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Welcome to my class Unit 6 Would You Like To Order the first period Lead-in and Dialogue A Question 1: Do you often eat out? Question 2: What do you like eating, Chinese food or Western food? Lead-in Ask students to look at the pictures and speak out what they are. food menu juice ball teacher book chicken fish tomato waiter These dishes are_. delicious manager waitress cloudy beef Tick ()what you know about restaurants. food ( ) menu ( ) juice ( ) Ball ( ) teacher ( ) book ( ) Chicken ( ) fish ( ) tomato ( ) Waiter ( ) delicious ( ) manager ( ) waitress ( ) cloudy ( ) beef ( ) Chinese food noodles rice dumplings spring rolls mantou porridge tofu Speak out some names of Chinese food and Western food Western food hamburger French fries pudding fried chicken bread pizza steak chip Look at the pictures and choose the proper words to complete the dialogues. What kind of food do you like? I like _ and _. fish tomatoes Who are they? They are the _,_ and_of Meiwei restaurant. manager waiter waitress Meiwei What can you see on the table? I can see a _ and a glass of _. menu juice Do you like eating_? Yes. I like it. Its _. chicken delicious Listen to the tape and choose the correct answer. They will go to _restaurant. A.Yueguang B. Meiwei B school Yueguang Meiwei Listen to the tape again and tick the correct statements. ( ) a. Sara wants to eat at home. ( ) b. There is a Chinese restaurant near the school. ( ) c. Yueguang Restaurant is farther away. ( ) d. The food in Meiwei Restaurant is more delicious. Listen to the tape and learn the following dialogue: Tang Hua: Hi, Sara. Do you want to eat out? Sara: Yes. Do you like Chinese food or Western food? Tang Hua: Id like some Western food. Sara: What about Yueguang Restaurant? Tang Hua: Well, I think Meiwei Western Restaurant is better. Its farther away than Yueguang, but the food is more delicious. Sara: OK, lets go. Reading and practising: A. Ask some pairs of students to read and act the dialogue. B. Let students change the persons names and the restaurants names, then ask some pairs of students to read it. A sample: A: Hi,_. Do you want to eat out? B: Yes. Do you like Chinese food or Western food? A: Id like some food. B: What about _Restaurant? A: Well ,I think _ Restaurant is better. Its farther away than_, but the food is more delicious. B: OK, lets go. Tips: Some information about the restaurants near our school. 千岛湖鱼味馆 Qiandaohu Restaurant 东藩酒家 Dongfan Reataurant 有意思快餐店 UES Fast Food Restaurant 新水富大酒店 Xinshuifu Restaurant 老地方酒家 Laodifang Restaurant Find out the sentences that you might use to describe a restaurant in Dialogue A. eg. 1. 2. 3. What about Yueguang Restaurant? I think Meiwei Western Restaurant is better. Its farther away than Yueguang, but the food is more delicious. Lets have a competition. 1. Form groups of four and write down your names on the paper . 2. Talk and write down some sentences that can describe a restaurant as many as possible. 3. Ask English teachers to correct the papers. If the sentence is correct and it can describe a restaurant, you get 10 points. 4. The group that gets the highest points wins. Talk with your deskmates about the restaurants near our school and make a new dialogue with the following sentence patterns and act it out. 1. Hi,Do you want to eat out? 2. What about Restaurant? 3. Its nearer / cheaper than 4. I think is better than 5. The food is more delicious than Tips: Some information about the restaurants near our school. 千岛湖鱼味馆 Qiandaohu Restaurant 东藩酒家 Dongfan Reataurant 有意思快餐店 UES Fast Food Restaurant 新水富大酒店 Xinshuifu Restaurant 老地方酒家 Laodifang Restaurant Homework: (you may choose either of the two) 1. Describe one of the restaurants that you like best(try to use the sentence patterns we learned in the dialogue). 2. Make a new dialogue about eating out with your deskmates according to Dialogue A. Thank you very much


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