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强调句 一、对谓语动词的强调“do/does/did + v”表示“一定,务必”,“确定,肯定”。(1) Do be careful when crossing the street.(2) They did come to see you yesterday, but failed to meet you.(3) He does look well. 他的确看起来气色很好。二、 It 强调句型1.基本结构: It is/was+被强调部分+that +其他部分, 强调人时可换用 who/whom 强调主语: Tom and Mark often come to see me. 强调宾语: You met me yesterday. 强调状语: They set out the day before yesterday.(时间) We put off the sports meet because of the rain.(原因) 强调句操练 I met Tom in the street yesterday. 2. 检验是否为强调句的方法:将it is/wasthat.省略后句子仍是完整的,即为强调句,否则就不是。 a .It was in 1937 that I first met chairman Mao. (强调句) b .It was 1937 when I first met chairman Mao. (定语从句,1937先行词)3.对not . until . 结构的强调(1)I didnt go to bed until my father came back last night.It was not until my father came back that I went to bed yesterday. 4.强调句的一般疑问和特殊疑问句(1)一般疑问句:Is/Was + it + 被强调部分 + that + 其他部分?It was in 1939 that the Second War broke out.(一般疑问句) _ ?(2)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ is/was + it +that+其他部分?Who was it that broke the window? 强调句特殊疑问句用于宾词性从句中要用陈述句语序I dont know who it was that broke the window. (陈述句语序) 5.情态动词在强调句中的运用: It might be .that .,和It must have been.that.的句型 (1)It might be his father that you are looking for. (2)It must have been his brother that you met. (3)一般疑问: 情态动词+ it be +被强调部分+ that +其他 Might it be in the office that she left her keys? (4)特殊疑问: 特殊疑问词+情态动词+ it be + that +其他部分 Where might it be that the accident happened? 6.强调句中的主谓一致问题 被强调部分如果是原句的主语,who或that后面谓语的人称和数应和原句的主语一致。 It is Mary and Tom who often _(do/does) good deeds. It was the driver rather than the two old men to blame for the accident. A. is B. that is C. are D. who are 应该为这起事故负责的是司机而不是这两位老人。 7.与强调句易混的几个句型It is/has been + 时间段 + since 自已多久了。在这个句型中,主句通常用一般现在时,since从句用过去时,表示一个时间点。 It is/has been five months since I arrived in New York. 我到纽约已经五个月了。 It is + 时间段+ before. 主句的时态多用一般将来时或一般过去时,从句的时态要根据主句的时态进行变化。before前的主句如果是肯定的,翻译成“在之后才” 主句如果是否定的,翻译成“不久就” It was long before he gave an answer. 过了好久他才答复我。 It was not long before he worked out the difficult maths problem. 不一会儿他就把那道数学题解出来了。 It will be years before he comes back. 过几年他才回来。 It is/was+时间点+when从句 在.时做某事 It was five oclockwhen he came to see me. It is +adj. + that 从句 It is clear that not all boys like football.【典型例题】1.(05天津) It is what you do rather than what you say _matters. A.that B. what C.which D. this2.(05安徽)That was really a splendid evening. Its years _I enjoyed myself so much. A.when B. that C.before D.since 3.(08重庆)It was not until midnightthey reached the camp site. A. that B.when C.while D. as4. (06辽宁)It was after he got what he had desired _he realized it was not so important. A.that B.when C.since D. as5.08全国II)It was in NewZealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. A. that B.how C.which D. when 6.(06山东)I just wonder _that makes him so excited. A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is8.(06全国卷二)It was not until she got home _Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. A. when B. that C.where D.before9.(07山东)- Where did you get to know her? - It was on the farm _ we worked. Athat Bthere Cwhich Dwhere10.It was twenty miles from our city to the village _the accident happened. A. that B.when C. then D.where11. (04北京)The Foreign Minister said, “_our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.” A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is12.(06浙江)_ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy A. As B. That C. This D.It 【实战演练】用强调句型it is/ was that/ who强调划线部分1. She didnt know her mother was ill in bed until she came home from work.2. Did his father die during the Second World War?3. Who broke the window?4. How did you succeed?5. He is a teacher now.6. I bought you the dictionary.7. I am to blame.8. You are wrong.9. I am looking for him.10. He told me the news at the gate. 【强调句型专练A】1. It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began.A. while B. which C. that D. When2. Was _ that 1 saw last night at the concert?A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself3. _ was it that made him so angry?A. What B. Why C. How D. When4. Was it 1948 _ our school was set up?A. that B. when C. which D. what5. It was about 600 years ago _ the first dock with a face and an hour hand was made.A. that B. until C. before D. when6. Wasnt it Dr Wang who spoke to you just now? _.A. I didnt know be was B. Yes, it was C. No, he wasnt D. Yes, he did7. _ was in 1979_ I graduated from the university.A. That, that B. lt, that C. That, when D. It, when8. Was it in the room _ he once lived _ the meeting was held?A. where, that B. where, where C. that, where D. that, that9.It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. A. how B. which C. that D. where10.It was not until midnight _ they reached the camp site.A. that B. when C. while D. as11. It_ Tom and Mary who want to go swimming.A. is B. are C. be D. being12. It is I who _going to see the film.A. is B. are C. am D. be13. It was simply for that reason _I wouldnt tell him the truth.A. why B. that C. which D. so14. Was it during the summer vacation _ he went to Shanghai?A. that B. then C. where D. Which【强调句型专练B】1. - Where did you get to know her?(07山东) - It was on the farm _ we worked. Athat Bthere Cwhich Dwhere 2. _careful when you cross the road. A. Do B. Do be C. Is D. Are3. Thats _ book I want. A. very the B. right the C. just the D. the just4.It was _ he came back from Africa that wear _ he met the girl he would like to marry. A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when 5(2010安徽期末联考) _ the accident happened? Its said to happen on his way to work. ADo you know it is where that BWhere is it that do you know CDo you know where it is that DWhere do you know it is that6.(2010湖南雅礼中学月考) _ find my wallet, Tom? AWhere did you that BWhere was it you CWhere have you DWhere was it that you7.I just dont understand _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect. Awhy it does Bwhat it does Cwhat it is Dwhy it is8. (2011四川)Was it on lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went down? A. where B. that C. which D. what9.(2008 重庆) It was not until midnight they reached the camp site. A. that B. when C. while D. as10. (2009 厦门)It was in the house was built with stones by his father he spent his childhood A. which, that B. that, where C. which, which D. where, that11.(2010 山西)It was in the factory his friend worked he picked up a lot of experience. A. where, where B. that, where C. where, that D. that, that12. (2011 重庆) Have you seen the film under Hawthorn Tree? -Of course, I have. It was in our village . (make) - 你看过电影山楂树之恋吗?-看过,那部电影就是在我们村拍摄的。13. (2009 江西)It was from Africa that year that he me the girl he would like to marry. (come)直到那年他从非洲回来他才遇上那个他想娶的女孩。14.It was yesterday _ ,wasnt it ? (meet) 他是昨天遇见李萍的,是吗?15._in the office that she lost her keys? (might) 也许她是把钥匙丢在办公室了?16.(2012湖北)I dont know_in the novel that made him burst into tears. (what) 我不知道是小说中的什么使他突然泪如泉涌。17. I wonder caused so many strange things to happen. (it) 我想知道是什么导致这么多奇怪的事情发生. 18. Did you know the nuclear explosion occurred in Japan? (it) 你知道日本核爆炸到底是怎么发生的吗? 19. Meteorologists were trying to find out contributed to bitter cold weather in Europe at the beginning of 2012. (it) 气象学家正努力弄清到底是什么造成了2012年年初欧洲的严寒天气。20.When the survivor came to himself, he was eager to know saved him from the burning house. (be) 当生还者醒过来后,他急切地想知道是谁把他从燃烧的房屋里救出来的。


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