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高三复习状语从句讲解状语从句复习定义:在复合句中作状语的句子叫状语从句。用来修饰主句或 主句中 的动词,形 容词和副词等.分类 : 根据其表达的意思和句中的作用不同 ,可分为 : 时间 , 地点 , 原因 , 目的, 结果 , 让步 ,比较 , 方式 , 条件九种状语从句 .一、 .时间状语从句1.引导词 :1)当 时候 when, while, as2) 一旦 once3) 一就as soon ashardlywhen/scarcely before(when)/no sooner thanthe moment, the instant, the minute, the second,directly, immediately, instantly4) before, after5) until (till)6) since 自从2.时间状语从句常用一般现在时表将来 , 一般过去时表过去将来 , 现在完成时表将来 完成时.Ill tell you as soon as he arrives.Once you began, you couldnt stop.3.till 和 until1)一般可互换 2)置于句首时,只用 until注意 :1)当主句谓语动词是延续性的 ,要用肯定形式 until. / 当主句谓语动词是短暂性的 ,要用否定形式 not.until.Wait until he comesDont leave until he comes.2) Not until 从句位于句首时,主句要进行部分倒装 ,这时 until 不能换成 tille.g. Not until she finished her exercises, did she go home.Not until all the fish died in the river, did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.3) not until 用于强调句e.g. It was not until she finished her exercises that she went home.It was not until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.4.when 和 whilewhen 从句中既可是延续性动词 (段时间),也可以是短暂性动词 (点时间)while 从句中只能是延续性动词 (段时间)e.g. While I was reading she came in (=when)When the clock struck twelve, all the lights went out.5.since 引导的状语从句 (从句常用一般过去时.主句常用现在完成时 )常见句型: It is (has been)+ 时间段+ since sb did sth 自从 以来,有多长时间 . 如果从句中是短暂性动词,可直接翻译如果从句中是延续性动词,则表示动作或状态的结束e.g. Great changes have taken place since you left .It is years since he was in Beijing. 他离开北京好几年了。It is three years since my father smoked. 我父亲戒烟 3 年了。It is three years since my father began to smoke. 我父亲吸烟 3 年了。6.在 no sooner than , hardly when 和 scarcelybefore/when 结构中 , 主句常用 过去完成时 ,从句常用一般过去时 ,如果否定词置于句首 ,主句要用部分倒装.e.g.1) He had no sooner got to the cinema than the film began.他一到影院,电影就开始了。 = No sooner had he got to the cinema than the film began.1) She had hardly reached Beijing when she went to France=Hardly had she reached Beijing when she went to France.他一到北京接着就去了法国。1 / 4高三复习状语从句讲解二、地点状语引导词 where (在某个地方),wherever(在任何一个地方)e.g. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。I found my book where I left it. 我在放书的地方找到了我的书。Ill work where I studied and lived. 我将在我曾经生活学习的地方工作。 Please sit wherever you like(to sit). 你喜欢坐哪儿就坐哪儿。三、原因状语从句1.引导词 : because (经常用于回答 why 的提问)assince / now that (既然,由于)for (常为并列连词 ,不位于句首, 可以表示推断的理由)以上这些词不能与 so 连用e.g.1) -Why cant you join us in the game?-Because Im too busy.2) I must stop writing now as I have rather a lot of work to do.3) Now(that) I am well again, I can go on with my work.4) There must be no one in the house for the door is closed. (for 表推测)2) It must have rained last night , for the ground is wet. (for 表推测)四、目的状语从句目的状语从句常由 so that (多用于后面 )in order that(前后均可)等引导。e.g. He got up early so that he could get there in time.She studies hard in order that she can enter that college.五. 结果状语从句结果状语从句常由 so that , such that , so that 等引导e.g. 1) He became so angry that he couldnt speak.2) They made such rapid progress that the teacher praised them.注意 : 1. so that 后既可跟目的状从,也可跟结果状从。e.g. 1) Please raise your voice so that all of us may hear. (目的)2) He is ill , so that he is in bed. (结果)2. 在 so (such) that 结构中so 修饰 adj.或 adv.such 修饰名词但当名词被 many, much , little, few 等表数量的词修饰时,只能用 so.so + adj. / adv.adj. + a(an) + 可数名词单数many, much , little(少), fewsuch + a(an) + adj. + 可数名词单数adj. + 可数名词复数adj. + 不可数名词eg. 1) He made so many mistakes that the teacher criticized him.2) There was so much dust that we couldnt see what was happening.3) They are such little(小) children that the old man didnt blame them.4) Such little (小)bugs eat so little(少) food.六. 让步状语从句让步状语从句常由 though ,although , as 虽然;尽管even if = even though 即使wh-ever(whatever, whichever, whenever, however等)= no matter +wh-(no matter what, no matter when, no matter how 等)eg. Even if you dont like that , you should still be polite. Though / Although I like speaking English, I dont like writing it very much. 注意:1). though / although/as 不能和 but 连用,但可以和 still 和 yet 连用。 eg. Though / Although he is young , yet (still) he knows a lot. He is very young , but he knows a lot.2 / 42)although 常位于句首,不倒装高三复习状语从句讲解2) A car runs a great deal faster than a bike. 3.比较的对象应相同。though 可倒装,也可不倒装as 必须倒装,常提前句中最后一个成分,常为 adj. adv. v. n.(不带冠词 )。 如果动词提前放在句首,谓语要补加助动词 do , does, did Child as / though he is, he knows a lot. Cold as / though it was, he went out for a walk. Bravely though / as they fought , they had no chance of winning. Try as / though they would, they could not complete the task in time. Try as he did , he didnt succeed.3). however , no matter how 引导的状语从句常为:however/no matter how + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语e.g. However / No matter how pure the water looks, I prefer not to drink it.七比较状语从句1比较状语从句常用 as.as / not so (as).as ;e.g.1).The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai.2).The radios made in our factory are better than those ( made ) in your factory. 3).The population of China is larger than that of any other country.4. 比较的对象不能相互包容。比较级+ than + any other + 单数名词all ( the ) other + 复数名词anyone elseany of the other + 复数名词the rest of + 复数名词或不可数名词1). The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United States.2). China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲任何别的国家都大。any country in Africa.中国比非洲任何国家都大。the same .as / not the same .as5. more A than B与其说 B 倒不如说 A比较级+thanthe more .the more 越 越e.g. 1) I think it is as hot as ( it was ) yesterday.2) He runs faster than I (do).3) The more you talked, the less attention he paid to you.注意 : 1. 在同级比较中,当比较的形容词跟单数可数名词连用时,要用 “as + adj. + a( an ) + n. + as ” 结构e.g. 1) The hole is as deep a well as any one in this area.2) This is as good a map as that one.2.修饰比较级的程度副词:rather, much ,still, even , far, by far ,a lot, a little, a bit, a great deal, any ( 用于否定句或疑问句 )。e.g. 1) The students study even harder than before.Shes more shy than unfriendly. 与其说她不友好,不如说她害羞。 6. 否定 + 比较级=最高级I have never seen a better film .这是我看过的最好的一部电影。 7.倍数表达法1).times as + 形容词/副词原级 + asThis table is 3 times as big as that one.2) .times + 形容词 /副词比较级 + thanThe table is twice bigger than that one.3). .times + the + size (length)+ ofThis table is 3 times the size of that one.8. 注意 no+比较级 +than 的特殊含义及一些特殊结构A is not more careful than B A 并不比 B 更仔细 (客观陈述)3 / 4A is no more careful than B A 和 B 两人都不仔细 (对两者的否定)e.g. Mary was no more careful than John, so they were both blamed by the teacher. Mary 和 John 都不仔细,因此两人都受到了老师的责备。9. 注意比较结构中的省略现象在日常用语中,彼此都明白的比较对象往往省略。1). - What do you think of the film?- I have never seen a better one (than this film)2). Toms composition, if not better (than Jacks), is at least as good as Jacks.高三复习状语从句讲解3). In case John comes, please tell him to wait.4). Suppose Supposing (that) I dont have a day off, what shall we do? 5).You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.比较:if only (如果就好了) / only if (只要)1).If only I had known it, I wouldnt have troubled him. (= if )2) If only I were a bird.(= I wish that.)3).Only if we try our best, will we achieve success. (主句常用倒装)3).The pianos in the other shop will be cheaper, but not as good.( as the ones in this shop)八. 方式状句从句方式状语从句常由 as if(though) 似乎;好象(just) as 正如Do as you are told to, or youll be fired.按照你被告诉的去做,要不然你就会被解雇。 注: as if as though 引导的方式状语从句常用虚拟语气 , 但如果从句陈述的情况是真状语从句需注意的问题:1 连词的误用用 because(since, as),不用 so用 though( although, as),不用 but状语从句和主句决不能用 and 连接误:If you leave it with me, and I will take care of it.正:Leave it with me, and I will take care of it. 如果你把它交给我,我会照顾。实的或有可能是现实,应用陈述语气。2状语从句的省略1).He is talking about the moon as if he had really been there.(虚拟) 2).He treats me as if I were a stranger. (虚拟)3).I feel as if I have a fever. (真实)九 条件状语从句时间状语从句,地点状语从句,条件状语从句,方式状语从句常可用于状语从句 的省略,但需符合以下前提条件中的一个:1)当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致的情况下,常省略从句主语和 be 动词, 2)当状语从句为 it is (was) + adj / n / 介词短语 结构时,常省略 it is (was)eg. 1). If (it is) possible, Ill visit you.常见引导词 :if, unless (= ifnot如果不 / 除非要不然) as(so) long as 只要2). If (it is) necessary, refer to the dictionary. 3). Once (he is) there, hes lost.in case 假如;以防on condition that(在条件下,倘若)suppose / supposing (that) (假如)provided / providing (that) (假如 )1). If you dont look first, a car may hit you.2). The sports meeting will be held this coming Sunday unless it rains.4). Although (he was) frightened, he managed to run away. 5). Tom studies as well as Lily (does)4 / 4


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