《大学英语3》辅导资料五 (2)

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大学英语3辅导资料五主 题:Unit 3的知识扩展、Unit 4 的重点单词和短语(上)学习时间:2012年10月29日11月4日内 容: 一、一般将来时(本课重点和难点)1. 构成:shall (will) + 动词原形(shall用于第一人称,will用于第二、三人称,也用于第一人称)2. 功能1) 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态He will graduate from Harvard University next year.(他明年哈佛大学毕业。)2) 表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性动作The students will have five English classes per week this term.(本学期学生每周将要上5节英语课。)Spring will come again.(春天会重返人间。)3. 可以表示将来时的其他结构或时态及其用法1) be going to + 动词原形这种结构表示“决定、打算要做某事,或有迹象表明即将发生、可能会出现什么情况”。I am going to buy a new coat this winter.(今年冬天我打算买一件新大衣。)Look at the cloud! Its going to rain.(瞧那乌云,天要下雨了。)注 (1) be going to 有时表示“肯定,预测,注定会”。He failed in the exam; he knew he was going to when he looked at the test paper.(他没考及格,他一看试卷就知道考不及格。)The voters arent going to like him.(选民不会喜欢他的。)(2) be going to有时可以表示建议、询问或命令。What are we going to do about it?(那件事我们该怎么办呢?)Now youre going to hurry.(现在你要快点了。)注 be going to和will等的比较(1) will表示说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的事,不含任何具体时间,可以指遥远的将来。而be going to指有迹象表明某事即将发生或肯定会发生,通常表示很快就要发生的事情。I believe China will become one of the richest countries in the world.(我相信,中国将会成为世界上最富的国家之一。)There is going to be a quarrel between them, I think.(看来两人要发生争吵了。)He will get better.(他的病会好的。)即认为最终会恢复健康,而不是马上恢复健康。He is going to get better.(他的病就要好了。)指有恢复的迹象(2) be going to和will均可表示“意图”;但事先考虑过的意图用be going to,不是事先考虑的意图用will。比较:A: Why have you torn the paper into pieces? B: I am going to rewrite it.(事先考虑的,不用will) A: It is really a big stone.B: I will help you to move it.(非经考虑的,不用be going to)2) 现在进行时某些动词的现在进行时可以表示按计划或安排将来发生的事。常用的有:come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay, have, meet等。Im meeting Jack at the station at four tomorrow afternoon.(我明天下午4点钟要去车站接杰克。)含有约好的含义We are having a meeting this morning.(我们今天上午要开一个会。)计划但是,事物名词meeting, concert, train等做主语时,要用一般现在时表示将来,而不用现在进行时。例如:The train leaves at 8:15.(火车八点十五开。)The meeting starts at 3 in the afternoon.(会议在下午三点钟开始。)注 (1) be going to表示说话前考虑过的意图(intend),现在进行时表示事先安排的动作(plan)。比较:Mary and Jane are going to meet tonight. (have an intention to)Mary and Jane are meeting tonight. (have arranged this)(2) 有迹象表明将要发生某一动作时,要用be going to, 不用现在进行时。例如:I feel dizzy, I think I am going to faint.(不可说I am fainting.)3)be + 不定式这种结构或表示计划、安排,或用来征求意见。例如:Am I to take over his work?(我是不是要接管他的工作?)The highway is to be opened in May.但是,如果不是人、人世所能安排的动作,就不能用be to do句型表示将要发生。例如:I think I am to faint.(误,是否晕倒自己不能安排)I think I am going to faint.(正)There is to be a moon tonight.(误,某夜是否有月光,非人所能安排)There is going to be a moon tonight.(正)4) be about + 不定式这种结构表示即将发生的动作,句中不可用表示时间的状语。例如:The talk is about to begin.(正)The talk is about to begin soon.(误)5) 一般现在时be动词以及come, go, begin, leave, sail, arrive, return, start, stop, end, open, stay等的一般现在时可以表示将来时间,指根据规定预计要发生的动作或事态。例如:The term starts on 18th February.When does the show begin?6) be about to和be not about to的差异about to意为“正要,马上就”,be not about to意为“不愿意”,两者不可混淆。例如:He is about to come out. Please wait a moment.(他马上就出来,请等一会儿。)John is not about to do that again. (= not willing to)(约翰不愿意再做那件事了。)7) on the point/verge/eve/brink of表示即将发生的事。例如:He is on the point of making a round-the-world tour.(他即将去周游世界。)The country is on the brink of disaster.(那个国家正处于灾难的边缘。)The two countries are on the verge of war.(这两个国家正濒临战争)8) 几种结构的比较比较下面几句的不同含义:I shall sail for the desert island.(我将航行到那个荒岛上去。)单纯未来I will sail for the desert island.(我想要航行到那个荒岛上去。)意愿I sail for the desert island next week.(我下周航行到那个荒岛上去。)计划I am sailing for the desert island next Friday.(我下周五航行到那个荒岛上去。)事先安排,较随便的说法I am to sail for the desert island.(我要航行到那个荒岛上去。)事先安排,较正式I am about to sail for the desert island.(我就要航行到那个荒岛上去。)快发生的事I am on the point of sailing for the desert island.(我即将要航行到那个荒岛上去。)即将发生的事I shall be sailing for the desert island.(我就要航行到那个荒岛上去了。)随意亲切的说法二、将来进行时(本课重点和难点)1. 构成shall (will) be + 现在分词2. 功能1) 表示将来某个时刻正在进行的或持续的动作What will you be doing this time tomorrow?(明天这个时候你将在干什么?)Ill be taking my holidays soon.(我不久就要度假了。)注 将来进行时可以表示较近的将来,也可表示较远的将来。例如:Ill be finishing it soon.(我一会儿就完。)较近的将来Perhaps nobody will be smoking in forty years.(也许40年后没有人吸烟了。)2) 代替一般将来时将来进行时可用来代替一般将来时,表示一种已经决定或肯定的动作或情况,或表示某动作将在继续而未完成。例如:Ill be seeing Mr. Jackson tomorrow.The plane will soon be arriving.The minister will be giving a talk on current affairs.Stop the child or hell be falling over.Tomorrow is my day on duty, so I shant be coming home.3) 用将来进行时询问别人的计划、打算,比用一般将来时更显礼貌;也可表示较缓和的命令或碰巧发生的事Will you be having supper with us this evening?Will you be putting on another play soon?Will you be staying here long?4) 表示某种可能和推测,有“我料想,我估计”的含义She will be telling you about it tonight.The roses will be coming out soon.(玫瑰花不久就会开了。)You will be making a mistake.(你会出错的。)5) 表示原因或结果Please dont come at four this afternoon. Ill be having a meeting then.(请不要在今天下午4点钟来,我那时要开会。)原因Catch the man or hell be running away.(抓住那人,要不他就逃跑了。)结果NEW WORDS (对Unit 4重点单词的解释(上)1. admit v. 承认,赞同;允许进入e.g. You may not like her, but you have to admit that shes good at her job.(你也许不喜欢她,但你必须承认她胜任工作。)I must admit I didnt actually do anything to help her.(我必须承认实际上我并没有帮她忙。)搭配 admit sb. to/into 允许某人进入e.g. Only ticket-holders will be admitted into the stadium(只有持票者才可进入体育场。)2. affect vt. 影响e.g. How will the tax affect people on low incomes?(这项税收会如何影响低收入人士?) a disease that affects the central nervous system(影响中枢神经系统的疾病)3. anticipate vt. 预期,预料e.g. Organizers are anticipating a large crowd at the carnival.(组织者预计狂欢节时人会很多。) It is anticipated that ext year interest rates will fall.(人们预计明年的利率会下调。)搭配 anticipate doing sth. e.g. I didnt anticipate having to do the cooking myself.(我没有预料到要自己做饭!)4. apply v. 申请搭配 1) apply toe.g. I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.(我申请了4所大学,全部录取我了。)2) apply fore.g. Fletcher applied for the post of Eliots secretary.(弗莱彻申请艾略特的秘书一职。)5. approach vt. 对付,处理e.g. I dont think refusing to negotiate is the right way to approach this problem.(我认为拒绝谈判不是处理这一问题的正确方法。)6. attitude n. 姿态,态度e.g. an aggressive attitude(一副挑衅的架势) As soon as they found out I was a doctor their whole attitude changed.(他们一发现我是医生,整个态度都变了。)搭配 have a good/bad attitudee.g. He has a bad attitude towards his schoolwork.(他对功课的态度不端正。)7. avoid vt. 回避,避开e.g. John was embarrassed and tried to avoid us the next day.(乔恩很尴尬,第二天设法躲着我们。) I managed to avoid the worst of the traffic.(我设法避开了交通最拥挤的时候。)搭配 avoid doing sth. 防止做某事e.g. This leaflet tells you how to avoid getting ill while traveling.(这本小册子告诉你怎样在旅行期间防止生病。)8. aware adj. 意识到的,明白的,知道的搭配 1) aware thate.g. Were you aware that your son was having difficulties at school?(你知道你儿子在学校学习有困难吗?)2) aware ofe.g. Most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of smoking.(大多数吸烟者完全知道吸烟的危害。)3) make sb. aware of sth.e.g. Its time someone made him aware of the effects of his actions.(该有人让他明白他的所作所为所造成的后果了。)9. cause vt. 导致,发生e.g. Heavy traffic is causing long delays on the freeway.(拥挤的交通正造成高速公路上的长时间延误。)搭配 cause sb./sth. to do sth.e.g. A dog ran into the road, causing the cyclist to swerve.(一条狗跑到了公路上,使得那位骑车上突然转向。)10. common adj. 常见的e.g. Heart disease is one of the commonest causes of death.(心脏病是最常见的死因之一。) Bad dreams are fairly common among children.(小孩做恶梦是司空见惯的。)11. conscious adj. 注意到的;意识到的搭配 1) conscious of (doing) sth.e.g. I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression.(我非常明白必须给人留下一个好印象。)2) conscious thate.g. I was conscious that she was ill at ease.(我注意到她有点局促不安。)12. display vt. 显示,显露(情感、态度或才能)e.g. All the musicians displayed considerable skill.(所有的音乐家都展示出了相当高的技艺。)13. favorable adj. 赞许的,称赞的;同意的e.g. The film received favorable reviews.(这部影片得到了好评。) Her ideas met with a favorable response.(她的想法反应很好。)14. focus v. (使)特别注意,集中注意力于搭配 1) focus one.g. Modern medicine has tended to focus too much on developing highly complicated surgical techniques.(现代医学常趋向于过分注意发展高度复杂的外科技术。)2) focus attention to e.g. The recent wave of bombing has focused public attention on the region.(最近一连串的爆炸案把公众的注意力集中到了该地区。)15. ignore vt. 不管;忽视;不理e.g. Either she didnt see me wave or she deliberately ignored me.(要么她没看见我招手,要么就是故意不理我。) Sam rudely ignored the question.(萨姆粗鲁地对这个问题不予理睬。)统考例题(重点掌握)1. It was not until she had arrived home _ she remembered her appointment with the doctor.A. when B. that C. and D. 解析:此题的考点是强调句it iswasthat + 句子。所以选择B。2. Determined to _ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.A. carry on B. account for C. bring up D. get through解析:carry on 意为“坚持下去,继续下去”;account for意为“说明原因”;bring up意为“教育,抚养”;get through意为“通过”。根据题意选择A。3. Jack is good, kind, hard working and intelligent. _, I cant speak too highly of him.A. As a result B. In a wordC. By the way D. On the contrary解析:as a result意为“结果,因此”;in a word意为“总而言之”;by the way意为“顺便说一下”;on the contrary意为“正相反”。根据题意选择B。4. I _ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadnt.A. pick out B. make outC. give off D. put off解析:pick out意为“挑选”;make out意为“看出”;give off意为“发出(蒸汽,光等)”;put off意为“推迟”。根据题意选择D。5. He studied maths in his youth, _ contributed to his great success in later life.A. that B. it C. what D. which解析:which为引导词,引导非限定性定语从句,代表整个句子,所以选择D。练习题(重点练习)1. The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians _.第4页 共4页A. money B. pay C. expenseD. loss2. Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ and disorder!A. mass B. mess C. guess D. bus3. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ in her diet.A. change B. turn C. runD. go4. _ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A. Before B. At C. InD. Between5. You shouldnt _ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.A. cut B. do C. killD. kick答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C


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