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读写综合Teaching AimsDo you like Western food?How do we eat western food?knife and forkWe hold the fork in our _hand,we hold the knife in our _hand.leftrightDo you want to know more table manners?餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪Reading PartDo as the Romans do 入乡随俗入乡随俗一、根据短文回答问题一、根据短文回答问题:1.When is lunch usually eaten in some western countries?_2.Who say“Bon appetit”at the start of a meal?_3.The fork is held in your left hand or the right hand?_4.What should you say at the end of a meal?_5.Can you leave as soon as you finish eating?_1、找出关键词,到文章中划答案、找出关键词,到文章中划答案2、找、找be/助助/情动词,判断时态情动词,判断时态3、用完整的句子回答问题、用完整的句子回答问题Para2.In some Western countries,lunch is usually eaten at about 1 pm.Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later.In Spain it is usual to have lunch at 3 pm and dinner at 10 pm!1.When is lunch usually eaten in some western countries?_Lunch is usually eaten at about 1 pm in some western countries.Para3.At the start of a meal,the French say Bon appetit,and the Italians say“Buon appetito”.But there is nothing similar to say in English.“Enjoy your meal”is usually only said by the person who brings the food.2.Who say“Bon appetit”at the start of a meal?_The French say“Bon appetit”at the start of a meal.Para4.Knives and forks are used for most Western food.The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right,and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife.Soup is eaten with a spoon.However,there is some food which you can eat with your fingers,such as chicken wings and hamburgers.3.The fork is held in your left hand or the right hand?_The fork is held in our left hand.Para6.Remember that it is polite to say that you enjoy every dish when it is served,and that you have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.4.What should you say at the end of a meal?_We should say we have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.Para7.It is sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.If you are invited to dinner by Western friends,you will be expected to stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish is served,and it is not polite if you leave as soon as you finish eating.5.Can you leave as soon as you finish eating?_No,we cant.Besides some table manners,what other customs and rules do you know about England?If your friend wants to visit England,what suggestions will you give him/her?俗话说俗话说“入乡随俗入乡随俗”。去另一个国家,先要了解其习俗和历史。去另一个国家,先要了解其习俗和历史是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于英国的习俗和英国的习俗和历史,历史,写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文化刊物写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文化刊物。礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪以工业闻世纪以工业闻名。名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)Writing Part1、写作需要使用的、写作需要使用的时态时态:_2、写作需要使用的、写作需要使用的人称:人称:_3、写作需要使用的、写作需要使用的体裁体裁:_,需要用到的需要用到的句型句型:_4、写作需要的、写作需要的重词汇点和短语重词汇点和短语:_5、所需要的所需要的过渡词语过渡词语:俗话说俗话说“入乡随俗入乡随俗”。我们去另一个国家,先要了解其习俗和。我们去另一个国家,先要了解其习俗和历史是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于英国的习俗历史是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于英国的习俗和历史,写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文化刊物和历史,写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文化刊物。礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪以工业闻名。世纪以工业闻名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时we(the British)they 礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约)约(有有)两千年历史两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪世纪以工业闻名。以工业闻名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)写作要点:写作要点:礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪以工业闻名。世纪以工业闻名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)shake handsfor the first timeThe British usually _when they meet _.(英国人英国人)第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手shake handsfor the first timeThey should say Mr or Mrswhen they talk with the elder people.the elder people talk with/to(他们)跟年长的人说话要用(他们)跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrsdrink teadrink tea They dont drink coffee or juice at a tea party,but only drink tea.at a tea partyat a tea partynot.but(他们)在茶会只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁(他们)在茶会只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁LondonLondon has a history of about 2000 years.has a history of伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约)约(有有)两千年历史两千年历史Liverpool was famous for industry(工业工业)in the 18th century.be famous forLiverpoolin the 18th century 利物浦,在利物浦,在1818世纪以工业闻名。世纪以工业闻名。talk loudlyin publicWe cant talk loudly in public.Before we go to another country,it is necessary for us to learn something about its customs and history.Take Britain as an example._ The golden rule is:Watch the other people.Do as they do.difficult words:Liverpoolindustryshakein public Before we go to another country,it is necessary for us to learn something about its customs and history.Take Britain as an example.People usually shake hands when they meet for the first time.They should say Mr and Mrs when they talk with elder people.People can only drink tea at a tea party,but not coffee or juice.London has a history of about two thousand years.Liverpool was famous for industry in the 18th century.In my opinion,when we are in England,we must pay attention to the following rules,such as we cant talk loudly in public.Besides,we should stand in a line when we wait for buses or trains.The golden rule is:Watch the other people.Do as they do.Possible version添加过渡语,使之更有连贯性添加过渡语,使之更有连贯性Summary1.respect(尊重尊重)their customs2.obey the rules in public3.protect the environmentWhat should we do when we visit a foreign country?take care of pubilc propertystand in a lineDont throw away rubbishDont spitOur Foshan City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.目前,佛山市正在积极创建全国文明城市,请你以校学生会的名义目前,佛山市正在积极创建全国文明城市,请你以校学生会的名义就就“创建文明城市创建文明城市”这一主题,根据下列提示写一封倡议书。这一主题,根据下列提示写一封倡议书。公共礼仪公共礼仪1、爱护花草树木、爱护花草树木2、不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾、不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾3、遵守交通规则、遵守交通规则学校礼仪学校礼仪1、尊敬师长,礼貌待人、尊敬师长,礼貌待人2、团结友爱,助人为乐、团结友爱,助人为乐Dear schoolmates,Our Foshan City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior.So we middle school students can do something for it._Lets start from ourselves!The Student Union June 13th,2010Thank you!Dear schoolmates,Our Neijiang City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior.So we middle school students can do something for it._ _Lets start from ourselves!The Student Union June 13th,2010 回答问题回答问题:1.Was the woman arrested for hurting others religious feeling?_2.What do most Sri Lankans have a deep respect for?_3.Did the man speak to the passport officers with respect or without respect?_4.Where did the party in Akons video take place?_5.What did a website advise tourists not to di in front of a Buddha?_ National Coleman,37,a British tourist,was arrested(逮捕逮捕)at Sri Lankas international airport on Monday.She is now at a centre in the airport waiting for a flight back to the UK.Airport officers told Ms Coleman that her Buddha(佛像佛像)tattoo(纹身)纹身)on her arm was disrespectful to Sri Lankan culture.A police spokesman said she was arrested for the Buddha.This is not the first time that tourist was sent back to the UK last year because he spoke disrespectfully when passport offers asked him about a Buddha tattoo on his arm.Britains Independent newspaper reports that in 2010,R&B star Akon was told he could not visit Sri Lanka because of a video for his song.The video showed a pool party in front of a Buddha.A British government website warns who visit Sri Lanka not to pose(摆姿势摆姿势)for photos in front of a Buddha.From the passage above,we know the reason why the British tourist was arrested(逮捕逮捕)at Sri Lanka.-Because he didnt respect the religious and customs when he visited Sri Lanka.England Do you like travelling?Liverpool 利物浦利物浦football teamDifferent countries have different customs and rules.What customs and rules do you know about England?If your friend wants to visit If your friend wants to visit England,what England,what suggestions suggestions will you give him/her?will you give him/her?俗话说俗话说“入乡随俗入乡随俗”。从以上报道可见,去另一个国家,先要。从以上报道可见,去另一个国家,先要了解其习俗和历史是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关了解其习俗和历史是很必要的。请你根据初中阶段所学到的关于于英国的习俗和历史英国的习俗和历史,写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文,写成一篇文章,投稿到英文版的旅游文化刊物化刊物。礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪以工业闻世纪以工业闻名。名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)1、第一次见面通常握手、第一次见面通常握手2、跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用Mr和和Mrs(英国人)第一次见面通常握手(英国人)第一次见面通常握手The British usually shake hands when they meet for the first time.主语主语 谓语谓语(他们他们)跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用Mr和和Mrs主语主语 谓语谓语 They say Mr and Mrs when they talk with the elder people.用连接词用连接词notbut.(不是不是而是而是)People dont_at a tea party,but_.neither.nor(既不既不也不也不)People drink neither _ nor _,but only tea at a tea party.在茶会上,在茶会上,(他们他们)只喝茶。只喝茶。(他们他们)不喝咖啡。不喝咖啡。(他们他们)也不喝果汁也不喝果汁。3、在茶会只能喝茶、不喝咖啡和果汁在茶会只能喝茶、不喝咖啡和果汁。They dont drink juice,either.尽量用简单句They only drink tea at a tea party.They dont drink coffee.drink coffee or juiceonly drink teacoffeejuice4、伦敦、伦敦,约两千年历史。约两千年历史。1)London is years old.2)London is with(带有带有)a history of 3)London has a history of 鼓励灵活使用一句多译鼓励灵活使用一句多译be 五、注意事项五、注意事项(他们他们)在公共场合在公共场合不要不要大声说话。大声说话。They _ loudly in public._ loudly in public._ loudly in public.mustnt/cant talkDont talkNo talkingmustnt/cant do sth.Dont do sth.No doing sth.五、注意事项(请再举五、注意事项(请再举1-2点)点)bad behaviors 类别类别连接词连接词表并列、递进表并列、递进not onlybut also,as well as,whats more,besides,in addition to,表顺序表顺序first of all,second,finally,then,when,表因果表因果because+句子句子,because of+单词短语,单词短语,so,as a result表转折表转折but,however,even though,notbut,neithernor表举例表举例for example,such as,takefor example表意见、建议表意见、建议in my opinion,I think,on one handon the other hand表总结表总结in a word,all in all,generally speaking Our Foshan City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.目前,佛山市正在积极创建全国文明城市,请你以校学生会的名义就目前,佛山市正在积极创建全国文明城市,请你以校学生会的名义就“创建文明城市创建文明城市”这一主题,根据下列提示写一封倡议书。这一主题,根据下列提示写一封倡议书。要点提示:要点提示:1.爱护花草树木;爱护花草树木;2不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾;不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾;3遵守交通规则;遵守交通规则;4尊敬师长,礼貌待人;尊敬师长,礼貌待人;5团结友爱,助人为乐;团结友爱,助人为乐;.注意:注意:1 字数在字数在80字左右;倡议书应该包含所有要点;不要逐句翻译,但可适当发挥。字左右;倡议书应该包含所有要点;不要逐句翻译,但可适当发挥。2 倡议书的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。倡议书的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。3 参考词汇:参考词汇:traffic rules 交通规则;交通规则;respect vt.尊敬尊敬 Dear schoolmates,Our Foshan City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior.So we middle school students can do something for it._Lets start from ourselves!The Student Union June 13th,2010创建文明城市创建文明城市倡议书(说明文)倡议书(说明文)倡议书(说明文)倡议书(说明文)一般现在时一般现在时we we 要点提示:要点提示:1.爱护花草树木;爱护花草树木;2不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾;不在公共场所随地吐痰、乱扔垃圾;3遵守交通规则;遵守交通规则;4尊敬师长,尊敬师长,礼貌待人;礼貌待人;5团结友爱,助人为乐;团结友爱,助人为乐;.Dear schoolmates,Our Neijiang City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior.So we middle school students can do something for it._ _Lets start from ourselves!The Student Union June 13th,2010 Secrets of writing a good composition:Practice makes perfect.Hard work leads to success.Dear schoolmates,Our Neijiang City is trying to set up a national civilized(文明的文明的)city.We know it includes excellent environment and good behavior.So we middle school students can do something for it.To make our city more beautiful,we are supposed to take care of the flowers and trees.We mustnt spit in public or throw away rubbish everywhere.And we should not break the traffic rules.As middle school students,we should respect teachers and the old.We should also get on well with each other friendly and be polite to other people.We should be always ready help each.Do you agree with us?Lets start from ourselves!The Student Union June 13th,2010 Possible version年份年份体裁体裁话题话题2010报刊投稿报刊投稿介绍英语口语练习的方介绍英语口语练习的方法并提出建议法并提出建议2011演讲稿演讲稿世界读书日世界读书日2012演讲稿演讲稿介绍中考基本情况及学介绍中考基本情况及学生备考做法生备考做法2013杂志短文杂志短文介绍校园杂志及其对学介绍校园杂志及其对学生学习的帮助作用生学习的帮助作用2014 旅游文化刊物投稿旅游文化刊物投稿 关于英国习俗、历史以关于英国习俗、历史以及旅游的注意事项及旅游的注意事项近近5年佛山中考英语书面表达考点一览表年佛山中考英语书面表达考点一览表2.diet3.city1.manner 1.meet 2、talk1.London2.Liverpool4.attention 1.in public.2.stand in line 3.beginning已给出已给出。ending已给出已给出。only drink teabody请找出下列句子的错误。1.在茶会只能喝茶、不喝咖啡和果汁。They only drink tea,dont drink coffee or juice.2.英国人第一次见面通常握手。The British first meet usually shake hands.3.他们跟年长的人说话要用Mr 和Mrs。They talk to the elder people use Mr and Mrs.在一个句子中不要出现双谓语对照书面表达评分标准进行互评分。语语 言言7-8具有较好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性具有较好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性高高,词汇方面使用较好,只,词汇方面使用较好,只有少许错误。有少许错误。5-6具有较好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性具有较好的语言运用能力;语法和句子结构准确性较好较好,有一些有一些语法结构或词语法结构或词汇方面错误,但汇方面错误,但不影响不影响理解。理解。3-4语言运用能力语言运用能力一般一般;语法和句子结构;语法和句子结构基本准确基本准确,语法结构或词汇方面错误,语法结构或词汇方面错误不影不影响响理解。理解。1-2语言运用能力语言运用能力较差较差;语法和句子结构;语法和句子结构基本不准确基本不准确,语法结构或词汇方面错误,语法结构或词汇方面错误较较多多,而且,而且影响了影响了对句子意义的理解。对句子意义的理解。0语言运用能力语言运用能力很差很差;语法、句子结构、词汇错误;语法、句子结构、词汇错误很多很多,句子意义,句子意义无法理解无法理解。内内容容5包括了所有信息内容。包括了所有信息内容。4包括了包括了大部分大部分信息内容。信息内容。3包括了包括了基本基本信息内容。信息内容。2包括了包括了小部分小部分信息内容。信息内容。1包括了包括了少许少许信息内容。信息内容。0没有没有包括所提供的信息内容。包括所提供的信息内容。连连贯贯2内容内容连贯连贯,而且结构,而且结构紧凑紧凑。1内容连贯性内容连贯性比较好比较好,而且结构,而且结构比较紧凑比较紧凑。0内容内容缺乏缺乏连贯性,而且结构连贯性,而且结构松散松散。备注备注词数少于词数少于80词或多于词或多于110词,可酌情在内容方面降低一个档次。文不对题,词,可酌情在内容方面降低一个档次。文不对题,0分。分。重温书面表达评分要求和标准。351254When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗入乡随俗上年读写综合写作部分出题趋势分以下几块/部分来写:1.若文中有要求,可适当提及上文话题。(1-2句)若文中没有要求,就可忽略不提上文话题。2.完成提示内容。(有几点提示就写几点,不要漏写)3.写自己的感想或意见。(自己的发挥,1-2句)握握 手手 _ 第一次第一次 _ 年长的年长的_ 讲讲 话话 _ 喝茶喝茶_ 在茶话会上在茶话会上_ 有两千年历史有两千年历史_ 在在18世纪世纪_ 以以闻名闻名_ 在公共场合在公共场合_ 大声讲话大声讲话_1、(英国人)(英国人)第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手2、(他们)(他们)跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用Mr和和Mrs3 3、在茶话会上,、在茶话会上,(他们他们)只喝茶,只喝茶,(他们他们)不喝咖啡不喝咖啡和果汁。和果汁。4、(他们他们)在公共场合不能大声说话在公共场合不能大声说话1.先翻译主干(主+谓+宾),再添加枝叶(时间、地点、原因、结果、方式等)2、(英国人(英国人/他们)他们)跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用Mr和和Mrs(when)They say Mr and Ms when they talk with elder people.1、(英国人)(英国人)第一次见面通常握手(第一次见面通常握手(when)The British often shake hands when they meet for the first time.从句(句式丰富多样)连连造造圈圈列列定定审审作文作文查查抄抄检查错误 审清题意列框架定时态人称造句子抄写规范圈要点添加过渡的连接词句Can we throw away rubbish everywhere?-How old is London?-It is about 2000 years old.-It has a long history.城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪以世纪以工业文明。工业文明。伦敦和利物浦都是英国闻名的城市。伦敦和利物浦都是英国闻名的城市。London and Liverpool are the famous cities in England.(这个句子在起着上下连接的作用。)这个句子在起着上下连接的作用。)礼仪礼仪第一次见面通常握手第一次见面通常握手跟年长的人说话要用跟年长的人说话要用MrMr和和MrsMrs饮食饮食在茶会(在茶会(tea party)tea party)只喝茶,不喝咖啡或只喝茶,不喝咖啡或果汁果汁城市城市伦敦(伦敦(LondonLondon)约两千年历史)约两千年历史利物浦(利物浦(LiverpoolLiverpool),在),在1818世纪世纪以工业闻名。以工业闻名。注意事项注意事项在公共场合不要大声说话在公共场合不要大声说话、(请再举、(请再举1-21-2点)点)写作要点:写作要点:排队候车排队候车 _stand in a line when _不乱扔垃圾不乱扔垃圾We shouldnt _ everywhere.不随地吐痰不随地吐痰We cant spit everywhere.发挥想象力五、注意事项(请再举五、注意事项(请再举1-2点)点)(他们他们)在公共场合在公共场合不要不要大声说话。大声说话。They _ loudly in public._ loudly in public._ loudly in public.mustnt/cant talkDont talkNo talkingWhat should they do when they wait for buses or trains?They should _when they wait for buses or trains.stand in a lineCan we talk loudly in public?We should keep quiet.五、注意事项(请再举五、注意事项(请再举1-2点)点)take care of pubilc propertyDont throw away rubbishDont spitstand in a lineModule 6 Eating togetherUnit 2 Knives and forks are used for most western food.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗入乡随俗1.When is lunch usually eaten in some western countries?2.Who say“Bon appetit”at the start of a meal?3.The fork is held in your left hand or the right hand?4.What should you say at the end of a meal?5.Can you leave as soon as you finish eating?Lunch is usually eaten at about 1 pm in some western countries.The French say“Buon appetit”at the start of a meal.The fork is held in our left hand.We should say we have enjoyed the food at the end of a meal.No,we cant.


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