广州版英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 5Would you like to go with us课件

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广州版英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 5Would you like to go with us课件_第1页
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广州版英语五年级下册Module 3 Unit 5Would you like to go with us课件_第3页
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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版)五年级下册五年级下册Module 3 InvitationsPeriod 4本课时目标:本课时目标:1、复习复习Unit5所学知识。所学知识。2、能正确流利的朗读课文,理解课文,完成练习。、能正确流利的朗读课文,理解课文,完成练习。3、同步阅读训练,提高阅读能力。、同步阅读训练,提高阅读能力。Would you like to come to tea?Do you want to play with me?Come to tea.Play with me.Lets play games and watch TV.Lets play a game see a film-go shopping-watch a footmatch-一自主学习自学部分一自主学习自学部分1、回顾短语:举行一次聚会 have a party 看电影 see a film 看足球赛 watch a football match 去购物 go shopping 2回顾语法和句型;Would you like to?用来征求对方的意见,其后接 动词的原形 肯定回答方式有 Yes,Id love to./That sounds great./Good idea。委婉的拒绝是I am sorry,I am going to/plan to.表征求意见的句型还有;Lets/Shall we/Do you want to.Lets checkLets read after the tape:Hey,guys.What are you doing this Saturday?Nothing.Why?My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic.Would you like to go with us?A picnic?That sounds great!Lets read follow the tape:Lets meet at the school gate at 9am.We can all go to the park together.What time should we go?Cool.The picnic is this Saturday,August 14th,right?Lets read follow the tape:Oh dear.Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day.No problem.Maybe next time.1.()Ben has nothing to do this Saturday.2.()Janet plans to have a picnic.3.()Jiamin doesnt want to have a picnic with Janet.4.()The three children plan to meet at the school gate.5.()August 14th is Jiamins grandpas birthday.F Decide true(T)or false(F).never went toLets recite:Hey,guys.What are you doing this Saturday?Nothing.Why?My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic.Would you like to go with us?A picnic?That sounds great!Lets recite:Lets meet at the school gate at 9am.We can all go to the park together.What time should we go?Cool.The picnic is this Saturday,August 14th,right?Lets recite:Lets meet at the school gate at 9am.We can all go to the park together.What time should we go?Cool.The picnic is this Saturday,August 14th,right?1、熟记本课单词、熟记本课单词,词组和重点句型。词组和重点句型。2、向同学、老师或家人发出邀请,建议、向同学、老师或家人发出邀请,建议用用微视频微视频拍录下来邀请更多的好友。拍录下来邀请更多的好友。


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