四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(6)

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四川省绵阳市2014高考英语 信息匹配 2013暑假练习题(6)_第1页
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绵阳市2014高考英语信息匹配:2013暑假练习题(6)及答案请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先请阅读下列餐馆的信息:A. Pasta House new Italian restaurant located in the heart of the city. Simple but delicious inexpensive meals. Also has a good range of vegetable-only meals. Its always crowded so be ready to order take-away or share a table. Open 11 a.m. to midnight.B. A Taste of India famous for its spicy curries and many southern Indian dishes using chilli. You will usually be able to find a table during the week but if youre planning to go on the weekend make sure you book a table in advance. Open noon to midnight.C. Paris Match this is the finest French restaurant in the city. Wonderful food you can enjoy in luxurious surroundings. The perfect place to have a romantic meal or impress a business partner, but be prepared for a large bill. Open noon to 2 a.m. Booking essential.D. Mountain Diner not fancy but tasty. Excellent Asian and European dishes. Countryside location surrounded by forest. Its at least an hours drive from the city so you might want to stay at the nearby Mountain Hotel overnight. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.E. Owl Caf open 24 hours a day the caf has a large selection of set breakfast, lunch and dinner meals for you to choose from, or you can enjoy one of their many delicious snacks and desserts over a cup of freshly made coffee. F. Greek Bistro a lively restaurant that serves great-value Greek food and has live Greek music played by a local band. Customers are encouraged to take part in the entertainment so be ready for a night of loud fun and laughter. Open 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.以下是五个人的选择要求,请匹配每个人拟选择的地方:1. Bill was late getting up today so hasnt had time to make breakfast. He wants to pick up something to eat before he goes to work so he has enough energy to last through to lunch time. 2. Julie works in the city and wants to get some lunch. She doesnt want anything too special so long as it is tasty and not too expensive. Julie likes all kinds of food but because she is on a diet she wants to avoid anything containing meat. 3. Sally has friends visiting her from out-of-town and wants to take them to dinner. She wants to take them somewhere they can enjoy the atmosphere and have fun. She is a university student so doesnt have a lot of money and doesnt like her food too hot. 4. Albert is a businessman who will meet an important European client for a business dinner next week. Want to book a table at a quiet restaurant that will impress his guest with both its food and its surroundings. 5. Robert is meeting his friend Ben for lunch today (Tuesday) and wants to take him to a nice restaurant. Both Robert and Ben enjoy good quality spicy food. Robert doesnt like arranging things in advance so he hasnt booked a table.参考答案 EAFCB*结束 第二节:任务型阅读 (原创)阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,选项中有一项为多余选项.Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.61._The colored part of the eye is called the iris. There are three basic eye colours brown, blue and green. A few albino people have red or pink eyes, but these are very rare. Many people believe that blue eyes are more delicate than brown eyes. In fact they are just as tough as brown eyes, although they are more sensitive to light.62._We only see part of the eyeball, although the whole eye is as big as a table tennis ball. Light enters the eye through the pupil and passes through the lens. The lens focuses the light onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina sends the signal to the brain along the optic nerve. The image on the retina is actually upside-down, but the brain corrects it. As we get older our eyesight becomes worse. This happens because the lens isnt as flexible as when we are young and the eye muscles are weaker.63._Our eyes are the most important of our five senses. We receive 80% of our information about the world through our eyes. We also send signals to other people with our eyes. Some eye signals are unconscious. When we look at something nice, our pupils get bigger. But when we dont like something, they become smaller. We cry when we are unhappy and sometimes when we are very happy. But we can also control some eye signals. For example, we can wink at someone or raise an eyebrow. Sunglasses make someone appear mysterious or dangerous, because they hide that eyes and so we cant see the signals.64._ We find large eyes more attractive. Children have large eyes in proportion to their heads. Cartoon characters always have large eyes, too. We cant actually change our eyes, but we can make them look bigger with make-up. Eye make-up isnt new. Pictures in the Pyramids show that the ancient Egyptians both men and women-used it. False eyelashes can make eyelashes longer. Eye shadow on the eyelids can make the eyes look bigger and more dramaticGlasses can also make eyes look bigger.65._We do not normally look into someones eyes for long, especially when they are very close. Eye contact can be very threatening, so people only do it when they want to threaten someone. It is also very intimate. This is why lovers gaze into each others eyes. Its also why people dont look at each other in lifts.A. Ways to beautify eyesB. Proper use of eye contactC. Techniques of sending eye signalsD. Colours of peoples eyesE. Functions of different parts of the eyeF. Variety of messages conveyed through参考答案61-65 DEFAB*结束


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