第二部分 中考题型串讲,第1讲,听说部分,口试,英语口语测试是中考英语中的重要组成部分。口试的考查 目的主要在于促使考生在学习的过程中培养良好的口语交际技 能。考纲对口语测试的要求如下:,1能够在口语活动中发音清晰,语音语调自然,语气恰当。 2能够根据交际内容和需要,使用眼神、面部表情和体态,语言。,3能够用英语询问简单信息,请求帮助,与他人沟通信息,,合作完成任务。,4能够根据话题进行情景对话,用英语表演简单话剧、故,事等。,5能够在口语表达中适当地自我修正,有效地传递信息。 6能够就简单话题或主题讨论和交流观点与意见。,近几年,广东省大部分地区的中考口试题型主要有三种: 一、朗读短文并回答问题;二、情景对话;三、看图说话。,一、朗读短文并回答问题,1朗读短文,朗读的评分标准为:一档:(3 分)能连贯地朗读,语调、 节奏和语音基本正确,朗读充满感情。二档:(23 分)朗读能 连贯,语调、节奏和语音有个别错误。三档:(12 分)朗读不 流畅,有较多的语调、节奏和语音错误,但不影响理解。四档: (0.51 分)不能连贯朗读,语调、节奏和语音错误较多,影响 理解。五档:(0.5 分)只读出文中的一两句简单的句子。六档: (0 分)没有朗读。,朗读短文主要考查考生口语的流畅程度、语音、语调、意 群和停顿、句子重音、连读和不完全爆破等等。因此,考生在 考试时要注意以下几个方面:,(1)朗读流畅。整篇文章读起来要顺畅,语音语调正确不 做作,给考官一个自然大方的感觉,不要在同一地方重复,但 必要时可立刻纠正错误。流畅程度和考生的语音有关,考生只 要能记住 48 个音标的读音和一些拼读知识,就等于掌握了所有 英语单词的读音。此外,还应注意易混淆单词的读音。如:honest 应读成/,(2)把握好语调。一般疑问句一般是升调结尾;特殊疑问 句是降调结尾;选择疑问句是前升后降,各并列成分是升调, 但最后一个成分是降调;反意疑问句是前升后降或前降后升, 等等。如:,I can sing, dance, play the piano and play the,trumpet.,(3)注意意群和停顿。句子可按照意思和结构分为若干部 分,每一部分称为一个意群。意群之间可以停顿,而意群内部 不允许停顿,否则句子会被读得支离破碎,意思表达不清晰。 如:,()“Dinner will be ready/in half an hour,”/she said. ()“Dinner/will be ready/in half an hour,”/she said.,(4)注意句子重音。通常我们会给句子中表达主要或关键 意思的词加上重音,这些词一般是名词、动词、数词、形容词 或副词。一般情况下,冠词、介词、助动词等不重读,往往会 较轻地弱读出来。,(5)注意连读。在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群中, 如果相邻的两个词,前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开 头,就要自然地将辅音与元音相拼,构成一个音节,这就是连 读。连读的音节不重读,只需自然地带过。如:“Please look at the picture.”句中的“look at the picture”是一个意群,look 和 at 可连 读为/,(6)注意不完全爆破。爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成 阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音是:/。但在某 些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官 在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,即只做好要发出这个爆破音 的准备,但不要发出音来,这样的发音过程叫作“不完全爆 破”。不完全爆破的情况如下:,这 6 个爆破音中的任何两个,音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地、彻底地 进行爆破发音。如: He has a ba(d) col(d) today. 爆破音 的前面时要不完全爆破。如: Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child?,的前面时,爆破音 要不完全爆破。如: Goo(d) morning,sir.,2回答问题,要求考生能根据所给短文回答所提问题,着重考查考生对,日常交际用语的掌握程度。主要步骤有:,(1)首先要看懂问题,然后抓住关键字眼迅速到文章中寻找,答案。,(2)在弄清问句的类型的同时,尽量用简短且准确的表达去 回答问题,也可以根据自己的理解回答。一般来说,考题的问 句主要包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问 句等。一般疑问句和反意疑问句通常用 Yes 或 No 回答;选择 疑问句须从各选项中选择其中之一来回答;特殊疑问句则需要 根据实际情况作答。,(3)回答时要注意所运用的人称和时态。这里应抓住两个 词:第一个是疑问词,它决定了回答的内容;第二个是助动词, 它决定了答句的时态、语态及单复数等。如“When does Mary come back home ?”,第一个词 when 告诉考生答句的内容是关 于“时间”的,第二个词 does 告诉考生答句的谓语动词要用一 般现在时和第三人称单数。,二、情景对话,情景对话的评分标准是只要达到交际目的就可以给分,因 此考生在做此题时要做好充足的准备。主要步骤有: 1审题时要仔细阅读中文提示部分,明确情景的主题,清 楚自己所扮演的角色。问题出现前利用准备时间将中文提示部 分翻译成英文。注意 when, what, who, where, why, how 等信息 点,随时准备回答或提出类似这样的问题。,2屏幕出现题目时,如果遇到提出问题让考生回答,那就 相对简单一些,仔细阅读问题,注意提问什么,在中文提示中 寻找答案。回答问题时注意信息点要完整,切忌答非所问。如 果遇到根据答语让考生说出问题时,首先要考虑以“when” , “where”, “who”, “why”, “what”, “how”开头的问句,可 以参照答语进行提问。,3提问或回答都要关注时态和人称。回答可以使用简短准,确的词或短语,但提问必须是完整的句子。,4始终要记住,录音时要自信、大声、清晰、流利。,三、看图说话,看图说话的评分标准为:一档:(5 分)语音语调正确,包 含所有图片和所有内容并能适当发挥;词汇丰富,语言结构正 确,没有或基本上没有错误。二档:(4 分)语音语调基本正确, 基本包含图片内容,但内容平淡;语言结构和词汇基本正确, 有少量错误。三档:(3 分)语音语调不够正确,图片内容欠缺; 语言结构较简单,词汇贫乏,错误较多。四档:(2 分)图片描述 过于简单,词汇过少,语言不规范,错误较多。 五档:(1 分) 图片描述偏离题目要求,言而无物,大多数句子词不达意。六 档:(0 分)不作答。它着重考查考生按照题目连续说话和清楚表 达的能力。做此题时要注意以下几个方面:,1整体理解画面内容,审清所提供的中英文信息,确定说 话的主题和所用的时态(以一般现在时和一般过去时为主);说 话时尽量用到所有的文字信息。,2必须使用提供的人名、地名、时间及关键信息。如果题 目没有规定,则可根据说话内容确定人称和时态,通常这种情 况多用一般现在时。,3准备过程中一定要动笔打草稿,开头一句要根据说明和 图示交代背景(date, weather, when, what.),然后理解每幅图的 意思,每个信息点各用一句表达图片内容。为了节省时间,可 以列出关键词(短语),最好根据所用的时态写出动词短语,注 意时态一致。结尾一句总结,可以用赞叹(感叹)、希望、鼓励、 号召等方式,尽量做到首尾呼应。,4当只有一幅图画时,注意要先整体再具体,按照从左到 右、从上到下或从远到近进行描述都可以,千万不要东说一句 西说一句,这样会显得杂乱无章。若有多幅图片时,务必把每 一幅图片的意思都说到,可以先合理地整合一下说话的内容, 做到不重复但又说得全面准确。,5恰当地运用连词(first, next, then, after that, finally 等), 可以使话说得流畅连贯,条理清晰。对于口语表达能力强的考 生,建议多选用中考的经典句型提高口头作文的档次;对于英 语表达一向不流利的考生,建议使用简单句、短句,确保句数 够、信息全、无语法错误,最主要是表达流畅,不要结结巴巴。 比如,看到一群女孩子在公园里放风筝,对于前者可以用“There are some girls flying kites in the park.”这样的句子,以提高口语表 达的档次;对于后者可以用“There are some girls in the park.They are flying kites.”表达,以确保信息点全面,无语法错误。,听力理解,听力是英语语言能力的重要组成部分,因此听力测试也是 英语考纲规定的必测能力之一,旨在考查考生理解口头语言材 料和获取口头信息的能力。考纲对考生听力的要求如下:,1能够根据语调和重音理解说话人的意图和态度。 2能够借助语境克服生词障碍,理解语篇大意。,3能够听懂熟悉话题的谈话,捕捉语篇中的有效信息(如,时间、地点、事物、数据等)。,4能够在听的过程中用适当的方式作出正确的反应。 5能够针对所听的语段内容记录简单信息。,广东省初中毕业生学业考试听力理解包括四部分:,A.听句子,一、题型分析,此部分是最直观、最容易理解的部分,所涉及的内容主要 有天气、运动项目、时间、职业、动作、价格、物品、交通工 具、动物等。这类题目要求考生学会捕捉录音中的“关键词”, 然后将其转化为图片中的内容,进而 “识图、辨图”,着重考 查考生在微型语境中的图文转换能力及快速反应和应对能力。,二、应对技巧,1仔细观察每题所提供的图画内容,如果图画里面有文字, 也要把文字内容的意思弄清楚。还可以根据图画内容预测录音 内容。,2注意对录音中的主要信息进行把握,并纠正自己对图画 内容的理解错误之处,特别注意要将录音听完整,必要的时候 在图片旁边做简明的记录,特别是钟点、价格、节日等,有时 还要判断是否需要计算,快速反应。,3经过分析比较,逐个排除不符合录音材料的图画,选出,正确答案。,例,(2012 年广东)1.What did Tom do last Saturday?,A,B,C,录音材料 It was fun last Saturday, and Tom had a good time on the beach.,解析,逐个观察选项图片可知,A 为钓鱼,B 为躺在沙滩,上,C 为徒步爬山。听录音时,当听到关键信息“on the beach” 即可确定答案为 B。,B听对话,一、题型分析,1考查具体事实和信息,如时间、地点、人物、价钱、数 量、距离、原因、目的、结果等,有时还要对所听到的信息做 加工处理,比如数字运算、比较筛选、同义转换、因果关系等。 常见的提问方式有:,(1)Where can the students get the book? (2)When will Tina have her violin lesson? (3)Whats wrong with Jim?,(4)What will the weather be like tomorrow? (5)Why was Jim late this morning? (6)Who will be in the sports meeting? (7)How much are these things?,(8)How long has the man lived here?,(9)How far is it from here to the bookshop? (10)How many people are there in the club?,2推测谈话背景,判断人物身份和态度。 要求考生理解 对话地点、背景和对话者的身份及相互关系等。常见的提问方 式有:,(1)Whats the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?,(2)What did the woman mean?,(3)Where did the conversation most probably take place? (4)What are they talking about?,二、应对技巧,1听录音前先快速浏览所给的选项,通过分析比较,从而,预测和把握对话的中心内容。,2在听懂大意的同时,有的放矢地捕捉关键信息,必要时,适当做些记录来作为判断的依据。,3对于较长的对话回答 3 个问题时,就要将几个问题结合 起来进行综合分析、预测,特别要结合 when, where, who, how, which, what 等问题,听关键词。,4听完录音后要善于进行合理推测和判断,理解特定情景,中对话的语义,通过合理取舍,选定正确答案。,例 1,(2012 年广东)6.What time will the woman pick up,Peter?,A7:30.,B7:50.,C8:30.,听力材料 W: Hello, may I speak to Peter? M: Sorry, he isnt in.Can I take a message? W: Sure, please tell him the exam begins at 8:30 tomorrow and I will pick him up at 7:50.,解析,通过分析题目可知本题是询问时间的。当捕捉到录,音中的关键信息“I will pick him up at 7:50”时即可确定答案 为 B。,例 2,(2012 年广东)10.Who might these two speakers be?,AOfficer and soldier.,BTeacher and student.,CBoss and secretary. 录音材料 W: Good morning, Mr.Black. M: Good morning, Mary.Have you got ready for tomorrows business meeting? W: Yes.By the way, a Mr.Brown is waiting for you in your office.,解析,通过分析题目可知是关于对话者身份的,当捕捉到,录音中的关键信息“a Mr.Brown is waiting for you in your office” 时即可确定答案为 C。,C听短文,一、题型分析,本题的短文主要以故事、人物介绍、天气预报、通知、独 白、演讲稿和书信等为主。与对话不同,短文表达一个完整的 思想内容,涉及的词汇量大、知识面广,考查考生对一个结构 比较完整、意义相对连贯的语段的整体理解能力,是一种高层 次的、有难度的听力测试形式。,二、应对技巧,1预测文章听录音前快速浏览所给句子和选项,推测 文章的大意,还要结合 when, where, who, which, what, how 等问 题,这样就可以为听短文找到一定的目的和方向,做到有的放 矢。,2捕捉信息听第一遍录音时,有目的地用眼睛扫描书 面材料,借助书面的提示进一步理解录音内容,一边听一边初 选答案,对于没有听清楚的,适当地做上记号;听第二遍录音 时通过听看结合,着重听清疑点、难点,抓住短文的主题并把 握与试题有关的关键信息,并做简单的记录,记录的信息也常 常是 who, where, when, whose, why, how 等,以便为复查提供依 据。,3适时答题根据题目特点适时答题,如果题目与上下 文联系不大,可边听边做,在听的过程中消灭一些问题。要特 别重视少量需要听完全文后通过理解来完成的题目,这就要求 考生抓住文章的中心句(一般在文章的开头或结尾),因首句往 往阐明讲话的目的或主要内容,尾句则往往是全文的总结。,例,(2012 年广东),16Jiang Mei just returned from _.,BAustralia,AEngland CCanada,17 Jiang Mei found people there say “_.” when others ask them “How are you?”,AI am busy,BI am good,CI dont know 18 Jiang Mei was surprised to find the students there _.,Bsad,Alazy Chard-working,19 From the story, we know Jiang Mei once learned to _.,Awrite music,Bplay the violin,Cplay the piano 20The story mainly told us about Jiang Meis _ in another country.,Bstudy,Atravel Cfriends,录音材料,Good morning, everyone!My name is Jiang Mei.I just came,back from England.Do you want to know something about my staying there? When I went to study in a middle school in London, I found the everyday English there was very different from the English I learnt in China.For example, when I first studied English,I was told to say “I am fine.” when people ask “How are you?”.But in England, I found people say “I am good.” or “I am,tired.” Im also surprised how hard-working the English students are.In England, a good student gets good grades does a lot for the public and plays sports or music.The school life there is so colorful.But in China, score is almost everything, so we study hard all the time.I regret that I gave up playing the piano at my early age and that I have never thought about sports.,解析,在听录音之前,通过快速浏览所给的 5 个题目及选,项,根据所提供的信息,可以推测出短文的内容是关于从国外 回来的 Jiang Mei 的学习和生活情况的。5 个问题分别涉及了 Jiang Mei 从哪里回来、对于“How are you?”的不同回答、她 所去的国家的学生的学习状况、Jiang Mei 过去的业余爱好及 Jiang Mei 去那个国家的目的。然后带着这些问题开始听录音。 听第一遍时只听不记,把注意力集中在有关问题的内容上,并 把握全文大意。听第二遍时边听边看边记,重点是把材料中的 有关内容与相关的题目对上号,如材料中的“I just came back,from England.”与第 16 小题有关,“.when people ask How are you ?But in England, I found people say I am good. or I am tired.”与第 17 小题 有关 ,“Im also surprised how hard-working the English students are.”与 第 18 小 题有 关, “I regret that I gave up playing the piano at my early age” 与第 19 小 题 有 关 , “Do you want to know something about my staying there ?When I went to study in a middle school in London”与第 20 小题有关。最后通过分析判断最终确定答案,即:16.A 17.B 18.C 19.C 20B。,D听填信息 一、题型分析,这类题目主要考查考生对所听语言材料的理解能力和正 确获取有用信息的能力。它的信息量大,涉及的语言文化背景 较为广泛,选用的听力材料一般也比较地道、实用性强,如记 录来电、来访登记、医院看病、车站问路,等等。,这种试题的命题方式是:从听力短文中提取要点,给出简 单的提示,要求考生听完短文后将主要的内容根据提示写出来, 使要点内容完整,一目了然。着重考查什么人(Who)、什么时候 (When)、什么地方(Where)、做什么事情(What)以及数字、程度、 方式(How many/much/old, How)等。,二、应对技巧,1预测内容听录音前应先阅读试卷上的题干材料,特 别是前面的提示内容和表格的第一行和第一列,预测对话或短 文的话题,了解需要填写的信息,明确听时的重点。必要时要 大胆猜测和想象。,如有关 food 可以在空格上写上常考的 noodles, chicken,fish, rice 等。有关运动的,可以试填 basketball, swimming, football, volleyball 等。,2信息定位听第一遍录音时要注意信息定位,边听边 顺着题干内容走,当听到空格处要快速记下所要填写的内容, 最好使用简易符号速记,如果第一遍没能听出来,听第二遍时 就要特别留神了。速记时使用自己熟悉的最简便迅速的方法, 如:用字母代替地名,数字就用阿拉伯数字,比较长的单词先 简写(但一定要记住正式做答时要拼写正确),遇到写句子时就 先写出关键词,以此来节省时间。,3绝不留空如果答案是两个单词,考生只会其中的一 个也一定要写上,因为即使不完全正确,但如果表达了所需要 的信息,也一样得分。 4认真复查听第二遍时要认真检查所填信息的正确 性,注意信息的完整性。听力测试结束后要检查词语的拼写、 大小写、适当形式等。,例,(2012 年广东),你将听到的是一篇关于 volunteer activity (志愿者活动)的短 文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。并请将答案写在答 题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。,Information About the Volunteer Activity Place: Starlight Old Peoples Home Time: This (21)_,The number of students on each team: (22)_,Tasks for each team:,*Team 1: Clean the floor and (23) _ the rubbish. *Team 2: Put up some beautiful (24)_ on the walls,and put some flowers in the rooms.,*Team 3: Sing and dance to make the old people (25),_.,*Team 4: Wash the clothes for the old people.,录音材料,Hello, boys and girls!Our school will organize a volunteer,activity at Starlight Old Peoples Home this Sunday morning.The students in our class will be divided into 4 small teams.Each team will have 12 members.The first team will clean the room.They will clean the floor and take out the rubbish.The second team will do something to make the old peoples home look more beautiful.They will put up some beautiful pictures on the walls and put some flowers in the rooms.The third team will sing and dance to make the old people happy.The last team will wash the clothes for the old people.The name lists of each team will come out this afternoon.,Thats all.Thank you!,解析,从题目和表格的内容可以看出,短文是介绍志愿者,活动的,其中第 21 小题与活动时间有关,第 22 小题与人数有 关,第 23 小题与第一组所做的事情有关,第 24 小题与第二组 所做的事有关,第 25 小题与第三组的活动有关。因此在听第一 遍录音时,要注意锁定与问题相关的关键信息。如:当听到“Our school will organize a volunteer activity at Starlight Old Peoples Home this Sunday morning.”时,就要立即反应是第 21 小题的关,键信息,并用简易符号记下“this Sunday morning”。同样地, 第 22 小题的关键信息是“Each team will have 12 members.”,并 记下“12”;第 23 小题的关键信息是“They will clean the floor and take out the rubbish.”,并记下“take out”;第 24 小题的关键信息 是“They will put up some beautiful pictures on the walls”,并记下 “some beautiful pictures” ;第 25 小题的关键信息是“The third team will sing and dance to make the old people happy.” ,并记下 “happy”。当听第二遍时,要进一步确认所记的信息是否准确。 听完后,将正确的答案填写在答题卡上。,(一),2012 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试,A听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画 回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听 一遍。,B,( (,)1.What did Tom do last Saturday? )2.Why didnt Peter want to have supper?,A,(,)3.Where are the students going to have classes?,B,( (,)4.Who is Jimmys mother? )5.Which sign is the speaker talking about?,C,A,B听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中 选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 每段对话听两遍。,听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。,B,(,)6.What time will the woman pick up Peter?,A7:30.,B7:50.,C8:30.,听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。,(,)7.Why does the man like country music? ABecause its popular. BBecause its exciting. CBecause its relaxing. 听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。,C,( (,)8.How will the weather be tomorrow? AIt will be rainy. BIt will be fine. CIt will be snowy. 听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。 )9.Where does the conversation probably take place? AIn the supermarket. BAt the bus stop. COn the bus.,A,B,(,听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。 )10.Who might these two speakers be? AOfficer and soldier. BTeacher and student. CBoss and secretary. 听第六段对话,回答第 1112 小题。,(,A,)11.When will the man go to London? AOn July 27th. BOn July 28th. COn July 29th.,C,(,)12.How often does the man play tennis?,AOnce a week. BOnce a month. CTwice a week. 听第七段对话,回答第 1315 小题。,(,)13.What does the girl need the computer for? ATo write a letter. BTo search for information. CTo finish her report.,C,B,( (,)14.Why cant she ask Mr.White for help? ABecause he is not in his office at the moment. BBecause he knows nothing about fixing computers. CBecause he is giving a lesson in the classroom now. )15.How did the boy send his report? AHe sent it by e-mail. BHe did it through QQ. CHe asked a classmate for help.,A,A,C听短文 请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一 个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项,涂黑。短文听两遍。,A,B,(,)16.Jiang Mei just returned from _.,AEngland,BAustralia,CCanada,(,)17.Jiang Mei found people there say “_.” when,others ask them “How are you?”,AI am busy,BI am good,CI dont know,C,C,B,)18.Jiang Mei was surprised to find the students there,( _.,Alazy,Bsad,Chard-working,)19.From the story, we know Jiang Mei once learned to,( _.,Awrite music Bplay the violin,Cplay the piano,(,)20.The story mainly told us about Jiang Meis,_ in another country.,Atravel,Bstudy,Cfriends,D听填信息 你将听到的是一篇关于 volunteer activity (志愿者活动) 的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。并请将答案写 在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。,Information About the Volunteer Activity Place: Starlight Old Peoples Home Time: This (21)_,The number of students on each team: (22)_,Tasks for each team:,*Team 1: Clean the floor and (23)_ the rubbish. *Team 2: Put up some beautiful (24)_ on the walls,and put some flowers in the rooms.,*Team 3: Sing and dance to make the old people,(25)_,*Team 4: Wash the clothes for the old people.,Sunday morning,Twelve/12,take out,pictures,happy,(二) 2011 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试 A听句子 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画 回答问题,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每小题听,一遍。 (,)1.What does Tina often do in her free time?,B,( (,)2.Where is the boy going this afternoon? )3.How did Peter go to work today?,B,A,( (,)4.Which animal is the most popular for children? )5.When did the meeting begin?,A,C,B听对话 回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出 一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。每段,对话听两遍。,A,C,听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。,(,)6.What does the man do?,A. A cleaner. BA teacher.,CA student.,听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。,(,)7.How much will the woman pay?,A. 4.5 yuan.,B5 yuan.,C9 yuan.,B,C,(,听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。 )8.Why did Susan look so sad? A. Because she had an exam. B. Because she failed the exam. C. Because she didnt like math. 听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。,(,)9.Whats wrong with the young man? A. He has a cold. B. He has a cough. CHe has a headache.,听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。,B,(,)10.Who is Miss Deng? A. A tall lady with short hair. B. A short lady with long hair. CA short lady with short hair.,B,A,( (,听第六段对话,回答第 1112 小题。 )11.What day is it today? A. Friday. BSaturday. CSunday. )12.What is the talk about? A. Culture. BTravel. CNature.,听第七段对话,回答第 1315 小题。,B,C,A,(,)13.Whom is Jim going to have dinner with this Friday?,A. Mary. BLinda.,CJims mother.,( (,)14.What are the two speakers going to eat? A. Noodles. B. Hamburgers. CDumplings. )15.Where will they eat this Saturday? A. At North Restaurant. B. At Indian Restaurant. CAt Dumpling Restaurant.,C听短文 请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个 能完成句子的最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂,黑。短文听两遍。,B,(,)16.Its _ from Pauls home to school. A. twenty minutes ride B. twenty minutes walk Ctwenty minutes drive,( (,)17.Paul _ that night. A. didnt sleep well B. didnt go to bed Cdidnt have a dream )18.Paul felt terrible because he worried about,_. A. the physics test B. the Chinese test Cthe English test,A,C,( (,)19.Paul looked for _ after he got up. A. his chair B. his exercise book Chis notebook )20._ called Paul the next morning. A. Tom BJack CMike,C,B,D听填信息 你将听到的是一篇介绍 City Park 的短文,请你根据所听 内容填写下面的信息卡。并请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答 题位置上。短文听两遍。,The Information about City Park Location: In the city center,Entrance fee (门票):,(21)_,Opening time:,From (22)_to 10:00 pm. Attractions:,The best area for sports in the city.,The (23)_ largest park in the city.,The garden inside is famous for (24)_ The City Zoo is older than any other zoo in the country. People can play basketball, do some running,(25)_ and have a picnic in it.,Free,5:00 am./5 am.,second,roses,go boating,(三),2010 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试,A听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画 回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答 题位置上。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选的选 项涂黑。每小题听一遍。,(,)1.Who is the speakers friend?,B,C,A,( (,)2.Where did the boy go yesterday? )3.How will the weather be tomorrow?,( (,)4.What does Jim do after dinner? )5.Which sport does Lily like?,A,B,B听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出 一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位 置上。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂 黑。每段对话听两遍。,B,A,C,听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。,(,)6.What does Grace think of her day off?,A. Boring.,BTerrible.,CWonderful.,听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。,(,)7.How will the woman go to Shanghai?,A. By plane.,BBy train.,CBy bus.,听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。,(,)8.When will the man get to the hotel?,A. At 10:00.,B.At 10:15.,CAt 10:30.,B,B,听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。,(,)9.What colour is the cap?,A. Red.,BBlue.,CBlack.,听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。,(,)10.Why is Paul so successful in his work? A. Because he never makes any mistakes. B. Because he is always thinking of others. CBecause he can answer questions quickly.,A,C,听第六段对话,回答第 1112 小题。,( (,)11.Where is the boy now? A. At home. B. At school. CAt the restaurant. )12.What is the boy going to eat? A. Some oranges. B. Some juice. CAn apple.,C,A,B,(,听第七段对话,回答第 1315 小题。 )13.Why are they making a robot?,A. Because they like making things. B. Because it can help Ben do homework. CBecause Ben wants to help his mother.,( (,)14.What does Ben think the robot can do? A. Do housework. B. Do homework. CDo shopping. )15.How long will it take them to finish the robot? A. One year. B. Two years. CThree years.,C听短文,请根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个 能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目 的答题位置上。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选 的选项涂黑。短文听两遍。,(,)16.Alan was born in _.,C,B,A,A. America,BEngland,CAustralia,( (,)17.Alan moved to London because _. A. he liked the city in England B. his father had a new job there Che had a lot of friends there )18.Alan enjoyed _with his friends before,moving to London. A. swimming B. skating Crunning,( (,)19.The children at school were _ Alan. A. angry with B. afraid of Cfriendly to )20.From the passage, we know Alan _ his life,in London now. A. loves B. dislikes Cdoesnt mind,C,A,D听填信息 你将听到的是一封新年聚会邀请信,请你根据所听内容填 写下面的邀请卡,并请将答案写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。 短文听两遍。,New Years Party Invitation Card,Time: (21)_ afternoon, from 2:00 p.m.to 4:00 p. m.,People: Some of Marias classmates and (22)_ Activities: (23)_,Sing English songs.,Have afternoon tea (24)_,Address: No.6, New Street.,Transportation: Bus No.20 or No.(25)_,(This) Sunday,friends,Dance,in her/the garden,10/Ten,