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沃尔玛购物广场江苏盐城中 (#2048)分店租赁协议Lease Agreement for Wal-Mart supercenter Jiangsu Yancheng Central Store (#2048)第一二稿/2D/aug 08Nov 21, 2007盐城市国飞绿色置业有限公司Yancheng Guofei Green Property Co., Ltd.与 and江苏沃尔玛百货货有限公司Jiangsuu Wal-Mart Storees Co., Ltdd.沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司司Wal-Marrt (Chhina) Invesstmentt Co., Ltd. 房屋租赁协议PREMISEES LEAASE AGGREEMEENT二零零七年 月 日Dated oon , 2007目 录页 码第1条本协议组成 2第2条租赁标的物和房房屋2第3条租 期6第4条租 金9第5条租赁标的物的接接收21第6条房屋及其它区域域的使用27第7条租赁标的物的维维修与修复33第8条大 厦43第9条税 费46第10条公用设施47第11条陈述和保证47第12条转让和分租;优优先购买权54第13条提前终止56第14条违约责任63第15条交还房屋64第16条适用法律和争议议的解决65第17条其它规定66附件一房屋总平面图73附件二各层平面图/立立面图/剖面图74附件三租用面积计算表表/租金计算算表75附件四要求与规格76附件五乙方进场施工条条件77附件六甲方应向乙方提提供的文件78附件七甲方与乙方维保保职责80附件八抵押权人保证函函格式81附件八-1保证函TABLE OOF CONNTENTSS PaggeArticlee 1CONTENTT OF TTHIS LLEASE AGREEEMENT 2Articlee 2LEASEHOOLD PPROPERRTY ANND PREEMISESS2Articlee 3TERM 6Articlee 4RENT 9Articlee 5ACCEPTAANCE OOF LEAASEHOLLD PROOPERTYY 21Articlee 6USE OF PREMIISES AAND OTTHER AAREAS27Articlee 7MAINTENNANCE AND RRESTORRATIONN OF LLEASEHHOLD PPROPERRTY33Articlee 8THE BUIILDINGG43Articlee 9TAXES AAND LEEVIES 46Articlee 10PUBLIC UTILIITIES 47Articlee 11REPRESEENTATIIONS AAND WAARRANTTIES 47Articlee 12ASSIGNMMENT AAND SUUBLEASSING; PREEMMPTIVEE PURCCHASE RIGHTT 54Articlee 13EARLY TTERMINNATIONN56Articlee 14LIABILIITY FOOR BREEACH63Articlee 15RETURN OF PRREMISEES64Articlee 16APPLICAABLE LLAW ANND RESSOLUTIION OFF DISPPUTES 65Articlee 17MISCELLLANEOUUS 66Exhibitt ISite Pllan off Premmises73Exhibitt IIFloor PPlan/EElevattion/SSectioon Plaan 74Exhibitt IIICalculaation Tablee for Leaseed Areea/ Caalculaation Tablee for Rent 75Exhibitt IVRequireementss and Speciificattions76Exhibitt VConditiions bbeforee Starrting Consttructiion byy Partty B 77Exhibitt VIDocumennts too be PProvidded byy Partty A tto Parrty B78Exhibitt VIIResponssibiliities of Maaintennance and RRepairr betwween PParty A andd Partty B80Exhibitt VIIIIForm off Morttgageees Guuarantty Lettter81Exhibitt VIIII-1Guarantty Lettter6RE2007067房 屋 租 赁赁 协 议PREMISEES LEAASE AGGREEMEENT出租人盐城市国国飞绿色置业业有限公司,一家依依据中华人民民共和国(以下称“中国”)法律合法法组建并有效效存续的有限限责任公司,其其法定地址在在中国江苏省省盐城市南洋洋经济开发区区机场路1号号(以下称“甲方”),与承租人江苏沃尔玛百百货有限公司司,一家依据据中国法律正正式成立并有有效存续的有有限责任公司司,其法定地地址在中国江江苏省南京市市白下区中山山东路18号号南京国际贸贸易中心第八八层沃尔玛(中国)投资深国投百百货有限公司司,一家依据据中国法律合合法组建并有有效存续的有有限责任公司司,其法定地地址在中国广广东省深圳市市福田区农林林路69号深深国投广场二二号楼2-55层及三号楼楼1-12层层深圳市罗湖湖区洪湖路湖湖景花园1至3楼 (以下称“乙方”),于二零零零七年_月_日签订本本房屋租赁协协议(以下称“本协议”)。THIS PRREMISEES LEAASE AGGREEMEENT (thiss “Agrreemennt”) iis madde andd execcuted on thhis_ of _, 20077 by annd bettween Yanchheng GGuofeii Greeen Proopertyy Co., Ltd. as LLessorr, a llimiteed liaabilitty commpany duly incorrporatted annd vallidly existting uunder the llaws oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina ( “Chinna” orr “PRCC”), wwith iits leegal aaddresss at 1 Jicchang Road, Nanyyang EEconommic Deeveloppment Zone, Yanccheng City, Jianngsu PProvinnce, Chinna (“Partty A”), and Jianggsu Waal-Marrt Stoores CCo., LLtd., a limmited liabiility compaany duuly inncorpooratedd and validdly exxistinng undder thhe lawws of Chinaa, witth itss legaal adddress at thhe 8/F NNanjinng Intternattionall Tradde Cennter, 18 Zhhongshhan Rooad Eaast, Baixxia Diistricct, Naanjingg Cityy, Jiaangsu Proviince, Chinaa Wal-Mart (Chinna) Innvestmment SZITIIC Stoores CCo., LLtd. aas Lesssee, a limmited liabiility compaany duuly inncorpooratedd and validdly exxistinng undder thhe lawws of Chinaa, witth itss legaal adddress at 2-5/FF, Towwer 1 and 11-12/FF, Towwer 3, SZITTIC Sqquare, 69 NNongliin Roaad, Fuutian Distrrict, G/F-2/F, Laakevieew Garrden, Honghhu Roaad Luoohu Diistricct, Shenzzhen Municcipaliity Guanggdong Proviince, Chinaa (“Partty B”). (甲方和乙方以以下单称为“一方”,合称为“双方”) (Party A andd Partty B wwill bbe inddividuually referrred tto as a “Paarty” and ccollecctivelly refferredd to aas thee “Parrties”.)鉴于,甲方愿意意依据本协议议所规定的条条款及条件出出租其拥有合合法产权的本本协议项下的的租赁标的物物,乙方愿意意依据本协议议所规定的条条款及条件承承租本协议项项下的租赁标标的物。WHEREASS, Partty A, the llegal ownerr of tthe leeasehoold prropertty undder thhis Aggreemeent, aagreess to llease and PParty B agrrees tto rennt thee leasseholdd propperty in acccordaance wwith tthe teerms aand coonditiions aas sett fortth in this Agreeement. 双方特此协商一一致,达成如如下协议:THE PARRTIES MUTUAALLY AAGREE AS FOOLLOWSS:第1条 本协议组成成Articlee 1 COONTENTT OF THISS AGREEEMENTT本协议包括以下下文件及图纸纸,以下所有有文件及图纸纸已经双方确确认,并已分分别列为本协协议正文及附附件一至附件件八。This Aggreemeent wiill inncludee the folloowing documments and ddrawinngs. AAll thhe folllowinng doccumentts andd drawwings have been confiirmed by booth Paartiess and are eenclossed ass the body text and EExhibiit I tto Exhhibit VIII of thhis Aggreemeent. 本协议正文;Body Teext off thiss Agreeementt;附 件 一: 房屋总平平面图;Exhibitt I: Siite Pllan off Premmises;附 件 二: 各层平面面图/立面图/剖面图;Exhibitt II: Flooor Pllan/Ellevatiion/Seectionn Plann; 附 件 三: 租用面积积计算表/租租金计算表;Exhibitt III: Calcuulatioon Tabble foor Leaased AArea/Calcuulatioon Tabble foor Rennt; 附 件 四: 要求与规规格;Exhibitt IV: Requiiremennts annd Speecificcationns;附 件 五: 乙方进场场施工条件;Exhibitt V: Connditioons beefore Startting CConstrructioon by Partyy B;附 件 六: 甲方应向向乙方提供的的文件;Exhibitt VI: Docuumentss to bbe Proovidedd by PParty A to Partyy B;附 件 七: 甲方与乙乙方维保职责责;Exhibitt VII: Respponsibbilitiies off Mainntenannce annd Reppair bbetweeen Parrty A and PParty B;附 件 八: 抵押权人保保证函格式。Exhibitt VIIII: Forrm of Mortggagees Guaarantyy Lettter.第2条 租赁标的的物和房屋Articlee 2 LLEASEHHOLD PPROPERRTY ANND PREEMISESS2.1 租赁标标的物和房屋屋 Leasseholdd Propperty and PPremisses甲方和乙方同意意按照本协议议列明的条款款及条件,出出租和承租本本协议附件一一、附件二和和附件三所示示的租赁标的的物,该租赁赁标的物(“租赁标的的物”)包括:位于中国江苏省盐城城市迎宾南路路与腾飞路西西南角的国飞飞商业广场的的物业(地号号:016-018-0036)(“大厦”)的地下第一层的部分面面积、地上第第一层的部分面面积、地上第第二层的部分面面积和、地上第三层的部分面积和地地上第四层部部分面积的房房屋(“房屋”),租赁标的的物还包括附附件一所示的的停车区(如下第6.55条所定义)和附件一所所示的沃尔玛玛室外公共区区(如下第6.66条所定义)。Party AA agreees too leasse to Partyy B annd Parrty B agreees to leasee fromm Partty A tthe Leeasehoold Prropertty (thhe “Leeasehoold Prropertty”) aas inddicateed in Exhibbit I, Exhiibit III andd Exhiibit IIII inn accoordancce witth thee termms andd condditionns sett fortth in this Agreeement. The Leaseehold Propeerty iincluddes: aa porttion oof thee areaa in BBasemeent Onne, a portiion off the area on thhe Firrst Floorr, a poortionn of tthe arrea onn the Seconnd Floorr, and a portiion off the area on thhe Thiird Floorr and a porrtion of arrea onn the Fourtth Flooor (rreferrred too as tthe “PPremisses”) of Guuofei Commeerciall Plazzathe propeerty (Lot NNo.: 016-0018-0336) (thee “Buiildingg”) loccated at the ssouthwwesterrn inttersecction of Yiinbingg Soutth Roaad, Yaanchenng Citty, Jiiangsuu Provvince, Chinaa. Thee Leasseholdd Propperty also incluudes tthe Paarkingg Lot (as ddefineed in Articcle 6.5 herreundeer) annd Wall-Martts Ouutdoorr Publlic Arrea (aas deffined in Arrticlee 6.6 hereuunder) as iindicaated iin Exhhibit I. 如本协议附件三三所示,租赁赁标的物的租租用面积总计计为一万一千千八百九十七七平方米(11,8977.00M2)(“租用面面积”),其中:A) 地下第一层为压缩机房房,的租用面积为为面积一百一十十五平方米(115.000M2);B) 地地上第一层为卸货区及及货梯,的租用面积为为面积七百九十十四平方米(794.000M2),包括面积积平方米(MM2),和面积平平方米(M2);C) 地地上第二层为商场,的租用面积为为五千六百八八十四面积平方米(5,6844.00M2);D)地上上第三层为商商场,的租用面积为为五千二百零零六面积平方米(5206.00M2);E)地上第第四层为货梯梯机房,租用用面积为九十十八平方米(998.00 M2)。租赁标的的物的租金应应根据租用面面积为标准计计算。The oveerall area whichh Partty B lleasess fromm Partty A wwithinn the Leaseehold Propeerty, as shhown iin Exhhibit III hhereoff, is EElevenn Thouusand Eightt Hunddred and NNinetyy Seveen squuare mmeterss (11,897.000M2) (“Leeased Area”), whiich coonsistts of A) Onne Hunndred and FFifteeen squarre metters (115.000M2) in BBasemeent Onne forr Comppressoor Rooom ; B) Sevenn Hunddred aand Niinety Four squarre metters (794.000M2) on the FFirst Floorr, inclludingg squaare meeters (M2) for lloadinng docck & rreceivving ffreighht eleevatorr, andd squaare meeters (M2) for ; C) Five Thoussand SSix Huundredd and Eightty Fouur squuare mmeterss (5,684.000M2) on thhe Firrst Flloor for sttore aarea ; D) Five Thoussand TTwo Huundredd and Six ssquaree meteers (55206.000M2) on tthe Thirdd Flooor forr storre areea; E) Nineety Eiight ssquaree meteers (98.000M2) on tthe Foorth FFloor for tthe eqquipmeent rooom off the freigght ellevatoor. The Rent of thhe Leaaseholld Proopertyy willl be ccalcullated on thhe bassis off the Leaseed Areea. 本协议第6.55条所定义的的停车区和第第6.6条所定定义的沃尔玛玛室外公共区区为乙方免费费专用区域。双双方确认,乙乙方享有上述述停车区和沃沃尔玛室外公公共区的免费费专用权的对对价已被双方方在确定租用用面积的租金金时给予了充充分考虑。 Party BB has the eexclussive rright to usse, freee of cchargee, the Parkiing Loot as definned inn Artiicle 66.5 annd Wall-Martts Ouutdoorr Publlic Arrea ass defiined iin Artticle 6.6. The PPartiees connfirm that the cconsidderatiion foor Parrty Bs excclusivve rigghts tto usee freee of cchargee the Parkiing Loot andd Wal-Marts Outtdoor Publiic Areea hass beenn fullly connsiderred whhen thhe Parrties decidde thee Rentt for the LLeasedd Areaa. 若遇本条项下的的描述与本协协议附件一和和/或附件二二和/或附件件三的内容不不一致,则以以附件一和/或附件二和和/或附件三三的内容为准准。If any inconnsisteency bbetweeen thee desccriptiion heereof and tthe sppecifiicatioons shhown iin Exhhibit I andd/or EExhibiit II and/oor Exhhibit III aarise, the speciificattions in Exxhibitt I annd/or Exhibbit III and/or Exxhibitt III will prevaail.若甲方需对本协协议附件一和和/或附件二二和/或附件件三所示内容容进行任何修修改,须于本本协议签署之之日起三十(30)日内内书面告知乙乙方,并在取取得乙方事先先书面同意后后方可实施。如如果乙方书面面同意了甲方方提出的修改改,则租金或或补偿金应按按下述条款进进行调整:(i) 若修修改后的租用用面积(“修改后的的租用面积”)与本协议附附件一和/或或附件二和/或附件三所所示的租用面面积存有差异异,且面积误误差比(如以以下公式所定定义)不超过过正负百分之之三(3%)时,乙方方应根据修改改后的租用面面积向甲方支支付租金;(ii) 若若前述面积误误差比超过正正负百分之三三(3%),则乙方有权权自行决定是是否接受或拒拒绝修改后的的租用面积与与修改前的租租用面积之间间的差异。如如果乙方同意意接受该差异异,则租金应应根据修改后后的租用面积积进行计算。如果乙方拒绝接受该等差异,如面积误差比超出正百分之三(+3%),超出正百分之三(+3%)以外部分的面积由乙方无偿使用,并且,甲方仍应按本协议第4.4条的约定向乙方提供与根据附件三所确定的租用面积计算的月租金等额的租金发票;如面积误差比超出负百分之三(-3%),则不足部分的面积乙方无需支付租金,甲方还应按不足部分面积原乙方应付租金标准的双倍向乙方支付补偿金,补偿金金额在经甲乙双方确认后,乙方有权从向甲方支付的租金中扣除直至前述补偿金款项扣抵完毕,并且,甲方仍应按本协议第4.4条的约定向乙方提供与根据修正后的租用面积计算后的月租金等额的租金发票。乙方需就甲方因不足部分面积支付的补偿金向甲方提供与前述补偿金金额等额的正式收据。面积的误差比 =修改后的租用面面积 - 附件一一和/或附件件二和/或附附件三确定的的租用面积附件一和/或附附件二和/或或附件三确定定的租用面积积If Partty A iintendds to adjusst anyy of tthe coontentts conntaineed in Exhibbit I, Exhiibit III andd/or EExhibiit IIII of tthis AAgreemment, Partyy A muust nootify Partyy B inn writting oof succh inttentioon witthin TThirtyy (30) dayss folllowingg the execuution of thhis Aggreemeent annd willl nott makee any adjusstmentt withhout PParty Bs aadvancce wriitten conseent. IIf Partty B ggives its wwritteen connsent to thhe adjjustmeent reequestted byy Partty A, the RRent oor commpensaation will be addjusteed as folloows: (i) If therre aree disccrepanncies betweeen thhe adjjustedd leassed arrea (tthe “AAdjustted Leeased Area”) and the LLeasedd Areaa as sshown in Exxhibitt I annd/or Exhibbit III and/or Exxhibitt III hereoof, annd thee variiance is noo moree thann Pluss/Minuus Thrree peercentt (3%), Parrty B will pay PParty A thee Rentt accoordingg to tthe Addjusteed Leaased AArea. (ii) If the variaance eexceedds Plus/Minuss Threee perrcent (3%), Parrty B has tthe diiscrettion tto acccept oor rejject ssuch vvariannce. If PParty B agrrees tto acccept tthe vaariancce, thhe Rennt willl be compuuted aaccordding tto thee Adjuusted Leaseed Areea. If PParty B rejjects the vvariannce, iif thee variiance exceeeds Thhree ppercennt (3%), Parrty B may usse thee extrra areea forr freee and Partyy A wiill sttill pprovidde Parrty B with monthhly leeasingg invooice, in acccordaance wwith Articcle 4.4 of this Agreeement, for an ammount equall to tthe moonthlyy Rentt calcculateed acccordinng to the LLeasedd Areaa as seet forrth inn Exhiibit IIII; iif the variaance iis lesss thaan Minnus Thhree ppercennt (-3%), Parrty B is noot oblligateed to pay tthe Reent foor thee actuual shhortagge areea andd Partty A mmust ccompennsate Partyy B foor thee shorrtage area with an ammount equall to tthe doouble of thhe oriiginallly aggreed Rent for tthe shhortagge areea andd uponn conffirmattion oof thee comppensattion aamountt by bboth PPartiees, Paarty BB may offfset thhe aboove coompenssationn fromm the Rent due uuntil such compeensatiion haas beeen sattisfieed andd Partty A wwill pprovidde Parrty B with a montthly lleasinng invvoice, in aaccorddance with Articcle 4.4 of this Agreeement for aan amoount eequal to thhe monnthly Rent that is caalculaated oon thee basiis of the Adjussted LLeasedd Areaa. Parrty B will proviide Paarty AA withh the officcial rreceippt forr an aamountt equaal to the aabove compeensatiion foor thee shorrtage area.The Varriancee=The Adjjustedd Leassed Arrea LLeasedd Areaa showwn in Exhibbits II and/or III and/or IIIILeased Area shownn in EExhibiits I and/oor II and/ or IIII2.2 房屋屋的设计和建建筑 Desiggn andd Consstructtion oof thee Premmises除非双方另有协协议并经盐城城市政府相关关部门批准,甲甲方将自筹资资金,按照本本协议附件一一、附件二和和附件四所约约定的要求和和规格完成租租赁标的物的的设计及施工工工作。甲方方应按照相关关法律法规的的规定,尽快快办理大厦工工程综合竣工工验收合格的的备案手续。租租赁标的物的的工程需按本本协议附件一一、附件二和和附件四所约约定的要求和和规格完成,并并经乙方验收收合格。Unless otherrwise agreeed by the PPartiees andd apprroved by thhe rellevantt authhorityy of Yanchheng City, Partyy A wiill, aat itss solee costt and expennse, ccompleete thhe dessign aand coonstruuctionn of tthe Leeasehoold Prropertty in accorrdancee withh the requiiremennts annd speecificcationns as definned inn Exhiibit II, Exhhibit II, and Exhibbit IVV. Parrty A will compllete tthe fiiling proceedure for tthe coomprehhensivve prooject compeetitioon insspectiion annd accceptannce off the complletionn of tthe coonstruuctionn of BBuildiing inn accoordancce witth rellevantt lawss and regullationns of the PPRC ass soonn as ppossibble. TThe coonstruuctionn of tthe Leeasehoold Prropertty willl meeet thee requuiremeents aand sppecifiicatioons ass set forthh in EExhibiit I, Exhibbit III, and Exhibbit IVV and will be suubjectt to tthe innspecttion oof andd the accepptancee by PParty B. 第3条 租 期Articlee 3 TERRM3.1 初始始租期 Innitiall Termm 本协议项下一个个租约年系指指连续十二(12)个月月的租赁期间间(“租约年”)。本协议第44.1条所定定义的免租施施工期届满的的次日为第一一个租约年的的开始日(“开始日”)。除非本协协议另有规定定或双方另有有其它书面约约定,租金(如如下第4.33条所定义)应应自开始日起起开始计算。甲甲方与乙方确确认本协议初初始租期从开开始日起至第第十五(155)个租约年年届满之日止止(以下称“初始租期”)。The leaase yeear unnder tthis AAgreemment rreferss to aa conssecutiive Twwelve (12)-montth leaase peeriod (the “Leasse Yeaar”). The daay folllowingg the end oof Rennt-freee Connstrucction Periood defineed in Articcle 4.1 undder thhis Aggreemeent, wwill bbe thee commmencemment ddate oof thee firsst leaase yeear (tthe “CCommenncemennt Datte”). Unlesss othherwisse stiipulatted inn thiss Agreeementt or ootherwwise aagreedd betwween tthe Paartiess in wwritinng, thhe Commmenceement Date will be thhe staartingg datee of RRent ccalcullationn (Artticle 4.3 ddefinees “Rentt”). The PPartiees connfirm that the iinitiaal leaase teerm off thiss Agreeementt (thee “Initiial Teerm”) will commeence oon thee Commmencemment DDate of Partyy Bs Superccenterr withhin thhe Preemisess and will termiinate in thhe endd of tthe Fifteeenth (15th) Leease YYear. 3.2 续 约 RRenewaal乙方有权按本协协议相同的条条款和条件(双双方另有约定定者除外)在在本协议初始始租期届满时时续约。续约约次数最多为为五(5)次,每次最最长续约五(5)年(以下称“续约期”)。每个续续约期应从初初始租期或前前一续约期终终止日的下一一日开始计算算。本协议租租期应为初始始租期加上乙乙方全部续约约期之和(以以下称“租期”)。初始租租期届满后,若若乙方决定续续约, 则自自本协议项下下第一个续约约期的第一个个租约年(即即第十六116th个租约年)起起至租期结束束,续约期的的年租金在初初始租期内最最后一个租约约年(第十五五15thh个租约年)年年租金的基础础上每三(3)年递增百分之五(5%)。Upon thhe exppiratiion off the Initiial Teerm, PParty B mayy reneew thiis Agrreemennt witth thee samee provvisionns andd condditionns as stipuulatedd in tthis AAgreemment (unlesss thee Partties aagree otherrwise). Succh rigght maay be exerccised Five (5) tiimes aat mosst andd the term for eeach rrenewaal will nnot exxceed Five (5) yeears (the “Extension Period”). Each Extension Period will begin on the date following the expiration of the Initial Term or the immediately preceding Extension Period. The “Term” under this Agreement will refer to the Initial Term and all the Extension Periods thereof (the “Term”). Upon expiration of the Initial Term, if Party B decides to renew this Agreement, then from the First Lease Year of the First Extension Period, i.e. the Sixteenth (16th) Lease Year through the end of the Term, the annual Rent for the Extension Periods will increase by Five percent (5%) every Three (3) years on the basis of the Rent for the last lease year of the Initial Term, that is the Fifteenth (15th) Lease Year.3.3 续约约的程序 Proocedurre forr Reneewal甲方应在本协议议租期届满前前至少十二(12)个月月,以书面形形式征询乙方方是否选择续续约。如果在在租期届满前六(6)个月乙方仍仍没有就甲方方续约征询通通知给予书面面答复,则甲甲方应于租期届满前五(5)个月向乙方方以书面方式式发出第二次次续约征询通通知。如乙方方选择续约,双双方应根据本本协议第3.2条的约定定,书面确认认续约期内的的租金和续约约期的年限。如如乙方选择不不续约,则本本协议在租期期届满时自动动终止。Party AA willl notiify Paarty BB in wwritinng aboout whhetherr it cchoosees to reneww thiss Agreeementt at lleast Twelvee (12) monthhs priior too the expirrationn datee of tthe Teerm. IIf Partty B ffails to reespondd in wwritinng to Partyy As inquiiry noticce of renewwal opption Six (66) monnths pprior to thhe exppiratiion off the Term, Partty A wwill ssend tto Parrty B the ssecondd inquuiry noticce of renewwal opption at leeast FFive (5) moonths priorr to tthe exxpirattion oof thee Termm. If Partty B cchoosees to reneww thiss Agreeementt, thee Partties wwill cconfirrm thee new Rent for tthe Exxtensiion Peeriod and tthe duuratioon forr the Extennsion Periood in writiing inn accoordancce witth Artticle 3.2 oof thiis Agrreemennt. Iff Partty B cchoosees nott to rrenew this Agreeement, thiss Agreeementt willl be aautomaaticallly teerminaated uupon tthe exxpirattion oof thee Termm.如甲方未按本协协议第3.33条第一段之之规定向乙方方发出书面征征询而乙方选选择续约,则则乙方有权在在租期届满前前,以书面方方式通知甲方方,直接根据据本协议正文文第3.2条的约约定租金金额额续约。乙方方应在书面通通知中明确续续约期的期限限,但每次续续约最长不得得超过五(55)年。If Partty A ffails to innquiree of PParty B in writiing inn accoordancce witth thee firsst parragrapph of this Articcle 3.3 andd Partty B cchoosees to reneww thiss Agreeementt, Parrty B will, uponn the writtten nootice to Paarty AA befoore thhe exppiratiion off the Term, may diirectlly rennew thhis Aggreemeent wiith thhe Rennt ratte as set fforth in Arrticlee 3.2 withoout ennterinng intto a nnew leease aagreemment. Partyy B wiill sppecifyy in tthe wrrittenn notiice off the durattion ffor thhe Exttensioon Perriod, howevver such durattion ffor eaach Exxtensiion Peeriod will not eexceedd Fivee (5) yearss.如乙方未在收到到甲方第二次次书面征询之之日后三(33)个月内向向甲方发出书书面的选择续续约的通知,或或者在甲方未未按本第3.3条第一段段之规定向乙乙方发出任何何书面征询的的情况下,乙乙方亦未在租租期届满前向向甲方发出书书面的选择续续约的通知,则则被视为乙方方选择不续约约,本协议在在租期届满时时自动终止。在在本协议在租租期届满时自自动终止的情情况下,乙方方享有第155.1条所规规定的六十(60)日清清理时间。If Partty B ffails to nootify Partyy A inn writting oof itss reneewal ddecisiion wiithin Three (3) moonths folloowing its rreceippt of Partyy As seconnd rennewal inquiiry nootice, or iif Partty A ffails to seend anny wriitten inquiiry too Partty B wwith rrespecct of its rrenew


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