Answer Reference Unit 12-16

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第十二单元 英语词汇的国别特征 P92练习一131. 法2. 美洲印第安3. 荷4. 德5. 西6. 非7. 夏威夷8. 汉9. 西10. 荷11. 依地12. 意13. 法14. 德15. 西16. 美印17. 荷18. 爱尔兰19. 西20. 法21. 荷22. 汉23. 法24. 西25. 美印26. 芬27. 法28. 德29. 西30. 依地31. 荷32. 意33. 德34. 荷35. 美印36. 法37. 西38. 德39. 法40. 德41. 意42. 夏威夷43. 法44. 西45. 法46. 美印47. 依地48. 西49. 葡非50. 美印51. 西52. 德53. 意54. 非55. 德56. 美印57. 西58. 法59. 依地60. 意61. 荷62. 非63. 荷64. 美印65. 西66. 美印67. 德68. 法69. 荷70. 非71. 法72. 美印73. 依地74. 西75. 法76. 汉77. 西78. 荷79. 德80. 法练习二1. c2. e3. g4. j5. b6. i7. d8. h9. a10. f练习三1. 借口2. 反感3. 代人照看婴孩4. 直路,最短距离5. 轻视6. 暴风雪7. (书籍护封上的)内容简介8. (进行买空卖空的)投机商号9. 自助餐馆10. (政党的)决策会11. 大暴雨12. 鸡尾酒13. 乘公交车辆上下班者14. 流行音乐唱片节目播音员15. 迪斯科舞厅16. 知识分子(贬)17. 用电刑处死18. 狂热爱好者19. 老年病学20. 背约;背叛21. 免费散发的宣传品22. 卖弄学问的23. (要求)搭乘便车24. 恶棍25. 爵士音乐26. 驾(偷来的)车兜风27. 技能28. 相互捧场29. 私刑处死30. (尤指在夜间)业余兼职31. 民意测验人32. 大草原33. 无线电34. 空中劫机35. 出差错36. 脱衣舞37. 作巡回政治演说38. 超级市场39. 打字机40. 唯唯诺诺者练习四1. barn (BrE) a farm building for storing crops and food for animals (AmE) a farm building for crops ,food for animals, and the animals themselves2. billion(BrE) a million millions(AmE) a thousand millions3. davenport (BrE) a smalll writing desk with a hinged lid(AmE) a large couch, sometimes convertible into a bed4. dumbwaiter (BrE) a small table that turns round on a fixed base , put on a larger table and used for serving food(AmE) a small elevator for sending food, trash, tec. From one floor to another5. enjoin (v.) (BrE) to order someone to do something or something to be done, especially by legal injunction (AmE) to prohibit to do something or something to be done , sepecially by legal injunction6. lumber (BrE) useless or unwanted articles, furniture, etc. stored away somewhere (AmE)timber sawed into beams, planks, boards, etc. of convenient sizes7. primary (n .) (BrE) something first in order, rank or importance (AmE) an election in which members of a political party choose candiadates for office; primary election8. professor (BrE) a teacher of the highest rank in university department (AmE) a college teacher of the highest rank, usually in a specific field, not necessarily the head of a department9. sick (BrE) vomiting or about to vomit (AmE) suffering from disease or illness10. table (v .) (BrE) to bring forward ( a matter, report, etc.) for consideration (AmE) to leave (a matter , report, etc.) until a later date for consideration练习五1. block of flats2. solicitor / barrister3. pram(perambulator)4. (luggage)van5. gallery6. (bank)note7. grilled 8. draughts9. guard10. biscuit (sweet)11. biscuit (unsweetened)12. turn-ups13. pack14. nappy15. drapery16. chips17. rubbish18. dynamo19. tramp20. bonnet21. caravan22. crossroads23. sitting room24. digs25. pollar box26. flyover27. parcel28. record player29. jug30. compulsory31. jumble sale32. timetable33. gymshoes34. toffee35. undercut36. roundabout37. boot38. dinner jacket39. ( roller ) blind40. zip练习六1. 蓄电池 srorage battery / cell2. 天线 ntenna3. 一室一单元 udio apartment4. 定做的custom-made5. 五斗柜bureau / dresser6. 衣帽间checkroom7. 儿童床crib8. 脱脂棉absorbent cotton9. 炸土豆片(potato) chips10. 圈钉thumbtack11. 晨衣bathrobe12. 复式车行道divided highway13. 垃圾箱trash can14. 小学grade school15. 房地产经纪人realtor16. 客货两用车station wagons17. 漏气车胎flat18. ( 一节 ) 货车freight car19. 发夹 bobby pin20. 发用手提包pocket book21. 分期付款(购货法)instalment plan22. 广告牌billboard23. 假期vacation24. 五金店hardware store25. 抽丝run26. 现成的ready-made27. 选修的elective28. 汽车站加油站filling station29. 辫子braids30. 高领毛衣turtleneck31. 酒吧bar32. 公共厕所comfort station33. 鬓角 sideburns34. 单程/往返票one-way / round-trip ticket35. 板钳wrench36. 橡皮膏 adhesive tape37. 餐后甜品dessert38. 龙头faucet39. 长途电话long-distance call40. 煮得嫩的rare练习七1. draft2. plow3. liter4. offense (cf . sive)5. pajamas6. check7. flier8. skepticism9. harbor10. insure11. cozy12. maneuver13. civilize14. anemic15. jail16. inflection17. mustache18. esophagus19. cue20. show练习八1. counselor2. remold3. ax4. cigaret5. jewelry6. omelet7. story8. good-by9. specialty10. toward11. wagon12. catalog13. aluminum14. leveled15. molt16. program17. juddgment18. license ( n .& v . )19. amid 20. practice ( n . & v .)第十三单元 英语成语 P99一 . 什么是成语 练习一1. p.2. i.3. m.4. g.5. a.6. d.7. n.8. r.9. c.10. e.11. t.12. l.13. h.14. j.15. s.16. k.17. o.18. b.19. q.20. f.练习二1. voluntarily2. fight3. escape4. immediately5. betray6. insult7. collectively8. understand9. unfashionable10. discover11. falsely12. destroy13. occasionally14. visit15. ninsense16. discourage17. incidentally18. verbally19. husband20. privately练习三1. 坚持已见 2.犹豫,回避 3.往前挤 4.从头到尾 5.逐步地,一点一滴地练习四1. E2. D3. F4. G5. C6. A7. B练习五1. hit the nail on the head2. with flying colours3. a feather in the cup4. the writing is on the wall5. go to the wall6. back to the drawing board7. threw in the towel8. drawn a blank9. win hands down10. plain sailing 二. 隐喻成语 练习一1. follow suit2. hold water3. in the air4. throw the book5. around the bend of 6. on hand7. got under way8. throwing in the towel9. gave him a hand10. run the gamut11. took the floor12. stand in the way13. on the rocks14. turned up their noses15. at home16. at odds17. on the threshold of 18. armto the teeth19. out of step20. on the verge of练习二1.made2.skim3.thread4.digging5.carving6.inched7.raked8.break9.work10.fights练习三1. b.2. a.3. b.4. c.5. b.6. c.7. a.8. c.9. c.10. a.11. b.12 .b.13. a.14. b.15. b.16. a.17. b.18. a.19. b.20. d.练习四1. 主要的王牌;最有力的理由或工据2. 争端;祸根3. 珍爱的人或东西4. 驮畜5. 称心如意的环境6. 侯鸟;漂泊不定的人7. 不适应环境的人8. 杂而不精的人9. 最大的一份10. 拦路虎(尤指臆想的危难)11. 口误12. 隐患13. 徒劳的搜索;无益的劳动14. 扫兴的人15. 无用而累赘的东西16. 最后的作品17. 酸葡萄18. 高压手段19. 嫉妒20. 占着茅坑不拉屎的人1.第十四单元 短语动词 P102练习一1. tore apart2. called for3. built up4. set off5. sank in6. lived through7. counting on8. put out9. bought into10. drying up11. taken on12. drawn up13. broke into14. setting down15. bite into16. holding on to17. went about18. brought up19. lets out 20. make out练习二1. b.2. e.3. a.4. d.5. f.6. c.7. c.8. d.9. b.10. f.练习三1. 这棵古树得连根拔起。2. 正在掀起一半路面以便铺设新电线。3. 谁把早饭给妈妈送上楼去?4. 据称这种纸比其它任何一种纸的吸水性能都好。5. 用另一种语言写作很费事,占去了我的全部精力。6. 部长什么时候上任?7. 简是什么时候开始喜欢音乐的?8. 贝克特在成名前受到过乔伊恩的帮助和鼓励。9. 火车在这里停站上客,然后直开伦敦。10. 我放下电话,又继续工作。练习四1. against2. for 3. up to 4. without5. under6. out to 7. out 8. into9. back10. off11. round12. to13. over14. along with15. by16. in17. through18. after19. on20. for练习五1. came2. beg3. send4. keep5. live6. told7. bu8. get9. pull10. drew练习六1. for 2. upon3. round4. up5. in6. off7. on8. out9. back10. over11. against12. among13. down14. up15. towards16. out17. (up)on18. in19. for20. out21. about22. aside23. before24. by25. down26. out27. on28. off29. into30. in31. round32. past33. over34. out35. through36. togegher37. towards38. up39. to40. up with41. about42. across43. aside44. at45. away46. back47. before48. behind49. by50. down练习七1. broke2. get3. give4. keep5. ran6. took7. done8. explained9. fade10. passed11. thrown12. hid13. put14. working15. write16. hide17. work18. throw19. do20. broken 第十五单元 特殊类型的成语 P105 一. 明喻成语练习一1. black2. bold3. bright4. clear5. cold6. dark7. dry8. fat9. greedy10. hard11. got12. like13. mad14. pale15. quick16. red17. silent18. ugly19. white20. wise练习二1. a Jew2. lead3. A.B.C.4. a mole5. a guinea6. cherry7. punch8. grass9. a fox10. a rake11. a church mouse12. a lark13. a bee14. down15. life16. a fiddle17. a berry18. a bell19. a rope of sand20. a board练习三1. 觉得非常不舒服2. 如鱼离水3. 不发生作用的4. 像野火般迅速传播5. (湿得)像落汤鸡6. 像瓮中之鳖7. 常常无缘无故地傻笑8. 唱得像夜莺般好听9. 不停地抽烟10. 用正式语句讲话11. 拼命地12. 迅速地,猛烈地13. 一味撒谎14. 闪电似地,飞快地15. 销售得很快16. 高高兴兴地,轻松地17. 满脸绯红18. 如坐针毡19. 死不放手20. 猛烈地练习四1. crazy as a wedge2. as bright as day3. as still as a mouse4. as plain as a pikestaff5. cold as a stone6. as thin as a lath7. as obstinate ai a nule8. poor as a church-mouse9. fair as lilies10. old as the hills一. 成对词练习一1. first and foremost2. here and there3. hearth and home4. up and down5. hit n-run6. spick-and-span7. wining and dining8. pure and simple9. goals and aims10. one and all练习二1. aches and pains2. assault and battery3. betwixt and between4. bits and pieces5. cease and desist6. bag and baggage7. head and front8. hem and haw9. nook and corner10. peak and pine11. puff and pant12. pull and haul13. really and truly14. stuff and nonsense15. toil and moil16. twists and turns17. use and wont18. vague and woolly19. ways and means20. well and good练习三1. back and forth2. black and white3. come and go4. early and late5. ebb and flow6. far and near7. fast and loose8. front and rear9. give and take10. hand and foot11. hihg and low12. ins and outs13. length and breadth14. open and shut15. pros and cons16. rank and file17. rise and fall18. thick and thin19. to and fro20. up and down练习四1. 她的毅力大大超出人们的预料。2. 人老了总是这了疼、那也疼,这是自然规律。3. 这些东西是他自愿签约赠予的。4. 我已经一再明确表示我不同意这项计划。5. 据报导,警方首脑是杀人犯的同党。6. 琼斯夫人因为喜欢摆架子而失去了许多朋友。7. 想把欧洲排除出国际舞台是大错特错了,它现在还充满着活力。8. 这个故事给大家都留下了深刻的印象。9. 这条原理在物理学中是极为重要的。10. 她想要弄清今年夏天跟以往任何一个夏天有什么不同。11. 你怎么做都行。12. 他参与了这场恶作剧吗?13. 那个人被指控为犯了殴打罪。14. 这部电影在国内外受到盛赞。15. 别往心里去,他们只不过是些娃娃而已。16. 他被没头没脑地痛打了一顿。17. 他全力投身于这项工作。18. 别再拿不定主意,该是你作出决定的时候了。19. 他们你一言我一语地争论,有时还很激烈。20. 这个男孩熟知足球规则。练习五1. Everything has packed into boxes except a few odds and ends.2. The doctor has advised him once and again to give up smoking.3. The problem has been solved once and for all.4. The one and only way to rescue him is to lower down a rope.5. Those two men are of one and the same sort.6. He was entirely open and above-board in his statement.7. He is out and about now after two weeks in hospital.8. It took two hours to to out and home.9. There are three more people coming over and above those we have already invited.10. Marxist philosophy is part and parcel of the study program.11. The man peaked and pined over the worries.12. She spent much time picking and choosing in the supermarket.13. He has been doing those pick-and-shovel jobs for years.14. The boy has been caught picking anc stealing several times.15. By pinching and scraping for three years they saved enough money to buy a refrigerator.16. Ive got pins and needles in my legs;i cannot stand up.17. He s been poking and prying for the secret .18. They got married with much pomp and circumstance.19. Their pots and pans have used for many years.20. They considered the matter pro and con. .三. 谚语练习一1. c.2. b.3. b.4. a.5. d.6. a.7. b.8. a.9. c.10. a.11. c.12. d.13. c.14. a.15. a.16. c.17. b.18. a.19. a.20. d.练习二1. r.2. i.3. e.4. a.5. m.6. g.7. p.8. j.9. b.10. k.11. s.12. c.13. o.14. f.15. h.16. t.17. l.18. n.19. q.20. d.练习三1. 好听的诺言不能当饭吃。2. 乘风扬帆。3. 看布裁衣,量力而行。4. 不知水深浅,千万莫轻涉。5. 人人负责,等于无人负责。6. 最后笑的人笑得最好。7. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。8. 活到老,学到老。9. 结婚太急,后悔莫及。10. 无中不能生有。11. 虚假的朋友比公开的敌人更坏。12. 与其忍辱偷生,不如光荣而死。13. 当机不断,坐失良机。14. 小事注意,大事自成。15. 不人可貌相。16. 人人都有缺点。17. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。18. 混水好摸鱼。19. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭是为了活着。20. 稳扎稳打,稳操胜券。练习四1. a word spoken is past recalling.2. strike while the iron is hot.3. where there is a will there is a way.4. empty vessels make the greatest sound.5. time and tide wait for no man.6. second thoughts are best .7. like teacher, like pupil.8. he that talks much errs much.9. standers by see more than gamesters.10. practice makes perfect.11. a bad workman quarrels with his tools.12. many words cut more than swords.13. little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.14. a great ship asks deep waters.15. murder will out.16. he that mischief hatches,mischief catches.17. its no use crying over spilt milk.18. homer sometimes nods.19. men may meet but mountains never.20. no great loss without some small gain. 第十六单元 英语词典 P115 一. 英语词典的基本知识练习一1. encyclopaedia2. dictionary3. glossary4. concordance5. lexicon6. thesaurus7. handbook8. manual9. yearbook10. gazertteer练习二1. 16042. 16233. 17214. 17755. 18286. 1836377. 19828. 1961练习三词典类型卷数开本页数收词总数大型多卷16开以上2000页以上10万以上中型单卷、双卷32-16开1000页以下4-10万小型单卷32开以上1000页以下4万以下练习四1. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary2. Chambers Universal LearnerS Dictionary3. Collins English LearnerS Dictionary4. The Concise Ox Ford Dictionary of Current English5. Longman Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English6. Oxford Advanced LearnerS Dictionary of Current English7. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English8. Random House Dictionary of English Language9. WebsterS New Collegiate Dictionary10. WebsterS New Word Dictionary of The American Language练习五1. Foreign Words and Phrases2. Biographical Names3. Geographical Names4. Colleges and Universities5. Signs and Symbols6. A Handbook of Style7. Index练习六1. roman emperors2. emperors of the western (or holy roman) empire3. the popes since the seventh century4. ruler of england and of the united kingdom5. prime ministers of great britain6. presidents of great britain7. states of the united states of america with their capitals8. counties of the united kingdom9. the chemical elements10. weights and measures练习七1. adjective(形容词)2. adverb(副词)3. article(冠词)4. confer(参看)5. combining form(构词成分)6. conjunction(连接词)7. feminine(阴性)8. interjection(感叹词)9. masculine(阳性)10. noun(名词)11. negative(否定词)12. nominative(主格)13. numeral(数词)14. objective(宾格)15. past(过去)16. plural(复数)17. possessive(所有格)18. past participle(过去分词)19. perfix(前缀)20. preposition(前置词)21. present(现在)22. present participle(现在分词)23. pronoun(代词)24. relative pronoun(关系代词)25. singular(单数)26. suffix(后缀)27. verb(动词)28. auxiliary verb(助动词)29. intransitive(不及物动词)30. transitive verb(及物动词) 二. 如何选择和使用英语词典练习一1. 最严肃的政治家乃是能随时对变革作出最迅速反应的人们。2. 这是一本在青年人中浒的必读书。3. 我们得到风声说他准备辞去内阁职务。4. 我比谁都更赏识他的优点。5. 他不知道这一局势对于国家意味着什么。6. 他们把精力花在内讧上。7. 他们必须见一次面。8. 裁判员被指责不公平。9. 作为一个国家,它强大得足心摆脱贫困。10. 你们为什么老说我的不是?练习二1. special economic zone2. economic performance3. closed-circuit television4. the purchasing power of institution5. import quarantine6. labour-intensive7. jasmine tea8. jellyfish9. a thousand sails pass the sunken ship, ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree10. one country , two systems练习 三1. 见第100页2. 见第1524页3. 见第1368页4. 见第1259页5. 见第834页6. 见第761页7. 见第933页8. 见第1019页9. 见第1086页10. 见第B5-B6


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