2013年高考英语阅读理解与完型填空:离婚与家庭题材:离婚与家庭体裁:说明文题分:5分阅读时间:6分钟During these family discussions, it is important forparents to tell children that the divorce is final and avoid giving children false hopes that the parentswill reunite. Parents can also use this time to tell children that the divorce is not their fault. Manychildren believe that the divorce is a result of something that they did. For instance, when asked whyparents divorce, some children may explain that parents are divorcing because the children misbehavedor received bad grades in school. Remember to ask children about their feats and coricems. Givechildren time to think about the divorce and the changes ahead. Take your childrens questions and concems senously and listen to what they say. As stated byone child, this is gonna affect the rest of my life and I dont know if they just dont realize that, ordont care, or what, but I dont feel like Im being he:ud. Children need to know -that parents recognize the impact of divorce Ofl childrens lives. Bylistening to childrens thoughts and feelings about the divorce, parents show their ongoing care andconcem.1. Which of the follov ing can be the best title for the passage? A. Talking With Children About Divorce. B. The Relationship Between Children and Parents. C. Dont Blame Your Child for Divorc.e. D. Showing More Concem for Your Child. 2. If you first talk about your divorce with your son, _. A. you can tell him the real reason why you couple ptuted B. you should say that you couple will.remarry C. you may as well tell him you still love him D. you can avoid talking about your sorrow 3. Faced with a broken-up family, _. A. parents can keep their relationship continued B. parents can provide numberless of reasons C. parents should remove the worry of the child D. parents must be careful and cautious 4. According to the passage parents divorce will ult in childi A. make children rilled with guilty . B. resulr Lildrens grades going down C. make children lack self-confidence D. cause children to be ill-tempered 5. If you were such a parent, you should do the foUowing EXCEPT A. you should pay more attention to what your child talks about B. you must care whatever your child is thinking about . C. you can blame the divorce on your partner D. youd better keep regular touch with your child