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BOOK 2 Unit 5 Where is my ruler?B Lets talk and Lets learn一、教学目标: 知识目标:1.学生能听说、认读词汇:desk, chair, lamp和walkman。2.学生能听懂、认读和运用句型:Excuse me. Can I use your? No problem!3.学生能进一步巩固和熟练运用句型:Where is my? Its under/in /on the进行表达和交流。能力目标:学生能听懂、认读对话,并能在情境中表演和创编对话。 情感目标:学生能够积极参与学习活动,并体会到学习的快乐;能够在向同伴借用物品时注意基本的礼貌。二、教学重难点:教学重点:学生能灵活运用基本句型:Excuse me. Can I use your?以及回答: No problem.学生能熟练运用句型:Where is my? Its under/in /on the。教学难点:学生能在情景中正确运用句型:Excuse me. Can I use your? No problem.三、教学准备:教师准备多媒体课件、句子卡片、随身听和台灯。学生准备好各种文具。四、教学过程:Step1 Warm-up and Revision1.Lets chant. Where is your mouth? Here it is.(Here it is. We also can say “It is here.” or “Its here.”)2.Free talk. T: I have a new a pencil-case! Look, where is my pencil-case?(变换三次位置。) Where is your pencil-case?Where is your pen?Excuse me! Can I use your pen?S: Sure, here you are. T: Where is your pencil?T: Excuse me! Can I use your pencil? S: Sure, here you are. T: You also can say: No problem! Here you are.【设计意图】通过chant热身切入单元话题,并由Here it is.引出Its here。通过自由对话,复习方位词under/in /on.并渗透句型:Excuse me. Can I use your pencil? 潜移默化地对重难点进行初次输入。Step2 Presentation 1.教师呈现文本图片让学生先猜“Where is my pencil?”然后让学生观看Talk无字幕视频并回答问题。T:Look at this picture. Whos she?Amy cant find her pencil. She says:Where is my pencil? (启发学生齐说,并板书。) Can you guess?Lets watch the video and find out the answer. Have you got it? (呈现答案:Its under the book.)【设计意图】教师提出问题Where is my pencil?让学生通过猜一猜的形式对文本进行预设。然后学生带着问题听录音,初步整体感知文本并回答。2.教师再提出问题,让学生观看带字幕视频做选择性回答。呈现重点句并练习。T:Look!John has a question too. He says: I want to use Amys pencil. How should I say politely? Lets watch the video again and find out the answer. Have you got it?We should choose A or B? Can you read? S: B. Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil? 引出Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?并呈现。先整体读,再分步指导发音,再分别贴在黑板上。第一步:Pay attention to this word “use”. Can you spell use?Follow me! use, use. What does use mean?Can I use your pencil?Follow me! (此时板书Can I use your pencil?)John is a polite boy. He says: Excuse me first. 第二步:(词卡 )usecuseexexcuse。 第三步:Chant in pairs: Excuse me. Excuse me.T:Excuse me, Peter. Can I use your?S: No problem! (领读分步指导problem发音,并呈现在黑板上。)第一步:先指导发音o,prob, lem,problem.第二步:Practice in pairs: No problem.Follow the teacher:Excuse me! Can I use your pencil? No problem!Boys ask ,Girls answer. Practice in pairs, then show.【设计意图】教师再提出更为细化的问题,让学生通过看视频进一步感知文本。并回答John的问题。从而呈现新句型:Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?和No problem!的学习。教师此处运用分步指导发音和chant训练上口方式突破了重难点,通过Pair Work 加强上口操练。Step3 Practice 1.Listen, point and repeat, try to imitate.2.Lets make a role play. Practise in pairs. Then show your dialogue. 【设计意图】学生通过跟读和模仿,养成正确的语音语调。通过同桌角色表演,进一步巩固文本,培养合作学习的能力。3.呈现新授walkman和lamp, desk和chair.并让学生跟读lets learn录音。T:Look!I have a walkman. Lets enjoy a song.(放音乐:ABCDEFG)So do you like walkman?Follow me!walkman. (板书并发音指导。) T:Look!Where is my walkman? S:Its on the desk. T: Can you spell “desk”? (让学生根据发音试着拼出单词,用同法引出chair。最后引出lamp,出示词卡,引导学生试着读出单词。)Turn to Page 54. Listen,point and repeat. Lets play a game! Lets say whats missing? Please stand up and say quickly. Lets see who will be the first? 【设计意图】教师运用对话中的重点句Where is my?创设情景,并借助实物引出新词。实现了由对话文本带动新词学习。然后又通过跟读录音,纠正学生的发音。最后通过游戏Whats missing?对单词进行进一步的巩固练习。4.猜一猜游戏。学生在游戏中进一步运用Where is my lamp? On /in/under the?并带动新词的练习。教师先和大家一起做,然后再让学生四人一组做此游戏。T: Lets play a guessing game. First, lets look at this picture and listen carefully. Are you clear? Who wants to guess? Please close your eyes. Turn back. Where is my walkman?S1: T: No./Yes. Please play this game in your pairs. 【设计意图】猜一猜活动,给学生提供了学以致用的平台,同时又激发了学生的学习兴趣。Step 4 Consolidation 1.创编对话。教师创设情景做示范,然后让学生两人一组创编对话。T: Look! Wow! So many stationeries and toys. First, Look at Dialogue 1.I want to borrow a lamp from you. I am A. You are B. Understand?T: Excuse me. Can I use your?T: Then lets see dialogue 2. This time, I am B. Who wants to be A.(教师示范两组。一组把物品直接借给对方,另一组先找一找物品再给对方。)Can you make a new dialogue? You can choose dialogue 1 or dialogue 2. Are you clear? Lets start.2. Choose the one that is different from the others. Discuss with your partner and choose the right answer.3.Open your activity book . Turn to Page30. Listen and number the pictures.【设计意图】创编活动中难度不一的对话支架,为不同层次的学生提供了展示的平台。此环节,实现了学生对对话和词汇学习板块的综合运用。具有针对性的两个小练习对本堂所学进行了检查和反馈。Step 5 Summary and Homework 1. SummaryWhat have we learned today?T:Please help others more and say “No problem” often. Please ask for help politely and use “Excuse me.” often.2. Homework:Listen and imitate the dialogue and the new words twice.Play the guessing game at Page 53 after class. 【设计意图】回顾和总结本课所学,并进行礼貌借物和乐于助人的思想教育。家庭作业是课堂活动的巩固和延伸。


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