用水。barely / 5bZEli / adv. 仅仅, 刚刚, 几乎不能例 They had barely time to catch the plane. 他们差点没来得及赶上飞机。同义 hardly, just , scarcelymyth / miW / n. 神话, 神话式的人物(或事物), 虚构的故事, 荒诞的说法例 German artillery superiority on the Western Front was a myth? Leon Wolff)“在西方战线上,德军的大炮的优势纯属虚构” (莱昂沃尔夫)同义 fable ,fabrication, fantasy ,fiction, legend, story派生 mythic / 5miWik / adj. 神话的, 虚构的 mythical / 5miWikE l / adj. 神话的, 虚构的 persist / pE(:)5sist / vi. 坚持, 持续例 On the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the year.高山顶上, 积雪终年不化。同义 continue , endure, go on, last , persevere , prevail , stay反义 desist / di5zist / v. 终止派生 persistence / pEsIstEns, -zIs- / n. 坚持, 持续 persistent / pE5sistEnt / adj. 持久稳固的troop / tru:p / n. 1 群, 组, 多数2军队 vi. 群集, 结队, 成群而行 vt. 把(骑兵)编成骑兵连例 There were troops of friends to see him off. 有很多友人为他送行。同义 band, bunch , company , crew, crowd, gangcontention / kEn5tenFEn / n. 1 争夺, 争论, 争辩2论点例 The teams met in fierce contention for first place.各队为取得第一名在激烈的竞争中遭遇派生 contentious / kEn5tenFEs / adj. 好争吵的, 争论的, 有异议的advisor / Ed5vaIzE(r) / n. 顾问, (学生的)指导老师例 My name is Frank Darney , legal advisor to the Netcape Com. 我叫弗兰克达尼 , 是网景公司的法律顾问。派生 advisory / Ed5vaizEri / adj. 顾问的, 咨询的, 劝告的advise / Ed5vaiz / vt. 劝告, 忠告, 警告, 建议hardship / 5hB:d7Fip / n. 困苦, 艰难, 辛苦例 bear hardship without complaint 任劳任怨同义 trouble , ups and downsdestruction / dis5trQkFEn / n. 破坏, 毁灭例 The fire caused the destruction of my books. 这场大火使我的藏书被毁坏。反义 construction / kEn5strQkFEn / n. 建筑, 建筑物, 解释, 造句派生 destructive / dis5trQktiv / adj. 破坏(性)的 destruct dis5trQkt adj. 破坏的 n. 故意或有计划的破坏 vi. 破坏impact / 5impAkt / n. 1碰撞, 冲击, 冲突2影响, 效果 vt. 1挤入, 撞击, 压紧2对.发生影响例 How will the war impact on such a poet?战争对这样一个诗人会产生什么影响?同义 bump , clash , collision , crash , shock派生 impaction / im5pAkFEn / n. 装紧, 压紧固定搭配 give an impact to 对.起冲击作用;make a strong impact on对.有巨大影响conflict / 5kCnflikt / n. 斗争, 冲突 vi. 抵触, 冲突例 The two stories conflicted, so I did not know what to believe. 两个故事相冲突,我不知道相信哪一个。同义 battle , clash ,contest, disagree, fight, oppose , struggle派生 conflicting / kEn5fliktiN / adj. 相冲突的, 不一致的, 相矛盾的 hydroelectric / 5haidrEi5lektrik / adj. 水力电气的例 a hydroelectric power station 水力发电站派生 hydroelectricity / haIdrEJI9lektrIsEtI / n. 水力电气irrigation / 7iri5eiFEn / n. 灌溉, 冲洗例 an irrigation channel 灌溉渠派生 irrigate / 5irieit / vt. 灌溉, 修水利, 冲洗伤口, 使潮湿 vi. 进行灌溉monster / 5mCnstE / n. 怪物, 妖怪,恶人;穷凶极恶的人例 The judge told the murderer that he was a monster.法官对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。派生 monstrous / 5mCnstrEs / adj. 巨大的, 畸形的, 怪异的, 恐怖的, 凶暴的 adj. 难以置信的, 荒谬的四、 强化练习1. It is a mimic of a Western festival which fails to _ its true atmosphere and spirit.A. comply B. communicate C. evaluate D. capture2. Technology is like a _ steamroller, said David McHaney, who spent nearly four years behind bars for drug offenses.A. giant B. characteristic C. chaotic D. deceptive3. The origins of the Olympic Flame come from ancient Greece; this tradition was revived at the 1928 Olympics and has been a _ of the Games ever since.A. summit B. symbol C. forum D. debate4. Cooling babies may help protect brains from _ of oxygen during birth, research suggests .A. deducing B. suffering C. depriving D. decaying5. The Feicheng possesses of the _ land, the rich water resource and the developed agriculture.A. fertile B. barren C. desolate D. outdated6. Accelerate building the_ of fishing platform, solve the life of the quay and water for industrial use , alleviate and exceed the current situation which is quarried the groundwater at present, it is very essential and very urgent.A. church B. datum C. reservoir D. dawn7. After swearing the oath of allegiance, when Jean rose in the crowded senate Chamber to address her audience and the nation, she could _ contain the emotions stirred by the momentous days events.A. even B. excessively C. external D. barely8. Protester across the United States took part in hundreds of vigil and rally on Wednesday to mark the 2,000th U.S. military death in Iraq, hoping to increase pressure on President George W. Bush to start bringing _ home.A. troops B. gangsters C. bandits D. magicians9. The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2005 goes to Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling for having enhanced our understanding of _ and cooperation through game-theory analysis. A. intimacy B. conflict C. intensity D. option10. Now lets look at the present day celebration of Halloween. Isnt the whole theme one of darkness, death, fear, threats, _ and evil? There are witches, broomsticks, bats, owls, ghosts, skeletons, death, and monsters.A. kindness B. benevolence C. destruction D. affection答案:DABCA CDABC


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