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科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧,否定句的翻译,全部否定 部分否定 双重否定 意义上的肯定 含蓄否定 转移否定,一、全部否定 : not, no, never, none, neithernor, nothing, nobody, nowhere Whether any of this causes immediate harm is not known. 这是否会造成直接危害目前还不得而知。 Never is aluminium found free in nature. 铝在自然界从不以游离状态存在。 At the beginning, it is said, there was literally nothing, not even space. 据说,在最初的时候,可以说什么东西也没有,甚至连空间也没有。 Nobody wants a dump, or an incinerator, next door. 谁都不愿意在自己的家门口有个垃圾场或垃圾焚化炉。 A gas has neither definite volume nor definite shape. 气体既无一定体积,又无一定形状。 Carbon dioxide does not burn, neither does it support burning. 二氧化碳既不自燃,也不助燃。,试译下列各句,注意全部否定的译法: Neutrons carry no charge. Rubber does not conduct electricity. A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither. These calculations are not correct. A semiconductor is a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator.,Key: 中子不带电。 橡胶不导电。 质子带正电荷,电子带负电荷,但中子不带任何电荷。 这些计算不正确。 半导体材料既不是良导体,也不是好的绝缘体。,No 和not,No ddj = not any 否定的语气较重,有极端否定的意味,带有一定的感情色彩 Not adv. 否定语气弱,无感情色彩。 He is not a mathematician. He is no mathematician. There are trees in this desert. There are not any trees in this desert.,No more than:比较时,具有消极意义,表示than前后两个事物程度相同,且都是否定。意义等于“not any more than.译为”和一样不;并不比 更“ A small fragment from the meteor is often no larger than a grain of san, 流星的小碎片往往不比沙粒更大。 流星的小碎片往往和沙粒一样小。 Not morethan:比较时,具有积极的意义,表示than前的事物在程度上不如than后的事物。其意义等于”not so as” This metal is not more useful than aluminium. 这种金属不如铝那样有用。,No less than:意思是肯定的,一般可译为:“不次于;和一样” The biological zone is probably not so familiar to us as these three physical zones, but as a matter of face, it is no less significant than the latter. 我们对生物带可能不象对这三个自然带那样熟悉,但实际上其重要性不亚于这三个自然带(和这三个自然带同意重要) Not less than:不必.差 This workpiece is not less hard than that one. 这个工件的硬度不比那个工件差。,否定重点的判断,英语和汉语在表达否定的概念时所使用的词汇手段、语法手段、甚至语言逻辑都有很大的不同,例如,汉语句中的否定重点一般是在否定词的后面,而英语则不然。英语句中的否定词虽然往往位于谓语、主语、宾语等成分前,但其否定的重点却不一定甚至不是这些成分。,二、部分否定: all, every, both, always + not All these metals are not good conductors. 这些金属并不都是良导体。 Every color is not reflected. 并非每种色光都会反射回来。 Friction is not always useless, in certain cases it becomes a helpful necessity. 摩擦并非总是无用的,在某些场合下,则是有益和必需的。 Notice that not all mechanical energy is kinetic energy. 要注意,并非所有的机械能都是动能。 Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两台仪器不都是非常精密。 In a thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat. 在火力发电厂里,燃料的化学能并未全部转化为热能。,试译下列各句,注意部分否定的译法: Every machine here is not imported from abroad. In the thermal power plant, all the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat. Not every collision results in a chemical reaction, since many molecules do not possess the required energy. But friction is not always useless, in certain cases it becomes a helpful necessity. Both of the substances do not dissolve in water.,Key: 这里的机器并非每台都是从国外进口的。 在火力发电厂,燃料的化学能并未全部转化为热量。 不是每次碰撞都能发生化学反应,因为许多分子不具有反应所需要的能量。 可是摩擦并不总是没用,在某些情况下是有益而且必须的。 不是两种物质都溶于水。,双重否定 Sodium is never found uncombined in nature. 自然界中从未发现不处于化合状态的钠。(自然界中的钠被发现都处于化合状态。) It is not impossible to control industrial waste waters to preserve the usefulness of the receiving water. 不是不可能控制工业废水以保护进水的可用性。(完全可以控制工业废水以保护进水的可用性。) There has not been a scientist of eminence but was a man of industry. 没有哪一个有成就的科学家不是勤奋的。(所有有成就的科学家都非常勤奋。),A radar screen is not unlike a television screen. 雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏没什么不一样。(雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。) No flow of water occurs unless there is a difference in pressure. 没有压差,水就不会流动。(有压差,水才会流动。) Though often beneficial, mindless use of antibiotics is not without hazard. 使用抗生素虽然非常有好处,但如果盲目使用,就难免没有害。(使用抗生素虽然非常有好处,但如果盲目使用,也会有害。),试译下列各句,注意双重否定的译法: One body never exerts a force upon another without the second reacting against the first. It is impossible for heat to be converted into a certain energy without something lost. Bearings should not be unboxed or unwrapped until the moment for fitting has arrived. Physiologic process cannot take place if there is not sufficient water. A body at rest will never move unless it is acted on by an external force.,Key: 一个物体对另一物体施加作用力必然会受到这另一物体的反作用力。 热转换成某种能不可能没有什么损耗。 不到安装时不应打开轴承的包装箱或包装纸。 如果水分不够,生理过程就无法正常运行。 如果没有外力作用,静止的物体就不会移动。,意义上的肯定:nothing like(没有什么比得上), cannottoo(越越好), no/not/nothing + more + than(不过), no/not/nothing + less + than(多达) There is nothing like mineral water to quench ones thirst. 矿泉水是最解渴的饮料。 Pesticides can cause a lot of harm, so you can never be too careful when using pesticides. 杀虫剂会造成很大危害,所以当使用杀虫剂时应特别小心。 These scientists could not believe the Curies more. 这些科学家完全相信居里夫妇。 No less than 25 percent of the crops are polluted. 受污染的庄稼竟高达25%。 The importance of proper lubrication cannot be overemphasized. 应特别强调适当进行润滑的重要性。,试译下列各句,注意意义上肯定的译法: An explosion is nothing more than a tremendously rapid burning. No less than 150 people were injured in the crash. It cannot be too much emphasized that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. That scientist has no small chance of success. Some oil wells produce nothing but salt water, while others always remain dry.,Key: 爆炸只不过是非常急速的燃烧。 这次飞机失事中,受伤人数竟多达150名。 农业是国民经济的基础怎样强调也不会过分。 那位科学家很有可能会成功。 有些油井只产盐水,而另一些油井却总是干的。,含蓄否定 表达含蓄否定的动词和动词短语:avoid, deny, exclude, fail, ignore, lack, miss, neglect, overlook, keep/prevent/protect/savefrom, refuse, stop 表达含蓄否定的名词:absence, deficiency, exclusion, failure, loss, neglect, refusal 表达含蓄否定的形容词和形容词短语:devoid of, far from, few, free from, ignorant of, last, little, safe from, short of 表达含蓄否定的副词:hardly, rarely, scarcely, seldom, vainly 表达含蓄否定的介词及介词短语:above, at issue with, behind, below, beneath, beside, beyond, but for, in default of, in defect of, in place of, in vain, instead of, off 表达含蓄否定的连词:before, but, but that, rather than, tooto, unless,The robot seldom if ever tires or losses interest in its task. 机器人对于所承担的工作简直不会感到疲劳或厌倦。 It is the last type of machine for such a job. 这是最不适合这种作业的机器。 Oil is being found in parts of the world which were once pronounced lacking in oil. 在世界上一些曾被宣告为贫油的地区,正在发现石油。 A vacuum, which is the absence of matter, cannot transmit sound. 真空中没有物质,不能传播声音。 Beyond a certain point the piling up of evidence adds mere quantity, without altering the result. 超出某一程度,再积累资料只是增加数量,而不会改变结果。,A few instruments are in a state of neglect. 一些仪器处于无人管理的状态。 It is anything but a high precision grinder. 这决不是一台高度精密磨床。 Far from increasing the reaction rate, high temperatures decrease it. 高温不但没有增加该反应速率,反而减低反应速率。 They would rather use machine parts of plastics than those of metals. 他们宁可使用塑料机器零件,也不用金属机器零件。 We should do our best to protect the surrounding areas from being polluted by radiation. 我们应尽力使周围环境免受辐射污染。,试译下列各句,注意含蓄否定的译法: It is gravity that keeps us from falling off. The first law of thermodynamics denies the possibility of creating or destroying energy. The Theory of Relativity worked out by Einstein is now above many peoples comprehension. But for air and water, nothing could live. The precision instrument must be kept free from dust.,He was too careful a scientist to rush into publication. We had to step down our production for lack of some raw materials. Some of the new products still fall short of the quality requirements. Pure iron has few useful properties. Atomic electric batteries can operate without being recharged for decades.,Key: 正是重力使我们不会脱离地球。 热力学第一定律否认有创造或消灭能量的可能性。 爱因斯坦提出的“相对论”,现在还有不少人理解不了。 没有空气和水,什么也活不了。 精密仪器必须保持无尘。 他是一位非常谨慎的科学家,并不急于发表著作。 由于缺乏某些原料,我们不得不放慢生产进度。 某些产品尚未达到质量要求。 纯铁没有什么有用的特性。 原子电池组可以持续使用数十年,而不必再充电。,转移否定 The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished. 发动机不是因为燃料用完而停止的。(不应译作:发动机没有停止,因为燃料用完了。) The planets do not go around the sun at a uniform speed. 各行星不是以匀速绕太阳运转。(不应译作:各行星以匀速绕太阳不运转。) The compass needle does not point true north everywhere on earth. 罗盘指针并不是在所有的地方都指向真正的北极。(不应译作:罗盘指针在地球所有的地方都不指向真正的北极。) No atmosphere has been found on Mercury, and we can be fairly certain that none exists. 在水星上没有发现大气层,因此可以肯定那里不存在生物。(不应译作:没有大气层被发现在水星上,因此我们可以肯定那里不存在生物。),We dont control the circuit with that kind of switch. 我们不用那种开关控制电路。(不应译作:我们用那种开关不控制电路。) The free electrons usually do not move in a regular way. 自由电子往往做不规则运动。(不应译作:自由电子以规则方式不运动。),试译下列各句,注意转移否定的译法: After an insulator has been electrified, the electricity does not move through the insulator as it would through a conductor. These free electrons usually do not move in a regular way. Contrary to what is often thought, the earth does not move round in the empty space. It is imperative to emphasize that no patient with a marked stridor should be submitted to general anaethesia. In general, no new substance forms in a physical change.,Key: 绝缘体接上电源后,电不会像通过导体那样通过绝缘体。 这些自由电子通常以不规则的方式运动。 与通常想法相反,地球并不是在空无一物的空间中运转的。 必须强调,任何病人如有明显喘鸣,切不可施行全身麻醉。 一般说来,物理变化不形成新的物质。,


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