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2020年黑龙江省大兴安岭中考英语试卷、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项1(1分)What do you want to be in the future, Xiao Ming?I want to be doctor like Zhong Nanshan()AtheBanCa【分析】小明,你将来想做什么?我想成为一名钟南山那样的医生【解答】the表示特指an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单词a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单词这里泛指一名钟南山那样的医生doctor是以辅音音素/d/开头,用a修饰故选:C【点评】考查不定冠词,不定冠词包括a和an,a修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,an修饰以元音音素开头的单词要根据语境完成试题2(1分)I have a toothache these daysI dont feel like eating anythingYou should go to see a ()AteacherBdentistCpoliceman【分析】这些天我牙疼,我不想吃任何东西你应该去看牙医【解答】teacher老师,dentist牙医,policeman警察;根据前句句意这些天我牙疼,我不想吃任何东西和语法可知,后句为你应该去看牙医,要填牙医,其它选项语意不通故选:B【点评】考查名词词义辨析,要牢记名词的词义及用法,进行比较分析,选择正确答案3(1分)Its raining outsideI forgot to bring umbrellaIve got oneYou can use ()Amy, mineBme, mineCmy,my【分析】外面下的大,我忘了带伞我有一把,你可以用我的【解答】my 我的,形容词性物主代词,使用时后面需接名词 me 我,宾格代词,在句子中作宾语mine 名词性物主代词,在句中单独使用,在意思上相当于一个形容词性物主代词加名词第一个空格后有名词umbrella,所以空格上需要填一个形容词性物质代词,因此可排除B 第二个空格后没有名词,所以要选A故选:A【点评】解答本题需掌握各种形式的物主代词的用法4(1分)The apartment has floors and MrBlack lives on the floor with his family()Atwelve, twelveBtwelve, twelfthCtwelfth, twelfth【分析】这套公寓有十二层,布莱克先生和他的家人住在第十二楼【解答】第一个空,表示有十二层楼,用基数词twelve第二个空,表示住在第十二楼,用序数词twelfth故选:B【点评】英语中的基数词是用于描述事物数量的多少;序数词是指表示顺序的数词,通常表示第几结合语境,选择合适答案5(1分)A very snowstorm attacked my hometown on April 20th, 2020()AheavyBheavilyCheavier【分析】2020年4月20日,一场大的暴风雪袭击了我的家乡【解答】heavy大量的、重的,形容词heavily大量地,副词heavier大量的,形容词的比较级very非常不修饰比较级C不正确这里修饰名词snowstorm暴风雪用形容词heavyB不正确故选:A【点评】掌握形容词修饰名词、及very不修饰比较级的知识点,结合语境,找到关键词,选择合适答案6(1分)Most students look forward to back to classroom to have lessons with their classmates()AcomeBcameCcoming【分析】大多数学生期待回到教室和同学们一起上课【解答】句子考查look forward to doing sth表示期待做某事故选:C【点评】熟悉动名词的用法,结合题意,给出答案7(1分)Mum, there arent eggs in the fridgeWed better go to the supermarket to buy OKLets go()Asome, anyBany, someCany, any【分析】妈妈,冰箱里没有鸡蛋了我们最好去超市买一些好吧我们走吧【解答】some一些,通常用于肯定句any任何的,通常用于否定句第一个空,根据there arent没有可知,否定句用any第二个空,肯定句用some故选:B【点评】掌握some通常用于肯定句;any通常用于否定句或疑问句的知识点结合语境,找到关键词,选择合适答案8(1分)What were you doing at this time yesterday?I a movie named Lost in Russia directed by Xu Zheng()Awas seeingBsawCam seeing【分析】你昨天这个时候正在干什么? 我正在看由徐峥导演的囧妈电影【解答】选项A 是过去进行时,表示在过去某个时候正在进行的动作;选项B是一般过去时,表示的是在过去某个时间发生的动作; 选项C是现在进行时,表示说话时正在进行的动作由at this time yesterday可知,空格上要用过去进行时故选:A【点评】解答本题要先分析句子结构和意思,找到考点,在结合所给选项作答9(1分)To avoid gathering(聚集),neither the students nor their headteacher going to the party this evening()AwasBareCis【分析】为了避免聚会,学生们和他们的班主任今晚都不去参加聚会【解答】was是is和am的过去式are复数is单数is/am/are going to将要一般将来时态结构A不正确neithenor既不也不连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则根据headteacher单数,可知,用isB不正确故选:C【点评】分析时态,掌握一般将来时态的结构,分析主语单复数变法,选择合适答案10(1分)Could you tell me ?Sure, go along this street,turn left at the second crossingYoull find the bank on your right()Ahow I can get to the Bank of ChinaBwhere is the Bank of ChinaCwhere can I find the Bank of China【分析】你能告诉我怎么去中国银行吗?当然,沿着这条街走,在第二个十字路口左转,你会在你的右边找到银行【解答】couldyoutellme 后跟宾语从句,要用陈述句语序,所以排除B,C选项;选项A是正常语序故选:A【点评】考查宾语从句,做题时一般先观察是否使用陈述语序,再结合答句确定句子的使时态、完形填空(每小题15分,共15分)阅读短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项11(15分) In 2020, there are a number of people and their heroic deeds(英雄事迹) moving usYu Tiefu is an excellent and kind doctorHe was born in Mudanjiang,a small city in Heilongjiang Province in 1978He graduated(1)BQiqihar Medical CollegeIn 2008,he became a doctor in Qiqihar No.1 HospitalHe(2)Awon many prizes since then A picture made him popular on the Internet in 2016He had just finished an operation and then he would do the next operation immediately(立即)He was so tired that he fell(3)Cagainst the wallHe was always working for a long time without rest(4)Ahardworking he was! Because of the epidemic(疫情) he was much(5)Bthan beforeOn April 25th,2020,126 doctors and nurses from Qiqihar Nol Hospital were(6)Bto Mudanjian to fight against the epidemicYu Tiefu was among(7)CAlthough his parents and brother lived there,(8)Bhe didnt tell them about this special taskHe took his job(9)AHe came into contact wth(与接触)(10)Cpersons with COVIDI 9 virus(病毒) closely and asked them about their feelings everydayHe also helped the nurses disinfect(消毒) the wardsHe got on well wih the patientsSome patients were afraid of the virus, he made them feel(11)Aand encouraged them to cheer up On May 27th, they finished the work successfully and went back to QiqiharBut he couldnt return home directly to see his wife and his(12)BdaughterHe had to be in isolation(隔离)in Hemei Hotel(13)A,he left us and his beloved(热爱的) job forever on June lstbecause he was overtiredHe was only 42 years old when he diedHe prepared a present(14)Chis daughter,but he couldnt give it to her by(15)BHe had no chance to hug is wife and daughter againHe is a common man,but he did the most unusual thingsYu Tiefu is a real heroWe should learn from him(1)AforBfromCof(2)AhasBhaveChaving(3)AsleepBsleepingCasleep(4)AHowBWhat aCWhat(5)AbusyBbusierCbusiest(6)AsendBsentCsending(7)AtheyBtheirCthem(8)AbutB/Cand(9)AseriouslyBseriousCterrible(10)AmuchBa lotCa lot of(11)ArelaxedBrelaxCrelaxing(12)Afive years oldB fiveyearoldCfiveyearolds(13)AUnluckilyBLuckilyCHappily(14)AtoBinCfor(15)AherselfBhimselfCitself【分析】本文讲述了一位英雄于铁夫医生在新冠肺炎疫情对国家和人民所做出的贡献【解答】(1)B考查介词辨析for为了;from从;of的根据graduated 及Qiqihar Medical College,可知,此处表示他毕业于齐齐哈尔医学院,固定搭配:graduate from从毕业,故选B(2)A考查动词时态辨析has三单形式;have动词原形;having动名词/现在分词since+过去的时间,表示动作从过去的某个时间开始一直延续到现在,并有继续下去的可能,句子用现在完成时has/have done的结构,主语he是第三人称,故选A(3)C考查形容词辨析sleep睡觉;sleeping睡着的;asleep睡着的句中sothat引导结果状语从句,根据He was so tired,可知,他太累了以至于倚着墙就睡着了,固定搭配:fall asleep睡着,故选C(4)A考查感叹句根据句子结构,此句是一个感叹句,结构为:how+形容词/副词+主谓;what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主谓;what+形容词+名词复数/不可数名词+主谓hardworking是形容词,故选A(5)B考查形容词比较级busy忙碌的,形容词原级;busier更忙碌的,形容词比较级;busiest最忙的,形容词最高级was是系动词,后接形容词作表语much修饰比较级,所以空格处填形容词比较级busier故选B(6)B考查动词时态辨析send动词原形;sent过去分词;sending动名词/现在分词根据句子结构,主语doctors and nurses与谓语动词send之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态be done的结构,故空格处填过去分词sent故选B(7)C考查代词辨析they他们,人称代词主格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;them他们,人称代词宾格among是介词,后接人称代词宾格,所以空格处填them故选C(8)B考查连词辨析but但是;/ 不填;and和although是引导让步状语从句的连词,在英语中不能与but一起连用,所以空格处不填任何连词故选B(9)A考查副词辨析seriously认真地,副词;serious严肃的,形容词;terrible糟糕的,形容词根据句子结构,此空修饰动词take,所以要用副词,并且此空表示他认真地对待自己的工作,所以空格处填seriously故选A(10)C考查形容词短语辨析much许多,修饰不可数名词;a lot许多,副词;a lot of许多,修饰可数名词persons是可数名词复数,结合所给选项,只有C选项a lot of可以修饰可数名词,所以空格处填a lot of故选C(11)A考查形容词辨析relaxed感到放松的,形容词;relax放松,动词;relaxing令人放松的,形容词feel是感官系动词,后接形容词作表语,排除B选项relaxed修饰人,relaxing修饰物,原句中them是指代前文的patients,所以空格处填relaxed故选A(12)B考查复合形容词根据句子结构,此处修饰名词daughter,所以用形容词作定语结合所给选项,由连字符连在一起的复合形容词中的名词要用单数形式,所以空格处填fiveyearold故选B(13)A考查副词辨析unluckily不幸的是;luckily幸运的是;happily高兴地根据he left us and his beloved(热爱的)job forever on June 1st,可知,他永远离开了我们,这是一件不幸的事,所以空格处填unluckily故选A(14)C考查介词辨析to到;in在里;for为了根据prepared a present 及his daughter,可知,他为女儿准备了一份礼物,固定搭配:prepare sth for sb为某人准备某物,所以空格处填for故选C(15)B考查反身代词辨析herself她自己;himself他自己;itself它自己by oneself表示独自,反身代词在句中要与主语在人称上保持一致,原句主语是he,所以空格处填himself故选B【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文III.短文改错(每小题10分,找出错误和改正错误各0.5分,共10分)阅读短文,从原文的每一行中找出一处错误并改正,不加词,不删词(例如:Mymotheroftengoshoppingonweekendsgo-goes)12(10分)Do you often Dianzan?It means clicking(点击)the praise signIf you agree (1)to me,please DianzanAs we know,Dianzanis one of the most popular (2)word nowadaysWhen someone shows their ideas or (3)share their happiness on mobile phones,we can Dianzan for them(4)At New Years Day in 2015,President Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to thank (6)we great country and Chinese peopleSo from then on Dianzan was accept and used by more and more people Websites can know how (7)much people support the opinions according to the number of Dianzan,(8)eitherAt the same time,that can help them to solve (9)teenagers problemsClicking the praise sign is such an easy thing Have you ever clicked the praise sign for (10)somebody?(1)towith (2)wordwords (3)shareshares (4)AtOn (5)weour(6)acceptaccepted (7)muchmany (8)eithertoo (9)teenagersteenagers (10)somebodyanybody/anyone【分析】本文主要介绍了现在非常流行的点赞及它的益处【解答】(1)towith 考查介词根据文中If you agree to me,please Dianzan可知如果你同意某人,请点赞,其中agree表示同意,动词,agree to do sth表示同意做某事,同意某人是agree with sb,故答案是:towith(2)words 考查名词根据文中Dianzanis one of the most popular word nowadays可知点赞是现在最受欢迎的词汇之一,其中one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数形式,表示最之一,故答案是:wordwords(3)shareshares 考查动词根据文中When someone shows their ideas or share their happiness on mobile phones可知当有人在手机上展示他们的想法或者分享快乐时,其中or表示或者,前后是选择关系,shows是动词单三,则后面的动词share也应用动词单三形式,故答案是:shareshares(4)AtOn 考查介词根据文中At New Years Day in 2015,President Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan可知在2015年新年,习近平主席使用了点赞,其中New Years Day前应用介词on,故答案是:AtOn(5)weour 考查代词根据文中President Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to thank we great country and Chinese people可知2015年新年习近平主席使用了点赞来感谢我们伟大的国家和中国人民,其中country是名词,应用形容词修饰,则此处应用形容词性物主代词,故答案是:weour(6)acceptaccepted 考查被动语态根据文中So from then on Dianzan was accept and used by more and more people可知从那以后点赞被越来越多的人们接受和使用,此处Dianzan和accept(动词,接受)是被动关系,则应用被动语态,且and后面used也是动词过去分词形式,被动语态的结构是be done,故答案是:acceptaccepted(7)muchmany 考查形容词根据文中Websites can know how much people support the opinions according to the number of Dianzan,either可知网站也可以根据点赞的数量知道人们对意见的支持程度,其中people表示人们,集体名词,相当于复数,much修饰不可数名词,many修饰可数名词复数,故答案是:muchmany(8)eithertoo 考查副词根据文中Websites can know how much people support the opinions according to the number of Dianzan,either可知网站也可以根据点赞的数量知道人们对意见的支持程度,其中either表示也,用于否定句句末,该句是肯定句,应用too,故答案是:eithertoo(9)teenagersteenagers 考查名词所有格根据文中At the same time,that can help them to solve teenagers problems可知点赞可以帮助他们解决青少年的问题,其中teenagers和problems是所属关系,则应用名词s格,又因teenagers是以s结尾的复数名词,直接加即可,故答案是:teenagersteenagers(10)somebodyanybody/anyone 考查复合不定代词根据文中Have you ever clicked the praise sign for somebody?可知作者询问你曾经给某人点过赞吗,其中somebody常用于肯定句,anybody或者anyone则常用疑问句或者否定句中,该句是疑问句中,则应用anybody或者anyone都可,故答案是:somebodyanybody/anyone【点评】本题考查短文改错,要求学生有扎实的词汇语法基础,在理解文章大意的基础上,分析句子的语法结构进行改错,难度适中IV。交际运用(共20分)(A)根据对话内容,从A到F选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每个选项只使用一次,选项中有一项为多余项(每小题10分,共10分)13(10分)Jerry:Hello,AliceYou look very upsetWhats the matter?Alice:(1)BIve had a cough,a running nose and a sore throatYou know the COVID19 virus is still scary nowI am afraid that I have alreadyJerry:Dont be afraidA fever is the common symptom(症状)of the disease(2)DAlice:No,I dontI have just taken my temperatureIts normalJerry:lf so,dont worry(3)AIts been cold these days,and you should take care of yourselfAlice:Youre right Sometimes Im too carelessJerry:(4)FYou can get some advice from the doctorAlice:Good idea!(5)EJerry:Sure! Lets go nowA Maybe youve just had a coldB Im not feeling wellC How long have you been like this?D Do you have a fever?E Could you please go with me?F Youd better go to see a doctor, or it may be more serious【分析】杰瑞: 你好,爱丽丝你看起来很沮丧你怎么了?爱丽丝:我感觉不舒服我咳嗽,流鼻子,嗓子疼你知道COVID19病毒现在仍然很可怕我恐怕我已经杰瑞:不要害怕发烧是这种病的常见症状你发烧吗?爱丽丝:不,我没发烧我刚量了体温,是正常的杰瑞:如果是这样,不要担心可能你只是感冒了最近天气冷,你应该照顾好自己爱丽丝:你说得对有时候我太大意了杰瑞:你最好去看下医生,否则可能会更严重你可以从医生那里得到一些建议爱丽丝:好主意!你可以和我一起去吗?杰瑞:可以!现在去吧【解答】细节推理题(1)B根据对话中Whats the matter?及下文Ive had a cough,a running nose and a sore throat可知此处杰瑞询问爱丽丝怎么了,爱丽丝说自己咳嗽,流鼻子,嗓子疼,由此可知爱丽丝身体感觉不舒服,故选:B(2)D根据上文A fever is the common symptom(症状)of the disease可知杰瑞告诉爱丽丝发烧是COVID19病毒的常见症状,其次由下文回答No,I dontI have just taken my temperatureIts normal可知爱丽丝告诉杰瑞自己量了体温,是正常的,且该句是一般疑问句,由此可知此处杰瑞爱丽丝发烧不,故选:D(3)A根据文中Its been cold these days,and you should take care of yourself可知爱丽丝没有发烧,杰瑞告诉她最近太冷了,爱丽丝可能只是感冒了,故选:A(4)F根据文中You can get some advice from the doctor可知杰瑞告诉爱丽丝可以从医生那里得到一些建议,由此可知杰瑞建议爱丽丝去看医生,故选:F(5)E根据文中Sure! Lets go now可知此处爱丽丝问杰瑞能和她一起去吗,故选:E【点评】本题考查补全对话,要求学生熟悉所给句子的含义及句型,在理解文章大意的基础看提问即回答即可作出选择,难度一般(B)结合本题所设置的情境,在每个空白处填入适当的内容完成下列对话(每小题10分,共10分)14(10分)(A:Shop assistant B:Customer)A:(1)What can I do for you?B:I need a dress for my cousins birthday partyA:OK(2)What color do you want?B:RedA:How about this one?B:I love itWhat is it made of?A:Its made of silkB:Cool!(3)How much is it?A:Its ninetynine yuan?B:Fantastic!(4)Ill take itA:Here you areB:Thank youA:(5)Not at all【分析】(A:店员B:顾客)A: 我能为你做什么?B: 我需要一件衣服来参加我表弟的生日聚会A: 好的你想要什么颜色的?B: 红色A: 这个怎么样?B: 我喜欢它它是什么做的?A: 它是丝绸做的B: 酷!多少钱?A: 九十九元B: 太棒了!我买了A: 给你B: 谢谢A: 一点也不【解答】细节推理题(1)What can I do for you根据上下文,可知顾客在买衣服,所以此处应用What can I do for you表示我能为你做什么?故填:What can I do for you(2)What color do you want根据下文Red可知此处应用What color do you want表示你想要什么颜色的?故填:What color do you want(3)How much is it?根据下文Its ninetynine yuan可知此处问价格,应用How much is it?表示多少钱?故填:How much is it?(4)Ill take it根据上文Fantastic!以及下文Here you are,此处应用Ill take it表示我买了故填:Ill take it(5)Not at all根据上文Thank you可知此处应用Not at all表示一点也不或者不用谢故填:Not at all【点评】首先要通读对话,掌握大意,特别要注意上下文之间的联系,据此确定某处的意思,选择恰当的句子来填空,就可以确定正确答案第二部分 阅读理解(共计50分).阅读理解(A、B、D每小题5分,C、E、F每小题5分)阅读下面文字,从A到F选项中为每个段落选出一个最适合的标题(每小题5分,共5分)15(5分)Hi,Im Zhang Li from Yucai Middle School I cant sleep well and I always wake up several times during the nightIn order to help me sleep well, Ive collected some good waysHere are some suggestions(1)D Go to bed at the same time every nightTry not to break this habit on weekendsWake up at the sametime every morningIf you are getting enough sleep,you will wake up naturally(2)F Dont play on the computer for more than half an hour before you sleepStudies show that it is bad for the quality of your sleepReading a book or listening to light music is good for sleep(3)A A clean environment is necessaryMake sure that you have turned off the lights in your room before you sleep,and that the temperature is comfortable(4)EExercising will help you to go to sleep more easilyWalk for 45 minutes every day and you will sleep better at night But dont do it just before you go to bed(5)B Use hot water to wash your feet before you sleep every nightWashing feet for about twentyminutes every time helps you fall into a deep sleepKeep on doing it,you can sleep wellA Have a nice environmentB Wash feet with hot waterC Dont get up earlyD Have regular sleep habitsE Take exercise properlyF Turn off your computer【分析】短文讲了作者收集了一些好的睡眠方法有规律的睡眠习惯,关闭你的电脑,良好的环境,适当的锻炼和用热水洗脚等【解答】细节推理题(1)D根据后句Go to bed at the same time every nightTry not to break this habit on weekends可知说的是睡眠规律,结合选项,应说有规律的睡眠习惯故选D(2)F根据后句Dont play on the computer for more than half an hour before you sleep可知说的是关电脑,结合选项,应说关闭你的电脑,故选F(3)A根据后句A clean environment is necessary可知说的是好的环境,结合选项,应说拥有良好的环境故选A(4)E根据后句Exercising will help you to go to sleep more easily 可知说的是锻炼结合选项,应说适当的锻炼故选E(5)B根据后句Use hot water to wash your feet before you sleep every night可知说的是洗脚,结合选项,应说用热水洗脚故选B【点评】做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案16(5分)Henry was a very vain(爱慕虚荣的)man and he spent plenty of time looking at himself in the mirrorHe even went to the barbers shop every week to have his hair cut He was nearly fifty,but he didnt want people to know his age,so he always tired his best to make himself look youngerHe also spent most of his money on clothesHe believed that every woman thought he was handsomeHe did not have women friends,but he had an explanation(解释) for thisIm so excellent that the women cant make a perfect match with(和般配)meThats why they dont make friends with me One day he bought a new special shirt from a highfashing mens shopIt was very expensiveWhen hegot home and took it out of the box,he found a note in it The note said,Please write to me and give me aphoto of yourselfThe note was signed Julia and there was an address to write toHenry wrote to Julia atonce,telling her about himselfThen he put a photo of himself in the envelope(信封)and posted it A week passed and then he received a replyHe opened it quickly,hoping there would be a photo of a beautiful woman inside and that she would like to make friends wih him However,it was very disappointing(令失望的)to himThe letter said,Dear Henry,thank you for writing to meI work in the clothes factoryEveryone in the factory wants to know what kind of fool will buy such an ugly shit根据文章内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)(1)Henry went to the barbers shop every monthF(2)Henry didnt want people to know how old he wasT(3)Henry bought a beautiful shirt from a highfashing mens shopF(4)Henry didnt receive Julias photoT(5)Julia made friends with Henry according to the passageF【分析】短文讲了亨利是一个非常虚荣的人,详细地介绍了他买东西送给茱莉亚的事情,及其茱莉亚给他的回信等【解答】细节判断题(1)F根据第一段句子He even went to the barbers shop every week to have his hair cut可知亨利每个月都去理发店理发是错误的,是每周故答案为F(2)T根据第一段句子 He was nearly fifty,but he didnt want people to know his age,可知亨利不想让人们知道他的年龄故答案为T(3)F根据第二段句子 One day he bought a new special shirt from a highfashing mens shop可知亨利从一家男装店买了一件漂亮的衬衫是错误的,是特别的故答案为F(4)T根据最后一段句子However,it was very disappointing(令失望的)to himThe letter said,Dear Henry,thank you for writing to meI work in the clothes factoryEveryone in the factory wants to know what kind of fool will buy such an ugly shit可知亨利没有收到茱莉亚的照片故答案为T(5)F根据最后一段句子However,it was very disappointing(令失望的)to him可知根据短文,茱莉亚和亨利交了朋友是错误的,没有交朋友故答案为F【点评】做好简单推理判断题以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论17(10分)Welcome to Robot Toy Store! Weve got some new robots Youll have them!Name:CocoPrice : 88For children of 4 to 6It is happy,at times its sad! It will play with you,but it will never ask you for water andfood!Name:BeibeiPrice : 168For children of 6 to 8It can tell jokes and play games with youIt was a 2019 Hot Holiday Toy! Now come and get your robot pandaName:SupermanPrice : 118For children of 8 to l 0He can do all kinds of things,and you can chat with him in English simplyName:HaohaoPrice : 299For children of 10 and upA screen is on his face,and you can play video games on itIt will teach you to greet people in 20 different languages阅读以上信息,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项(1)Tony wants to buy a toy from the store,and he has 100 dollarsThen he can buyCABeibeiBSupermanCCoco(2)How many langunges can Haohao speak?AA20B15C10(3)Coco canBAtell jokesBplay with childrenCtalk with you(4)lf Jim is 9 years old,Ais a good gift for himASupermanBCocoCBeibei(5)What do you know about Beibei?BAIt can feel happy and sad if you play with itBIt was very popular in 2019CIt will ask you for something to eat【分析】短文讲了机器人玩具店,详细地介绍了四种机器人玩具,包括它们适合的年龄、价格和功能等!【解答】细节理解题(1)C根据表格一句子Name:CocoPrice : 88可知托尼想从商店买一个玩具,他有100美元然后他就可以买Coco故选C(2)A根据表格四句子It will teach you to greet people in 20 different languages可知Haohao可以说20种语言,故选A(3)B根据表格一句子It is happy,at times its sad! It will play with you,可知Coco可以和孩子一起玩故选B(4)A根据表格三句子Name:SupermanFor children of 8 to l 0可知如果吉姆9岁,超人是给他的好礼物故选A(5)B根据表格二句子It was a 2019 Hot Holiday Toy!可知它在2019年非常流行故选B【点评】在通读全文的基础上


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