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Unit 1: Back to School 1.How do you like your first day of a new term? 2.我 很高兴见到 我的同学。 3.一个是 Sandre,一个是 Mary. 4.结交新朋友 5.我不知道 如何开始 。 6.把你 介绍 给她。 7.Its almost the same as Grade 7. 8.你 正穿着 传统的衣服。 9.你 拉二胡 ,我 表演 舞蹈。 10.Which one should I use? What do you think? 11.the picture of me 12.他 建议 我选择 那一个 。 13.这 由你决定 。 14.我同意你。 15.写下来 16.他 有点 紧张。 17.Go ahead! 18.我 最喜欢 面包圈了。 19.我 也不喜欢 下雨。 20.I also like to go for walks. 21.Sometimes I hate to get out of bed early. 22.I have one more question. 23.与某人争论 24.一个豆荚里的两颗豌豆 25.spend time (in) doing sth. 26.没门! 27.They parted and went their own ways. 28.In the following days 29.在 末尾 互相 立刻马上 30.伸出他的手 敌人 达成协议 31.He felt embarrassed. 32.How do you feel when you talk in front of your class? 33.He is ready to give his report to the class. 34.I feel lucky to have her as my English teacher. 35.博学的,有知识的 36.她 鼓励 我们问问题。 37.她既 善良 又 有耐心 。 38.She likes to swim for exercise. 39.Steven and I were on one team. 40.这是一场 公平的 竞赛 。 41.The score was four to three. 42.上周六,我妈给我 买 了 一条 牛仔裤。 43.She and I love to shop for clothes. 44.I had the pleasure of talking to Mary. 45.She invited me to go to the movies. 46.My cousin Brain is arriving from the U.K. 47. Time for bed! Unit 2: My Favourite School Subject 1.上课别迟到了! 2.I hope to see them sometime. 3.在未来 4.I am much better at art this year. 5.Class will start in two minutes. 6.All of our teachers make us study very, very hard. 7.Everyone laughed except the teacher. 8.我今天 已经 用英语 写了 三封邮件了。 9.这是 学习语言 最好的方式 。 10.I havent seen you since Tuesday, Li Lin. 11.I have been sick for two days. 12.医生 让我 这周在家 休息 。 13.Physics is a headache for me. 14.I dont understand it at all. 15.Thats very kind of you. 16.What time is convenient for you? 17.准时 下载 18.Danny rushed into the library. 19.现在三点一刻了。 20.Shes half an hour late. 21.也许 她在那儿。 22.学习关于 的知识 23.Recently,my class has learned about China. 24.Our teacher once worked in southern China. 25.Have you done anything interesting this week? 26.We each brought a painting to class. 27.这张照片总是 让我想起 那个假期。 28.We had a good discussion about how to stay healthy. Unit 3 1.In the lunar calendar, its on August 15. 2.月亮又圆又亮。 3.赏月 嫦娥的故事 然而 4.例如 面对面 与 保持联系 5.Cameras are useful for recording videos. 6.Its fun to make a family tree. 7.你朋友穿多大号的? 8.我觉得他 和 布莱恩型号 一样 。 9.它合适吗? 10.这件夹克太小了,你有木有其他型号的? 11.试穿 12.给你一个大大的拥抱 13.Are my cousins coming tonight? 14.Say hi to someone. 15.But with all your help I feel at home now. 16.As usual, the family gathering was excithing. 17.Care for someone. 18.Make birthday card for Li Ming 19.Jenny passes him her card. 20.Best wishes to you. 21.现在我们可以邮寄它了。 22.还不行呢! 23.地址 在 顶部 24.But she has no luck. 24.Many thanks for the presents! 25.The postman brought them to me yesterday. 26.这种版型在中国非常 流行 。 27.这件夹克非常 适合 我。 28.I will think of you when I wear it. 29.关灯 许个愿 深呼吸 30.吹灭蜡烛 捡起 /接送某人 迫不及待做某事 Unit 4 My Neighbourhood 1.你 在地图上 画什么? 2.Heres a corner store. 3.Over there is a market. 4.把 A加入 B e for a visit 6.一场大雪 一场暴雨 7.在你回家的路上 8.乘坐校车 9.经过,路过 10.He is pointing to the right. 11.沿着 大街走 12.一张纸 13.正前方 14.walk on the sidewalk 15.This must be it. 16.自言自语 17.在 的入口 18.结冰 曲棍球 家务活 19.它 距离 我家只有 三栋楼 的距离 。 20.It costs $3.50! 21.He was busy fixing a pair of pants. 22.Mr.Green likes being a tailor. 23.It sounded like an enjoyable job. 24.充满 25.新鲜面包 的味道 26.对某人友好 27.感冒 28.我现在好多了。 29.This week, I got to know my neighbourhood. 30.We go by the bakery. 31.在 书店 的对面 32.幸运的是 ,一位女士 给我指了路 。 33.Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. 34.I will be glad when you come to see me. Unit 5 My Future 1.你擅长什么? 2.你将来想成为什么? 3.I have no idea. 4.You gave a good talk to the students yesterday. 5.我 希望成为 一名老师。 6.I would be nice to my students. 7.Its not easy to be a scientist. 8.Im not sure. 9.Do you have a fear of heights? 10.很多次 11.也许 我会成为一名 飞行员 。 12.经历 许多有趣的事 13.But that wont stop me from being a pilot. 14.I can take small steps to overcome my fear. 15.一种新型 的飞机 16.更安全 更舒适 总有一天 17.四十五 18.快是慢 的反义词 19.祝你前程似锦。 20.使它变成现实 21.每个人 都 需要 食物。 22.I would run a business and lead a team. 23.他的梦想是成为一名医生。 24.They want to help sick people. 25.It doesnt matter. 26.使我们高兴 27.了解你自己 28.There are so many good choices. 29.She is strict with us. 30.你今年 更高 了吗? 31.惩罚我们 32.别无选择只能做某事 33.ask for advice 34.keep your friendships with your classmates 35.She works for the newspaper and gives advice to people. 36.But no matter what, I will always be your friend! Unit 6 Go with Transportation 1.I can go almost anywhere on foot. 2.It would take a long time to go from Canada to Britain. 3.Seldom sometimes often/usually always 4.Put A and B together 5.All over the world 6.上车 下车 7.用今天的标准 8. 45km/h 9.That was the beginning of trains. 10.The steam was able to power boats and cars. 11.出现 轮子 想象 12.它 对 我的健康和环境都 有好处 。 13.熬夜 跳入空中 燃料 14.我不需要石油 和 煤炭。 15.要 走 10千米,你需要 10个面包圈。 16.I hope someone will invent one in the future. 17.It would take us just a few seconds. 18.允许某人做某事 19.以光速旅行 20.All the time 21.Whats the transportation like in your city? 22.A hundred years from now on 23.它们 对 我们的环境非常 有害 。 24.That way, our air would be a lot cleaner. 25.I pedalled for more than an hour. 26.写出以下动词的过去式: put give call get jump do fly laugh Unit 7 1.在你空闲时间 2.I enjoy playing ping-pong. 3.Its the closest star to Earth. 4.I take it home and add it to my collecting. 5.Concert tickets 6.拿 A交换 B. 7.不仅 而且 8.Build your confidence and make your life more colourful. 9.从事,开始 10.活到老,学到老 11.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 12.It makes me feel proud. 13.Most people dont have cows or chickens anymore. 14.I need to show and talk about my hobby. 15.Do a report do eye exercises 16.Its made of wood. 17.参加一个俱乐部 18.大多数的成员 19.We also give prizes for the best-built rockets. 20.降落 损坏的火箭 发射 collection 21.Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 22.充满 23.He spins it up and down. 24.The class claps for him. 25.Its my turn to clean the blackboard. 26.停车场 enjoyable 27.Fit through/ go through 28.标记,记号 园艺 29.做得好! 集邮 30.写出过去式 grow buy bring 31.Everyone can take part in gardening. 32.Many classmates supported the idea. 33.组织 照顾 参加俱乐部 Unit 8 1.你为自己自豪吗? 2.网上聊天 怎么了? 3.We are supposed to describe ourselves in a report. 4.You can also write about your special talents and personal strengths. 5.什么使你独特? 6.Yes, that makes sense. 7.Its my pleasure. 8.我 出生 于那儿。 9.Nobody else in my school comes from Greece! 10.我在加拿大待了 七年半 了。 11.We lost only two games. 12.Once, we played against a team from another city. 13.But I want to continue taking P.E. 14.我是一名中学生。 15.我 看起来 很 普通 。 16.My friend Lisa, however, is pretty and smart. 17.But I know thats impossible. 18.我们都有自己的 长处和短处 。 19.Dont be too hard on yourself for making mistakes. 20.The important thing is to learn from your mistakes. 21.每天看看镜子并且 对自己微笑 。 22.成为你自己最好的朋友,做你自己。 23.Feel afraid to do sth. 24.我 梦想成为 一名歌唱家。 25.自学 26.一场才艺展示 27.我的老师 鼓励我 参加这次展示。 28.相信你自己。 29.我感到 有点 紧张。 30.I felt my heart beating so fast! 31.向我挥手 32.做得好! 33.我成功了! 34.注意到 掌握 失败者 35.I just failed my English exam. 36.Give up 37.There are 125 days left before the end of the school year. 38.Its all because of your help. 39.My friends are very important to me. 40.给我一些好的建议 41.现在我感到更加 自信 了。 42.我们 互相 帮助。 43.我希望 有一天 上大学 。 45.熟能生巧。 46.I am one of the best players in the school. 47.我相信我能做得 更好 。


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