译林版小学英语6B Unit5 A party Period 1

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Unit5 A partyRules(规则):Read the words loudly and find his friend as quickly as possible!读出闪烁的单词,以最快速度找到它的同伴,并大声读出来哦!Chinese New Yearget red packetsMid-Autumn FestivalDragon Boat FestivalHalloweenEasterGreat!Great!ChristmasChildrens DayWhat do we need for a party?We needdrinksfruitsnackstoys A partyWhenWhereWho What A partyWhenWhereWho What Childrens Day/this Sundayat Mikes houseSu HaiWang BingYang LingLiuTaosnacks and drinksfruittoys A partyWhenWhereWho What Childrens Day/this Sundayat Mikes houseSu HaiWang BingYang LingLiuTaosnacks and drinksfruittoys clown 小丑 klan clown 小丑 klan appear 出现 p(自读课文第二部分,(自读课文第二部分,完成选择。)完成选择。)1.It is _ a.Saturday morning b.Sunday morning c.Sunday afternoon2.The clown is _a.Mike b.Mikes cousin c.Liu Tao 3.Liu Tao brings _ to the party.a.some toys b.some balloons c.some vegetables4.The children are going to _ first.a.play with the toys b.eat the food c.sing a song.bcbaMatch and saySu Hai is going to bring some to the party.Wang Bing isYang LingLiu TaoTrue or falseTFMikesFhomeFgoesFfiveFhave some fun六月,大家即将告别母校,我们计划开展一个毕业六月,大家即将告别母校,我们计划开展一个毕业party,设计下面的邀请卡吧(四人小组讨论)。设计下面的邀请卡吧(四人小组讨论)。Welcome to the partyInvitation(邀请卡)Date:_Time:_Place:_With_Come and have fun!Tips:1.When are we going to have the party?2.Where are we going to have the party?3.What are we going to bring to the party?1.Listen to the tape and read the text three times.2.Talk about your plans for Childrens Day with your friends.


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