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2013学年小学英语科 六 年级备课练习设计 第1单元 How do you go there? 第 1 课时 I. Answer the questions. 1. How do you go to school? _ 2. How do you go to Guangzhou? _ 3. How do you go to Hainan? _ 4. How do you go to England? _ 5. Do you go to Foshan by ship? _II. Make a survey. Ask your family members: Where do you usually go on the weekend? How do you go there? WaysPlaceNameOn footBy bikeBy busBy trainBy subwayBy planeBy ship 2013学年小学英语科 六 年级备课练习设计 第 1 单元How do you go there? 第 2 课时I. 中译英。1. How do you _ (通常)go to school?2. _(有时)I go to the park _(步行).3. Sarah _ _(经常去)to Amys home _ _(骑自行车).4. My dad _(总是)goes to work _ _(开小车). He _(从不)goes _ _(乘出租车).II. 根据实际情况,完成下列句子。 1. How do you go to school? Usually _, Because_. 2. How does your partner go to school? Usually _, Because_.2013学年小学英语科 六 年级备课练习设计 第 1 单元How do you go there? 第 3 课时I. 翻译下列句子。1. 你怎样去上学?2. 你哥哥怎样去图书馆?3. 你父母如何去上班?4. 我的朋友们通常乘3号公共汽车去公园。5. 你可以从广州乘轮船去上海。6. Sarah乘火车去香港,不是乘小船去的。7. 今晚8点见。8. 你可以看见多少辆公共汽车?9. 陈洁会开小车吗?10. Mike是怎样回家的?2013学年小学英语科 六 年级备课练习设计 第 1 单元How do you go there? 第 4 课时I. 请根据提示,写出有关的交通规则,完成以下一段话。 The _ _ are the same in every country. There are always _ lights: _,Yellow and _. Red means “_”. Yellow _“_”. _ means “_”.In China and the _, drivers drive on the _ _ of the _. In _ and Australia, drivers drive on the _ _ of the _. So you must look _ the traffic lights, and remember the _ _. 2013学年小学英语科 六 年级备课练习设计 第 1 单元How do you go there? 第 5 课时I. 根据实际情况回答问题。1. How do you go to school?2. How does your mother go to work?3.What does your father do?4 . What do you do on the weekend?5. Does your English teacher go to work on foot or by motorbike?6. Can you go to Guangzhou by ship?7. When do you go to bed?8. Is your home near the school?9. How can we get to your home from our school?II. 写出问句或答句。1. Where are you from? _2. What does the “red light” mean? _3. _? I go to the cinema by bus.4. _? You can go to the gym by subway.5. How does your mother go to work?_


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