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-专项:情态动词专项:情态动词一 考点考点:情态动词的用法和辨析,情态动词表示推测和可能,由情态动词引导的一般疑问句的回答。二 类型类型:1只是情态动词:c,coul,may,might,must可做情态动词,可做实义动词:ne,dae3 可做情态动词,可做助动词:il,would,hall,soul4特殊:hae to,ouhto,sd o三 特征特征:1 有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词和系动词连用构成谓语。2 无人称和数的变化。(aveo 除外)Eg:He as toayhere.3 后接动词原形。具有助动词作用,可构成否定,疑问或简短回答。四用法用法:1.a a 表示能力,“能,会”。E:Ca youpaybasketball?表示怀疑,猜测,常用于否定句或疑问句。Eg:Li hua cantbei he clasrom 表示请求,允许,多用于口语,译“可以”=ay:u can go now.can 开头的疑问句,肯定句,否定句用an 或 can.2coucoud dcan的过去式,表示过去的能力。E:I couldswim wen wasseven yeasold.culd开头的疑问句,肯定和否定回答用could,coulnt如果could 表示现在的委婉,用 cn回答。E:Could I hava ink?Yes,you can.a a表示推测,“可能,也许”,用于肯定句。Eg:H may comtomorw.表示请求,“许可,可以”。E:My I borow yoook?注:表示请求,许可时,主语为第一人称的一般疑问句,否定回答用mstnt“不可以,禁止,不许”,不用ay not“可能不”。-表示祝愿。Eg:My yousuces.4.mmghtght表示“可以”,用于过去时中。Eg:He told me I mght mok intherm.用于现在时,表示说话更委婉,礼貌。Eg:e might bedinhi lsosnow.mustmust表示“必须,应该”。表示推测,常用在肯定句中,表“一定”。:Thr is mee kcinat tedor.It m be Jim否定句中,mstnt表示禁止,“不允许”。以 mus 开头的疑问句,肯定句回答用mus,否定回答用ned,表示“不需要,不必”=“ont ae to”.表示“偏偏”。Eg:Must oupl t ino at this te.6.n neded 情态动词:+do,用 ned 提问或回答,肯定句回答用 must,否定句回答用eednEg:Yo nedtom tochool so ery.实义动词:+to o,用助动词提问和否定。+doing 表示被动。neent havedne 表示没必要做某事但是做了。Eg:atually en a boughtso muc wine.daredare 情态动词,多用于疑问句,否定句,条件句中。Eg:Im frai you drenotto suca hing注:I dare say习惯说成“也许,我想”。Eg:t will rn isafternoon,I are say.实义动词:dre to do,用于肯定句中,当用于否定句或疑问句时,to可以省略。Eg:Thisstud doesntde to aise an etion incss-.hahal l用于第一人称表示征求意见,询问。Eg:hall Ipentewindow?Shall e aunchhere?表示说话人的态度,“命令,警告,允诺,威胁”。g:Yoshall inih yurheorirt.用于第三人称,在条约,规定,法令等文件中表示义务或规定,“应该,必须”。(不常用)9.shshulduld表示义务,责任“应该”。E:should be trfficlas.作为 sal过去式,用于第一三人称,表示征求意见。Eg:Mr Leekdif he shoudgehis vs.表示“竟然”。Eg:Its unthinkable hat th y ould sigsuchabeaful on.表示说话人的特殊情感,如惊奇,愤怒,失望等。Eg:ow hld Iknow?表示劝告,建议,“应该”。Eg:Yousould listen our eacher10illill用于第二人称表示询问,请求,也可以表达现在的“意愿”。Eg:Wil ou a m thebok?表示意愿,决定,允诺,用于各种人称。:Iwilly my bst tohelp you.表示规律性的“注定会”。g:Peol will d ithot air wte.1.wouwoud d表示过去的意愿或委婉询问。Eg:Wodyou tellme he watthe staion?12.havehave o o“必须,不得不”,强调客观需要,含有时态的变化。E:ll have oak Jim isted区别:mut 表示“必须,应该“,主观看法。-13.oughtought 表示职责,义务或要求,及人们应该去做的正确的事或好事。g:uans ought o top olutin nature.比 sul 语气强,ugt o 反映客观情况,shoul表示主观看法。oughtto havedone 本应该做而没有做。Eg:You are late.You ogt to have aived fiveinuts erer.14u uededo o 表示“过去常常,过去是“,没有人称和数的变化,可以和过去的时间状语连用。否定形式:sento 或 dintuse o,疑问词将 use 提前或 Diuse t?Eg:H dint ue ob o aess.区别 wul:带有主观性,并且现在做不做不知道。Ued o:客观性,和现在进行对比,过去常常,现在就不怎么做了。Eg:e would phne eo Snda.E:I used t eeryomusic hen I was young.区别:b ue odoing(情态动词)习惯于Uset do(情态动词)过去是,过去常常Be used to do(过去式)被用来做E:I am lredy used to ny ciy life ereM paentsused tolivein Soth Aericahismahin is used ocut u tpaper5.其他其他:hadhad e eterter dodo 最好做某事 E:You haetter sty a home.否定:hadbetter not doe abe abe et t与n表示能力时用法相同,但前者有时态的变化,有能力成功做某事。Eg:e will beale to ome bak next ee.完形填空ave ouever seenhe averieent:ear oreig lguageiix week,1gie youoney bac?f corse,it2hapens ielike tha The onl langage3t lern ihe moe languae.And thnk4rce is neeed for that.efoe the ecndWorl Warpe-le usualy erned a foreign lan uage5t litrature(文学)of theouny.w most eoe at t6aforgn language.Eeryermilisplstr earnng Hod tey doit?oe peoplety athomeoksand ta,othe g t ening asses o wath TV programs.9they us t lguagn 2 or tsa w,erigt will10 long time,laguage leani at schol.fewpepl trto lea language fast studyn for6 or1hrs day.ts measr to larnt langage in te counr whereit 1.Butmt pple ae13o doi,and many pee dont have to d so.Machne andgod book ll be very1,bt hy caot o the studts wk.1the anguaslearned quicklyor sloy,itis hrd wrk.()1.A.so.o.ndD.but.ofen()3.().ant.impossbleC.neveeaslB.ficut C.ableD.es()4.ho mh B.how lngC.owfstD.omany()5.A.studidA alkB.t sudy tudyng Dstudy()6.tlC.speakD.sa()A.themB.thisC.thaD.itD.by()9.A.()8.thutB.with.nIf WhnC.SinceD Util()10.A.sendB.se.take.cos()1 A.somB.mor therD.s()12.speaks s peking.pokD isspon()3 A.bleB.posiblC.uableD.not ossle()A.cful forgtflC.wonderfulD.helpful.how()1.A.eherB.whethr C.what专题练习:一选择题1.It s usuly wr n my ometow Marc,but it _ e ahercol smetimes.mustB canC.shoulD woul2.You_ e hugy alreay-ou had lnhnly t hours ago!A.wouldntBcatC.ustntD.nent3.-Watdo ou think wecan do for o aged parents?-Yu _ do anthing xept t be wihthm and e yousel.-dont avet.utnt toC.ustntD.cat4 Jn prised hs doto he _nook.n heha nvr smkd ever siceA.mightB.shuldC.could.would.Wat a t!Cnsideringhs ality and expienc,he _ bter.A.eed hae e.mustavedonC.can ave deD.might have dne6.Liz _ well no wat o oon the rip-she hetravelin.A.willB nCmust.ma7.She_have let schol,for her ik is stll heeA.cantB.ouln.shouldntD.need8Acrdin o he air traficrules,ou _sih ff ourmobilehone eorebordin.A mayB.canC.wul.shoul9.-Ic find my pse anywhre-Yo_ halost twhil shoppi.A.mayB can.shoud.oud0.-m sry _ at ou the te dy-Frget it Iwas abi ot of ctol myef.A.soldnshuB shodt ha hote.mustn sutD.mstnt hv shouted.-Wha so o e do ou ato have?Smhigbig?-Wel,it _ be big-tha no iportant.musnB.edC.canDwot1.-Wt oe thesign overthe read?-“N peon _ soke o carry a lightedigrte,cgar oripe in his area”A.iB.myC.sallD.ust13.Soe aspctsof pilotsjo _ be bing;anitsoften _ wrk at inonvenen.n;have toB m;cnC.havto;ay.ouh to;mst-4 y MP player isn n y bgWhere_ hv put t?A.can.mustC.shouldD would15.The weather t rne otto b fine yetda,_etrultocarrymy umrlla wthe.A.should have taknB couldhave taken.neednt hve aen.mustn vetaen1.Inroed place like prts andriw taions,you _e caref yorluggaeA.cn.aC.mustD.ill17-Se looks ve hpp.She _ ave psed he a.-gess.Its nt difficult fter l.AsholdB couCustDigh18.old our frienhow to ge o te hotel,butprhas I _ hae dven hr threA.coldB.mustC.mitD.shoul19.-r.rdoasked me toreindyo of the eting isafernon.ont forgett!-OK,I_.A.ont.dtC.catD.nednt0.-Ho s youtour round he Noth Lke?s it eautiful?-I _,bu is no vilypolutd.A.ilB.would.houldD.mst2 e bggst problem for st pats,whch_ugt upan rn away when treaened,i that nimals kto at m.A.shanB.cntCndt mutnt22.-her is mdctionay?I remmbe Ipu i he yterday-You _ iin the wrong plac.Amut utB.shoul av puC.mi putD.mighthae pu23-Ws he nme?-Khulaifi._ I spelltat for yu?AShalB.ldC CanD.Might-2.-W te gi sanding over hee?-Wel,if yu_ know,hr ameis MbelA.mayBcan.mustDshal2.I s relly nxiouabou yu You _ hmeihout a wrd.A.mutnt havelef.sholdt hav leC coldnt veltD.nent ave left26.Myssrmehim t he Grand hetyestera afternoon,so he _have ttndedyu lectue.A.couldntBneedtC.mstnt.suldnt27.-Are yucoin to Jes party?-Im o su.I_go tot concertisted mustB.wouldCsuD ight.Johnny,yu_ play wi th kne.ou _ hurt yourselfA.ont;antB.mustnt;mayC.shouldnt;mutD.c;shouln.You _ pay o much atention to yurredng skill,as iso tC.mustnt.nednt3.-hn coming by trai?-H shoud,but h _ n He likes driing is ca.A.mustB ay.n.neednwrs:1 BBAD610 ADB1115BCAACAnswes:1620 CCDAC15 B30 ADBBB完形填空 15BD10CDAC115 BDCDB-


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