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Module 1How to learn EnglishUnit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.New words:1.pair n(相关的)两个人,一对(相关的)两个人,一对2.correct v.改正,纠正改正,纠正 adj.正确的,对的正确的,对的3.spelling n.拼写拼写4.word n.词,单词,字词,单词,字5.practise v.练习练习6.match v.找到与找到与相配之物,使相配相配之物,使相配7.meaning n.意义意义plete v.把把填完整,使完整填完整,使完整9.sentence n.句子句子10.dictionary n.词典。字典词典。字典11.grammar n.语法语法12.letter n.字母字母13.look up 查,查找查,查找14.mistake n.错误,过错错误,过错15.make a mistake 犯错误犯错误16.understand(understood)v.理解,明白理解,明白 17.advice n.建议,意见建议,意见18.should v,aux.应该应该19.possible adj可能的可能的20.write down 写下,记下写下,记下21.notebook n.笔记本笔记本22.forget(forgot)v.忘记忘记23.Pronounce v.发发的音的音24.aloud adv.大声地,出声地大声地,出声地25.radio n.电台,广播电台,广播26.pronunciation n.发音发音27.key adj.关键性的,非常重要关键性的,非常重要的的28.main adj.主要的,最大的主要的,最大的29.excellent adj.极好的,优秀的极好的,优秀的30.agree v.赞同赞同31.agree with sb.同意某人同意某人 1.Do you think its difficult to learn English?Why?2.Whats the most difficult things(最难的最难的)in learning English?English is very important and useful.Englishs_ingL _ingr_ingw_ingisteneadpeakritHow do people usually learn English?Englishsentencevocabularypronunciationlettergrammarpunctuations_ingL_ ingr_ingw_ingisteneadpeakritWhat else do they need to learn?Part1:read the instructions and check()the ones you understand.1.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.2.Correct the spelling.3.Listen and check the words you hear.4.Practise saying the words.5.Match the words with their meanings.6.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.词组:词组:1.as much as possible 尽可能多的 2.in pairs 成双的 3.match with 将与配对 4.look up 查找(查字典)5.make a mistake 犯错误 6.talk about 谈论 7.next to 贴近 8.key words 关键词 9.agree with sb.同意某人10.pen friend 笔友Activity 3 1.Choose the best answers()1.Why is Ms James going to give her students some advice?A.Because she is a good teacher.C()2.They are talking about_A.what they will do in the English class.B.how to speak English.C.how to learn English.CB.Because she likes giving others advice.C.Because it is a new term.ReadingRead and try to tell how to learn English well according to the dialogue.Read and fill in the blanks.J:You _ always speak English in class.And you _ write down your mistakes in your notebooks.And _ you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?What else?L:Its _ to check your vocabulary notebook every day.J:Thats a good idea.Thanks a lot,Lingling._ listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?But _ to translate every word.L:I think everyone _ have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.Im going to meet my pen friend in Beijing this term.shouldshouldwhy donta good ideaHow abouttry notshould1.advice(建议建议,不可数不可数n.n.)2.should 动原动原 “应该做某事应该做某事”Eg.He should come here early.3.try to do sth 尽力去做某事尽力去做某事 try not to do sth 尽量不要去做某事尽量不要去做某事4.Why dont you 动原动原 “为什么不为什么不 ”=Why not 动原动原I cant get any fish.Why not go to the market?Why dont we watch a film?Lets go for a walk.表示表示提建议提建议的句型有:的句型有:1.How/What about?2.Would like 3.Lets +动原动原 4.Why dont you 动原动原?5.Why no t 动原动原?6.Should t 动原动原 7.Its a good idea to do.doing sth.to do sth.常用的回答是:常用的回答是:Thats a good/great idea.OK./All right.Do some exercises:1.Fill in the blanks:(1)She should (go)to school early.go (2)Why dont you (play)basketball?play(3)How about (eat)noodles?eating(4)I have some _(advice)to help you to learn English(5)She is going to (help)his father.(6)Its a good idea (get)up early.(7)He (play)football very well.(8)My mother has six (pen friend).advicehelpto getplayspen friendsListen and repeat.1.Follow the tape to read the sentences:(1)Why dont you write it down?(2)What else?(3)Thats a good idea.(4)Thanks a lot.2.In pairs,read the dialogue loudly.Homework 1.copy and learn the new words by heart.2.Write five new advice about learning English well.


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