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So you thinkhas been privatized.1. in this passage,who( ) D.illegally breakin formation2. Most of .are( )D.formerofficers3. The purposeis to( )A.make money4. its implied.tools( )C.tend to be citizens5. this passage mainlythat( )B.most computerby hackersA Project likelyweightlessness of space1.The main subject.is( )B.space tourism2.The word “reusable”(par.2)that( )C.can be used again3.Only a verybecause( )D.materiellimited4.It is doubtful whether( )D.we can in space5.which of NOT true?C.the mostbeen solvedThe blues was born”The St. Louis Blues”1. This passage is mainly concerned with ( )D.the birth of the blues2. Blues songs .about( )A.the hard people3. In the early.mainly because( )C.they oftenfamilies4. improvisation.singers( )D.made up.played5. According to .is true?D.the blues wasSouthThe internet can.the public1. the main topicis( )C.the effectjournalism2. it canthe internet?D.anything.to see.3. the correct.is ( )B.radio-television-cable-internet4. which is .is true?B.respected journalistsbefore5. On the development is?B.optimisticPlanet Earth was stricked.needed to be done1.there passage about( )C.the E1 Nino phenomenon2.the word”polluters”.environment B.countries3.in july,1979because( )D.they suffered.memory4.which of .phenomenon?D.Earthquake5.Accordingcaused by( )B. the gas emissionsUnlike written languagecomputer in 20501. it can be2 thar( )A.humanlanguages2. the expression “user .means( )B.are easyto use3. the word “nonliterate”(Par 3)means( )B.unable to. Read and write4. According to NOT true?C.in the 21 from the earth5. the best title of this message is ( )A.The power of SpeechIn Singapores hygienic.response be inferred1. In Singapore,over( )B.lunch2. which of .singaporean businessmen?D.Beijing punctual3. In Singapore,people to( )D.show respect to elders4. Singaporean.importance to( )B.groups harmony5. Which of the .Singaporeans?B.FrankHernandez is a single.English language classed.1. in the sentencerefers to ( )B.English2. the parentsbecause( )D.all the other3. The word “ally”means( )B.supporter4. Who gainedat last?D.Both b and c5. which.is true?D.the school .at lastthe UK is made.and Northern Ireland1. the mainabout( )C.how the UK.about2. which ofNOTUK?D.the Irish Republic3. Who kept .affairs?B.the scots4. it can .4 that ( )B.it is extremely.Ireland5. which of NOT true?D.England .till now.Divorces in Japanmake their own choices1. this passage.women( )B.are becoming brave.of divorce2. it can .Okano( )D.might have .people.3. the word “dumped”.means( )D.divored4. Which of.NOTdivorce?C.Divorced menpartners.5. Which of .NOT true?D.the divorceby menPress baron Conradof Southam Inc1.All the .EXCEPT the ( ) C.telephone2.it can be .television( )A.will not near future3.the newspapersbecause( )D.all the above4.the tone the is ( )A.confident5.which of passage( )d.Newspapers survive despite.changes.Should the United Statesfor further development( )1. Some people”Man in”because( )B.it is toocertain2. The expression”might.”means( )B.had better3. Which of .NOTprogram?D.Population on.reduced4. Which NOT true?B.it is easy .necessity5. it seems .program.D.In favor of在探寻既现代又独具中国特色的风格时,可以保留、模仿或是忽略传统的建筑模式。在过去的100年终,新技术已改变了建筑的种种可能性。改进了的电梯使建筑师可以设计真正的摩天大楼,同时空调的发展已使得大型综合性建筑得以兴建。In the search for style that is both modern and uniquely Chinese,traditional architectural patterns can be preserved,copied or ignored.Over the last 100 years new technology has transformed architectural possibilities.Improved elevators enabled architects to design true skyscrapers,and the development of air-conditioning has allowed the construction of large building complexes.由于没有阶级出生、承袭的职业或教育上的限制阻碍一个孩子的发展,他所能取得的成就从理论上讲也就没有止境。从理论上讲任何男孩都能成为总统,所以奋斗是一种道德义务。成就,而不是阶级出身,是评价男人的标准。Since there are no limits of class,inherited occupation or education to hold a child back,there are in theory,no limits to what he can achieve.Since any boy can,in theory become President ,striving is a moral obligation.Achievement,not class,is the standard by which men are judged.“新世纪”梨是继日本水晶梨后培育出来的新品种。目前仅产在个别国家和地区。其采摘期为8月底到10月初。北京梨山果品有限公司已为其注册了“宝岛”牌商标,并经中国绿色食品发展中心检测,审定,被批准使用绿色食品商标标志。“New Century”pear is a new fruit after Japanese “Crystal”pear. It is only planted in very few countries and regions.The picking season is from the end of August to the beginning of October.Beijing Lishan Fruit Limited has registered the trademark of Treasure Island Brand.”New Century”pear has got the permission to use green food mark by China Green Food Developing Center after Strict examination.体能娱乐让我们有机会增强我们的体制以及能满足我们竞争的天性。这种活动的范围包括从事费力的劳动,如:马拉松赛跑、打篮球或打网球、以及漫步调的项目如慢跑或高尔夫球。体能娱乐不仅能为我们的日常生活提供受欢迎且必须的休息,而且提醒我们注意身体状况。Phisical recreation affords us the opportunities to strengthen our bodies and to satisfy our competitive nature.The activities range from participation in strenuous sports such as running in marathon races,playing basketball,or playing a couple of sets of tennis,to slow-paced events like jogging,or a round of golf.Physical pastimes provide welcome and necessary breaks in our daily lives,and alert us to our physical condition.以下是英译汉:Some people think that the spread of automated machines will deprive mankind of its proper functions.This Kind of point of view has been confirmed by the use of language translator.With important technological and scientific work being done today,a machine can be set to treat a foreign language as a coded message which it can analyze and put into English.As strange as it might seem,these machines are talking over as translators in ever increasing numbers.有人认为自动化设备的推广会夺取人类特有的只能。这些人的担心在语言翻译机中得到了确证。在科技工作取得重大进展的今天,有一种机器经过调节,它就能将外语做为电码信号来处理,接着再对电码信号进行分析后译成英语。尽管这看起来似乎很新奇,但是越来越多的机器正在接任翻译员的工作。Mr. White,our new principal,determined to do something about the spreading cheating in our university.He issued bulletins and began to warn those teachers who did not watch alertly.Under pressure,the faculty reported the names of wrongdoers.Mr. Whites rigorous campaign against the cheaters seemed to be paying off.新校长怀特先生决心对我们大学里越来越普遍的考试作弊行为采取措施。他发布公告,并开始警告那些监考不严的老师。在压力之下,教师们报考了作弊学生的姓名。怀特先生对作弊学生所采取的严厉行动似乎正在收到效果。Unlike many other aspects of life,relationships among people at work tend to be simpler,less complicated somewhat less emotional.This not to say there arent arguments and jealousies,but,on the whole,behavioral research discloses that human relations at work are just easier,perhaps because they are more regular and predictable and thus simpler to adjust to than the discontinuous,the more intense and less regular relationships in the community.And the work group also gently pressures its members to learn how to adjust to one another so that th “rough edges” are worked off because people know they must do certain things with and through one another each day.与生活中许多其他方面不同,工作人员之间的关系通常简单些,不那么负责,而且较少感情色彩。这并不是说没有争论和嫉妒,但总的来讲,行为科学研究揭示,工作中的人际关系要宽松些,可能是因为这种人际关系更有规律,更易于预料,因此也更容易协调,而社其团中的人际关系是断断续续的,更紧张,而且较少有规律可循。工作班组也会对其成员稍稍增加压力,促使他们学会相互协调,消除“锋芒”,因为人们知道他们每天都要共同努力,相互协作,才能完成一定的工作。In medicine as in law,govement,and other lines of works,the requirements of honesty often seem less important because of greater needs:the need to shelter from cruel news or to uphold a promise of secrecy; to expose dishonesty or to promote the public interest.At times,doctors see important reasons to lie for the patients own sake;in their eyes,such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones .”Ours is profession which traditionally has been guided by a rule that exceeds the virtue of uttering the truth for truths sake,and that is as far as possible do no harm ”在医疗卫生行业就和在法律、政府与其他行业中一样,对诚实的要求似乎经常因为更大的需要而显得不那么重要:需要掩盖残酷的消息,或是需要恪守保密的诺言;需要揭露欺骗行为,或是需要促进公众的利益。有时候医生们认为,为了病人自身的利益,撒谎很有必要。在他们看来,这种谎言与利己的谎言截然不同。“我们这个职业,传统上恪守一条信条,那就是尽可能不造成伤害。这一信条超越为讲真话而讲真话的美德。”


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