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Unit2 What should I do?第一课时Section A (1a-2c)编写人:吕春苗【学习目标】1.学会并使用should, could的用法 。2.学会描述人们日常生活中所遇到的各种问题并给出合理的建议。【学习重难点】提供建议。【前置学习】看看下面几句话有什么特点?你能总结出来吗?A) Whats wrong? Whats wrong with you?询问“某人怎么样了?”可以用_? 其同义句还有哪些?_B) You should say youre sorry. You could write him a letter.这两句话涉及_用法?如何用?_有什么区别?_1. 写出并读出下列单词。不让.进入_ 播放_ 争论,争吵_ 错误的,有毛病的_ 风格,款式 _ 票,入场券_ 可以,应该_ 使惊奇,使意外_ 2. 翻译下列短语。怎么了_ 不时髦的,过时的_ 打电话给_用电话交谈;在通话_ 同某人争吵_足够的金钱_【展示交流】1.should是_的过去式,用作情态动词时,并不表示_的动作,只是语气显得更加_“should+_原形”表示“_做某事”。翻译:你应该戒烟 _.“could+_原形”表示“可以做某事”。翻译:我们可以给校长写一封信。_拓展研讨:should和could都可用来提出_,表示轻微的批评或遗憾, 但_语气更委婉,客气。should意为“应该,应当”;could意为“可以,可能,不妨”。翻译:你不应该和父母争吵。_. 你可以再仔细写_.【合作探究】activity1a-1bMake conversations:-What”s wrong?-My clothes .-You should . 【达标拓展】1. Idont have enough money. 我没有足够的钱。enough:adj. 充足的、充分的, 在句子中可作定语修饰名词,也可作表语。注意:enough在修饰名词时,置于名词的前后均可例如:Do you have enough time? Five pencils will be enough.随时练【考例】He is old _ to go to school. A. muchB. manyC. enoughD. more【答案与解析】C。本题中old enough 表示年龄足够大。故本题选C。2. I argued with my best friend. 我与我最好的朋友吵架了。argue with sb. 意为“与争吵,争论”。例如:He often argues with his classmates.【拓展】argue about sth. 意为“为某事而争论”。argument 是argue的名词形式,have an argument with sb.相当于argue with sb.。e.g. I dont want to argue about the houtse with you. 我不想和你为房子的事争论。 You shouldnt have an argument with your parents about the bike. 你不应该为了自行车的事和你父母争吵。随时练【考例】I _my parents about my hairstyle yesterday evening. A. play B. argue with C. argued with D. to argue with 【答案与解析】C。本题中argue with sb.意为“与争吵,争论”。又因为时间状语是yesterday evening,表示过去的时间,要用一般过去时态,故本题选C。3. My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。be out of style / fashion表示“过时”“不合乎时尚”。反义词是“be in fashion”表示“合乎时尚”。e.g. The coat is out of style, and I dont like it. My sister is always in fashion.随时练【考例】I dont think my clothes are_. A. be out of style B. out of style C. out fashion D. to out of style 【答案与解析】B。本题中be out of style / fashion表示“过时”、“不合乎时尚”。因句中已有are,故本题选B。4. Maybe you should call him up.(1)maybe 是副词,用来表示推测,译为“也许,或许,大概”。例如:Maybe you are right. Maybe they will go out for a walk.【拓展】maybe 不同于 may be。 maybe 是一个词,是副词,may be 是情态动词may加上动词原形be,意为“或许”,后接形容词、名词、代词等。例如:It may be true. He may be the man we are looking for.(2)call sb. up 打电话给某人可以与名词、代词连用。连接代词时,把代词放在 call 与 up 之间。例如:Please call me up. Dont forget to call up your uncle. Ill call her up this afternoon.随时练【考例】_you are right. A. Maybe B. Might C. May be D. Might to【答案与解析】A。本题中maybe不同于may be。 maybe 是一个词,是副词,may be是情态动词may加上动词原形be,意为“或许”,后接形容词、名词、代词等。故本题选A。5. I dont want to surprise him. 我不想使他惊讶。在这句话中surprise是个行为动词,可以说成surprise sb.,表示“使惊讶”。e.g. The news surprises us greatly.【拓展】surprised adj. 惊讶的 surprising adj. 令人惊讶的例如:Im surprised to hear the news. Its a surprising gift, and I love it.随时练【考例】I was_ when I saw her. A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. to surprise【答案与解析】B。本题中surprised adj.惊讶的;surprising adj.令人惊讶的。故本题选B。【教学评价】一、单词检查,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Dont play your stereo too l_. Jack is reading.2. He c_ ride a bicycle when he was only five.3. You cant see her now. She is on the p_.4. Whats w_ with your mother? She has a headache.5. She is over 80? You s_ me.二、语法运用(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)1. His mother wants him _ (stay) at home every night.2. He needs _ (buy) a computer.3. You should _ (say) sorry to your sister.4. He could _ (write) an English letter when he was five.5. My parents dont like (read) novels.6.Tom had an _ (argue) with his boss about his pay.三、翻译句子。1. 我父母想我每天晚上都待在家里。_2. 我哥哥把唱片声音放的太大。_3. 你怎么了?我和我最好的朋友吵架了。_4. 你可以给他一张球赛的票。_5. 我不想在电话里谈那事。 _四、句型转换。1. The box is too heavy for me to carry. (改为同义句) _2. He wants his son to go to America. (改为同义句) _3. What would you like me to do ? (改为同义句) _4. They should talk about their problems. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ ?5. I argued with my best friend last week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ _ last week.【学后反思】 第二课时Section A (3a-4)【学习目标】1. 谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题。2. 学会为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。【学习重难点】1. 熟读3a 并根据文中的信息填空。2. 画出不理解的或你认为重要的句子。3. 利用你手头的数据学习3a中的要点,仿照3b, 4自我对话。【前置学习】一、写出并读出下列单词:付帐_ 兼职工作 _烤,烘_ 面包售卖活动_青少年论坛_ 家庭教师_二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词:1. I dont eat fish and Jake doesnt eat fish e_.2. Shes had her hair cut in a really nice s_.3. Mrs Green is not friendly. She often a_ with her neighbors.4. Li Lei is poor at math .His parents decide to ask a t_-.5. I dont have e_ money to buy the car.6. I need to get some money to p_ for summer camp.7. You could b_ some money from your brother.8. My friend has nicer clothes t_ I do.【展示交流】1. pay for 意为“付款买”for后跟名词。pay+钱+for sth.句型表“花钱购买某物”易混辨析:pay for ,spend ,cost, take这四个词都含有“花费”之意,请查数据区分其区别。跟踪练习:1. He _ a lot of money on books. 2. She _ the whole evening in reading. 3. The book _- 500 yuan . 4. It _ her an hour to cook dinner.2. 易混辨析 either, too ,also, as well.这四个词都有“也”的意思,请自查数据辨析。跟踪练习:1. Lily doesnt like pork, Lucy doesnt like it_-. 2. I was in England last autumn,_-. 3. You know the way and I _ know it. 4. He speaks French_ _. 5. He speaks French_.【合作探究】Make conversations about getting more money.-How can I get more money?-I think you should .【达标拓展】一、选择所给词或词组的正确形式填空。stay at home , askfor, go ,borrow.from, write.to1. He _ a postcard _ Nicole yesterday. 2. I think Ali should _ her parents _ some money.3. He needed some money, and he _ it _ his friends.4. Denny hopes _ to Beijing for his vacations next week.5. His parents want him _ every night.二、汉译英。1. 我需要一些钱支付夏令营的费用。I need to _ some money to _ _-summer camp.2. 我不知道我该怎么办。I dont know _- _ _- _-.3. 你可以从你的兄弟那借些钱。You could _- some money _- your brother.4. 你的兄弟可以借些钱给你。Your brother could _ some money _- you.5. 我想你可以问你的父母要些钱。I think you _ _ your parents_ some _.6. 也许,你可以卖些烧烤食品。_you could _ _ _ _.三、 根据句意,选择正确的单词并用其适当的形式完成句子。except ,upset ,argue, join ,trendy, haircut, include, freedom.1. Alices clothes are original. They are_.2. My friend is a strange man. I dont like his clothes and_.3. Everyone in my class went to the Green Wall_ me.4. Joe is always late for school .His teacher is very _-.5. His parent ask him to stay at home at night, but he doesnt want and _with them.6. Activities _sports, language learning ,music and math classes.7. Most young people _ football clubs .8. Children need organized activities but they also need time and _ to play or time to think and sit.【教学评价】一、词汇测试,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.There was an _(argue) happened between Tom and Jack last night.2.Lucy is used to_(have) a walk after supper every day.3.The people in Iraq keep fighting for their own _(free).4.The teenagers have to work hard because of the _(press) from their parents.5.They tried their best to find the _(solve) because they want to solve the problems.二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.My parents want me _(stay) at home every night because its dangerous outside.2.-Whats wrong with you? You look so sad today. - I _(argue) with my girlfriend last night.3.Lucy,what should I do? I need some money _(buy) some presents for my best friend.4. -I found it difficult _(get) to sleep in the night.- Youd better_(take) some sleeping pills.5.Lily is 1.7meters tall. She is tall enough _(reach) the apples on the tree.6.Dont _(compare) others with yourself, just _(work) hard.7.The young lady _(suffer) from headache, she has to _(go) to see the doctor.【学后反思】 第三课时Section B【学习目标】1. 学会为他人找到合理的解决办法,提出相应的建议。2. 为自己的问题找到解决办法。【学习重难点】1.培养阅读和写作能力。2.培养学生的交际能力,能对别人的建议作出评价【前置学习】Dear Mary,I have_ and I _ your help .I always thought I _ at school. But I just _ that my friends _ a birthday party _ my best friend, and they _ me. Everyone else in my class _ except me , and I dont know why. I cant think _. Im very upset and dont know _. What do you think ? Can you help me ? Yours, Lonely Kid预习效果检查。1. 写出并读出下列单词:新颖的 _ 与 同样的_ 时髦的;流行的_ 理发;发型_2. 翻译句子 它们很新颖 _它们很舒服 _ 它们与我朋友们的衣服一样_它们很时尚_ 它们很贵_它们色彩艳丽_【展示交流】1.find out (研究、努力的结果)发现,查出,找出You should find out (the answer) for yourself.你应该自己去找答案。2.Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除了我以外,我们班其他别的人都接到了邀请(信)此句中else一词不能单独使用它必须跟在不定代词像“someone, anyone nobody”等词的后面,或跟在特殊疑问词像“what, where”等词的后面使用意思是“别的”eg. What else do you know about it? 关于此事你还知道什么别的方面3.I cant think what I did wrong. 我真想不出我做错了什么。此句中 what I did wrong是宾语从句,作think的宾语应用陈述语序。4.Im very upset and dont know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。此句中 what to do是不定式作know的宾语,可用宾语从句来代替。可以说成“I dont know what I should do.”5.There are a lot of things you could do. 有许多你能做的事。此句中 you could do是定语从句,修饰前面的名词“things”6.You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。Leave sth. +介词短语,是“把忘在,落在(某处)的意思。eg. He left his umbrella on the bus.他把伞忘在公交车上【合作探究】Activity2a-2b listen and fill in the blanks.Kimadvice Nicoleadvice Emilioadvice 【达标拓展】一、单词检查,根据句意和首字母提示补全句子。1. The invention is very o_. What made you think of it?2. I like the shoes . They are c_.3. Everyone is here e_ Tracy.4. Your hair is too long. You should go and get a h_-.5. Im very u_- and dont know what to do.二、选择所给词或词组的正确形式填空。look for, keep out ,find out ,leave out, pay for, advice, original, pressure ,loud ,difficult.1. There was a sign _! on the door. Uncle Li wanted nobody to bother him.2. -What are you _-? - My pen . I dont know where it is.3. Emma moved to her new house last week. Do you know how much she_ it?4. Please _ when the ship will sail for New York.5. -Can you tell me why the sentence I wrote is wrong? -You _an important word.6. Do you feel under much _?7. I cant stand rock music .Its too_.8. I would like to give you some_.9. She is a very creative person. She has a lot of _ideas.10. They might find it _ to plan things for themselves.【教学评价】一、翻译。1.我发现学好英语不容易。I _to learn English well.2.我头疼, 心烦意乱, 我不知道该怎么办。Ive got a_ ,Im very_ and I dont know_.3.从图书馆借书必须按时归还。When you _books_ the library, you must_ on time.4.他和他的同班同学相处的很好。He is_ his classmates.5. 看上去他们完全能自己做好它。_that they can do it_.二、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 我本认为我的英语测验不及格。I_ I _ my English test.2. 这首歌比那首歌受欢迎。This song is _ _ _ that one.3. 我不知道该怎么做。I dont know_ _ _-4. 请你给我提些建议好吗?Could you please_ _ _ _?5. 我想不出我作错了什么。I _ think what_ _ _.6. 我们相处得融洽。We are _ _very_.7. 咱们邀请他们去打网球吧。Lets_ him_ _ _.8. 你应该和你的父母谈论一下你的问题。You _ _ _ your _with your parents.【学后反思】 第四课时self check- Reading【学习目标】1. 学习阅读材料中的单词。2. 完成self check 填词翻译句子。3. 预习2部分并写几条建议。4. 预习Maybe you should learn to relax.按要求完成题目【前置学习】单词检查(根据句意和首字母提示补全句子。)1. I_(争论)with my brother yesterday morning.2. I have got two _(票)to the concert3. Tim worked hard at math, but he _(失败)the exam again.4. She is very _(心烦的)and doesnt know what she should do next.5. The trousers dont_(适合)him. They are too short. 【展示交流】一、阅读之前,思考下面问题。1. Do you always feel stressed up?2. What problems do you have?3. How do you think to cut down much pressure?二、阅读短文第一遍阅读:回答下面的问题。1. What does Cathy do on weekends?2. How should parents do to face their childrens pressure?第二遍阅读:检查Reading的预习情况,速读课文判断下列句子正误(正确写T错误写F)1.Life for Cathy Taylors three children is very free. 2.Then she has to take her son to piano lesson. ( )3.The tired children get home after 7p.m. .( )4.Parents complain about teaching tired kinds in the classroom. ( )5.A few children take part in after-school clubs. ( )6.In some families , competition starts from a very young age. ( )7.And they are never comparing them with other children . ( )8.When these kids are adults , they might find it easy to plan things for themselves. ( )第三遍阅读:1. The tired children dont get home until 7 pm. 翻译:_ not until 意为_ He didnt go to bed until his mother came back. 翻译: _ 同义句_2.翻译短语。have a fight with _ fight for _fight against fight with _【合作探究】小组之内复述课文,再写下你的观点。 【达标拓展】一、翻译句子.1. 他们的学校生活已经够忙的了。Their school days are_ _.2该做家庭作业了。Its _ _ homework3. 他们带着自己的孩子去参加一个接一个的活动,尽力在孩子们的生活中充实尽可能多的内容。They take their children _- activity _ activity, and try to fit _ _ _ _ into their kids lives. 4. 医生们说许多孩子都承受着过大的压力。 Doctors say many children are _ _ _ _.5. 老师们则抱怨在教室里教的都是些累坏了的孩子。Teachers _ _ teaching tired kids in the classroom.6. 过于心切的父母并不鲜见。_ _ are nothing new.7. 她们总是拿其它的孩子和自己的孩子相比。And they are always _ them _ other children.二、根据对话内容及首字母提示完成单词。 A: Hi Gina! Why do you w_ a hat? B: I dont like my haircut. A: Whats w_ with your hair? B: Its short and ugly. A: Let me have a l_ .Wow ,you look so cool! Yu are smarter than b_. B: But it looks l _boys hairstyle. I wear a hat so nobody can see it. A: But now its summer. Its too h_ when you wear a hat. B: What a _I do? A: I have an I _. You could wear sunglasses instead of a hat. B: Oh, no.I dont like to do that. A: Then I t_ you could wear a wig. It is very p_ now. B: Yes , thats a good idea. 【教学评价】一、根据句意选用合适的短语填空。as much as possible, all kind of ,pay for, in style, complain about. 1. You can read _books in the library.2. We have nothing to_.3. This kind of dress was _ last year . But few people wear it this year.4. You should practice English_.5. He is worried because he has no money to _the school year. 二、将下列句子进行同义句改写,每空一词。1. This kind of scarf is not trendy. This kind of scarf is _ _ _.2. I like wearing different clothes from my friends. I hate wearing _ _ clothes _my friends.3. She is having a fight with her little brother now . She is _ _her little brother now.3. Yesterday I phoned Jimmy, but he didnt answer me.4. Yesterday I _ _Jimmy , but he didnt answer me. 【学后反思】


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