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Phrases,Unit 11,1.solar energy 2.scientific achievements 3. havein common 4. at the end of 5. work on 6. daily life 7. spenddoing,1.太阳能 2.科学成就 3.有共同之处 4.在末端 / 尽头 5.从事 6.日常生活 7.花费.做,8.即将到来,储藏着 9的栖地,的家,发源地 10.建立,11.开始 12.抓住机会做. 13.硕士学位 14.听说,8. havein store 9. be home to 10. set up,11.get started 12.grasp the opportunity to do 13.masters degree 14.hear about,15.arrange for e true 17.set foot in,15.为安排 16.成为现实 17.踏上 18.经营一家公司 19.设在 20.有积极的影响,18.run a company 19.be based in 20.have a positive effect on,21.as well as 22.rely on 23.deal with 24.learn from 25.as sb puts it 26.be excited about e to life,21.和一样, 也 22.依靠 23.处理 24.向学习 25.正如某人所说 26.对兴奋 27.恢复,活跃起来,28.根据 29.坐落在 30.提出,28.according to 29.be located in 30.put forward,31.装满了 32.把送入 33.为做准备,31.be filled with 32.sent into 33.prepare for,34.第一次载人 太空飞行,34.first manned flight,35.aim at 36.be love at first sight 37.deadly disease 38.at least 39.make a list of 40.in the late 1990s,35.目的在于 36.一见钟情 37.致命疾病 38.至少 39.列一个清单 40.在20世纪90年代末,41.enable sb to do sth 42.develop ones love for 43.of his day 44.long before 45.before long 46.set out to do / about doing sth,41.使某人做某事 42.渐渐喜欢上 43.他所处的时代 44.很久以前 45.不久以后 46.开始做某事, 着手做,Unit12,1.develop ones love for 2.make a living 3.remind of 4.lay the foundation 5.of his day 6.turn out to be,1.渐渐喜欢上 2.谋生 3.使人想起 4.奠定基础 5.他所处的时代 6.结果是, 证明是,7.在船上 8.从那时起 9.防御,7.on board 8.from that day on 9.defend against,10.穿着 11.以开始 12.通过, 过一遍,10.be dressed in 11.begin with 12.go through,13.be driven by a desire to learn 14.throw light upon 15.pioneer a new way 16.unfold to 17.attract ones attention,13.被一种想学一点 的欲望驱使 14.阐明某事 15.开辟一条新路 16.向展示 17.吸引某人的注意,18.hesitate doing / to do 19.cut up 20.light the flame of life 21.burn out,18. 犹豫做 19.切碎 20.点燃生命之火 21.燃尽 22.一个活生生的怪物 23.寻找 24.高八英尺,22.a living horror,23.search for,24.eight feet in height,Unit 13,1.turnupside down e up with 3.benefit from,1.把颠倒过来 2.想出 3.从受益,4.make notes of 5.range fromto 6.all the way 7.break down 8.become / be available to,4.做笔记 5.从到不等 6.一直 7.分解 8.对有用,10.take advantage of 11.heat capacity 12.absorb heat 13.give off heat 14.create a stable environment 15.be sensitive to,10.对加以利用 11.热容量 12.吸收热量 13.释放热量 14.创造一个稳定的环境,15.对敏感,16.marine ecosystems 17.as precious as a drop of rain,16.海洋生态 17.像一滴雨一样珍贵,18.do bad to 19.play a trick on 20.source of life 21.mix together,18. 对不利 19.捉弄 20.生命之源 21.混合在一起,22.providefor 23.have fun 24.have endless opportunities to do 25.a variety of 26.contribute to,22.为提供 23.娱乐 24.有无限的机会做 25.品种繁多的 26.做贡献, 促成某事,投稿,Unit14,1. put in prison 2. join hands 3. give a speech 4. march on 5. be treated as,1.把投进监狱 2.携手, 联手, 合伙 3.作演讲 4.向行进 5.被作为对待 6.不同种族之间的通婚 7. 没有选举权,6.a mixed-race marriage,7. have no right to vote,9. set an example to 10. be treated with respect 11. be free to do 12. civil rights 13. be arrested,9.为树立榜样 10.受到尊重 11.自由地做某事 12.民权 13.被捕,8.为争取而斗争,8. fight for,14.领导一次对公交公 司的联合抵制,14. lead a boycott of the bus company,17.house conditions 18.the following year 19.from then on 20.be murdered,17.住房条件 18.第二年 19.从那时起 20.被谋杀,15.将黑人与白人 分开 16.种族歧视,15. separate blacks from whites 16. racial discrimin-ation,25.in modern times 26.regardless of 27.at first sight,25.在现代 26.不理会,不顾 27.咋一看,初见之下,24废除奴隶制度,24.abolish the slavery,21.无论何时 22.为争取而斗争 23.信任,信赖,信仰,21.of all times 22.struggle for 23.believe in,Unit 15,1.look into 2.make an outline of 3.every now and then 4.get the itch to travel 5.a glimpse of 6.be known for be known as be known to,调查 列出要点 不时地 渴望旅游 一瞥 以而闻名 作为而闻名 为所熟知,7.get / be tired of get / be tired with 8.cool off 9.feel disappointed 10.the best time to do sth 11.the biggest tourism season 12.a four-day festival,7. 对感到厌倦, 因为感到疲劳 8. 变凉, 冷却, 冷静 9. 感到失望 10.做某事的最好时间 11.旅游旺季,12. 一个四天的假日,13.吸引来自全 世界的游客 14.最富有挑战 的滑雪 15.位于, 坐落在,16令人瞠目的风景 17.世界级的滑雪胜地,13.attract visitors from all over the world 14.the most challenging ski 15.be located in,16.breath-taking scenery 17.a world-class ski resort,18.once a year 19.there is no need to do sth 20.plenty of 21.a wide variety of entertainment,18.一年一次 19. 没必要做某事 20.大量的 21. 丰富多彩的 娱乐活动 22.大饱眼福 23.泡一泡,23.take a dip,22.a feast for the eyes,24.work out 25.bring up 26.go on a trip 27.travel agency travel agent,24. 锻炼; 算出; 25. 抚养, 培养 26. 去旅行 27. 旅游代理处 旅游代理人,28.有经验的 旅行者 29. 作出安排,28.experienced travellers seasoned travellers,29.make ones own arrangements,30.travellers cheques 31.avoid doing sth 32.make photocopies 33.buy foreign currency 34.make a list of 35.travel light,30.旅行支票 31. 避免做某事 32. 复印 33.兑换外币 34.列出清单 35.轻装旅行,Goodbye,


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