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复习方法和要求 每晚背一个模块的单词和短语,务必默写这模块的单词和短语,检查自己是否过关。切不可马虎应付。 每天背一篇相应模块的作文 复习相应模块做过的报纸或试卷 (以上是每天的作业的要求),课堂任务 每天读一个模块的对话和短文, 背划线的重点句子 (上课或早读,晚读) 跟随老师回顾每个模块的语法重点。 默写你前一天所背的作文 堂上小测 评讲,测单词和词组,1.与交谈_ 2. 参加学校旅行_ 3. 玩得开心_ 4. 拍照_ 5. 等候公共汽车_ 6.喜欢这次旅游_ 7. 躺在阳光下_,8. 现在,此时 9. 下班 10. 赶火车,11.穿衣服 12.打电话回家,call home,街道 2. 享受 3. 明信片 4. 离开 5. 酒馆 6. 饭店,餐厅 7. 歌剧 8. 芭蕾舞 9. 睡觉 10. 无论如何 11. 正午 12. 问候,1.与交谈_ 2. 参加学校旅行_ 3. 玩得开心_ 4. 拍照_ 5. 等候公共汽车_ 6.喜欢这次旅游_ 7. 躺在阳光下_,talk towith sb,be on a school trip,have a great/good time,take photos/pictures,wait for a bus,enjoy the trip,lie in the sun,8. 现在,此时 9. 下班 10. 赶火车,11.穿衣服 12.打电话回家,at this moment,leave work,run for the train,call home,get dressed,call home,回顾Module1 重点,1. 时态-,现在进行时-,正在发生的动作,主语+ am/ is / are doing,我们正玩得很开心。 玲玲正在买明信片。 其他人在干什么? 大明正躺在阳光下吃午餐。 工人们正下班回家。,1. We are having a good time.,We are enjoying ourselves.,Lingling is buying a postcard.,What are the others doing?,Daming is lying in the sun and eating lunch.,Workers are leaving work and going home.,hear 和 listen to 的区别是什么? Please _ the teacher carefully. Can you _me clearly? He _ but he could _ nothing. 3Say .speak. tell,talk的区别是什么? 请记住以下词组就能区别: say sth. / he says, “ .” / he said to me, “” say hello to , say goodbye to ,listen to,hear,listened,hear,hear表结果, listen 表动作,speak English/ Chinese / Japanese (语言) speak to sb. 和某人通话,tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 tell a story,talk about sth. 谈论 讨论 talk to / with sb.,4(1)a lot在修饰动词作状语时= (2)a lot of =,very much,lots of/ many/ much,5in front of 与in the front of 区别?,He sits _ the classroom. The teacher is standing _ the blackboard,in the front of,in front of,6Other , the other, the others, another. others 的区别是什么?,other the other another,+ 单数名词, 指三者或以上中的另一个,others = other + 复数名词 the others = the other + 复数名词 the 表特指,I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _ is a teacher.,the other,7. put on , dress 与wear 的区别是什么?,Its cold , _your coat , please . He likes_ black clothes .,put on,wearing,She is getting_ The boy is too young and he cant _ himself.,dressed.,dress,put on “穿上”表示“穿”的动作。 wear “穿着”表状态。后面都跟表衣服的名词 get dressed / dress sb.,8. 她正躺在阳光下享受午餐。 She is _ and _ her lunch. 躺: lie -lying 在阳光下 in the sun Dont read _ the sun. 享受 enjoy : 喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth. 玩得开心 enjoy oneself,lying in the sun,enjoying,in,9. Thank you for your postcard. = Thanks for . Thanks for _ me.( 帮助),helping,测M2 单词和词组,打扫 2. 学会 3.龙 4. 灯笼 5. 地板 6. 发生 7. 传统 n. 8. 涂, 绘画 9. 意思 10. 理发 n. 11. 饺子 12. 甜的 13. 焰火 14. 颜色 15. 圣诞节,1. 在春节 2. 扫除霉运 3. 用装饰 4. 为做好准备 5. 在工作,at Spring Festival,sweep away,bad luck,decoratewith,6. 在新年那一天 7. 在半夜 8. 连续几天 9. 两周后 10. 带给好运 11. 一年四季,on New Years Day,for a few days,after two weeks,bringgood luck,all the year round,at midnight,get ready for ,be at work,Module 2 重点 get ready for 为做好准备 get sth. ready for 为准备好 get lots of food ready for Spring Festival 我们在为即将到来的考试做准备。 We are _ the coming exam. 2. 做饭: 厨师 厨具,cook v. cook n. cooker,getting ready for,3. Whats happening? 主语 + happen What happened to her? 她发生了什么事? A car accident happened to her. 她发生了一场车祸。 4. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth 在某方面帮助某人 everyone 每个人 (代词) Everyone _ here. Everyone _ a small car. Will everyone use a computer? Yes, _ will.,is,has,they,6. take 带走, 拿走 bring 拿来,带来,Im thirsty, can you _ me some water? David, _ the books to the office, please. Its going to rain. You should _ the umbrella with you. I often _ some money with me. Dont _ my money. bring with sb. (随身携带) take with sb.,bring,take,take,bring,take,7. little ,a little ,few, a few.区别,few 几乎没有(否定词) a few 有几个,little 几乎没有(否定词) a little 有一些,He is new here but he has made _ friends. There is _ rice. Can you go and buy some? Hurry up! There is _time left.,a few,little,little,测M3 单词和词组,计划 2. 测验 3.因为 4. 文化 5. 妻子 6. 外国的 7. 骑单车 8. 去购物 9. 妻子 10. 飞机 11. 早 12. 女儿,1.在周末,2.查看某人的电子邮件,7.为测验而复习,8.呆在床上,4.野餐,3.盼望见到他,5.观光,6.登长城,10.躺在沙滩上,9.住宾馆,Module3 重点回顾 时态: 一般将来时 - 计划,打算, 准备做某事 主语+ be going to do 周末你打算干什么? 他打算去做环球旅行。 他不打算去参加那个聚会。 周末你准备为测试复习吗?,What are you going to do at the weekend?,He is going to travel around the world.,He isnt going to go to the party.,Are you going to revise for your test?,2. 巩固以下时间的表达: 在周末 明天早上 下周 明年 在早上 在星期一早上 在星期天 今天下午 在晚上 在中午 在午夜,at /on the weekend tomorrow morning next week next year in the morning on Monday morning on Sunday this afternoon in the evening/ at night at midday/ at noon at midnight,3. stay in bed 躺在床上 (没有the) 再如: be in hospital 生病住院 go to school/ go to work 4. look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事 介词+doing 她期待交更多的朋友。 She is _ more friends. 我渴望去环球旅行。 I look forward_ the world. 5. make friends with sb. 和交朋友,looking forward to making,to traveling around,because 因为, 所以(写几句正确的句子) 因为他病了,所以我要照顾他。 我们打算去观光因为我们喜欢中国文化。 我打算躺在沙滩上因为我喜欢阳光和大海。 因为我想交些美国朋友,所以我要学好英语。 1. Because he is ill, I must look after him. 2. We are going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture. 3. Im going to lie on the beach because I enjoy the sun and the sea. 4. Because I want to make some American friends, Im going to learn English well.,测module 4 单词和词组,生活 直尺 农场 节假日 天气 大雨 便宜的 昂贵的 燃料 弱的,11. 短的 12. 汹涌的 13. 在秋天 14. 在春天 15. 强壮的 16. 舒服的 17. 轻的 18. 机器 19. 有趣的 20. 困难的,在将来 在电脑上和他交谈 用粉笔写 全年 用太阳能为家取暖 变暖 干重活 每周三次 大量空余时间 通过电子邮件,Module 4 重点 时态- 将来时 -表将要发生的动作 主语+ will be (主系表) There will be +n. (有) 主语+ will do (动词原形),明天将会有雨。(3种表达) It will be rainy tomorrow. (adj.) There will be rain tomorrow. (n.) It will rain tomorrow. (v.),1.有只猫在桌子上。 a cat on the desk. 2.有只猫将会在桌子上. There a cat on the desk. 3. 桌子上将会没有一只猫. There _ a cat on the desk. 4.桌子上有只猫吗? there a cat on the desk? 5.桌子上将会有只猫吗? there a cat on the desk? 6. 她将会迟到。 She _ late.,There is,will be,will not,/wont be,Is,Will,be,will be,7.每个人将会有一台电脑. 8.老师将不用粉笔在黑板上写字. 9. 下周将有一场篮球赛。 There is _ a basketball match next week.,Everyone _ a computer.,The teachers _ to write _.,will have,wont use chalk,on the blackboard,going to be,2. 注意几个不可数名词 paper chalk weather work homework news time 如:一张纸 用粉笔写 多糟糕的天气啊! 做繁重的工作 许多空闲时间 我们有很多作业要做。,a piece of paper write with chalk What bad weather it is! do heavy work lots of free time,We have _ to do.,much /lots of homework,three times a week,times 表次数, 倍数,3. so 因此, 所以 表结果 Something is wrong with my bike, _ I have to walk to school. A. but B. so C. because Its a fine day. There are _ in the sky. A. not clouds B. no clouds C. no clould,B,B,no + 可数名词的单复数、 不可数n. no book = not a book no books = not any books,测Module 5 单词、 词组,家乡 公里 高的 百万 忙碌的 岛屿 7. 回答,8. 问题 9. 北方的 10. 教堂 11. 低矮的 12. 山脉 13. 村庄 14. 宽的,1.在 南部 2.在黄河畔 3.以闻名 4. 中国的首都 5. 在美国的东海岸 6. 数百万的 7.到达北京 8. 留长发的女孩 9. 中国的人口是多少?,in the south of on the Huanghe River be famous for the capital of China on the east coast of millions of arrive in Beijing / get to / reach Beijing the girl with long hair,Whats the population of China?,Module 5 重点 记住几个表示方位的介词 在 的南部 在 以东(接壤) 在以北(不接壤) 在东海岸 在康河畔,in the south of on the east of. to the north of on the east coast of. on the River Cam,Module 5 重点 比较级 ( 两人/事 之间进行比较) A is +比较级 than B Who/ Which is + 比较级, A or B ?,2. 1.5 公里长 554 米高 两米深 3. 上海的人口有多少? _the population of Shanghai? _people are there in Shang.? China has a _ population. Australia is a big country but it has a _ population. population n. 人口数, 用large 或small来修饰,1.5 kilometers long 554 meters high 2 meters deep,Whats,How many,large,small,4. be famous for be famous as,以 而闻名 作为. 闻名,Hangzhou is _ its silk. Luxun is _ a writer.,famous for,famous as,Module 6,动身去 在黑板前 在其他人的后面 在后部 5. 对来说很难做 Its difficult (for sb )+to do 6. 多于,超过 7. 需要做 8. 领(某人)四处参观 9. 努力学习 10. 擅长英语,leave for,at the back (of),more than=over,need to + 动原,take sb. around,in front of the blackboard,behind the others,work hard (at),be good at English,Liuxiang runs very fast. We must study hard. I get up late at the weekend. The old often get up early. The kite is flying high in the sky. He jumps farther than me.,形容词变副词: adj.+ ly (在形容词直接后加 ly) 以y结尾把y改i加 ly, heavy-heavily 特殊:good-well,fast,hard,late,early,high,far,有些词可以当形容词,也可以当副词 “快努力,迟早会高远”,副词修饰动词,一般放在动词后面,She writes carefully. He runs quickly. The teacher speaks slowly and loudly.,write listen Check get up arrive learn,carefully,speak,quietly,quickly,early,late,well,well badly clearly carelessly loudly slowly,副词修饰动词,一般放在动词后面,认真地写 write 安静地听 listen 跑得快 run 听得清楚 hear 到得迟 arrive 学得好 learn 英语讲得好 写得糟糕 write 大声讲 speak 作业做得认真 do homework,carefully,quietly,quickly / fast,late,well,clearly,badly,loudly,carefully,speak English well,Its +adj. for sb. to do sth.,1、早上读英语对我们很有帮助。 Its _for us _ in the morning.,2、躺在沙滩上晒太阳是很放松的。 Its _in the sun on the beach.,helpful,to read English,relaxing to lie,5、看NBA球赛总是激动人心的。 Its_ NBA.,4、对他来说,回答这个问题是很难的。 Its _ for him _the question.,difficult,to answer,exciting to watch,


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