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Language Points,1. Consumers perceptions of organic processes and products and those involving biotechnology warrant further investigation and especially comparison. The concept areas of interest identified from the literature include health, environment, risk and ethics. (L1-3 para.A) warrant: v. 使显得必要(或正当)makes the action seem necessary or appropriate for the circumstances. identify: define, recognize,翻译:,消费者对有机过程、产品以及生物技术的认知,都需要进一步的调查和比较。根据文献资料,涉及此概念的领域包括健康,环境,风险和伦理等方面。,Reading 2, Sentences:,Language Points,2. They were seen as appropriate if they had potential to help cure diseases, although the average levels of agreement that GM or organic foods are in fact useful in preventing disease or combating obesity were neutral and were not different from one another. (L28-31, para. E) if leads an adverbial clause of condition; although leads an adverbial clause of concession; that clause is an appositive clause, describing the contents of the agreement; Combat means the act of fighting, any contest or struggle.,翻译:,尽管,对于二者在预防疾病和抵制肥胖上的实际作用,人们的观点是持平的,或者,即使有差别也不是很大,但如果有人认为二者均有可能会帮助治愈疾病,这也是合理的。,Reading 2,Language Points,3. Seven of the eight statements directly associated with health had mean levels of agreement that were statistically different. Participants generally more strongly agreed with the positive health attributes and more strongly disagreed with the negative health attributes or organic food than those of GM food. (L36-40, para. F) Seven of eight means 7/8 or 87.5%; Attribute means a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something, that is “属性,特性;品质”; There are two comparisons with the structure “more strongly agreed withand more strongly disagreed with of organic food than GM food”.,翻译:,将近90与健康直接相关的声明都认为这只是统计上的差别。与转基因食品相比,受访者更加认同有机食品的积极健康属性,不认同其消极健康属性。,Reading 2,Language Points,4. Generally, consumers perceive organic food production as environmentally friendly, while production involving GM varieties is perceived as less so than production of traditional food. (L51-53, para. I) “To perceiveas” means “to think or look on sth. as” ; “while” is used to introduce a different situation to compare with the content(s) before; “so” stands for “environmentally friendly”, as mentioned in the former part of the sentence.,翻译:,一般来说,消费者认为有机食品对生态环境无害,而转基因食品的生产对环境的影响要比传统食品对环境的影响大。,Reading 2,Language Points, Words and Phrases: 1. warrant (L2, para.A) v.使显得必要(或正当)If something warrants a particular action, it makes the action seem necessary or appropriate for the circumstances. The allegations are serious enough to warrant an investigation. 这些指控很严重,有必要进行一番调查。 No matter was too small to warrant his attention. 再小的事也会引起他的注意。,Reading 2,Language Points,2. empirical result (L9, para.B) 实证检验分析结果 3. contradict (L24, para.E) V.与矛盾,同抵触 If one statement or piece of evidence contradicts another, the first one makes the second one appear to be wrong. n. contradiction The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November. 这一结果似乎和去年11月美国研究人员发表的一项重要成果相矛盾。,Reading 2,Language Points,4. concur (L43, para.G) 意见一致,同意 be in accord, be in agreement Synonym: agree, hold, concord, assent, unite I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done. 我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。 Wealth and happiness do not always concur. (同时发生) 财富与幸福并非总是并存的.,Reading 2,5. refute(L48, para. H)vt.否认真实性;驳斥,批驳(观点、指责或理论) If you refute an argument, accusation, or theory, you prove that it is wrong or untrue. Isabelle is quick to refute any suggestion of intellectual snobbery. 伊莎贝尔对于任何关于她恃才傲物的暗示都迅速予以否认。 The meeting was very lively and informal with everyone chipping to supplement or refute what the speakers said. 会议开得很活跃,不拘束,每个人都能插话补充,或反驳发言者的讲话。,Language Points,6. inherent (L63, para. J)adj.固有的,内在的,天生的 I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone. 我认为种族偏见固有地存在于几乎所有人的潜意识中。 The desire for freedom is inherent in us all. 对自由的渴望是我们所有人的天性.,Reading 2,7. prevalent(L74, para. L)adj.普遍存在的,普遍发生的;流行的,盛行的 The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall. 人们普遍认为利率会下降。 The habit of travelling by airplane is becoming more prevalent. 乘飞机旅行的习惯变得越来越普遍了。,Language Points,8. risk construct (L88, para.N) 风险构成 9.Mean levels of agreement (L89, para.N) 平均赞同水平 mean adj. 中间的, 平均的, 另可做n, vt, vi The mean temperature of this area is 33 degrees in summer. 这个地区夏季平均气温为33度。 Hes too mean to make a donation. 他很小气,不肯捐款。 What you do first is to calculate the mean. 你要做的第一件事就是算出平均数。 He means you no harm. 他对你没有恶意。,Reading 2,


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