2019春六年级英语下册 Lesson 17《Danny’s summer holiday》课件2 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Lesson 17《Danny’s summer holiday》课件2 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Lesson 17《Danny’s summer holiday》课件2 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Lesson 17《Danny’s summer holiday》课件2 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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Lesson 17 Dannys Summer Holiday 丹尼的暑假,New words: clever /klev/ adj. 聪明的 近义词: smart 反义词: foolish forest /f rist/ n. 森林 also /:lsu/adv. 并且,也 camp /kmp/n.营地,阵营 summer camp 夏令营,What will Danny do this summer?今年夏天丹尼将要做什么?,What will you do this summer holiday,Danny? 今年暑假你将要做什么丹尼?,Lets see.Last summer,I learned to swim.And I also learned to fish.What will I do this summer?让我想想。去年夏天我学会了游泳。我还学会了钓鱼。今年夏天我将要做什么呢?,Jenny:Will you swim in the sea? 你将要在海里游泳吗? Danny: No,I will not 不,我不会的。 Jenny: Will you visit your family? 你将要拜访你的家人吗? Danny: Yes, I will visit my grandfather and grandmother.They live near a very big forest. 是的,我将要拜访我的家人。我将要拜访我的爷爷和奶奶。他们住在一个非常大的森林附近。,Jenny: What else will you do? 你还将做什么? Danny: I will also learn to fly. 我还要学习飞。 Jenny: Really,Danny?Why will you do that? 真的吗,丹尼?你为什么那么做呢? Danny: I will fly to China. 我将要飞到中国去。,Danny: I will play with Li Ming. That will be fun. 我将会和李明玩。那将会很有趣。 Jenny: Very clever,Danny. 非常聪明,丹尼。,询问对方是否将要做某事的句型Will you.,Will you swim in the sea? 你将要在海里游泳吗? No,I will not. 不,我不将要在海里游泳。 问句:Will you+动词(短语)原形(sing,make your bed, go hiking.)+(其他) 答语: Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Will you go to the library tomorrow? Yes, I will.,Lets do it!,Dear Uncle Peter, 亲爱的彼得叔叔: I will go to a summer camp this year! I will arrive with 20 ather students in early July. There will be students from China, the U.k, Australia and the U.S. 今年我将要去参加一个夏令营。我和其他20个学生将在七月初到达。有的学生来自中国,有的来自英国,还有来自澳大利亚和美国的。,We will play sports,go water skiing and go swimming. We will take trips around the forest. We will learn about some of the animals and plants in the forest. At night,we work together to cook a meal. After dinner,we will sit around,tell stories,sings and watch the stars. 我们将要做运动,去滑水和游泳。我们将沿着森林旅行。我们将在森林里了解一些动物和植物。在晚上,我们将一起做饭。晚饭后,我们将坐在一起,讲故事,唱歌,看星星。,I will make many new friends. I cant wait. It will be a great summer! Love, Freddie 我将交许多新朋友。我等不及了。这将是一个很好的夏天。 爱你的 弗雷德,Freddie_ go to summer camp this year. He _ arrive in early June. He _ meet students from different countuies. He_ go swimming. He and the other students_ learn about the animals and plants.,will,will not,will,will,will,Then, Li Ming _ Danny to play_,but he _ his hand. Poor Danny!,taught,ping-pong,hit,


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