2015春四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolates教案 外研版(三起)

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2015春四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolates教案 外研版(三起)_第1页
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2015春四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolates教案 外研版(三起)_第2页
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unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.一、教学目标:1、 基本能听懂会说:water、carried、bump、hospital、had、chocolate、stomach ache、cold 、headache 、fever2.初步感知had的两种用法及会用英语给病人提供意见。Whats wrong?Ive got a stomachache.二、教学难点1、Whats wrong? Ive got a stomachache.2、stmachache.headache的发音Ive got a .回答。医生运用简单的英语给病人提供建议。三、教学过程一Warm up:Greet students.Do some exercises.二、Lead in:健康很重要,但不小心就会染上疾病。三、Presentation:今天的任务就是让大家来演一演医院里看病的场景,学会用英文表达自己的病痛,和作为医生如何给病人意见。四、Practice:1.Learn the new words: headache、stomachache、cold、fever. 2.Play a game:看动作猜单词。3.Say a chant: headache,headache, Ive got a headache.及Cold,cold ,I have got a cold. Stomachache,stomachache、I have got a stomachache. Fever,fever I have got a fever.4.出示挂图:-Whats wrong?-Hes/Shes got a .Students repeat after the tape.5.用玩偶引:-Hello , doctor. -Hello! Whats wrong? -Ive got a .Do deskmate work:请两组汇报。 6.Sam、Daming、Amy and Lingling 今天都没有来上课:Whats wrong ? (1-2幅图片结束后,进行素质教育:Sam和Daming见到好吃的,就拼命吃,结果肚子疼,同学们可千万不要暴饮暴食。这样不仅对胃不好,而且还耽误学习。) 7.-Lingling has got a fever ,today .Can she go to school? -No ,she cant. -What can she do? -She can . I have got a stomachache. What can I do?(同学们给老师提建议) 五、任务完成:Do deskmate work: write down:Hello ,doctor .Hello ,Whatwrong ?Ive got a headache .What can I do? You can go to bed.(两人演这个对话,一人扮演医生,一人扮演病人,用以上的句型完成任务。) 六Homework抄写单词:water、carried、bump、hospital、had、chocolate、stomach ache、cold 、headache 、fever、小对子之间练习本节课所学句型。


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