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外研版三年级英语上期末试卷一、在四线三格内正确默写 26 个英文字母,大小写都写。(12 分)7.have got_ , 8. play football_ 9.在夏天_ ,10.在公园里_五单项选择,将正确答案的序号写在前面的括号里。(10 分) ( )1.My name is Tom.Whats your name?A. Fangfang B. Yes, it is. C.Fine,thank you.新 课标 第一 网二、根据所给汉语选出正确的英语。(10 分)( )2. How are you?.A. Thank you, Lucy B. I am fine, thank you. C.Hello,Bill( )1.玩具 ( )2.毛线衫 ( )3.大的A. toy B. doll C. song A. dress B. coat C. sweater A. big B. small C. tall( )3.What do you do on Sundays?A.I like basketball. B.Yes,it is. C.I go swimming. ( )4.Have you got a sweater?( )4.足球A. basketball B. football C. skippingA.Yes, I havent. B.No, I have. C.Yes, I have.X K b 1.Co m( )5.树A. tree B. pass C. thin新课 标第 一 网( )5.ItsABC Song. A.the B.this C.that( )6.面条 ( )7.时间 ( )8.去上学 ( )9.夏天A. noodles B. milk C. shortA. watch B. sing C. timeA. go to work B. go to school C. go to bed A. cold B. summer C. hot( )6.Noodles and ricevery nice. A.is B.are C.am ( )7.I play football _ the afternoon. A.at B.on C.in ( )8. he got a new bike? A.Dose B.Have C.Has ( )9.He _ in the snow in winter. A.walks B.walk C.walking( )10.在下面 A. under B. box C. park( )10.Itsin Spring. A.cold B.warm C.hot三、找出不同类的单词,将序号写在前面的括号里。(10 分)六、情景交际:从 A B C 三个选项中,选出最佳答案。(10 分)X|k |B | 1 . c O |m( )1. A.bus B.car C.walk D.ship ( )2. A.coat B.sport C.dress D.T-shirt ( )3. A.today B.autumn C.winter D.spring ( )4. A.New Year B.Christmas C.Chinese D.Spring Festival( )1.当别人向你说“Thank you!”时,你应说:A.Nice to meet you! B.Good morning! C.Youre welcome. ( )2.当你想知道它们是什么时,你应说:A.Whats your name? B.Who are you? C.What are t hey?( )5. A.fish B.cold C.windy D.sunnyw W w .X k b 1.c O m( )3.当你要表达你喜欢熊猫时,你应说:四、短语翻译:(20 分)A.I like pandas. B.I dont like lions. C.I like meat.1.Come back_, 2.put on_3.Look at_, 4. 看电视_5.去购物_,6.通电话_( )4.你要把钢笔还给你同桌时,你要说:A.Here are you. B.Here to you. C.Thank you.( )5. 该你和 Mike 上台了,大明应该这样对你们说:七、把下列单词连成一个完整的句子,注意标点符号和大小写。(10 分)新课 标第 一A. Its your turn now!B. Its your choice C. C ome back.网( )6.当你想问别人有 T 血衫吗?你应说:A.Have you got a dress? B.Have you got a coat?C.Have you got a T-shirt?( )7.今天是大明的生日,你要说:A.Happy New Year. B.Happy birthday to you. C.How are you? ( )8.放学了,你应该和同学告别说:1.autumn what you do in do _ 2.kites in park the Daming flies _ 3.goes bus my work father to by _A.Good night. B.Goodbye! C.Hello.4.orange, sweater, he, got, has, anw W w .x K b 1. c o M( )9.别人问你怎么上学,你应该怎么回答:A. I walk to school. B. I have got a bike . C. I have English at school. ( )10. 铅笔在桌子上,你该怎么说:_5.like I riding dont bikes. _A. The pencil is on the desk.八 、阅读对话 ,判断下列句子正误 。 (8分 )B. The pencil is in the desk.C. I have got a pencil.六、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在提前序号括号中。(10 分)There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, my mother, my father, my sister and I. My gra ndma is old. She stays at home. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. My father is adoctor. He is reading a book now. He is busy all the time. My sister, Lucy, is 9. We are in the( )1.Whats the time? A.I go swimming.same(相同的 )school, but in different(不同的 )( )2.Does he like basketball? B. She has English and Chinese. ( )3.Do you like apples? C. No, I dont.( )4.Whats your favourite song? D. Its ten oclock.( )5.Have you got a car? E. Happy New Year.( )6.What are they? F. Its the ABC song.( )7.Wheres my pen? G. Its on your desk.classes. We have a lot of friends here. We aredoing our homework now. 仔细阅读短文,判断正误。(T 或 F)1. My mother is a Chinese teacher.2. My father is a doctor.3. 3Lucy is nine this year.4. Lucy and I are in the same class.( )8.Happy New Year. H. Yes, I have.新课标 第一 网5. I am doing my homework now.( )9.What does Mary have at school? I. They are lions. ( )10.What do you do in summer? J. Yes, he does.


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