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Good morning !,Produced by : Bohao Hu Lang Chen Xiaofeng Yu Yupeng Chai,Stephen William Hawking,Hello, everyone. Im Hawking, you know more than I? Maybe all of my each has its own merits., this lesson let you again understand me,E:霍金普清版.mp4,Brief introduction of hawking,We all know that hawking is a great scientist.,Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. got the physics doctorate , did research work in British.,Physics professor of Cambridge University.,His favorite book is hot all over the world.,The most standout scientist since Einstein .,Life table calendar,On January 8, 1942, was born in Cambridge In 1950 the family moved to SAO albans The Oxford University in 1959 Graduated from Oxford in 1962, went to graduate school at Cambridge In 1963, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Received a doctorate in Cambridge in 1965, had a long talk with Jane. Wilder, get married,7.began to use a wheelchair in 1970 8.In 1973 the first works the publication of space-time of large structure 10.Announced in 1974 found that the black hole radiation, become a member of the royal society 11.In 1977, was appointed professor of physics at the university of Cambridge gravity 12.In 1979, was appointed lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge university, the general theory of relativity: memory of Einsteins birth in one hundred 13.Attended the Vatican cosmology, announced in 1981 that borderless idea / the publication of chrono and super gravity was awarded senior knight the British empire 14.In 1989 was awarded the honorary Sir The British empire 15.A brief history of time movie theaters in 1991 16.In 1993, the black holes and baby universe and other essays published,Hawking predicted that the schedule,The 2050 human migration to mars.,2050年 人类移民火星。,The 2100 human into outer space, new species.,2100年 人类进入外太空,新人种出现。,In 2215 the earth facing destruction.,2215年地球面临毁灭。,In 2600 the earth into a hot fireball.,2600年 地球变成炽热的“火球”。, A brief history of time ,在经典的广义相对论的框架里,霍金和彭罗斯证明了,在很一般的条件下,时空一定存在奇点,最著名的奇点即是黑洞里的奇点以及宇宙大爆炸处的奇点。在奇点处,所有定律以及可预见性都失效。 In the frame of classical theory of relativity , hawking and Ross has proved that in a very general conditions, the space must exist singularities, the most famous singularity of a black hole is a singularity and cosmic explosions of singular. In the law, all the singularity predictability is invalid.,Black holes theory-黑洞理论,黑洞理论是一个复杂的关于宇宙语时空的科学体系。The black hole theory about the universe and space time is a complex system of science . 霍金用一个手指完成了爱因斯坦没有完成的工作。Hawking completed Einstein s unfinished work with one finger.,What can we learn from hawking,The doctor said that hawking who was diagnosed with cancer can only live for two years, what live hawking to support to todays excellence, the main reason is that he has a strong sense of mission and extremely strong will. Hawking s life is human willpower s record, is a miracle scientific spirit created.,A disabled person in the worldly eyes more or less will become lamentable object. But Stephen Hawking s extraordinary perseverance and achievement makes many healthy people feel shame.,Hawking s charm lies not only in that his is a legendary physical genius, but also because he is an admirable life Stronger .His constantly seeking of scientific spirit and brave personality power deeply attracted every one knows him.,Intelligent/gifted 天赋 Optimistic 乐观 Perseverance 毅力 Hard working 努力 lofty firm belief 忠诚的信仰,His qualties,Thank you !,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!,


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