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5B词汇表页数中文英文中文英文M1U1P2mess /mes/杂乱give him a black stone给他一块黑石头notebook /ntbuk/笔记本stick to粘住paint /peInt/颜料all the nails所有的钉子crayon /kreIn/蜡笔be careful小心tape /teIp/胶带U2P8was /wz/is, am的过去式glue /glu:/胶水were /w3:/are的过去式brush /br/毛笔insect /Insekt/昆虫mine /maIn/我的(名词性物主代词)interesting /ntrst/有趣的yours /j:z/你的 (名词性物主代词)caterpillar/ktpIl/毛虫his /hI z/他的(名词性物主代词)cocoon /kku: n/茧hers /h3: z/她的(名词性物主代词)chick /tIk/小鸡its /Its/它的(名词性物主代词)puppy /ppI/小狗ours /a z/我们的(名词性物主代词)an interesting insect一只有趣的昆虫theirs /e z/他们的(名词性物主代词)many legs许多腿What a mess!真乱!a brown cocoon一只棕色的茧whose school bag谁的书包a green caterpillar一条绿色的毛虫these storybooks这些故事书P10silk /sIlk/丝,丝绸P4 tidy /taIdI/整理silkworm /silkw3: m/蚕tidy up the room整理房间moth /m/飞蛾in Mum and Dads bedroom在爸爸妈妈的房间里wing /wI/翅膀P5scarf /sk:f/围巾a lot of leaves许多叶子glove /glv/手套every day每天space /speIs/太空make a lot of silk吐许多丝weight /weIt/重量silkworm cocoons蚕宝宝a pair of gloves 一副手套come out出来a pair of shoes一双鞋子lay eggs产卵P6magic /mdIk/有魔力的P11once /wns/曾经,过去workshop /w3:kp/车间bright /braIt/明亮的nail /neIl/钉子cry /kraI/哭stone /stn/石头sit on a leaf坐在叶子上magnet /mgnt/磁铁in the bright blue sky在明亮的蓝天中stick /stIk/粘住cry in my bed在我的床上哭a magic stone有魔法的石头P12born /b:n/出生in his fathers workshop在他爸爸的车间里tail /teIl/尾巴a lot of nails许多钉子turtle /t3: tl/乌龟fall onto the floor落在地板上catch /kt/捉in a river在河里on Sunday morning在星期天上午catch flies捉苍蝇hear the birds singing听鸟唱歌has no tail没有尾巴P18kingdom /kidm/王国U3P14did /dId/do的过去式loudest /ladIst/最响的noise /nIz/声音just /jst/就lorry /lrI/卡车idea /aIdi/注意wantedwant的过去式the Noise Kingdom吵闹王国drill /drIl/钻机like making noise喜欢发出喧闹声heard /h3: d/hear的过去式the loudest noise最响的声音loud /lad/响的in the world在世界上quiet /kwaIt/轻的on his birthday在他的生日时another /n/另外的say to his parents对他的父母说sat /st/sit的过去式hear about this idea听了这个建议watched /wtIt/watch的过去式hear the songs of the birds and rivers听见小鸟和河流的歌声motorbike /mtbaIk/摩托车radio /reIdi/收音机do everything loudly喧闹地做事too noisy太吵了do everything quietly安静地做事read a book读书U1P20healthy /helI/健康的do the homework做家庭作业either /aI/ 也 (表示否定)another loud noise另外响的声音important /imp:tnt/重要的watch a cartoon看卡通片keep /ki:p/ 保持in the stree在街上cola /kl/可乐P16pop /pp/流行的diddo 的过去式group /gru:p/小组wasnt = was notsquare /skwe/广场this morning今天早上enjoy /IndI/欣赏,喜欢have breakfast吃早饭boom /bu: m/鼓声pork /p:k/猪肉 loudly /ladlI/响地beef / bi:f / 牛肉 playedplay 的过去式tomato/tm: t/西红柿enjoyedenjoy 的过去式potato /pteIt/土豆 hadhave 的过去式carrot /krt / 胡萝卜a pop group流行乐团cabbage/kbIdI / 卷心菜at City Square在城市广场bean /bi:n/ 豌豆play some loud music弹奏一些喧闹的音乐yesterday /jestdeI/ 昨天P17place /pleIs/地方vegetable /vedItbl/蔬菜Mars /m: z/火星P22 unhealthy /nheli/不健康的point /pInt/指出hamburger/hmb3: g / 汉堡 toilet /tIlIt/厕所watch too much TV 看太多的电视tour /t/ 旅行eat too much sweet food 吃太多的甜食joy /dI/欢乐a lot of fruit 许多水果a noisy place一个吵闹的地方P23 fridge /frId/冰箱live on the Mars住在火星上ham hm火腿 go to the library去图书馆in the fridge 在冰箱P24P25safe seIf安全的wake up 叫醒happen /hpn/发生 find out 发现live in a small hole 住在一个小洞里the fairest of all 世上最美丽的in the wall 在墙里need some colour 需要一些颜色do some exercises锻炼身体show Danny his picture给Danny看他的图片all day 整天Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助all night 整夜 M3U3Chinese /taIn i: z / 语文in the kitchen 在厨房里P32English /IglI/ 英语run into the hole 跑进洞里Maths /ms/ 数学run fast 跑得快Art /: t/ 美术U2P26shall l将,会Music /mju:zIk / 音乐be on上映IT 信息技术go mto see a fil去看电影PE 体育this afternoon今天下午subject/sbdIkt / 学科princess /prinses/公主lunch break 午休next time下次P34timetable 课程表see Toy Story看 玩具故事a short break 一小段休息时间P27ticket /tIkIt/入场券after each class 每节课后entrance /entrns/入口paint /peInt/ 绘画exit /eksIt/出口have four classes 上四节课seat /si:t/座位from 11:30 to 13:00从十一点半到一点dwarf /dw:f/小矮人 P35learn /l3: n/学习in a toy shop 在玩具店里add /d/ 加法become a swan成为一只天鹅at school 在学校run away from a farm从农场里逃走new word新单词P28adult /dlt/成年人count from one to ten从一数到十three tickets for Snow White三张白雪公主的票like to paint and draw喜欢绘画in five minutes在五分钟内P36line /laIn / 线start开始P37dot /dt/ 点P29tonight 今晚carefully /keflI / 仔细地what film什么电影maybe 可能have a look看一看show /展示wing /wI/翅膀in the Art class在美术课上fairest 最美丽(fair的最高级)on the paper在纸上English /IglI/英语 ,英国人M3U1keeper /ki: p/ 管理员P30 p31queen /kwi:n/ 皇后P38walk your dog溜狗mirror /mIr/ 镜子P39telephon/telifn/电话crayon /kreIn/蜡笔toilet /tIlIt/ 厕所take Snow White into a forest把白雪公主带入森林restaurant /restrnt/ 饭店stay with them 和他们在一起look like 看上去像litter /lIt/ 乱扔an old woman一位老妇女mean /mi: n/表示意思fall asleep 睡着No smoking! 不准抽烟 !No swimming! 不准游泳a hot and sunny day一个炎热和晴朗的天Dont litter! 不要乱扔垃圾!come from the East China Sea 来自于中国东海P40get into the park 进入公园get out of here 离开这里heavy rain 暴雨P41radio /reIdI/收音机a strong wind 猛烈的风glue /glu:/ 胶水P48had /hd/have,has 过去式rough /rf/ 粗糙的49plantedplant 过去式throw your rubbish 扔垃圾grew /gru:/grow 过去式P42stepmother/stepm/继母builtbuild 过去式43leave /li: v/ 留下cutcut 过去式middle /mIdl/ 在的中间putput 过去式later /leIt/ 稍后stayedstay 过去式lost /lst/ 丢失的enjoyedenjoy 过去式leave them in the forest 把他们留在森林里stay /steI/呆comfortable /kmftbl/ 舒服的say to herself 对她自己说take the children into the forest带孩子们来到森林里enjoy /indI/享受a long time ago 很久以前on the way to the forest 在去森林的路上on his farm 在他的农场上drop the stones 扔下石头a lot of rain 大量的雨in the middle of the forest 在森林的中间grow quickly 快速地生长build a new house 建造一所新房子come back 回来stay in his house 呆在他的家里follow them back home沿着这些石头回到家enjoy himself 玩的愉快find their way back home找到他们回家的路U3give him a surprise 给他一个惊喜be happy to see them again再次看到他们很高兴P50move the furniture 移动家具next to the wall 在墙的旁边U2P44was /wz/is过去式P51cupboard /kbd/衣橱were /w3:/are过去式bookshelf/bukelf/ 书架yesterday /jestdI/昨天bed /bed/ 床sunny weather 晴朗的天气mirror /mir/ 镜子help my plants grow 帮助植物生长lamp /lmp/ 台灯blow my plants down 把植物吹倒cushion /kun/垫子make my plants strong 让我的植物强壮sofa /sf/ 沙发P45storm /st: m/暴风雨P52surprised / spraIzd/ 惊奇的stormy /st:mI/暴风雨的change /teInd/改变fog /fg/雾remember/rimemb/记得foggy /fgI/有雾的P53crayon /kreIn/蜡笔degree /dIgri:/度cheer /ti/欢呼temperature/temprit/温度on the big blue table在大的蓝色的桌上thirty degrees三十度P54village/v i l i d/ 村庄P46typhoon /taIf/ 台风55people / p i: p l/ 人,人们the weather report 天气报告becamebecome过去式 变成camecome 过去式 来did /dId/ do的过去式town / t a n/城镇yesterday /jestdi/昨天city / sItI/ 城市country / k ntrI/国家bug /bg/ 小昆虫history /h I s t r I/ 历史a lot of insects 许多昆虫story / s t : r I/故事a lot about insects许多关于昆虫的知识boat / b t/小船P59the ground floor 地下层photo / f t / 照片the first floor 第一层many years ago 许多年以前the second floor 第二层not many people不多的人们P60Paris /prIs/巴黎many of them他们中的许多人human /hju: mn/ 人类people from other places来自不同地方的人们culture /klt/ 文化,文明come to Shanghai来到上海thousand /aznd/ 千become a town变成一个城镇trip /trIp/旅行a lot of tall buildings 许多高的大楼painting 油画the ShanghaI History Museum上海历史博物馆Louvre Museum 卢浮宫tell the story of Shanghai讲上海的故事thousands of 数以千计的a lot of photos of old Shanghai许多旧上海的照片Mona Lisa 蒙娜丽莎M4U1museum /mju:zIm/ 博物馆the worlds most famous painting世界上最著名的画P56science /saIns/科学prince /prIns/ 王子many interesting things许多有趣的东西really /rilI/ 非常,极其U2presen /preznt/礼物perform /pf: m/ 表演P62Christmas/krisms/ 圣诞节useful /ju: sful/ 有用的Easter /i:st/复活节beatiful-beatifully漂亮的-漂亮地in the UK 在英国on the Internet 在网上at the Science Museum 在科学博物馆give presents to each other互相赠送礼物The World of Robots 机器人世界play the piano 弹钢琴go on an egg hunt 去找蛋Beijing Opera 京剧Dragon Boat Festival 端午节help firefighters put out fires帮助消防员灭火favourite holiday 最爱的节日P57art /: t/ 艺术,美术P63Halloween ,hli:n万圣节history /hIstrI/ 历史insect /Insekt/ 昆虫Thanksgiving ks,IvI 感恩节railway /reIlweI/ 铁路art museum美术博物馆pumpkin pmpkin南瓜history museum历史博物馆turkey t3:kI火鸡insect museum昆虫博物馆Decorate dekreIt装饰car museum汽车博物馆make jack o-lanterns做南瓜灯railway museum铁路博物馆P58bought /b: t/ buy的过去式go trick-or-treating玩“不给糖就捣蛋”learnt /l3: nt/ learn的过去式on the fourth Thursday of November在十二月的第四个星期四 went /went/ go的过去式on a Sunday in March or April在三月或四月的一个星期天P64candle /kndl/蜡烛light /laIt/点着own /n/自己的cut out a circle 切下一个圆take out the inside掏出里面的东西throw away 扔掉P65dash /d/猛冲;撞击sleIgh /sleI/雪橇bobtail /bbteIl/ 短尾;截尾的动物spirit /spIrIt/精神P66fancy /fnsI/ 想象的;奇特的P67monster / mnst/ 怪物fancy-dress parties化妆舞会knock on peoples doors敲人家的门famous people 名人pumpkin pies 南瓜饼U3giant /daInt/巨人P68castle /k:sl/城堡shout at 呼喊;大声说build /bIld/建造sign /saIn/ 符号;记号arrive到达get out离开,出去run away逃跑put up张贴look out of the window往窗外看come into the garden 进入花园through a hole 通过一个洞break down 推倒,毁掉forever and ever 永远


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