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东方通中间件文档1.安装TongWeb5.0标准版环境:Ip 地址:操作系统:linuxTongweb 版本:TW5.0.1.3 标准版安装路径:/opt/TongWeb5.021安装文件名:lnstall_TW5O1.3_Standard_Linux.bin执行命令 sh ./Install_TW5.0.1.1_Standard_Linux.bin -i console,安装 TongWeb5.0。tootGseev_f i 1 e_mana.ge Tont-ech# sli . /Install_TIiI5.0.1. l_Stand.a.rd_Linux.Lin -i console Ptepaxing to instai丄 Ext-r acting tiie ins ca.1 lotion r 亡日 ouuu 亡日 fr 口皿 tiie ins call 亡匸 archive Configuying- thefor this systems enviianjuentLaunching ins七丑丄丄已r.Preparing COJISOLE Mode Installation.Choose Locale1- English-2-幅連浣CHOOSE LOCALE BY NUMBER:选择安装过成语言:1,回车; 显示许可协议,一直回车到确认;3. Copy oe trarsfet this software in whole or in. part.Wh亡n you transfet this softwar亡 in part or in whole to any thitd. part, yourto 口日亡 th亡 soEtwarE shall tErminate inmiediat亡丄卫 and. uithout notice.The copYtight and wiership of this ssEtwaxe:Th.e copyEight of this software is omied by Tongtech co. f LTD. Th.e structures tissues and codes are tJie most- valuable comaeEcial secne匚s cf Tongtech co. f LTD. This softuare and. decumen.t-3 are protect已日 by national copyEight laws and inteniational treaty provisi&iis. You are not allowed to ielete the ccyyEilit notice from this software. Yau. must aree to prohitoit any jind of illegal copy of this software and iocuments.Limited warranty:In. the Larg-亡st petiaitting dr亡厲 of 匸h亡 丄厲顶In no situat-ion shall Tongtech. u匚i. t LTD be liatile for any 日p亡cial un亡x卫亡cted; di工亡u匸 or indireGt- damages (inc1-udlng,- with口u匸damages qx Loss q business ptaEitsf businessinte r ruption loss of business inf or mat-ion, oe any othet pecuniary less) atising out of tiie use of or inatiility to use tliis product and the providing or inability iso provide supportiiig- services f even if Tongt亡uh co. r LTD has been advised of tlie possibility of such damages.PRESS TO 匚OMTIinJE:TetnLination:Tongtech go. / LTD nay teEmilia.t亡 the lie亡n日亡 at. any tin亡 if you violate any 匸已匸皿 qh condition the license When tiie license Isy xustdestroy all copies of tJie software and all of its doemnents innaediately, or retu.rn tliem to Tongtech co. r LTD.Law:rrInt.elligent Propecty Protection Regulationr rrCopyright LaurrrrExelusive LaurrNow, you must, have already carefully tead and understand this licenseand h口匸亡亡吐 to ob亡丫 all the terms and conflit-ions strictly.DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICEMSE AGPEEMENT? (Y/N):是否同意安装许可,输入:Y,回车DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/M) : yCliooseFolderUhere would, you like to ins七在丄.?Default Install Folder: /EOOt/TorLgU&bS.0ENTER AW ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT输入安装路径,默认安装为:/root/TongWeb5.0如果安装在默认路径下,直接回车;本项目安装路径为:/opt/TongWeb5.0输入该路径回车;Ch.o se InstaLL FolderWhere would you like to install?Defau.lt Install Folder: /root/TongWetoS.0ENTER kM ABSOLUTE PATH. OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT;/ opt-/ TongUebS 口确认安装路径,输入:y回车;Choose Link LocationWhere uauld you Like to create links?-1- Def an丄t: /eoot2- In your hone folder3- 匚hoose another location.4- Don.11 create linksENTER THE mJEBER OF JkN OPTION ABOVE, OR PRESS TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT选择是否创建link,选择不创建,输入4,回车 确认安装信息,确认输入回车,执行安装。Installing=1=1=1=1Installation CompleteCongratulat 10113 . TongWetoS . 0 lias been successfully installed to: /opt/TongTJeki-5.0PRESS ENTERS TO EXIT THE IHSTALLER:安装完成,输入回车,退出安装;2.2参数配置修改bin目录下的startserver.sh;eqqtE5eeetadata. TongWebScd binEootCseEV_m亡tHdat日.bin挣 vi starts亡匸莎亡工.设置jvm内存,默认tongweb5.0的jvm内存为512m,修改成2048m;#JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx512mJAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS -Xms2048m -Xmx2048morrg和tw D7T3皿严 OPTSTV OPTS 飞OPTS). OPTS;. OPTS OPTS-DcongvehuclassioadeishaxedChainJai=:; J33UPED_PATZHES)it (TW9_H0KI/lllj/siiic/LiJb/laijLu Jar -Dtang-iTE-h-匚1 曰吕吕Id日日亡匚-optiDnalQverrideah 1 e-CtL3.in=uebserri匚es-匚匕.jatlaebservicts-tooLs. jar -D totiiprrb r a 1 naa 1 oader, tc ludea L istadnin- cli r jarH troa-anttMk,Enj -el, j ar,r-D caaarwEb c 丄日 sal oadere(ppa Erver QmtiJ era-Bdain.-匚丄i 3ar zee - avc 3 at,rifOA7A_a FT3=r,$ (JAVA_OPTS |- -XiEcSlZii17 JAVA. JAVJiJiVAJAVAJAVApPTS-Jm. OfTS-J JAVA DPT归話JAVA OPTS (JiVA 0PTS-ft$jmOPTS J- PTsr uPT OPTS OPTS-血垃04血-Xmf2048E,r-XX:4-UtllDGJlDLaonaECLCVMDptiDUS -XX:HaxPeiu.5ise丄殆DI -K?;:XEURacli:2匚-XZ! LogFlle斤丁时5_JQME;门口 W/HVlh 丄口cr-setvei,F-Dsun. uiii . dgc. client.g匚工门仕匸中巴丄二8占DDCIDCF-Dsmrtxi dijr, server r ijclnterral-36000 D0rr23 License注册将光盘中文件license.dat拷贝到tongweb5.0根目录,即/opt/TongWeb5.02.4 TongWeb启动停止命令行方式启动在TongWeb的bin目录下使用命令nohup ./startserver.sh &以后台方式启动TongWeb,使用命令./stopserver.sh停止 TongWeb。管理控制台登录登陆TongWeb管理控制台:默认地址:http:/ip:9060/twns默认用户名为:twns,密码为:twns。参考文档:TongWeb5.0用户使用手册.pdf


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