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Sharing Sharing is helping.Sharing is enjoying.Sharing is understanding.Sharing is perfecting.Warming Up第1页/共78页 Share your happiness with others,happiness doubles.Share your sadness with others,sadness halves.Share your love with others,love spreads.第2页/共78页Enjoy what some famous people think about sharing.第3页/共78页As Kofi Annan,Secretary General of the United Nations said“each contribution-no matter how small-can help make a difference.”第4页/共78页If everybody offers a little love,the world will become more beautiful.第5页/共78页 Give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.第6页/共78页Have you ever helped your parents,or other relatives,or your friends,or people in your community,or people outside your community?第7页/共78页 What do you do to help1.your parents?2.other relatives?3.your friends?4.people in your community?5.people outside your community?clean the floor/wash dishes/prepare suppertake care of his cousin while his parents are awayrepair their desks/help with lessons/accompany them to do shoppingsing and dance for the old/help my neighbors carry things homeplants trees/help people with disabilities/return the wallet to the ownerHave you ever helped?第8页/共78页Would you be called a“volunteer”?Who would be called “volunteers”?第9页/共78页What does the sign remind you of?A hand:_A heart:_A dove:_A letter:_helplove and carepeaceY stands for youth Do you know the sign for volunteers?第10页/共78页What does a volunteer usually do?fighting against the flood and rescuing the old and the sick第11页/共78页Doing rescue workin the earthquake stricken-area without considering their life 第12页/共78页 Sun Lianfang,(孙莲芳孙莲芳)a girl from Ningbo,gave up her well-paid job in 2000 to teach English as a volunteer in the remote areas in Guizhou.Though her family disagree with it,she insists on her teaching up to now.teaching the kids in the mountainous areas第13页/共78页planting trees and protecting our environment第14页/共78页Doing service work第15页/共78页helping the disabled第16页/共78页cleaning the community第17页/共78页There are many famousvolunteers you know.Here are some photosbelow.Can youguess who are they?第18页/共78页1.He is the famous player who has become one of the volunteers of China Bone Marrow Bank(中华骨髓库).第19页/共78页3.This is the volunteer sign which/that is designed for the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.The sign of United Nations Volunteer in China(中国青年志愿者中国青年志愿者)第20页/共78页Norman Bethune 白求恩第21页/共78页Mother Teresa特蕾莎修女She lived in India(1910-1997).She helped the poor and the sick and won the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE in 1979.第22页/共78页濮存昕The image ambassador for HIV/Aids第23页/共78页2.He was the singer whose money was completely spent in sponsoring(资助)children who cant go to school.丛飞丛飞第24页/共78页People who help others willingly without being paid would be called volunteers.However,they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents,other relatives or friends.What is a volunteer?第25页/共78页Volunteers are not paid not because they are _ but because they Are _.worthless priceless第26页/共78页.join the Go West Project to improve the standard of education in the school.join“1 help1”project to help elderly people who live aloneThe volunteers make their greatest efforts to help others第27页/共78页 There are many people around us,in our country or even in the world who need different kinds of help.So voluntary work is an important and great cause.Not only can it make people live better but also it can bring happiness to volunteers.So we should form a sense of helping others and take an active part in any kind of voluntary activities from now on and try to make the world more beautiful and harmonious.Sum up第28页/共78页There are many volunteers working in different remote areas or developing countries,among which Papua New Guinea(PNG)is one.Pre-reading第29页/共78页Papua New Guinea is located to the south of the equator,to the north of Australia.巴布亚新几内亚独立国 Do you know where PNG is?第30页/共78页巴布亚在马来语中意为巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人卷发人”。1616世纪中叶,世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地居民和自然景观很葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之为新几内亚。像非洲的几内亚,故称之为新几内亚。红色象征剽悍、勇敢;极乐鸟亦称天堂鸟,是巴布亚新几红色象征剽悍、勇敢;极乐鸟亦称天堂鸟,是巴布亚新几内亚特有的鸟,象征国家、民族独立和自由与幸福;黑色内亚特有的鸟,象征国家、民族独立和自由与幸福;黑色代表国家领土处于代表国家领土处于“黑人群岛黑人群岛”之中;五颗星的排列位置之中;五颗星的排列位置象征南十字星座(南天小星座之一,星座虽小,但明亮的象征南十字星座(南天小星座之一,星座虽小,但明亮的星很多),表明该国地处南半球。星很多),表明该国地处南半球。第31页/共78页Situated to the north of AustraliaAbout 5.7 millionEnglish as the official language.Pidgin English as the language for communication.Location:Population:Language:Papua New Guinea第32页/共78页A poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a living.About 85%of children start school but only about 60%of these reach Year 5.Economy:Education:Papua New Guinea第33页/共78页Some pictures of PNGThough it is rich in beautiful scenery,not many visitors come here because of its high crime rate.第34页/共78页Its a poor country,dependingon its agriculture.A lot of children dont have the chance to receive enough education.第35页/共78页 Jo was a volunteer who worked in PNG for two years.The following photos were taken by Jo in PNG.Look at the photos and answer the questions.第36页/共78页Housing Condition第37页/共78页Primitive lifestyle第38页/共78页Poor Children第39页/共78页Village people 第40页/共78页第41页/共78页View of the village from the ridge山脊Village hut Its poor.The village is a place full of natural beauties.1.What do you think of the village?stick out doorway第42页/共78页Pre-reading Look at the photos from Jo and answer the questions.My Class1.What was Jos job in PNG?2.What kind of students were in her class?Boys,girls,or both?Jo was a teacher in PNG.Teenage boys.They are poorly dressed.第43页/共78页3.What were the classrooms like?Is the classroom well equipped?The classrooms are very poorly equipped,made of bamboo and grass.Students putting new grass on classroom roofBuilding a new science lab第44页/共78页 Describe the classrooms.The classrooms are_.They have no _.They are made of _ and have _ roofs.smallwindowswood and bamboograss第45页/共78页 3.What similarities and differences can you find between Jos classroom and yours?Similarities Differences 1.There are desks.2.There are both boys and girls in the classroom.3.There is no spare space in the classroom.4.There is a separate science laboratory.1.Some of the walls are missing.2.There is a pole holding up the roof in the middle of the room.3.There is no school uniform.4.The students have no textbooks.5.There is no glass in the windows.6.The students have to repair the classroom themselves.Photos 1 to 3第46页/共78页4.Jo took many photos of a visit to a students village.What can you say about the village?The village is very small.It is by a river at the bottom of a valley.It has steep slopes all around it.Photos 4 to 10第47页/共78页5.What can you say about life in the village?The village huts are small.They have no windows.They are made of wood and bamboo and have grass roofs.Meals are prepared outside.One of the crops grown is peanuts.The tool used for this crop is a digging stick.There is a woman carrying a naked baby on her shoulders.She is also carrying a heavy-looking bag.She has bare feet.第48页/共78页A Letter Home-By Jo(a volunteer works in Papua New Guinea)Reading第49页/共78页 Rosemary,a friend of Jo in Australia is dying to know all about Jos life at Papua New Guinea.Jo,a young Australian woman of Australian Volunteers International,has worked as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea for two years.第50页/共78页 What is the letter mainly about?Its about Jos experience as a volunteer teacher and her first visit to a village in PNG.Task1 Fast-reading第51页/共78页2 Find the main idea of each partPart 1(Para.2-3):(Para.1):Introducing the topic Jos life in PNG.Part 2Jos school and her teaching work.Part 3(Para.4-8):Jos visit to Tombes home in the village.Part 4(Para.9):End of the letter.第52页/共78页1.The condition of Jos school is_.A.normal B.first class C.simple and rough 2.The attitude of Tombes family towards Jo and Jennys visit is _.A.indifferent B.enthusiastic C.dislikeScanning 第53页/共78页3.Why does Jo call the school where she teaches a bush school?A.Because the school was built in a bush.B.Because the classrooms are made from bamboo and the roofs from grass.C.Because there is nothing but bush around the school.D.Because students in that school use bush as their names.第54页/共78页4.Which of the following statements is true?A.There is no electricity but enough water at school.B.I can become used to the school s condition easily.C.The students there often do chemistry experiments.D.We have neither textbooks nor any experiment equipment.第55页/共78页5.Which of the following sentences is wrong about Mukap s house?A.There were no windows and the doorway was just big enough to get through.B.The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust.C.Fresh grass had been laid on the floor but there was an old platform.D.There was a fireplace in the centre of the hut near the doorway.第56页/共78页Task2 Detailed-readingComplete the sentences with the characters mentioned in the letter:1._ is a young Australian woman.2._ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua New Guinea.3._ walked a long way to get to the school.4._ didnt have any textbooks.5._became a lot more imaginative when teachingJoRosemaryThe boysThe boys and JoJo第57页/共78页6._ started jumping out of the windows during a chemistry experiment.The boys7._ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys,Tombe.8._ started crying“ieee ieee”to welcome them.9._ led us to a low bamboo hut.10._ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo.11._ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didnt understand.Jenny and JoKiakMukapKiakTombes family第58页/共78页 Read the passage carefully to complete the tables below!Task3 Reading carefully第59页/共78页ConditionsOur schoolThe school described in the letterClassrooms(Equipped or not)Equipped Not equippedTable 1(about the school)第60页/共78页Students futureElectricity and water(Y/N)Textbook(Y/N)Chemistry experiments(Many/few)Go to college or workReturn to the villagesYesYesNoNoManyFew第61页/共78页Jos high school Its a(n)1_ school the classrooms are made from 2_ and the roofs from grass.Theres no 3 _ and we don t have any textbooks.Conclusion:electricity or waterbushbamboo第62页/共78页Jos first visit to a village Time to get there Two and a half hours of walking Description of the house A low bamboo hut with grass 4_ of the roof No windows Narrow doorway Table 2(about the life in the village)sticking out第63页/共78页Jos first visit to a village 5 _ the house A newly made 6_ for Jenny and me to sleep on A(n)7_ in the centre of the hut near the doorway A few tin plates and cups and 8_ pots Insideplatformfireplacea couple of第64页/共78页Jos first visit to a village Outside the house Mukap 9_ stones in the fire,and he placed them in an empty oil drum with kau kau,corn and greens.He then 10_ the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.laidcovered第65页/共78页1.What have you learned about the customs and lives of the people in Tombes village?Read Jos letter again and look at her photos.Then complete the table below.Types of housesDiet Family relationshipPossessionscooking methodsagriculturesleeping arrangementsbeliefs第66页/共78页Types of housesDiet Small,round,made of bamboo,grass roofs;mens huts have grass sticking out of the top of the roof,no windows(men and women have separate huts);small doorway,floor covered with fresh grassSweet potato,corn,greens,banana leaves,peanuts第67页/共78页Family relation-shipPosse-ssionsLarge extended families(“everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombes.”Not many-a few tin plates and cups,a couple of pots第68页/共78页Cooking methodsAgricul-tureHot stones are placed in an oil drum,then vegetables are placed in the drum,covered with banana leaves and steamed.Tools are very basic e.g.a digging stick.(there is no machine-ry.)第69页/共78页Sleeping arrange-mentsBeliefs A new sleeping platform for the guests,Kiak usually slept in her own hut.The villagers believe in evil spirits.They believe that leftover food attracts evil spirits so they dry it out in a can over the fire.Then the can is thrown out of the hut.第70页/共78页2.Find or guess the reasons for these facts according to Jos letter.Facts ReasonThe boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson.Jo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys.Tombes mother cried“ieee ieee”when she saw Jo.There were no windows in Mukaps hut.The tin can was standing upside down on the grill.第71页/共78页 Facts ReasonThe boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson.Jo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys.Tombes mother cried“ieee ieee”when she saw Jo.Because they were frightened;they had never seen anything like it before.Because most of them would live all their lives as farmers.It was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyones attention to their arrival.第72页/共78页 Facts Reason There were no windows in Mukaps hut.The tin can was standing upside down on the grill.Because it was a mans house.The tin can was used to dry out the leftover food,which might attract evil spirits,so the tin/can was thrown out of the hut.第73页/共78页 3.What do you think are the positive and negative things about lining in a village in Papua New Guinea.Give your reasons.The first one is done for you.Positive aspectsNegative aspects1 Boy value education 1 No running water or electricity223344第74页/共78页 Positive aspects Negative aspects1 Boy value education.1 No running water or electricity.2 Everyone would know each other.2 The village might be cut off from the outside world and might not have roads to and form it.第75页/共78页 Positive aspects Negative aspects3 The village does not have to rely on outside sources for food.3 The village might not have a school so students might have to walk along way to the closest school.4 People can live without many possessions.4 There might not be any medical services close by.第76页/共78页Why do you think Jo bacame a volunteer in PNG?Give as many possible reasons as you can.Would you like to work as a volunteer in a poor area?Give reasons.4.Homework:Discuss the question.Because I want to share with others The reason is that 第77页/共78页感谢您的观看!第78页/共78页


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