2013年高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 “呐喊式”地区

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2013年高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 “呐喊式”地区_第1页
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2013年高考英语 阅读理解与完型填空 “呐喊式”地区_第2页
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2013年高考英语阅读理解与完型填空:“呐喊式”地区In 1865, the area north of.Montana:was known as Whoop-Up country; lt was a part of W.estemCanada that.White settlers had not yet moved into; so the Canadian goverriment, for the most.ipartignored it. There was no one in Whoop-Up country to stop whiskey traders from trading whiskey to theNatives in exchange-fot frrrs. . But when Natives traded for whiskey, their drinking often led to violence. The -Native was notused to whiskey; sodrinking hld to more drinkrng and then serious fighting, and many died. As theNatives struggled with whiskey, they quarreled with the men who traded it to them. The whiskey tradersof Whoop-Up Country found drunk natives to be a threat so they built forts for protection. Siome White men became known as Wolfers.because they killed wolves by putting poison on deadbufFalo. When the wolves ate the buffalo Jneat they died. The Wolfers then skinried the wolves andused the skins for trade. But the Native dogs also ate the buffalo meat and died; This upset the Natjvesbecause their dogs were both. helpers and.friends. So the wolfers also had to build.forts to protectthemseliyes. . . This was a lawless land so it is not surprisjtng that the wolfers were also upset wjth the whiskeytraders. The whjskey traders made life difficult for the wolfer-by trading.repeati唱 rifles(步-) andanulym. itian(火药) to the Natjves, . . 1 . So the Natives were upset with both the wolkrs and the whiskey traders. The woKers were angryat the whiskey tradertb ;and both tthe whiskey traders and the wolfers. feared the.dangerous Natives. Ihesituation was made even worse by the Natives who believed that people could not own animals: Theytook pride in .their ability to take horses from others and then西ve them to their friends. Thi8 seemedlike a good idea to the Natives. However,it created enenues.1. In whoop-up country, the white tcaders _. A. drink whisky as they liked in public B. drink whisky with the Natives legally C. exchange whisky with the Natives for furs D. trade whisky to the Natives secretly . 2. The whisky traders built forts to _ _. A. preVent the Natives from robloing whisky B. store whisky in a good condition C. avoid whisky being stolen by the Natives D. protect themselves against the attack of the Natives . 3. What did the wolfers do to upset the Natives? A. They killetl the dogs of the Natives. B. They killed the wolves and skinned them. C. They traded in the skins of the wolves. D. They. killed buffalo with poison. 4. The wolfers were angry with the whisky traders because -r- A. they taught the Natives how to kill the wolf B. they madel.the Natives have weapons C. they joined hands with the Natives in the war D. they didnt trade whisky for woK skins 5. VO畔were the Natives proud of?.,. A. Dnnking a lot of whisky. B. Kilhng the wolf bravely. C. Robbing animals of others. D. Eating the:meat of buffalo.


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