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2004年6月全国高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题超精解Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1.【看题预测】该题选项A)用于回答时间;选项B)回答对询问的信息不了解;选项C)表示谅解;选项D)对他人提供的帮助、赞美、恭贺等表示感谢。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在问时间,询问,提供帮助、赞美、恭贺等。Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?A) Its open at 9 a.m. B) Sorry, I have no idea. C) Thats all right.D) Thank you.【解析】该题的问题是how can I get to the post office,问路。因此,B)为正确答案。2.【看题预测】该题四个选项分别说明女士的身份、兴趣、长相等。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在女士的身份、兴趣、长相等方面。What does Mary look like?A) Shes an English student. B) Shes interested in music. C) Shes a friend of mine. D) Shes tall with dark hair.【解析】该题的问题是What does Mary look like,问女士的长相。故,D)为正确答案。3.【看题预测】该题四个选项的内容各不相干。选项A)对他人的帮助、赞美、恭贺表示感谢;选项B)和C)表示不赞同对方意见;选项D)对他人的歉意表示谅解。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在提供帮助、赞美、恭贺,询问观点、看法,表达歉意。 Congratulations on your getting the job, Tom.A) Thanks. B) I dont think so. C) Oh, no. D) It doesnt matter.【解析】该题是Congratulations on ,表示恭贺。因此,A)为正确答案。4.【看题预测】该题选项A) 回答吃的东西;选项B) 是点菜用语;选项C) 和D) 是对某食物的评价。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在食物。Mike, what do you usually have for lunch?A) Sandwich and coffee. B) Beer, please.C) Its my favorite food. D) I dont like this meal.【解析】该题what do you usually have for lunch询问的是吃什么。故,A) 为正确答案。5.【看题预测】该题选项A)表示评价;选项B)用于回答价钱;选项C)用于回答频率;选项D)用于回答地点。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在问意见,价钱,频率,地点。Mr. Smith, how often do you get this magazine?A) A good one. B) One dollar. C) Six times a year. D) In a book store.【解析】该题how often 询问的是频率。因此,C) 为正确答案。 Section B 6.【看题预测】该题四个选项的内容都是物品,而且在语音上有相似之处:bag,tape,cap。从该题的四个选项中可以推测提问的方式是What?因此,听力的重点在这三个物品。 M: Mary, did you see my tape?W: I put it on the table.Q: Whats the boy looking for?A) His bag. B) His tape. C) His cap. D) His book.【解析】该题的问题是Whats the boy looking for。根据男士did you see my tape,B) 为正确答案。7.【看题预测】该题四个选项均表示评价:选项A) 的意思是“好极了”;选项B) 的意思是“失望”;选项C) 的意思是“厌烦”;选项D) 的意思是“不寻常”。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在评价:好极了,失望,厌烦,不寻常。 W: Mr. Peterson, how did the party go last night?M: We had a wonderful time.Q: What does the man think of the party?A) It was wonderful. B) It was disappointing.C) It was boring. D) It was unusual.【解析】该题的问题是what does the man think of the party,询问对晚会的看法。根据男士had a wonderful time,A) 为正确答案。8. 【看题预测】该题的四个选项表示四组人物关系:选项A) 是经理秘书(上下级)关系;选项B) 是医患关系;选项C) 是店员与顾客(买卖)关系;选项D) 是出租车司机与乘客关系。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在这四种人物关系上。 M: Here we are, Madam. This is Yangtze Hotel.W: Thank you. How much should I pay you?Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A) Manager and secretary.B) Doctor and patient.C) Shop assistant and customer.D) Taxi driver and passenger.【解析】该题的问题是Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers。根据男士Here we are, Madam. This is Yangtze Hotel,以及女士How much should I pay you,D) 为正确答案。9. 【看题预测】该题的四个选项都是问时刻。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在时刻(听的过程中应把听到的时刻安顺序记录下来)。 M: Will Dr. Whites lecture begin at 1:40 or 2:00?W: It will begin at 1:50 and finish in two hours.Q: When will the lecture begin? A) At 1:40. B) At 1:50. C) At 2:00. D) At 3:50.【解析】该题的问题是When will the lecture begin。根据女士It will begin at 1:50 and finish in two hours,B) 为正确答案。10. 【看题预测】该题的四个选项均句子,所表达的内容均围绕着He:被害了,受伤了。其中伤有三种:战伤,事故伤,烧伤。从该题的四个选项中可以推测听力的重点在受什么伤战伤:事故伤,烧伤。 M: Did you hear that Mike had his arm broken?W: Yes. He was injured in a car accident.Q: What happened to Mike? A) He was killed in an air crash. B) He was wounded in a fight. C) He was injured in an accident. D) He was burnt in a fire.【解析】该题的问题是What happened to Mike。根据女士He was injured in a car accident,C) 为正确答案。 Section C Tourism (旅游) was not always as important as it is today. In the past only 11 people could travel on vacation to other counties. But in 12 one person in ten visited a country away from home. More people travel today because there is a 13 middle class in many parts of the world. People now have more money for travel. Special airplane fares for tourists make travel 14 and thus more attractive than ever before.One person does not travel for the same reason as another. But most people 15 seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and try new foods.【短文翻译】旅游业已今非昔比了。过去往往只有富人才会去国外度假。可是在1998年,有10%的人到国外旅游了。如今,界各地的中产阶级队伍不断壮大,人们有了更多的钱因,这就是更多的人出门旅游的原因。此外,优惠的旅游机票价使得旅游比以前更便宜,更有吸引力。人们旅游的原因各不相同。但,大多数是喜欢看看不同的国度,接触不同的人群,品尝全新的食物。11.【答案】rich12.【答案】199813.【答案】growing14.【答案】less expensive15.【答案】enjoyPart II Vocabulary and StructureSection A 16. How about having dinner at Sun Restaurant? It good.A) smells B) looks C) sounds D) appears【答案】C【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。这是一段对话,How about having dinner at Sun Restaurant是对方“听”到的建议,因此,正确答案是C)。【译文】去太阳餐厅吃饭如何? 这主意听起来不错。17.Seldom my boss in such good mood (心情) since I came to work in this company.A) I saw B) I have seenC) have I seen D) do I see【答案】C 【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是倒装,时态。答案的根据是seldom一词位于句首,要求句子到装,因此,排除选项A) 和B), 其次,时间状语since I came to work in this company要求用现在完成时。故,正确答案是C)。到装:引起到装的条件很多,其中一条就是:含否定意义的词位于句首。常见的引起倒装的否定词有:seldom, hardly, rarely, little, few, not, never, no, no more, no longer, not until等。 【译文】自从我到这个公司工作以来,很少看到老扳心情这样好。18.Youd better the whole article at once. A) copy B) copyingC) to copy D) copied【答案】A【解析】 从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是had better do sth.。答案的根据是该结构had better 后要求用动词原形。因此,正确答案是A)。要求用动词原形的结构:had better, had best, would rather( than ), would sooner(. than ), may (might) as well, would you please, do nothing but, cannot help/choose but, cannot but, do except, do but等。 【译文】你最好马上把整篇文章抄下来。19.The machine will continue to make much noise we have it repaired. A) when B) because C) if D) unless【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项来看该题是词汇题,但阅读句子之后便知该题是语法结构题。考点是状语从句。答案的根据是分析两个分句之间的关系。选项D) 的意思是“如果不,除非”,引导让步状语从句,符合题意,因此,正确答案是D)。选项A) 的意思是“当时”,引导时间状语从句;选项B) 的意思是“因为”,引导原因状语从句;选项C) 的意思是“如果”,引导条件状语从句。【译文】如果我们不修好这台机器的话,它就会一直发出很多噪音。20.The manager told us never to till tomorrow what we can do today.A) come up B) put offC) turn on D) give out【答案】B【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项B) 的意思是“推迟,拖延”,符合题意,因此,正确答案是B)。选项A) 的意思是 “走近,上来”;选项C) 的意思是“打开,接通”;选项D)的意思是“分发,用尽”。【译文】经理叫我们永远不要把今天能完成的事拖到明天。21.The children are getting more and more excited when Christmas is near.A) drawing B) joiningC) taking D) operating【答案】A【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项A) 的意思是“接近,拉”,符合题意,此外,draw near表示“(时间)快到了”,相当于 come soon 。因此,正确答案是A)。选项B)的意思是“参加,加入”;选项C) 的意思是“拿,取”;选项D) 的意思是“操作,(对)动手术”。【译文】随着圣诞节的临近,孩子们变得越来越兴奋。22.The old man has two daughters, are doctors. A) both of them B) both of whom C) both who D) they both【答案】B【解析】 从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是名词/代词+介词+关系代词型的定语从句。答案的根据是分析句子,找出定语从句的先行词。句中的逗号提示后半句是非限制性定语从句,先行词是two daughters,因此,正确答案是B)。名词/代词+介词+关系代词型的定语从句中,关系代词做介词的宾语,用宾格。【译文】这位老人有两个女儿,都是医生。23.If you travel in a foreign country, a tour may save you a lot of trouble.A) director B) helper C) guide D) assistant【答案】C【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项C) 的意思是“导游,向导”,符合题意,因此,C) 是正确答案。选项A) 的意思是“主任,厂长”;选项B) 的意思是“帮手,助手”;选项D) 的意思是“助手,助理”。【译文】如果你在国外旅游,有个导游便会帮你解决很多麻烦。24.Dinner will be ready Lets go and wash our hands.A) at all B) at least C) just now D) right away【答案】D【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是词汇题。考点是词义辨析。答案的根据是对句子的理解。选项D) 的意思是“立刻,马上”,符合题意,因此,D) 是正确答案。选项A) 的意思是“(与否定词连用)一点也不”;选项B) 的意思是“至少”;选项C) 的意思是“刚才,才不久”。【译文】晚饭马上就要准备好了,我们去洗手吧。25. If you smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon.A) gave up B) give upC) had given up D) will give up【答案】B【解析】从该题的四个选项中可知该题是语法结构题。考点是一般时态的特殊用法。答案的根据是主句的时态是将来,按理从句的时态应与主句的一致用将来,但一般时态的特殊用法规定:状语从句中,一般现在时表示将来。故,正确答案是B)。【译文】如果戒烟,你的健康状况会很快得到改进。 Section B 26. John is the (clever) student I have ever taught. 【答案】 cleverest【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是形容词/副词的级。答案的根据是the (clever) student I have ever taught中,形容词clever前有定冠词the,而定语从句I have ever taught限定了一个范围,提示此处用形容词的最高级。因此,形容词clever加后缀-est构成最高级cleverest。比较级、最高级的构成:单音节词及部分双音节词加后缀-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级;部分双音节和多音节形容词在原级前面加单词more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。【译文】约翰是我教过的最聪明的学生。27. His suggestions turned out to be very (effect) in the improvement of our production. 【答案】effective【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是名词effect的形容词形式。答案的根据是be very (effect) _中,very 是副词,而be 要求加形容词构成系表结构,表示状态、性质。因此,名词effect加形容词后缀-ive构成形容词effective。【译文】他的建议在促进我们的生产方面证明非常有效。28. Sixty people (employ) in this big factory last year. 【答案】were employed【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的语态、时态。答案的根据是employ是一个及物动词,但后面却没有宾语,提示要用被动语态;时间状语last year提示用过去一般时。因此,正确答案为were employed。【译文】去年这家大工厂聘用了60名工人。29. It is difficult for a (foreign) to learn Chinese. 【答案】foreigner【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是形容词foreign的名词形式。答案的根据是for a (foreign) to learn Chinese中,a是冠词,要求后接名词,此外,此结构的意思提示这个名词是表示人的名词。故,foreign加后缀-er构成名词foreigner。【译文】对外国人来说,学习中文很难。30. Both of the twin brothers (be) capable of doing technical work at present. 【答案】are【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是谓语动词的时态。答案的根据是be是动词,而该句没有谓语,此外,时间状语at present提示用一般现在时。故,正确答案是are。【译文】现在这对双胞胎兄弟都能做技术工作。31. When Jenny came to Britain, she had to get used to (drive) on the left. 【答案】driving【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是get used to + n./V-ing。答案的根据是此处的to是介词,要求后接名词或动名词。因此,正确答案是driving。类似的结构:cannot help, look forward to, object to等。【译文】詹妮来到了英国,她必须习惯靠左行车。32. She is well-known for her excellent (achieve) in her career.【答案】achievement【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是动词achieve的名词形式。答案的根据是for her excellent (achieve)_ in her career中,for是介词,要求后接名词,可是her 和excellent都是形容词,这提示此处需要一个名词。因此,动词achieve加名词后缀-ment构成名词achievement。【译文】她由于事业上的杰出成就而非常有名。33. The chairman required that every speaker (limit) himself to fifteen minutes.【答案】(should)limit【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是虚拟语气。答案的根据是动词require要求宾语从句用原形虚拟。因此,正确答案是(should)limit。原形虚拟:表示愿望、请求、建议、命令等意义的动词作谓语引导宾语从句时,从句谓语形式用(should ) V。常见动词有:demand,insist,command,request,order,propose,desire,require,recommend,ask,prefer,advise,decide等。【译文】主席要求每个人把发言限制在15分钟之内。34. He is (confidence) even though he has failed several times.【答案】confident【解析】该题是词性转换题。考点是名词confidence的形容词形式。答案的根据是He is (confidence) _ 中,be要求后接形容词,而confidence是名词。因此,需将confident的-ce该成-t,使之由名词转换成形容词。相同变化规律的词:difference/different, convenience/convenient, importance/important等。 【译文】即使失败了好几次,他依然有信心。35. No student is supposed (spend) so much money in school in a week. 【答案】to have spent【解析】该题是语法结构题。考点是动词不定式的时态。答案的根据是分析非谓语动词spend与谓语 is supposed 发生的时间。be supposed to do sth.的意思是“应当”,此外,该句子带有责备之意该,这提示不定式的动作先于谓语动词的动作,要求用不定式的完成式to have V-ed2。因此,正确答案是to have spent。动词不定式的时态:构成用法一般式to V不定式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生;不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之后发生。进行式to be V-ing不定式表示的动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。完成式to have V-ed2 (过去分词)不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生。【译文】没有一个学生应该在一周内花这么多钱。Part III Reading Comprehension Task 1 People today are still talking about the generation gap (代沟). Some parents complain that their children do not show them proper respect, while children complain that their parents do not understand them at all. What has gone wrong? Why-has the generation gap appeared? One important cause is that young people want to choose their own life style. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents like, and often to continue the family occupation. Parents often expect their children to do better than they do, to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the high wishes that parents place on their children are another cause of the generation gap.Finally, the high speed of social changes deepens the gap. In a traditional culture, people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society today the knowledge of a lifetime may be out of use overnight (隔夜). 36. According to the passage, children today expect their parents to .【定位解读】本题是逻辑推理题。问根据短文,现今的孩子们期待他们的父母做什么。通读全文,本文主要是说明当今社会,年轻一代和老年一代之间存在着代沟,年轻人要选择和他们父母不同的生活方式。根据第三段第一句话One important cause is that young people want to choose their own life style(年轻人要选择他们自己的生活方式),推断孩子们期待更多的独立。故,正确答案是A) give them more independence(给他们更多的独立和自由)。【错误解读】B) choose a good job for them(他们选择一份较好的工作),C) live together with them(与他们生活在一起),D) make more money(赚更多的钱),只是文章表述的旧观念的一方面,均不符合原文意思。37. Parents often hope that their children will .【定位解读】本题是推理题。问父母经常希望他们的孩子会什么。根据第四段Parents often expect their children to do better than they do, to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do(父母希望子女做得更好,找到好的工作,赚更多的钱,做父母不能做的事情),可以推导出:父母希望子女比他们更成功。故,正确答案是B) be more successful than they are(比他们更成功)。【错误解读】A) make as much money as they do(与父母赚同样多的钱),C) choose jobs according to their own will(根据自己的意愿选择自己的工作),D) avoid doing what their parents cant do(不要去做父母不能做的事情),均不符合原文意思。38. The generation gap has become wider than before because of . 【定位解读】本题是细节题。问代沟比以前更大是因为什么。根据第五段第一句Finally, the high speed of social changes deepens the gap(社会的快速变化加深了代沟),正确答案是C) the rapid changes of modem society(现代社会的快速变化)。【错误解读】A) the increasing dependence of children on parents(孩子更依赖父母),B) the influence of traditional culture on children(传统文化对小孩的影响),D) the missing of lifelong occupation(没有了“铁饭碗”(终身就业),均不符合原文意思。39. In todays society, the knowledge of a lifetime .【定位解读】本题是词汇释义题。问在当今社会,(人们)毕生学到的知识会怎么样。根据文章最后一句but in our society today the knowledge of a lifetime may be out of use overnight(毕业生学来的知识也许一夜之间就过时了),正确答案是B) becomes out of date quickly(很快就过时了)。【错误解读】A) is still very much valued(还非常有价值),C) is essential for continuing family occupations (是继续家庭日常事务的基础),D) helps the young generation to find a better job(帮助年轻一代找到更好的工作),均不符合原文意思。40. A proper title for this passage would be .【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问文章最好的标题是什么。全文五个段落都是围绕着年轻一代和老年一代之间的代沟进行讨论:第一段介绍什么是代沟;第二段设问为什么会有代沟;后三个段落分析造成代沟的原因。因此,正确答案是C) Generation Gap Between the Young and the Old(年轻一代和老年一代之间的代沟)。【错误解读】A) Parents Viewpoints On Generation Gap(父母眼中的代沟),B) Relationship Between Family Members(家庭成员的关系),D) Difference Between Traditional Culture and Modem Knowledge(传统文化与现代知识的不同点),只是文章提及的一个小部分,都不对。 Task 2 For some employers, the policy of lifelong employment is particularly important because it means that they can put money and effort into their staff (职员) training and make them loyal to the company. What they do is to select young people who have potential (潜能) and who can be trained. They then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company. In other words, they adjust their training to their particular needs. One recently employed graduate says that she is receiving a great deal of valuable training from the company. This means that I will be a loyal employee, she says. And it also means that the company will want to keep me, I am an important investment for them. So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee.Recently, however, attitudes towards lifelong employment are beginning to change. Employees are slowly beginning to accept the idea that lifelong employment is not always in their best interest and that changing firms can have career advantages. 41. The purpose of lifelong employment is to .【定位解读】本题是细节题。问终身雇佣制的目的是什么。根据第一句and make them loyal to the company(使他们忠于公司),正确答案是B) make employees loyal to their company(使雇员忠于他们的公司)。【错误解读】A) adjust the needs of the company to its employees(根据员工来调整公司的需求),C) select the best skilled young employees(挑选技术最好的年青员工),D) keep the skilled staff satisfied(满足技术工人),均不符合原文意思。42. By training its employees, a company can make them .【定位解读】本题是推理题。问通过训练其员工,公司能使他们怎样。根据第一段第三句They then give the young people the kinds of skills that will make them suitable employees for the company(他们教会青年人各种技能,使他们成为公司合格的员工),正确答案是D) possess the necessary qualities for the job(具备胜任本职工作的素质)。【错误解读】A) do their work more easily(更容易地工作),B) more interested in their work(使他们对工作更感兴趣),C) willing to invest money into the company(愿意把钱投资到公司里),均不符合原文意思。43. Talking about the training she has received, a recently employed graduate has the view that .【定位解读】本题是细节题。问一位最近受聘的大学毕业生谈到她所接受的培训时,她的观点是什么。根据文章第二段最后一句So the policy is a good one because it benefits both the employer and the employee(因为培训对雇主和雇员都有好处),正确答案是B) it is valuable to the employer and the employees(对雇主和雇员都有好处)。【错误解读】A) it is still well-received by all the staff members today(今天还被所有的员工广泛接受),C) it is helpful for attracting young employees(对吸引年青的员工很有帮助),D) it is both useful and interesting(这既有用处又让人感兴趣),均不符合原文意思。44. Attitudes towards lifelong employment are changing because .【定位解读】本题是推理题。问对待终身雇佣制的态度正在改变是因为什。根据最后一句and that changing firms can have career advantages(跳槽对自己的事业也能带来好处),正确答案是D) stable employment seldom offers better opportunities(一成不变的雇佣制很少能提供更好的机会)。【错误解读】A) job changes have career advantages(跳槽有着职业优势),B) its boring to work in only one company(只在一个公司工作很无聊),C) only the employer benefits from such employment(只有雇主在这种政策中获益),均不符合原文意思。45. The passage is mainly about .【定位解读】本题是主旨题。问这篇短文主要是什么内容。全篇都是围绕人们对待终身雇佣制的态度这一主题进行,原文有三个自然段落,第一段主要讲述了雇主对终身雇佣制的态度;第二段讲述了雇员对终身雇佣制的态度;第三段讲述了时下人们对待终身雇佣制的态度正在发生变化。因此,正确答案是C)attitudes towards lifelong employment(对待终身雇佣制的态度)。【错误解读】A) lifelong training of employees(员工的终身培训),B) policies of lifelong employment(终身雇用政策),D) employers interest in lifelong employment(终身雇用中雇主的利益),均不符合原文意思。 Task 3 Over a million people visit Hawaii (夏威夷) each year because of its beautiful weather and wonderful scenery (景色)! The Hawaiian islands have very mild temperatures. For example, August, the hottest month, averages 78.4 , while February, the coldest month, averages 71.9 . In addition, the rainfall in Hawaii is not very heavy because mountains on the northern side of each island stop incoming storms; for instance, Honolulu averages only 23 inches of rain per year. This beautiful weather helps tourists to enjoy Hawaiis wonderful natural scenery, from mountain waterfalls to fields of flowers and fruits. And Hawaiis beautiful beaches are everywhere - from the lovely Mona coast beaches on the large island of Hawaii to Waikiki Beach on Oahu. Warm sunshine and beautiful beaches - it is not surprising that so many people visit Hawaii each year. Are you going to join us? Dont miss the chance!HawaiiFamous for its 1) 46 , and 2) 47 Average Temperature: ranging from 48 to 78.4 Annual rainfall in Honolulu: 49 Attractions for tourists: 50 and beautiful beaches 46.【定位解读】本题要填的是夏威夷因什么而著名。根据第一段第一句over a million . because of its beautiful weather and wonderful scenery (景色)(人们络绎不绝前往夏威夷观光都是因为被那儿迷人的气候和美妙绝伦的风景所吸引),答案为beautiful weather。47.【定位解读】请参照46题。故,答案为wonderful scenery。 48.【定位解读】本题要填的是夏威夷平均温度。根据第三句August, the hottest month, averages 78.4 ,while February the coldest month, averages 71.9 (八月是最热的月份,平均温度是华氏78.4度,而在最冷的二月份,平均温度是华氏71.9度),答案为71.9 。49.【定位解读】本题要填的是夏威夷平均降雨量。根据第四句末 Honolulu averages only 23 inches of rain per year(年平均降雨量仅为23英寸),答案为only 23 inches(仅23英寸)。 50.【定位解读】本题要填的是夏威夷吸引游客的是什么。根据第七句Warm sunshine and beautiful beaches - it is not surprising that so many people visit Hawaii each year(每年吸引那么多的人到夏威夷游旅游的原因是温暖的阳光和美丽的沙滩),答案为warm sunshine(温暖的阳光)。 Task 4 A - answer phone B - burglar alarm C - date-stamp D - electronic display material E - headed paper F - office information system G - shorthand H - annual reportI - registered delivery J - office automation K - time sheet L - computer package M- handbook N - was


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