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Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,21,Management History,Chapter2,Management Stephen P. Robbins Mary Coulter,tenth edition,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,22,Learning OutcomesFollow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,2.1 Historical Background Of Management. Explain why studying management history is important. Describe some early evidences of management practice. Describe two important historical events that are significant to the study of management. 2.2 Classical Approach. Describe the important contributions made by Frederick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Discuss Fayols and Webers contributions to management theory. Explain how todays managers use scientific management and general administrative theory.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,23,Learning Outcomes,2.3 Quantitative Approach. Explain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management. Describe total quality management. Discuss how todays managers use the quantitative approach. 2.4 Behavioral approach. Describe the contributions of the early advocates of OB. Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the field of management. Discuss how todays managers use the behavioral approach.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,24,Learning Outcomes,2.5 Contemporary Approach Describe an organization using the systems approach. Discuss how the systems approach helps us understand management. Explain how the contingency approach is appropriate for studying management.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,25,Historical Background of Management,Ancient Management Egypt (pyramids) and China (Great Wall) Venetians (floating warship assembly lines) Adam Smith Published The Wealth of Nations in 1776 Advocated the division of labor (job specialization) to increase the productivity of workers Industrial Revolution Substituted machine power for human labor Created large organizations in need of management,2600BC.-2100 BC.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,26,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,27,Venetian Arsenal built in 1104,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,28,1.Before the Industrial Revolution,No need for systematic study of management,Catholic Church,To organize and manage its property according to its creed and followers devout,Military,To manage its solider through strict disciplines and power structure,Government,To govern through rules and military forces,Family,To manage through family kinship and family disciplines,1. Since the Industrial Revolution systematic study of management,At the second half of 18th century, the appearance of Industrial revolution leads to the appearance of factories. Development of job specialization, change of basic production organization leads to a series of new management problems,All these management issues demand a systematic study of management,Management issues that the emerging factories come across is different from all management problems of all previous organization. With the new rules, none of the previous management methods can be adopted to manage workers and to guarantee the reasonable use of resources.,1. Early representatives,Robert Owen English farmer,Adam Smith Classic Economist,Charles Babbage Mathematician in Cambridge University,1.1 Adam Smith founder of political economics, philosopher1. Division of labor2. Invisible hand 3. Economic man,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,212,Born in a family of a customs official Entered University of Glasgow at 14, studying math and philosophy Shifted to Oxford Uni at 17 Teach rhetoric and literature at Uni of Edinburgh in 1748 Back to Uni of Glasgow in 1751, teaching logics From 1767-1776, 1767-1776,The Wealth of Nations, the most popular economist,(1723-1790),Major contributions,Division of labor,“有了分工,同数劳动者就能完成比过去多得多的工作量,其原因有三:第一,劳动者的技巧因业专而日进;第二,由一种工作转到另一种工作,通常须损失不少时间,有了分工,就可以免除这种损失;第三,许多简化劳动和缩减劳动的机械的发明,使一个人能够做许多人的工作。”,Invisible hand,“每个人必然都尽可能地使社会的收入最大化。一般情况下人们既不是有意也不知如何增进社会利益。他们想要的只是自身财富的增加,在许多个这样的过程中,看不见的手引向了不是他们本意的结果。在追求个人财富时,人们通常促进了社会财富的增加,甚至比人们有意增加社会财富还有效。”,Economic man,市场经济的主体是一个个经济人,经济人的本性是经济利己主义。他们为了自身的经济利益从事经济活动,在“看不见的手”的支配下,其活动成为理性的行为。经济人的利己主义使他具有勤劳和节俭的品质,富于创造的精神;而市场竞争又引导经济人把资源投向效益最高的经济领域,从而达到社会资源的优化配置,国民财富的性质和原因的研究,郭大力、王亚南译,北京商务印书馆,1972年译版,Causes for the increased productivity,Workers becoming more skillful and familiar with the job Do not shift between different steps, save the wasted time Be helpful to the invention and application of skills and machinery,Industrial Revolution (Early 19th Century),Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,217,Industrial Revolution,Human power machine power Mills factories Large organization scientific management Management is need to predict needs, to coordinate work, to guarantee the proper operation of the machinery, to look for market,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,218,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,219,Exhibit 21 Major Approaches to Management,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,220,Major Approaches to Management,Classical : 3 fathers Behavioral Quantitative Contemporary,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,221,2. Scientific Management,2.1 Fredrick Winslow Taylor The “father” of scientific management Published Principles of Scientific Management (1911) The theory of scientific management Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done 1)Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment. 2)Having a standardized method of doing the job. 3)Providing an economic incentive to the worker.,Classical Approach,Scientific Management,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,222,Fredrick Winslow Taylors Experiments,Midvale Steel works Bethlem Steel Company Apprentice - technician -chief engineer Opinions: - workers are slack in work - lack of training - lack of proper operating methods - not suitable tools 1898 Experiments,Fredrick Winslow Taylor Experiment,Fredrick Winslow Taylor Experiment,American economic development exceeded British economic development after WWII because of the application of Scientific management in the factories,Classical Approach ( IV),Frank and Lillian Gilbreth,Studying the movement of brick-layering Use motion pictures to study hand-and-body motions Therbligs,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,226,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,227,Scientific Management (contd),Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Focused on increasing worker productivity through the reduction of wasted motion Developed the microchronometer to time worker motions and optimize work performance How Do Todays Managers Use Scientific Management? Use time and motion studies to increase productivity Hire the best qualified employees Design incentive systems based on output,Application of scientific management,UPS 15 employees 900 parcels 180 countries and areas 130 parcels/person,FedEx 80 parcels/person,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,228,UPS efficiency,Study of time red light、door-bell、climbing up stairs、break、going to toilet, delivery of goods Working procedures 接近发送站时,先松开安全带,按喇叭,关发动机,拉紧急制动,放1档变速器; 然后,出溜到地面上,右臂夹纪录本,右手拿车钥匙,左手拿包裹。 看一眼包裹上的地址,以每秒一米的速度快步走到客户门口,先敲门再按门铃。 送货完毕,回到车上先启动卡车上路,,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,229,Major contributions of Fredrick Taylor,Management should be scientific,The psychological revolution between management and labor,科学管理的根本目的是谋求最高效率,这就要求用科学化的、标准化的管理方法代替经验管理。为此,泰勒提出科学管理的四项原则和一些管理制度。,许多人认为雇主和雇员的根本利益是对立的,而泰勒认为双方的利益是一致的。只有雇主和雇员双方互相协作,才会达到较高的绩效水平。,Study of time,study of action,Management by exception,standardization,Programming,Piece rate wage,Administration professionalized,Taylors Scientific Management Principles,Limitations of scientific management,Human beings- machine Economic man use money to motivate or to punish,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,232,2.2 Classical Approach Henri Fayol,General Administrative Theory,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,233,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,现代管理之父法约尔,1841年,法约尔出生在法国的一个资产阶级家庭。 1858一1860年期间,他就读于圣艾蒂安国立矿业学院。 18601872年间的十二年,法约尔作为一个等级较低的管理人员和技术人员,主要关心的是采矿工程的事情。 18721888年的十六年,他被提升为经理,领导一批矿井。在这个阶段,他主要考虑的是决定这些矿井的经济情况的因素。这样,促使他对管理进行研究; 18881918年的三十年。在公司担任总经理期间,按照自己关于管理的思想理论对公司进行了改革和整顿,并开始管理研究,发表论著。 19181925年的七年。法约尔致力于普及自己的管理理论。,亨利法约尔 (18411925),Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,235,General Administrative Theory,Henri Fayol Father of process Management Father of modern operation management Designer and founder of management theory framework 1916, Industrial Management and General Management Management ability can be cultivated through school education 法约尔的一般管理理论是西方古典管理思想的重要代表,后来成为管理过程学派的理论基础,也是以后各种管理理论和管理实践的重要依据,对管理理论的发展和企业管理的历程均有着深刻的影响。,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,236,Fayols 14 Principles of Management,Division of Labor: 工作分工 2. Authority and Responsibility职权与职责 3. Discipline 纪律 4. Unity of Command 统一指挥 5. Unity of Direction 统一领导 6. Remuneration of Personnel报酬. 7. General interest over individual interest 个人利益服从整体利益,8. Centralization 集中 9. Scalar chain 等级链 10. Order 秩序 11. Equity 公平 12. Stability of Tenure人员的稳定 13. Initiative 首创精神 14.Esprit de corps 团结精神,Major Contributions,1. the universality of management 2. Developed principles of management that apply to all organizations courses of management should be offered in universities and colleges,2.3 Classical Approach Max Weber,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,238,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,组织理论之父韦伯,1864年出生于德国一个富有的中产阶级家庭。韦伯的父亲是法学家,母亲是虔诚的基督教教徒。体弱多病,学习勤奋。 1882年韦伯就读于德国海德堡大学法学院,他兴趣广泛,除了专攻本专业还兼修历史、哲学、经济和神学;他受到过三次军事训练,对德国的军事生活和组织制度很了解。 1884年韦伯回到家乡在柏林大学学习。1889年韦伯通过了博士论文答辩并获得法学博士学位,同年注册为开业律师,并成为柏林大学的法学讲师。 韦伯在90年代经历了极大的成功。1892年升为副教授,其学术研究中心也转向政治经济学;18941896年间先后任弗里堡大学和海德堡大学的经济学教授,他的很多著名的作品都是在他死后收集整理发表的。,马克斯韦伯 (1864-1920),Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,240,General Administrative Theory,Max Weber- Father of Organizational Management Developed a theory of authority based on an ideal type of organization (bureaucracy) Emphasized rationality, predictability, impersonality, technical competence, and authoritarianism,Any organization is developed on the basis of a certain form of authority, without which no organization goals will be accomplished. Traditional authority : traditional customs, or inherited Charismatic authority: adoration, worship Legal power: empowered by law,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,Major contributions,Most famous classic management theorist, economist, sociologist in Germany; The most influential great master in western social science in the end of 19th century and early 20th century Father of organization theory; Webers Bureaucratic Organization Structure Theory,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,243,Webers Bureaucracy,韦伯理想的官僚组织的主要特征,Main features of Scientific Management,研究重点:如何提高效率,泰勒注重于工人劳动效率和管理人员工作效率的提高标准化和例外管理等。 法约尔着眼于管理效率的提高管理的五大职能和管理十四条原则。 韦伯注重组织整体效率提高官僚组织,主张用科学代替经验,形成了一系列的科学管理原理和方法。 提出了一般管理理论和基本管理原则。 提出了从技术上而言效率最高的组织结构形式。,管理专业化、职业化,主张管理者和操作者的分离。 主张进行专门的管理专业教育。 主张管理工作应该职业化。,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,246,3. Understanding Organizational Behavior,Organizational Behavior (OB) The study of the actions of people at work; people are the most important asset of an organization Early OB Advocates Robert Owen Hugo Munsterberg Mary Parker Follett Chester Barnard,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,247,Exhibit 26 Early Advocates of OB,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,3、行为管理思想,行为管理思想认为:人不仅是经济人,更是社会人,其劳动生产率受到社会的、心理的和群体的因素的影响。 代表人物:梅约社会人观点 马斯洛需求层次理论 麦克雷戈X理论和Y理论,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,249,A series of productivity experiments conducted at Western Electric from 1924 to 1932. Experimental findings Productivity unexpectedly increased under imposed adverse working conditions. The effect of incentive plans was less than expected. Research conclusion Social norms, group standards and attitudes more strongly influence individual output and work behavior than do monetary incentives.,The Hawthorne Studies,The Hawthorne Studies: Background,Hawthorne: the name of factory in Chicago affiliated to Western Electric Experiment time:1924-1932 Causes: good welfare, low productivity Why?,The Hawthorne Studies,Workshop lighting test 工厂照明试验(1924-1927) Relay assembly room test 继电器装配室试验(1927-1928) Large scale interview 大规模访谈与普查 (1928-1930) Telephone coil assembly workers test 电话线圈装配工试验(1931-1932),The Hawthorne Studies,Conclusion of Mayos studies: Behavior is closely related to workers feelings (Interpersonal relationship) The whole organization has great impact on individuals behavior Money has less effect on the production output than group standard, group attitudes, acceptances and security. To improve productivity _ human factors.,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,行为管理思想的特点,行为管理思想的特点在于改变了人们对管理的思考方法,它把人看作是宝贵的资源。 强调从人的作用、需求、动机、相互关系和社会环境等方面研究其对管理活动及结果的影响 研究如何处理好人与人之间的关系、做好人的工作、协调人的目标、激励人的主动性和积极性,以提高工作效率。,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,254,4. Quantitative Approach to Management,Quantitative Approach Also called operations research or management science Evolved from mathematical and statistical methods developed to solve WWII military logistics and quality control problems Focuses on improving managerial decision making by applying: Statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations,Quantitative Approach to Management,信息技术在管理中的运用,有效管理的关键在于度的把握 只有致力于定量化 才能真正提高管理的效率与效益,管理科学,定量管理思想的核心是把数学、统计学和计算机用于管理决策和提高组织效率,作业管理,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,诺贝尔奖获得者中惟一的管理学家赫伯特.亚历山大.西蒙,1916年生于美国威斯康星州。父亲是一位电子工程师,母亲是一位很有成就的钢琴家。从小兴趣广泛,特别是对自然科学。 1933年西蒙入读芝加哥大学,通过正规训练和坚持自学,西蒙广泛掌握了经济学和政治科学的基础知识,以及高等数学、符号逻辑和数理统计学方面的技巧,培养了对组织内决策行为的兴趣。并希望自己能够成为一名数理社会学家。 毕业后,西蒙以一直从事决策科学方面的调查研究;并利用3年时间写出了有关管理决策行为的博士论文。1943年,西蒙获得芝加哥大学治学博士。 后来曾先后在各学校担任政治学、管理学、心理学和计算机科学教授。,赫伯特.亚历山大.西蒙 (1916-2001),2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,西蒙的主要贡献,西蒙在管理学方面所研究的主要是生产者的行为,特别是当代公司中决策的组织基础和心理依据。他认为与那些卓越的“硬”科学一样,社会科学也同样需要严密的数学基础。认为信息本身以及人们处理信息的能力都是有一定限度的。因此他进一步研究了利用计算机模型来模拟人们解决问题的思维过程,以及其它认识过程,并为公司决策人员提供“决策辅助系统”。 西蒙在管理学上的第一个贡献是提出了管理的决策职能。“决策是管理的心脏;管理是由一系列决策组成的;管理就是决策。” 西蒙对管理学的第二个贡献是建立了系统的决策理论。并提出了人有限度理性行为的命题和“令人满意的决策”的准则。“有限理性机制:其一是搜索;其二是寻求满意。”,主要论著: 管理行为詹正荗译,北京:机械工业出版社,2007年5月,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,定量管理思想的特点,定量管理思想的特点 力求减少决策中的个人艺术成分,依靠建立一套决策程序和数学模型来寻求最优答案; 各种可行方案均是以效益作为评判的依据; 广泛使用计算机作为辅助管理手段。,时代的发展,要求管理人员改进他们的决策方法和管理方法,寻找合理分配和应用资源的更好的方法 因此,定量管理思想在管理决策中得到了广泛运用,特别是在计划和控制决策中。,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,259,Exhibit 25 What Is Quality Management?,Intense focus on the customer Concern for continual improvement Process-focused Improvement in the quality of everything Accurate measurement Empowerment of employees,5. The Systems Approach Chester Barbard,出生于美国一个贫穷的家庭。19061909年期间在哈佛大学攻读经济学。由于拿不到一项实验学科的学分,1909年未拿到学位的巴纳德离开哈佛大学,进入美国电话电报公司开始了他的职业生涯。 巴纳德不仅是一位优秀的企业管理者,他还是一位出色的钢琴演奏家和社会活动家。巴纳德在漫长的工作实践中,不仅积累了丰富的经营管理经验,而且还广泛地学习了社会科学各个分支。 1938年,巴纳德出版了著名的经理人员的职能一书,此书被誉为美国现代管理科学的经典之作。1948年,巴纳德又出版了另一重要的管理学著作组织与管理。巴纳德的这些著作为建立和发展现代管理学做出了重要贡献,也使巴纳德成为社会系统学派的创始人。,(18861961),Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,261,The Systems Approach,System Defined A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. Basic Types of Systems Closed systems Are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment (all system input and output is internal). Open systems Dynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and transforming them into outputs that are distributed into their environments.,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,262,Exhibit 27 The Organization as an Open System,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,263,Implications of the Systems Approach,Coordination of the organizations parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization. Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization. Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their external environment.,Cask principle: the success of one department does not necessarily mean the organization goals can be achieved,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,264,The Contingency Approach - Fiedler,出生于1912年,在芝加哥大学获得博士学位,毕业后留校任教。1951年移居伊利诺伊州,担任伊利诺伊大学心理学教授和群体效能研究实验室主任,直到1969年前往华盛顿大学担任心理学与管理学教授。 他从1951年起由管理心理学和实证环境分析两方面研究领导学,70年代提出了“权变领导理论”。对以后的管理思想发展产生了重要影响。 主要著作和论文包括一种领导效能理论(1967),让工作适应管理者(1965),权变模型领导效用的新方向(1974)。,(Fred E. Fiedler, 1922),Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,266,The Contingency Approach 1970s petroleum crises turbulent (political, social, economic environment),Contingency Approach Defined Also sometimes called the situational approach. There is no one universally applicable set of management principles (rules) by which to manage organizations. Organizations are individually different, face different situations (contingency variables), and require different ways of managing.,Individualized teaching Nokia - symbian (cell phone platform) I phone Apple) and Androill (google) 80/10040/100 Kentucky breakfast:,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,267,Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall,268,Exhibit 28Popular Contingency Variables,Organization size As size increases, so do the problems of coordination. Routineness of task technology Routine technologies require organizational structures, leadership styles, and control systems that differ from those required by customized or non-routine technologies. Environmental uncertainty What works best in a stable and predictable environment may be totally inappropriate in a rapidly changing and unpredictable environment. Individual differences Individuals differ in terms of their desire for growth, autonomy, tolerance of ambiguity, and expectations.,2012-3-21,版权所有:浙江大学管理学院邢以群,Summary,Core issue,How do managers effectively manage their organizatios,作业交流题 一个组织的绩效受哪些因素的影响?管理者在其中起着怎样的作用?,


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