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Section A Period 2 (3a-3c) Unit 8 When is your birthday? 2c Listen and match (匹配,比赛 )the names, months and days. Name Month月份 Date日期 Alice July 4th Frank August 22nd Eric January 5th Jane September 17th Whats the date today? 今天是什么日期? Its on September 5th.今天是 9月 5号。 2d Talk about the childrens birthdays in 2c. Then ask your partner about the birthdays in his or her family. A: When is Alices birthday? B: Her birthday is on September 5th. A: When is your fathers birthday? B: His birthday is on November 15th. 表示名词之间的所有关系,表示某物是“谁的” ,意思是 ”的 ” 名词所有格有两种结构: 一、 s 所有格 :表示 有生命 的人或动物的名词所有格 1.单数名词在词尾加 s 凯特的 猫 Kates cat 我 母亲的 生日 my mothers birthday 我 父亲的 生日 my fathers birthday 我 哥哥的 生日 my brothers birthday Sally的 棒球拍 Sallys baseball bat 2.以 s 结尾的复数名词在词尾加 女孩们的书 the girls books 教师节 Teachers Day 3.不以 s 结尾的不规则复数名词在词尾加 s 儿童节 Childrens Day (children孩子们 是 child孩子的复数 ) 妇女节 Womens Day妇女节 (women女子们是 woman的复数 ) mens shoes男鞋 (men男人们是 man的复数 ) 名词所有格 4.若表示 几个人共同拥有 的东西时, 只在最后一 个名词后加 s,后跟单数名词 ; This is Tom and Mikes room.这是汤姆和迈克的房间。 (两人共同 拥有的一间房间 ) Lucy and Lilys father is a teacher.露茜和莉莉的爸 爸是名教师。 5.但若表示 几个人各自所有 的东西时, 要在每个 名词后加 s,且后跟复数名词。 These are Toms and Mikes rooms.这些是汤姆和 迈克的房间。 (汤姆和迈克各有一间房间 ) Lucys and Marys mothers are teachers 露茜的妈妈和玛丽的妈妈都是教师。 二、 of 所有格:表示 无生命 事物名词的所属关系, 一般常用“ of 名词 ”来表示 a map of China 一幅中国地图 the legs of the table 桌腿 a photo of my family一张我的家庭照片 the first month of a year一年的第一个月 of 所有格与 s 所有格有时可以互换,不过 要注意它们物主的位置不同。 猫的名字是咪咪。 The name of the cat is Mimi. ( of 结构,物主 the cat 在后 ) The cats name is Mimi (s 结构,物主 the cat 在前 ) 1. This is(李雷的家庭 ). 2. Is that _ ( 比尔家的 一幅照片) ? 3. Whats (汤姆妹 妹的名字) ? 4. This is _(莉莉和 露茜的 ) room. 5. They are(格林 夫人的儿子) . 6. Its my( mother) bag. 7. Are these the( twin) books? Li Leis family a photo of Bills family the name of Toms sister Lily and Lucys Mrs. Greens sons mothers twins 8. March 8 is _ (women) Day. 9. Whats the girls name? (同义句) Whats the the girl? 10.一幅中国地图 _ 桌子的一条腿 _ Sally的棒球拍 _ Bill的堂兄 _ 我父亲的一位朋友 _ Womens name of a map of China a leg of the table Sallys baseball bat Bills cousin a friend of my fathers 2e Role-play the conversation. Happy幸福的,愉快的,高兴的, unhappy不幸福的,不高兴的 I have a happy family.我有一个幸福的家。 Happy+节假日,表示祝福, . 节日快乐 Happy birthday生日快乐 Happy birthday to sb祝某人生日快乐 (sb是人称代词时要用宾格 ) Happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐 Happy birthday to me祝我生日快乐 Happy New Year新年快乐 Happy Childrens Day儿童节快乐 Happy Teachers Day教师节快乐 Happy womens Day 妇女节快乐 答语: thank you=thanks 谢谢,或 thanks a lot=thank you very much非 常感谢 当遇到共同的节日,别人向我们祝福时,要说 The same to you你也 一样 Happy New Year新年快乐 The same to you你也一样 询问某人的年龄 (age) old老的,旧的 young年轻的 new新的 1.How old+ be动词 +sb?某人有几岁了 /多大了? 答语: sb+be动词 +基数词 或 sb +be动词 +基数词 +years old(某人 有 . 岁 ) 如: How old is your father?你的父亲有几岁了? He is forty.或 He is forty years old.他有 40岁。 My father is forty.=My father is forty years old.我的父亲有 40岁。 How old are you?你多大了? I am thirteen. 或 I am thirteen years old.我有 13岁。 How old is your mother?你的妈妈多大了? She is thirty-seven.或 She is thirty-seven years old.她有 37岁了。 My mother is thirty-seven.=My mother is thirty-seven years old.我的 妈妈有 37岁。 2.whats sbs age?某人的年龄是多少? 答语: sbs age is +基数词 (某人的年龄是 .) 或 its +基数词 (it作人称代词,代替人以外的物 ,it 代 替 sbs age) Whats your fathers age?你父亲的年龄是多少? -my fathers age is forty.我父亲的年龄是 40. 或 its forty.40岁 (it代替 my fathers age) whats your age? -My age is thirteen.我的年龄是 13. 或 Its thirteen.13岁 (it代替 my age) 表示时间的介词: on, in, at Want需要,想要 1.Sb want sth某人想要某物 She wants a schoolbag.她想要一个书包。 She wants a happy family.她想要一个幸福的家。 want to do sth.某人想要做某事 I want to eat an apple.我想要吃一个苹果。 My mother wants to play football.我的妈妈想去踢 足球。 Come to来,来到 come to sp来某地 Come to my room.来我的房间 Come to my school.来我的学校 this afternoon今天下午 this morning今天早上 this evening今天晚上 See you 再见 =Bye=Goodbye See看见,理解,明白 I see a picture.我看见一张图画。 I see我理解了,我明白了 See you later一会见 See you this morning/afternoon/evening今天早晨 / 下午 /晚上见 See you then到时见 see you tomorrow明天见 When is Mario Balotellis birthday? How old is he? Name: Mario Balotelli Date of birth: August 12st Age: 22 Name: Yu Dan Date of birth: July 28th Age: 47 When is Yu Dans birthday? How old is she? When is Stephen Hawkings birthday? Name: Stephen Hawking Date of birth: January 8th Age: 70 How old is he ? When is Bai Baihes birthday? How old is she ? Name: Bai Baihe Date of birth: March 1st Age: 28 3a Match the questions and answers. Questions问题 Answers答案 1.When is Jennys birthday? _ a. No, its on the 6th.(it做 人陈代词,代替人以外的 物,此句中 it代替 my birthday) 2. When are their birthdays? _ b. Her birthday is on May 24th. 3. When is your brothers birthday?_ c. Yes, it is. 4. Is his birthday in July? _ d. Their birthdays are in January. 5. Is your birthday on February 1st?_ e. Its on June 16th. b. d. e. c. a. 3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: How _ are you, Grace? B: _ twelve. A: And _ is your birthday? B: My _ is on March 12th. How about you and Tom? A: Well, my birthday is _ July 5th, and Toms birthday is _ December. old Im in birthday on when When is birthday? Its birthday is How old ? (Its January the second.) (January second.) Names Birthday Month Day Make a survey. Report like this: Cindys birthday is on February 9th. She is 15. Age 3c Find out your classmates birthdays and ages. Line up from the youngest to the oldest. Task Group work Group Young / Old Name Birthday Age Group 1 The youngest The oldest Group 2 The youngest The oldest Group 3 The youngest The oldest Group 4 The youngest The oldest Task 个人档案 1、四人一组填写表硌,让学生记录本组同学的档案。 My birthday is Im years old. My telephone number is My type of blood is I like (food / color / number) My mothers birthday is My fathers birthday is 要用到的句型: First name Last name Birthday Age Telephone number Type of blood Favourite food Favourite colour Favourite numbers Mothers birthday Fathers birthday 推选一名代表上台把本组认为写得最有意思的念 出来,但不许说出该同学的姓名,让全班同学来 猜他 /她是谁?所用到的句子结构有: His / Her telephone number is He / She is years old. His / Her birthday is His / Her type of blood is He / She likes (numbers / food ) His / Her mothers birthday is Whos she / he? 看图填空,完成下列对话。 A: Hello! My _ is Colin Zhang. _ your name, please ? B: My name is Jennifer. Nice to _ you. A: Me, too. _ is your birthday ? B: _. A:_ you born ? B: I was born _ 1992. A: OK, so you are twenty _ old. B: Yes, thats right. name Whats meet When My birthday is on June 7th When were in years 一、将下列单词连成句子。 1 years, 14 , shes old (.) _ 2 birthday, when, Sans, is, (?) _ 二、改错。 ( )1. Hes good friend is Lolin Smith . _ A B C D ( )2. My grandfather have a brother . _ A B C D Shes 14 years old. When is Sans birthday? A B His has 1. Finish the exercises in Part 2 and 4. 2. Review and recite 2e on P44. 3. Make a card like this. Name: John Miller Date of Birth: March 21st Age: 15


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