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江西省抚州市2009届高三教学质量检测英 语 试 题本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分,考试时间120分钟。第一卷(三部部分,共1115分)考生注意:1.本试卷分分第一卷(选选择题)和第第二卷(非选选择题)两部部分,共1550分。考试试时间1200分钟。2.答题前,考考生务必将密密封线内的项项目填写清楚楚。3.请将第一一卷答案填在在第二卷前的的答题栏中,第第二卷用蓝黑黑钢笔或圆珠珠笔按要求写写在试卷上。4. 本试卷主主要考试内容容:第一部分:听力力(共两节,满满分30分)第一节(共55小题;每小小题1. 55分,满分77. 5分)听下面5段对话话。每段对话话后有一个小小题,从题中中所给的A、BB、C三个选选项中选出最最佳选项,并并标在试卷的的相应位置。听听完每段对话话后,你都有有10秒钟的的时间来回答答有关小题和和阅读下一小小题。每段对对话仅读一遍遍。例:How mmuch iis thee shirrt?A. 19. 15. B. 9. 115. C. 9. 188. 答案是B1. Whenn willl the speakkers gget too the sportts meeeting?A. 7:455. BB. 8:000. C. 8:15. 2. Why doesnnt thhe mann eat his ccake?A. It hhas a bad ssmell. B. He hhas a toothhache. C. He hhas trroublee openning hhis liips. 3. Wherre doees thee convversattion mmost pprobabbly taake pllace?A. In aa planne. BB. At an aiirportt. C. At aa hoteel. 4. Whatt do wwe knoow aboout thhe womman?A. She doesnnt unndersttand tthe maan. B. She cantt hearr the man cclearlly. C. She is anngry wwith tthe maan. 5. Who spokee to HHelen?A. Her teachher. B. Heer hussband. C. Her bboss. 第二节(共115小题;每每小题1. 5分,满分分22. 55分)听下面5段对话话或独白。每每段对话或独独白后有几个个小题,从题题中所给的AA、B、C三三个选项中选选出最佳选项项,并标在试试卷的相应位位置。听每段段对话或独白白前,你将有有时间阅读各各个小题,每每小题5秒钟钟;听完后,各各小题将给出出5秒钟的作作答时间。每每段对话或独独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回回答第6、77题。6. Whatt seemms to be thhe cauuse off Jimmmys ccoughiing?A. He hhas a cold. B. The air iis dirrty. C. He ssmokedd too much last nightt. 7. Why does Jimmyy findd it hhard tto givve up smokiing?A. Becaause hhe doees nott reallly waant too. B. Becaause hhe is very stresssed. C. Becaause aall hiis friiends smokee. 听第7段材料,回回答第8至110题。8. Wherre is the mmanageer noww?A. He hhas goone too havee luncch. B. He iis in the sshop sservinng thee womaan. C. He iis on the wway hoome. 9. Whenn did the wwoman bringg the watchh in?A. 3 daays aggo. B. AA momeent aggo. C. OOne weeek aggo. 10. Whyy was the rreceippt (收据据) stiill thhere wwhen tthe wooman ccame bback?A. She thougght shhe diddnt nneed iit. B. The managger diidnt give it too her. C. She droppped itt whenn she left. 听第8段材料,回回答第11至至14题。11. Whaat is the pprobabble reelatioonshipp betwween tthe twwo speeakerss?A. Brotther aand siister. B. Friennds. C. Prrofesssor annd stuudent. 12. Wheere iss the Chineese reestaurrant?A. On KKing SStreett. B. On QQueen Streeet. CC. On Greenn Streeet. 13. Whoo didnnt knnow whhere tthe reestaurrant wwas?A. Daviid B. Luucy. C. Daavid aand Luucy. 14. Wheen werre theey to meet at thhe resstauraant?A. At 88:30. B. AAt 7:330. CC. At 6:30. 听第9段材料,回回答第15至至17题。15. Wheere dooes thhe connversaation probaably ttake pplace?A. In aa shopp. B. In aa bankk. C. In aa facttory. 16. Howw muchh willl the womann pay?A. $59. BB. $622. C. $665. 17. Wheen willl thee womaan proobablyy comee agaiin?A. Nextt Tuessday. B. NNext TThursdday. C. Neext Saaturdaay. 听第10段材料料,回答第118至20题题。18. Howw muchh doess the pass cost if yoou aree a sttudentt?A. $7600. B. $8800. C. $840. 19. In whichh cityy of AAustraalia ccan yoou staart ussing tthe paass?A. Any city. B. Sydneey. CC. Mellbournne. 20. Whaat cann we llearn from what the sspeakeers saaid?A. The pass can bbe useed forr 12 mmonthss. B. The routee is ffrom SSydneyy to Meelbourrne. C. Peopple caan onlly vissit immportaant ciities. 第二部分:英语语知识运用(共共两节,满分分45分)第一节单项填填空(共155小题;每小小题1分,满满分15分)从A、B、C、DD四个选项中中,选出可以以填入空白处处的最佳选项项。21. Durring hhis raace too the higheest poost inn the US, BBarackk Obamma callled ffor Unnited Statees of Ameriica, rratherr thann whitte Ameerica or a blackk Amerrica. A. a; aaB. 不填填;theC. the; aD. the; 不填22. My sisteer, ass welll as hher cllassmaates wwho laate foor claass, ccriticcized by Mrr Huntt. A. was; was B. wwas; wwere C. weere; wwas DD. werre; weere23. Im sorrry, bbut thheress no ssmokinng on this flighht. Oh, I tthat. Sorryy, I wwont againn. A. dont knoow BB. diddnt kknow C. wwont know D. havennt knnown24. Pheelps, tto druug aftter thhe 29tth Olyympicss, sett an OOlympiic worrld reecord with his eeighthh goldd medaal, thhe preeviouss recoord off seveen meddals sset byy Markk Spittz. A. addiicted; breaaking B. aaddictting; breakkingC. to aaddictt; brooken D. addiccts; bbroke25. Hoow lonng do you tthink it iss he aarriveed herre?No morre thaan hallf a yyear, I bellieve. A. whenn BB. sinnce C. bbeforee D. thatt26. Youu can alwayys juddge a persoon by the hhe keeeps. A. accoompanyy BB. commpany C. comppanionn DD. commfort27. Donnt bee nervvous! Lie ddown aand brreathee . A. flatt; deeeply B. flatlly; deeep C. fflat; deep D. flattly; ddeeplyy28. Parrents shoulld nott be lled too prinnted ffairy taless as fformall textts. A. beinng treeated B. treaating C. treaated D. treatt29. Diid youu visiit thee famoous muuseum?No. Wee it, but wwe speent tooo mucch timme shooppingg. A. coulld havve vissited B. mmust hhave vvisiteedC. cant havve vissited D. sshoulddnt hhave vvisiteed30. It is esstimatted thhat thhis innvestmment ccan $500,000 aa yearr, whiich wiill exxcite us inn suchh a gllobal finannce tssunamii. A. brinng up B. brinng in C. bbring back D. bbring aboutt31. Wiill yoou atttend tthe meeetingg thiss afteernoonn?But I ttold aanythiing abbout iit. A. wasnnt BB. am not C. haaventt beenn D. wont be32. Teeenagerrs aree warnned too be ccarefuul wheen makking ffriendds onlline, becauuse whhen yoou cannt seee a ppersonn, theey couuld bee . A. everrybodyy B. somebbody C. annybodyy D. noboddy33. Thee Red Crosss a geenerouus summ to tthe reelief of thhe vicctims of thhe earrthquaake inn Wencchuan. A. admiinisteered B. prrovideedC. attaached D. contrributeed34. I didnt knoow thiis wass a onnewayy streeet, oofficeer. A. Thatts alll rigght. B. II dont bellieve you. C. How dare you ssay thhat? D. Sorryy, butt thatts noo excuuse. 35. It is hee ofteen faiils inn examm makees hiss pareents wworrieed aboout hiim. A. becaause; that BB. thaat; thhat CC. 不填; thatt DD. whaat; thhat第二节完形填填空(共200小题;每小小题1. 55分,满分330分)阅读下面短文,掌掌握其大意,然然后从3655各题所所给的四个选选项(A、BB、C和D)中中,选出最佳佳选项。Scott aand hiis commpanioons weere teerriblly dissappoiinted. Whenn theyy got to thhe Souuth Poole, tthey ffound the NNorweggians (挪威人) had 36 tthem iin thee racee to bbe thee firsst eveer to reachh it. Afterr plannting the BBritissh flaag at the PPole, they took a phootograaph off themmselvees 377 theey staarted the 9950miile joourneyy backk. The jouurney was uunexpeectedlly 388 andd the joy aand exxcitemment aabout the PPole hhad goone ouut of them. The sun hhardlyy 39. Thee snoww storrms allways made it immpossiible tto sigght thhe stoones tthey hhad 440 too markk theiir wayy homee. To make thinggs 411, Evvans, whom they had aall thhoughtt of 42 tthe sttrongeest off the five, felll badlly intto a ddeep hhole iin thee ice. Haviing 443 allong ffor seeverall dayss, he suddeenly ffell ddown aand diied. The fouur whoo weree 44 pushhed onn at tthe beest sppeed tthey ccould 45. Captaain Oaates hhad beeen suufferiing foor somme timme froom hiss frozzen feeet; aat nigght hiis 466 sweelled (肿胀) so laarge tthat hhe couuld 447 puut hiss bootts on the nnext mmorninng, annd he walkeed braavely althoough hhe wass in ggreat 48. He knnew hiis sloownesss was makinng it less 49 tthat tthe otthers couldd savee themmselvees. Hee askeed theem to leavee him behinnd in his ssleepiingbaag, buut theey reffused, and helpeed himm 50 a feww moree milees, unntil iit wass timee to pput upp the 51 ffor annotherr nighht. The folllowinng morrning, whille thee otheer 522 werre stiill inn theiir sleeepinggbagss, he said. “I am juust gooing ooutsidde andd may be 553 soome tiime. ” He waas nevver seeen aggain. He haad wallked oout 554 innto thhe snoow stoorm, hhopingg thatt his 55 wwould help his ccompannions. 36. A. hitB. fooughtC. woonD. beeaten37. A. afterrB. unntilC. whhileD. beefore38. A. safeB. sllowC. shhortD. faast39. A. roseB. seetC. apppeareedD. diisappeeared40. A. takenn upB. cuut upC. seet upD. piicked up41. A. easieerB. beetterC. haarderD. woorse42. A. toB. upponC. assD. inn43. A. battlledB. sttrugglledC. laainD. waaited44. A. leftB. loostC. deefeateedD. saaved45. A. managgeB. trryC. emmployD. ennjoy46. A. handssB. feeetC. arrmsD. leegs47. A. hardllyB. neeverC. seeldomD. neearly48. A. painB. suurprisseC. trroubleeD. daanger49. A. imporrtantB. coonveniientC. liikelyD. immpossiible50. A. awayB. ouutC. offfD. onn51. A. bedB. teentC. bllankettD. slleepinngbagg52. A. crewB. trraveleersC. cllimberrsD. teeammattes53. A. misseedB. seeparattedC. paartedD. goone54. A. aimleesslyB. loonelyC. alloneD. caarelesssly55. A. deathhB. faailureeC. woordsD. thhoughtts第三部分:阅读读理解(共220小题;每每小题2分,满满分40分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(AA、B、C和和D)中,选选出最佳选项项。AI must have been aboutt fourrteen then, and I putt awayy the inciddent ffrom mmy minnd witth thee easyy careelessnness oof youuth. BBut thhe worrds, CCarl WWalterr spokke thaat dayy, camme bacck to me yeears llater, and ever sincee havee beenn of ggreat valuee to mme. Carl Waalter was mmy piaano teeacherr. Durring oone off my llessonns he askedd how much practticingg I waas doiing. II saidd threee or four hourss a daay. “Do youu pracctise in loong sttretchhes, aan houur at a timme?”“I try to.”“Well, dontt,” hee excllaimedd. “Whhen yoou groow up, timee wont comme in long strettches. Pracctise in miinutess, wheeneverr you can ffind tthem ffive oor tenn befoore scchool, afteer lunnch, bbetweeen houuseholld tassks. SSpreadd the practtice tthrouggh thee day, and pianooplayying wwill bbecomee a paart off yourr lifee. ”When I was tteachiing att Coluumbia, I waanted to wrrite, but cclass perioods, tthemereadiing, aand coommitttee meeetinggs fillled mmy dayys andd evennings. For two yyears I gott praccticallly noothingg downn on ppaper, and my exxcuse was tthat II had no tiime. TThen II remeembereed whaat Carrl Wallter hhad saaid. DDuringg the next week I connducteed an experrimentt. Wheeneverr I haad fivve minnutes unocccupiedd, I ssat doown annd wroote a hundrred woords oor so. To mmy asttonishhment, at tthe ennd of the wweek II had a ratther llarge manusscriptt readdy forr reviision, lateer on I wroote noovels by thhe samme pieecemeaal metthod. Thouggh my teachhing sscheduule haad beccome hheavieer thaan eveer, inn everry dayy therre werre idlle momments whichh coulld be caughht andd put to usse. I even took up piianopplayinng agaain, ffindinng thaat thee smalll inttervalls (间断断) of the dday prrovideed suffficieent tiime foor botth wriiting and ppiano practtice. There iis an imporrtant trickk in tthis ttimeuusing formuula:yoou musst gett intoo yourr workk quicckly. If yoou havve butt fivee minuutes ffor wrritingg, youu cant affford tto wasste foour chhewingg yourr penccil. YYou muust maake yoour meental prepaaratioons beeforehhand, and cconcenntratee on yyour ttask aalmostt insttantlyy whenn the time comess. Forrtunattely, rapidd conccentraation is eaasier than most of uss reallize. I admitt I haave neever llearntt how to leet go easilly at the eend off the five or teen minnutes. But life can bbe couunted on too suppply innterruuptionns. Caarl Waalter has hhad a tremeendouss inflluencee on mmy liffe. Too him I owee the discoovery that even very shortt periiods oof timme addd up tto alll usefful hoours II needd, if I pluunge iin witthout delayy. 56. Whaat is the bbest ttitle of thhis paassagee?A. Conccentraate onn Yourr Workk B. A Littlle at a TimmeC. How I Beccame aa Writter DD. Goood Advvice57. Whiich off the folloowing stateementss is TTRUE?A. The writeer owees greeat thhanks to hiis teaacher for tteachiing hiim to work in loong sttretchhes. B. Carll Waltter haas hadd a grreat iinflueence oon thee writters life sincee he bbecamee a sttudentt. C. The writeer diddnt ttake tthe teeacherrs woords tto heaart att firsst. D. Rapiid conncentrrationn is aactuallly moore diifficuult thhan moost peeople imagiine. 58. Thee undeerlineed parrt “coountedd on” can bbe repplacedd by. A. enriiched B. cconcenntrateed C. valuued DD. exppectedd59. We can iinfer that the wwriterr. A. has new bbooks publiished each year howevver buusy hiis teaachingg isB. is aalwayss tireed of interrruptiions iin liffe beccause his tteachiing scchedulle is alwayys heaavyC. has formeed a bbad haabit oof cheewing a penncil wwhile writiing hiis novvelsD. can find suffiicientt timee for mentaal preeparattions beforrehandd, so hes devotted too workk insttantlyyBIf you are iintereested in soomethiing abbout tthe Ollympicc Gamees, yoou couuld goo in ffor NBBA staar Yaoo Minggs beed or the aanciennt Chiinese drumss usedd in tthe oppeningg cereemony. Mediia repports say YYaos 2. 6mlonng bedd in tthe Ollympicc Villlage ccould be woorth uup to 2 milllion yuan ($292,0000). The druums, ccalledd fou, howeever, couldd comee cheaaper aand suurely easieer to get bbecausse theere arre 2,0008 off themm, andd as mmany uumbrelllas, each of whhich ccome wwith aa smilling fface. More thhan 200 milllion GGames memorrabiliia (纪念念品) wiill bee put underr the hammeer, annd anyybody can ooffer a priice hiigh ennough for tthem. The aauctioon (拍卖卖) is expeccted tto reaach abbout 11 billlion yyuan ($146 mmillioon). IInformmationn on tthe auuctionn willl be ppostedd on CChina Beijiing Eqquity Exchaangess (CBEEX) weebsitee soonn. A CBEX managger saaid thhe Beiijing Olymppics oorganiizing commiittee (BOCOOG) haas agrreed tto selll thee itemms aftter Seept 177, thaat is, afteer thee end of thhe Parralymppics GGames. On somee popuular aauctioon webbsitess, thee biddding ffor sttar atthletees beelongiings hhas allreadyy heatted upp. Thee bid for tthe paair off sneaakers menss badmmintonn chammpion Lin DDan thhrew iinto tthe crrowd hhas riisen tto 3 mmillioon yuaan ($4439,0000). And thee signnaturees (签名名) of Yang Wei, who wwon thhe menns alllaroound ggymnasstics gold, and his tteammaates aare gooing ffor 100,000 yuan oon taoobao. com. TThe CBBEX maanagerr saidd, “Evvery iitem llistedd onliine wiill haave ann accoompanyying pphotoggraph and tthe teelephoone nuumber of itts keeeper to gget inn toucch witth. ”Furnituure annd fixxturess, timmepiecces, llight bulbss and a varriety of spport eequipmment wwill bbe putt up ffor saale. BBut itt coulld takke up to twwo yeaars too aucttion tthem aall, CCBEX ppresiddent XXiong Yan ssaid. The mmoney raiseed froom thee aucttions will go too the BOCOGG, whiich haas nott yet annouunced what it inntendss to ddo witth thee moneey. (FFrom CChinaddaily. com. cn)60. Whiich off the folloowing mightt reacch thee highhest pprice accorrding to thhe passsage?A. Yao Mings bedd. B. An aanciennt Chiinese drumss. C. The pair of snneakerrs of Lin DDan. D. The signaaturess of YYang WWei annd hiss teammmatess. 61. Wheen migght thhe newws aboove bee repoorted?A. Afteer thee Olymmpic GGames. B. Afterr the Parallympiccs Gammes. C. Afteer Seppt 17. D. Afterr the auctiion. 62. Youu may probaably rread tthe paassagee in tthe seectionn of ffrom aa webssite. A. scieence B. ecconomyy C. lifesstyle D. nnews63. Acccordinng to the ppassagge, onn taobbao. com, wwe cann see . A. the photoos of Yang Wei aand hiis teaammateesB. the photoos of the ppersonns whoo keepp the signaaturessC. the telepphone numbeers off the CBEXD. teleephonee numbbers oof thee perssons wwho seell thhe siggnaturres64. We can kknow ffrom tthe paassagee thatt . A. all the tthingss refeerred to wiill noot be sold by thhe CBEEXB. the auctiion wiill bee orgaanizedd by tthe BOOCOG iin thee endC. the auctiion caant bbe finnishedd at aa timeeD. The raiseed monney maay be used to deevelopp sporrtsCEnjoy tthe woonderfful Eaaster lunchh bufffet (自自助餐) aand chhildreen willl be givenn the lovelly Easster cchocollate eeggs. Time:Maar, 288Mar 30, 11998 111:00 am3:00 pmmPlace:llucky corneer cofffee sshop (hhotel firstt flooor)Price:1150155% serrvice charggehalf prrice ffor chhildreen undder 122 yearrs oldd. Reservaationss:Scittech hhotel 65123338822114orr 21644March 330th bbringss a fuunfillled EEasterr enteertainnment progrram too the Crazyy Sundday Brrunch at thhe PattioCoffee Shop from 11:000 am33:00 ppm!Childreen undder 100 yearrs oldd accoompanyying ttheir parennts wiill ennjoy tthis sspeciaal meaal forr freee and can eeven wwin loots off treaat priices iin thee Egg Paintting CCompettitionn!WE GUARRANTEEE You A Funn Eastter SuundayPlease regisster yyour cchildrren foor thee conttest nno latter thhe Marrch 299th ass spacce is limitted. For furrther inforrmatioon andd reseervatiions. pleasse calll 6433766888 ext. 28733/28655 Holiiday IInn Liido BeeijinggRMB 1500,00115% suurcharrgeHappy EEasterrMarch 33011:00144:30Hilton HotellThe Easster BBunny is cooming to toown!Join hiim forr a sppeciall Eastter Brrunch at thhe Atrrium ccafe aand ennjoy ttradittionall Eastter faavorittes. RMB 195515% surchhargeChildreen undder 122 yearrs oldd freee of cchargee. Surrprisee giftt for the cchildrren att the Kidss Cornner. 65. Thee mainn purppose oof thee adveertiseementss is tto givve infformattion aabout . A. weekkend aactiviitiesB. a hoolidayy celeebratiionC. the pricee for the mmeals in biig hottelsD. Egg Paintting CCompettitionn66. It can bbe leaarned from the aadverttisemeents tthat tthe chhildreen cann enjooy theemselvves moost inn . A. Lidoo Holidday Inn B. Pallace HHotel C. Sciteech Hootel D. Hiilton Hotell67. If you wwant tto havve an Easteer meaal on Marchh 28, whichh hoteel cann you go too?A. Scittech HHotel and LLido HHolidaay InnnB. The Palacce Hottel annd Hillton HHotelC. Hiltton Hootel aand Liido Hoolidayy InnD. Scittech HHotel and tthe Paalace HotellDMany annimalss recoognizee theiir foood beccause they see iit. Soo do hhumanss. Wheen youu see an appple oor a ppiece of chhocolaate yoou knoow thaat theese arre thiings yyou caan eatt. Youu can also use oother sensees wheen youu chooose yoour foood. YYou maay likke it becauuse itt smellls goood orr becaause iit tasstes ggood. You mmay diislikee somee typees of food becauuse thhey doo not look, smelll or tastee veryy nicee. Diffferennt aniimals use ddifferrent ssensess to ffind aand chhoose theirr foodd. A ffew annimalss depeend onn onlyy one of thheir ssensess, whiile moost annimalss use more than one ssense. Althouggh theere arre manny diffferennt typpes off foodd, somme aniimals spendd theiir livves eaating only one ttype. The ggiant pandaa eatss onlyy one partiicularr typee of bbambooo. Othher annimalss eat only one ttype oof foood eveen wheen givven thhe chooice. A kinnd of whitee buttterflyy willl stayy on tthe leeaves of a cabbaage, eeven tthoughh therre aree plennty off


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