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一一.概念:概念:表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现 在造成的影响或结果。在造成的影响或结果。Have you seen the film?(强调的是被问者对剧情是否了解强调的是被问者对剧情是否了解)2)表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作 或状态。或状态。常与包括现在在内的一段时常与包括现在在内的一段时间的状语连用。间的状语连用。He has lived in Chongqing for 3 years.(他在他在重庆重庆住了住了 3 年,可能还会继续住下年,可能还会继续住下去。去。)二构成:现在完成时是由二构成:现在完成时是由“_”“_”构成的,构成的,(其规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,其规则动词的过去分词构成与过去式相同,不规则动词的过去分词则需加强记忆。不规则动词的过去分词则需加强记忆。)cost-_ cut-_ become-_ work-_study-_ play-_come-_ stop-_buy-_ bring-_have/has+动词过去分词动词过去分词costcutbecomeworkedstudiedplayedcomestoppedboughtbrought三句型:三句型:以以He has visited ShangHai.为例.1.否定句:否定句:_2.一般疑问句:一般疑问句:_肯定回答肯定回答:_ 否定回答:否定回答:_3.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句_?He hasnt visited ShangHai.Has he visited ShangHai?Yes,he has.No,he hasnt.Where has he visited?注意注意:1.肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句/疑问句疑问句 some-_ already-_如:I have already had some noodles.否定句:_一般疑问句:_I havent had any noodles yet.Have you had any noodles yet?anyyet注意注意:2.Shes=_/_如:如:Hes reading books.Hes=_Shes been to many places with her friends.Shes=_Hes not at home.Hes=_Shes studied English for several years.Shes=_She hasShe isHe isShe hasHe isShe has1.I have been to Macau before.(否定句否定句)I _ _ been to Macau before.2.He hasnt come to school because he was ill.(提问提问)_ _ he come to school?3.Hes never played games,_ _?(反意疑问句)(反意疑问句)4.Shes a clever girl,_ _?(反意疑问句)(反意疑问句)have notWhy hasnthas heisnt she5.I borrowed this book last week.(提问提问)_ _you _this book?6.Linda has gone to the teachers office.(提问)(提问)_ _Linda _?7.His uncle has already posted the photos to him.(否定句否定句)His uncle _ posted the photos to him _.When didborrowWhere hasgonehasntyet四。四。用法用法 1).“have been(to)”,“have gone(to)”and“have been in”1.He _Xian twice.2.You cant find him.He _Xian.3.She _Xian for two years.4.I _ never _Xian.has been tohas gone tohas been inhave been to四。四。用法用法 2).“for”and “since”for+_ since+_for+_ since+_对他们提问用对他们提问用_Fill in the blanks with“for”and“since”:Fill in the blanks with“for”and“since”:1.We havent seen each other _ 10 years.1.We havent seen each other _ 10 years.2.His father has been in the factory _ 10 years ago.2.His father has been in the factory _ 10 years ago.3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes.3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes.4.Mr Green has worked here _ he came to China.4.Mr Green has worked here _ he came to China.5.His grandparents have been dead _ several years.5.His grandparents have been dead _ several years.6.Its five years _ we met last time6.Its five years _ we met last timeforforsincesinceforforsincesinceforforsincesince时间段时间段时间点时间点How long四。四。用法用法 3).一般过去时和现在完成时区别一般过去时和现在完成时区别yesterday_ 2.already _ 3.ever _ 4.last week _ 5.two years ago_ 6.never_ 7.these years_ 8.in 2002_ 9.recently_ 10.just_A.一般过去时一般过去时 B.现在完成时现在完成时A AB BB BA AA AB BB BA AB BB B()1.I have learnt English _last year.A.after B.before C.for D.since()2.My uncle_in Kunming since 2009.A,have lived B.lived C.has lived D.has live()3.Shes lived in Chongqing for many years,_ she?A.is B.isnt C.has D.hasnt ()4.Have you been to Canada_?A.ago B.before C.a moment ago D.just ()5.She is not going to the concerts this Sunday night because she _ her ticket.A.didnt lose B.has lost C.will lose D.didnt have 6.I bought my new shorts yesterday.(提问)(提问)_ _you _ your new shorts?7.He has lived there since three years ago.(提问提问)_ _ has he lived there?8.Susans learned English at school.(一般疑问句一般疑问句)_ Susan _ English at school?D DC CD DB BB BWhen didWhen didbuybuyHow longHow longHasHaslearnedlearnedMaria:Hello,Michael.I have _called you,but you werent in.Where have you been?Michael:I have _ been to a shopping center with kangkang.Ive been there before,but I dont want to go there any moreMaria:Why?Michael:Because there were too many people.We got lost and couldnt find each other.Maria:Bad luck!Have you found him _?Michael:No,he has probably gone home.Lets call him up now.I really hate going to a place like that.Maria:So do I.justjustjustjustyetyet1b Listen to 1a and mark T(True)or F(False).1.Michael has just been to a shopping center.2.Michael hates to go to the place because he couldnt buy anything.3.Kangkang and Michael went back home together.4.Maria likes going there.()()()()1c Read 1a and correct the five mistakes in the passage.Michael and Kangkang have just gone to a shopping center.They have never been there before,but they dont want to go there some more because there were such many people that they couldnt find each other.Michael hasnt found Kangkang already.Maybe Kangkang has been home already.Both Michael and Maria hate going to a place like that.1.been 2._3._4._5._ Correcting a passage is a good way to develop writing skills.any so yetgone2 A.Look at the pictures and listen to the conversation.Then tick the places Steve has visited.shopping centercinemacentral parkdepartment storeB.Listen again and fill in the blanks.Then practice the conversation with your partner.(Steve and Helen are talking on the phone.)Steve:I have just been living here for a few days.Could you tell me some interesting places around here?Helen:Have you _ been to the new shopping center?Steve:No.Ive _ been there before.But Ive _ been to a department store.Helen:Then you can go there to do some shopping.By the way,have you _ been to the cinema nearby?Steve:Yes,Ive _ watched a movie there.It is wonderful.Helen:Have you been to the central park?Steve:No,I havent been there _.Helen:Then,you can have a walk there.Steve:Thank you.everneverjusteveryetalreadyGood-bye!


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