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牛津英语5A期中练习一、 选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,并将其序号填入括号内(5%)() 1. A. make B. cake C. apple D. late() 2. A. glass B. basket C. mask D. hat() 3. A. see B. great C. read D. please() 4. A. rabbit B. bike C. ride D. find() 5. A. think B. this C. thank D. three二、 词组互译。(15%)1.第一天_ 9. near your house_2.许多花_ 10. in the cats mouth_3.听_ 11. behind the building_4.制作飞机模型_12. under the teachers desk_5.在下午_ 13. ride a horse_6.一幅世界地图_ 14. learn English_7.拉小提琴_ 15. Bens family_8.居住_ 三、 按要求写单词。(10%)1. families(单数)_ 2. monkey(复数)_3. there (同音词)_ 4. big(反义词)_5. skiing(原形)_ 6. we are(缩略形式)_7. make(现在分词)_ 8. one(序数词)_9. is(复数)_ 10. large (近义词)_四、 在II栏中选出I栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内。(10%)I II( )1. How many classrooms are there? A. I can sing.( )2. Shall go now? B. Its near the house.( )3. What would you like? C. All right.( )4. Is there a toilet in the building? D. Twenty-four.( )5. Where is the garden? E. Yes, I do.( )6. Do you like your little house? F. We need some masks. ( )7. What can you do? G. No, thanks.( )8. What do we need? H. Heres a cake for you.( )9. Can we help you? I. Yes, there is. ( )10. Im hungry, Mum. J. Id like some chocolate.五、 选择填空。(20%)( )1. I can see _ umbrella under _ desk.A. the, the B. an, the C. a, the( )2. Do you like _? Yes, I _.A. puppets, like B. puppet, do C. puppets, do( )3. Shall _ go to school together?A. our B. us C. we( )4. Lets go and _.A. look at B. look C. have a look( )5. There _ a teacher and some students in the classroom.A. are B. is C. am( )6. -How many birds _ you see?-I _ see any.A. can, can B. cant, can C. can, cant( )7. -_ you like pineapples? - Yes, I _.A. Do, do B. can, can C. Are, are( )8. -Id like _ play football.-Me _.A. to, to B. to, too C. too, to( )9. -What do you want? -A mask _ my son, please.A. to B. from C. for( )10. I like _.A. sing B. apple C. dancing( )11. In the evenings they _ TV.A. see B. look at C. watch( )12. -What do you like? - I like _.A. horses B. monkey C. sing( )13. _ is the candle? - Five yuan.A. What B. How many C. How much( )14. There _ forty-six students in our class.A. is B. am C. are( )15. -_ mask is this? - Its my brothers.A. Whos B. What C. Whose( )16. There are _ oranges in my basket.A. an B. any C. many( )17. - _ on the table?- There are many things. A. Wheres B. WhosC. Whats( )18. How many girls _ in your class?A. have B. are there C. there are( )19. Nancy and her family _ in the sitting-room.A. is B. are C. be( )20. flowers are ten yuan.A. This B. That C. These六、 根据中文意思,完成句子。(5%)1. 小男孩,你会做什么事情?_ _ you _, little boy?2. 我喜欢南瓜灯。I _ pumpkin _.3. 他们在上英语课。They are _ _ English lesson.4. 我父母星期天不上班。_ parents dont _ _ Sundays.七、 完形填空。(10%)Hello, my n_1_ is Jenny. There are s_2_ people in my family. My father is a d_3_. If you are ill, you can see him. He likes d_4_ pictures. My m_5_ is a housewife(家庭主妇), and she cooks very well. She likes w_6_ TV. My grandparents are both farmers. I have a b_7_. His name is Robot. He is a s_8_ in the middle school(中学). He likes p_9_ football. I h_10_ a happy family.( )1. A. nameB. need C. near D. nice( )2. A. seven B. six C. sixteen D. see( )3. A. driver B. doctor C. docter D. doctors( )4. A. draw B. drink C. drawing D. ducks( )5. A. motherB. many C. money D. morning( )6. A. watching B. watch C. working D. work( )7. A. boy B. bag C. brother D. ball( )8. A. study B. student C. students D. storybook( )9. A. play B. plays C. playing the D. playing( )10. A. have B. having C. has D. hello八 判断各组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。 (9分)1、( )waiter play 2、( )day Sunday3、( )jump computer 4、( )music bus5、( )son sorry 6、( )love got7、( )Monday coffee 8、( )hear year9、( )vase absent九、在栏中选出栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内(8分) ( ) 1. Glade to see you. A. Theres a mouse . ( ) 2. Shall we go and play in the park? B. Good idea. ( ) 3. Whats in the cats mouth? C. Glade to see you. ( ) 4. Can you put a vase on your head? D. He is behind the door. ( ) 5. Wheres Ben? E. No ,I cant. ( ) 6. Do you like flowers and trees? F. Thank you. ( ) 7. Can I help you? G. Yes ,I do. ( ) 8. Here you are. H. Some masks,please .十 、中英文互译。(10分)1、一间大书房2、在门后3、许多花 4、听 5、他的父母 6、a map of China 7、each other 8、pumpkin lanterns 9、your change 10、ride a bike 十一、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1、Myfatheris adoctor and my motheris a (drive). 2、There arent (some) sofas in the sitting-room.3、Now ,follow (I),please.4、Were (have) a Music lesson.5、They like (make) model planes.6、He can (swim).7、Lets (go) and (play) football.8. There are four_(bedroom) in the building.9. There is_(a) English teacher in the classroom.十二 、选择。 (15分)( )1.There _ some juice in the glass.A. are B. have C. is D. has( )2. My brother is _ a book in the classroom.A. readsB. looks C. reading D. looking ( ) 3. They would like _ buy a toy monkey and a toy tiger.A. in B. to C. of D. at ( ) 4. - How _ are the puppets? - Eighty yuan ,please.A. many B. old C .much D. nice ( ) 5. Su Hai and her parents like swimming _ Saturday.A. at B. in C. with D. on ( ) 6. Can you sing and dance ? A Yes,you can. B、Yes,we can. C、Yes,I do. D、Yes,they can. ( ) 7-Are there any toilets beside your school? -_. A、Yes, they are. B、Yes, there is. C、Yes, there are. D、Yes, there isnt ( ) 8. How many are there? There is one.A. a lamp B. lamps C. lamp D. any lamps( ) 9. I can the violin . I like the violin .A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play D. playing, playing( )10. in the building? There are some rooms.A. Whats B. Wheres C. What D. Whatre( )11. Here _ a box of cakes for you.A. is B. are C. hasD. have( ) 12. Can you _ the book on your head?A. put B. have C. seeD.look( )13. Listen _ the song, please.A. for B. at C. toD.in( )14. Are there _ reading rooms in the building?A. some B. any C. manyD. a( )15. Do you like _?A. a dog B. dogs C. dogD. a dogs十三 、按要求完成句子121、我们需要一个大花瓶。We _ a big _.2、你喜欢什么?_ do you _?3、这些花多少钱?_ _ are the flowers? 4、你会唱歌吗? 不会。_ you _ ? No, I cant.5、在花园里有一些鲜花。_ _ _ _ in the garden.十四、你见过句子“变魔术”吗? 快来亲笔试一试(10分)1. There is some milk in the glass. (改为否定句)There _ _ milk in the glass.2. There are many toys on the bed. (对划线部分提问)_ _ on the bed?3. She can dance and sing. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _?4. I like horses. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ like horses ?5. There is a picture near the desk. (改为复数句)There _ _ pictures near the desk.十五、阅读理解A.判断对错 (对 T 错 F )5I live in a new house now. It is big and nice. There are four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. My bed room is not big. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase in it. There is a nice garden near the house. There are many flowers in the garden. There is a big tree beside the house. There is a swing under the tree. I like reading books on the swing. I love the house and garden.( ) 1. The new house is big.( ) 2. There are twelve rooms in the house.( ) 3. There is a computer in my bedroom( ) 4. There is a flower in the garden.( ) 5. I like drawing pictures under the tree.B.根据短文内容,选出正确的答案5My name is Billy . Im a boy . I am eleven . Im in China now . My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher . I like Chinese food , but my parents (父母亲) dont . They like bread . I have a nice room . Theres a bed , a desk and a chair in it . Therere many books on the desk . I like books . I often (经常)read books in the evening .( )1. Billy is _. A. a boy B. eleven C. in China D. A,B and C( )2. Billys father is _. A. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D. a worker( )3. Billy likes _. A. ChineseB. Chinese foodC. bread D. English( )4. Billy has a _ room . A. nice B. big C. small D. good( )5. Billy often reads books _. A.at homeB. after classC. in the eveningD. at school十六、判断各组单词中划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,反之写“F”(10分)1、( )waiter play 2、( )mouth now3、( )jump music 4、( )lot go5、( )son sorry 6、( )lamp grape7、( )vase name 8、( )he red9、( )hat cat 10、( ) good room十七、英汉互译(10分) 1. 第一天_ _ 2. 所有的学生_ 3.一张世界地图_4. 一起骑马 _ 5. 把这个面具放到床底下_ 6. 听音乐_ 7. the rabbit in the black hat_ 8. go and play here_ 9. have a Chinese lesson _10. heres your change_ 十八、选词填空,每词限用一次。(8分) for to after under in on at with 1.-Wheres LiuTao ? -Hes the tree.2.-What time do you get up ? - six.3.-Heres a glass of water you . - Thank you .4.Its time have lunch .5.I like growing flowers . I lookthem carefully.6.I live a small town now.7.He plays football Sundays.8.Whats wrong you ?十九、按要求改写句子。(23分)My sister grows trees carefully.(改为一般疑问句) trees carefully ?He can play the computer games.(改为一般疑问句) play the computer games ?3. I feel very cold.(对划线部分提问) feel now ?His father likes going climbing.(改为否定句) .The girl usually keeps cats on Saturday. (对划线部分提问) the girl usually on Saturday ?5. He has some nice ships. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) he nice ships ? No, he .二十、单项选择(15分) ( )1. Are there _ jackets in the shop? A . some B. any C. many( )2.What do they like? They like _. A. picture book B. picture books C. pictures books ( )3.Wang Bing and _ parents are in the dining-room. A. her B. their C. his ( )4.Whats _ the tree ? Oh, Hes my brother, Mike. A. at B. on C. in( )5.How_ is that blouse? sixty yuan. A. old B. many C. much( )6.Do you like hanburgers?_ A. All right. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, very much.( )7.There _ a pair of shoes under the bed. A. is B. are C. am( )8._ Sundays, We can Watch TV _ the evening. A. In ,on B. On, in C.At, in ( )9.There is_ map of China on the wall. A. any B. a C. some ( )10.I can see _ umbrella behind the door.Its _ yellow umbrella. A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a ( ) 11. I can the violin . I like the violin .A. play, play B. play, playing C. playing, play D. playing, playing( )12._ in your new school bag? Therere many books. A. Whats B. Whatre C. Wheres ( )13.Is there a park _ your house? A. in B. on C. near ( )14.Sometimes I watch TV in the afternoon,but my parents_. A. not B. arent C. dont( )15._ can _ do? She can play the piano. A. What he B. What she C.Whats she、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. I like (make) pretty clothes.2. Shes (write) an e-mail in the computer room.3. Let (we) clean the room together.4. I dont have (some)friends.5. Jims family (live) in China.6. My grandfather looks after me (careful).7. I want to join (they).8. He (be) not strong.9. My brother (study) English and Art.10. Do you want to (dance) with me.八、根据所给首字母提示,填入适当的单词完成下面的短文 (5分) There i a big supermarket n my home.Today is Sunday ,my parents and I are i the supermarket.We w like to buy a big cake f my grandpas birthday.九、阅读短文,选择正确答案 (5分) Mary is a little girl. She is only five years old. She is not at school. She doesnt know how to read or write. But her sister Joan is a schoolgirl. She is ten. She knows how to read and write. One day, Joan sees her little sister in the room. She is at the table. There is a pencil in her hand. She is writing. “What are you writing, Mary?” She asks. “Im writing to my friend, Rose.” “But how can you? You dont know how to write.” Says her sister. “Well,” says Mary, “It doesnt matter. Rose doesnt know how to read, either.”( )1. Is Mary a schoolgirl?A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. We dont know.( )2. Who can read and write?A. Mary B. Rose C. Joan( )3. Whats in Marys hand?A. Theres a pen. B. Theres a pencil. C. Theres a crayon.( )4. Whats Mary doing? A. Shes drawing. B. Shes writing to her friend. C. Shes singing.( )5. Can Rose read and write?A. No, she cant. B. Yes, she can. C. We dont know.十、 阅读理解,判断正误(对的打T,错的打F)( 5分) This is a picture of our class. There are fiftyfive students in our class. You can see twenty-eight boys and twenty- seven girls. There is an American(美国的) student in our class. His name is David. His English is very good. We all like him. He likes eating bread and cakes. He likes drinking milk and apple juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. David can ski but we dont.We are very happy together. ( ) 1. There are fifty five boys in the class. ( ) 2. David is an English boy. ( ) 3. David like bread and tea. ( ) 4.Chinese students can ski. ( ) 5 We all like David.十一、根据所给中文写出句子(10分) 1. 这儿有厕所么?对不起,我不知道,我不居住在这个城市。Is there a _?_,I _ know. I dont _ _ the city(城市) 2. 你们班有多少男生?27个,他们会打篮球么?会,所有男生都会。_ _ _ _ boys are there in your class? Twenty-seven. _ they play basketball? _ _the boys can play basketball.


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