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Experiencing English,Book Three,Department of College English,Unit 3 Famous Brand Names,Department of College English,Department of College English,Procedure,Lead-in Pair-work Group discussion Passage A Warm-up Activities Culture Notes Structure Analysis Language Points Difficult Sentences Summary Follow-up Activity Assignment,Department of College English,Lead-in,Pair-work: Who is the best salesman?,Work in pairs and make up dialogues according the pictures followed.,Department of College English,What are you going to do if you are required by your boss to ,sell a house ,to a snail,Department of College English,What are you going to do if you are required by your boss to ,sell a refrigerator ,to a Eskimo,Department of College English,What are you going to do if you are required by your boss to ,sell a swimming suit,to a fish,Department of College English,Group Discussion,Do you think you can be a good salesman (saleswoman)? Why?,Think about Important Qualities for a successful salesperson?,Department of College English,Passage A Bathtub Battleship From Ivorydale,Department of College English,Warm-up Activities,Watch the video and describe what you see.,Department of College English,Warm-up Activities,What are the Ivory soaps features attracting so many Americans? Can you infer the secret to Ivorys success via its commercials?,Department of College English,Ivory Soap,Ivory is a product of the Procter a person who has been seen in the same place and / or doing the same thing for a long time The British pub isnt just somewhere to drinkits an institution. 那老人常在公园里出现。 The old man in the park is a regular institution.,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,4. rival: 1) v. to equal; to be as good as or reach the same standard as 2) n. one who attempts to equal or surpass another; a competitor No computer can rival a human brain. The colleges facilities rival those of Harvard and Yale. The newest model has several advantages over its rivals.,Department of College English,Language Points,5. by means of: by using They succeeded by means of patience and sacrifice. 思想是通过语言来表达的。 Thoughts are expressed by means of language.,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,6. take hold: to become attached or established The newly planted vines quickly took hold. I broke him of this bad habit before it could take hold. c.f. take hold of,Department of College English,Language Points,7. keep count of: record; to know how many there are (of) 我今年买的新书多得难以数清。 I have bought so many new books this year that its really difficult for me to keep count of them. c.f. lost count of,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,8. exceed: v. to be greater than (a number or amount) The final cost should not exceed $5000. The results of the competition _超出了我们的预想. He was fined for exceeding the speed limit.,exceeded our expectations,Department of College English,Language Points,adj. excessive v.s. exceeding excessive: meaning too much of something excessive drinking exceeding: extreme; extraordinary a girl of exceeding beauty,Department of College English,Language Points,9. modest: a. moderate or limited in size, quantity, value or range etc.; not extreme There has been a modest improvement in housing conditions for the poor. He made only a modest donation.,Department of College English,Language Points,10. break: n. an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck ; a chance (esp. to make things better) The actresss big break came when she stood in for the ailing star. 给他一个机会,他会成功的。 Give him a break and hell succeed.,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,11. phenomenon: n. a remarkable or unusual person, thing, event, etc. The huge success of her books makes her a remarkable phenomenon of the 20th century. The Beatles were a phenomenon nobody had heard anything like them before.,Department of College English,Language Points,12. convert: v. to (cause to) change in form, character or opinion That building has been converted into a school. I want to convert some RMB into American dollars. convert Islam to Christianity,Department of College English,Language Points,13. assure: v. to give confidence, to convince The doctor assured me that I wouldnt feel any pain. The dealer had assured me of its quality. 他向我们保证火车将会准时到达。 He assured us that the train would be on time. c.f. assure/insure/ensure/reassure,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,14. frown on/upon: to disapprove of Please make a sentence by using “frown on/upon” ? Smoking is frowned upon in many public places. Every teacher would frown on cheating in exams.,Reference,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,1. American mothers have long believed that when it comes to washing out the mouths of naughty children, nothing beats Ivory Soap. For many years, American mothers have preferred to use Ivory Soap to wash out the mouths of naughty children, and believed that it is better than any other soap.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,2. And should you drop it into a tubful of cloudy, child-colored water, not to worry it floats. And if you accidentally drop it into the bathtub full of dirty water, dont worryit floats.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,3. It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War. Shortly before the Civil War, the companys sales exceeded one million dollars, and they only spent more than twenty years after its foundation to achieve this goal.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,4. So successful was this new product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale.,Analyze the sentence structure, please.,Department of College English,So successful was this new product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale.,Reference,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,5. Generations of boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships there are always a few have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships.,Analyze the sentence structure, please.,Department of College English,Generations of boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships there are always a few have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships.,Reference,Department of College English,Summary,The writer uses the example of Proctor and Gambles famous Ivory Soap to illustrate the potential that lies in mass marketing and cleverly planned advertising and the importance of recognizable brand names. The passage traces the history of Ivory Soap, first produced in 1879, and discusses the slogans which were used to promote it.,Department of College English,Summary,These slogans, particularly the idea that the soap is so pure that it floats, proved so successful that they are still used today. The passage also examines the development of P commonly known; familiar household goods/appliances/chores Coca Cola is a household name around the world. householder/housekeeper,Department of College English,Language Points,2. compete: v. try to do or be better than someone else They found themselves competing with foreign companies for a share of the market. I had to compete against 19 other people for the job. competition, competitor, competitive,Department of College English,Language Points,3. target: v. something aimed or fired at The hunters target was a wild animal. It is hoped that civilians will not be targeted during the war. Most ads target (= are directed at/aimed at) a specific area of the market.,Department of College English,Language Points,4. campaign: n. an operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose One of the most famous advertising campaigns in the history was for Michael Jordan. a candidates political campaign a campaign to stop people from smoking,Department of College English,Language Points,5. feature: v. to advertise sth. more than usual; to have or include as a prominent part or characteristic This weeks broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence. 由大明星主演的影片 a film featuring famous actors,Translate,Department of College English,Language Points,6. exceptional: adj. unusually good; unusual and likely not to happen often He treated his employees with exceptional kindness. (这个案子是个例外)_;Ive never seen anything like it before.,This is an exceptional case,Department of College English,Language Points,7. comparable: adj. equivalent; similar; that can be compared The girls are of comparable (= similar) ages. Our house is hardly comparable with yours. (火可以和太阳相比) _ _; both give light and heat.,A fire is comparable with the sun,Department of College English,Language Points,8. dominate: v. to have or exercise control or power (over) It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her. The industry is dominated by five multinational companies. You shouldnt allow your job to dominate your life like that.,Department of College English,Language Points,9. mainstream: n. the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people The candidates speech represented the mainstream thinking on economic policy. Hollywood movies are usually considered mainstream and of course worth watching.,Department of College English,Language Points,mainboard mainbody mainland mainline mainsail mainstay,main- the chief or largest part,Department of College English,Language Points,10. open up to: to make available or accessible to Einsteins theory opened up a whole new world to us. Charity schools will open up education opportunities to more poor children.,Department of College English,Language Points,11. revenue: n. money that a government or company receives regularly Total revenue for the year was estimated at ¥68,730 million. Taxes provide most of the governments revenue.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,1. by targeting students in the hope that they will remain loyal as they get older. by aiming at students as primary customers, hoping that they will remain regular customers of Haier as they get older.,Department of College English,Difficult Sentences,2. Theyre popular and beating our expectations on sales. The products sell good, and it is totally out of our expectations.,Department of College English,Summary,This passage is a newspaper article examining the rise of a Chinese company - Haier Group Co. - in the US domestic appliance market. By concentrating on a particular sector of the market, that of smaller mini-bars and drinks coolers, and aiming at a specific group of consumers: students - who they hope will remain faithful to the brand once they get older and their spending power increases, the company is managing to increase its sales and accentuate its profile in the United States.,Department of College English,Summary,Haier, and presumably other Chinese manufacturing companies, will need to expand beyond the borders of China as the countrys entry into the WTO opens the doors to foreign competitors at home. The company now has a plant in the United States and new headquarters on New Yorks Broadway and is planning to expand its ranges to include other appliances such as washing machines with advantages like Internet access.,Department of College English,Follow-up Activity,Group Discussion- the pros and cons of advertisement,Department of College English,Assignment,Read the “Translating Skills Practice” in Page 68 and do its following exercises.,


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