英语模块7Unit1 单词讲解

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M7U11.keep/ stay in touch with 与.保持联络I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers.我经常读报来了解时事. Well get in touch as soon as we know the results of the test.Can I have your phone number in case I need to get in touch with you? in touch with Are you still in touch with John ? Im in close touch with Anna.I lost touch with Julie after we moved.I can put you in touch with a local photography club.Im out of touch with modern medicine.2.evaluation n. 估价; 赋值; 评价We need to carry out a proper evaluation of the new system.They took some samples(样本) of products for evaluation.evaluate v. 评估, 赋值, 评价You should be able to evaluate your own work.We need to evaluate the success of the campaign.It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments.3.drawback n. 不利点Everything has its drawback.事事不免有缺点。The main drawback to it is the cost. This is the one major drawback of the new system. Its a great city - the only drawback is the weather.4.principle n. 原则; 主义; 原理; 信条I refuse to lie about it; its against my principles. Its against my principles to accept gifts from clients(客户).Stick to your principles and tell him you wont do it. There are three fundamental principles of teamwork.Its not just a matter of principle. He has high moral principles.He considered himself to be a man of principle.in principle基本上:与基本原则有关地:In principle, the new software should make the accounting system a lot simpler.5.delay n. 耽搁, 迟滞v. 延缓; 耽搁; 使延期; a delay of two hours / a two-hour delay There was a delay of thirty minutes before the flight left. ( The flight left after a thirty - minute delay .) 这次航班起航前耽误了30分钟。 We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.delay in doing sth Please excuse my delay in replying. without delay 毫不耽搁 Report it to the police without delay (= immediately).I hope that discussions will take place without delay. delay sb or sth The passengers were delayed for an hour.The bus was delayed by a cloudburst.由于大暴雨,公共汽车来迟了。The opening of this section of the road is delayed until September.delay doing He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.They had delayed having children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.Big companies often delay paying their bills.6.accessible adj. 易受影响的, 易接近的, 可进入的, 可理解的,易相处的Is this a town accessible by rail? 这是有铁路通达的城镇吗?The island is only accessible by boat.sth be( easily/readily )accessible to sb These documents are not accessible to the public.This is a programme making science more accessible to young people. Computers should be made readily accessible to teachers and pupils.The buses in our city are not actually wheelchair accessible.I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be f This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology. ilmed.我得把摄像机准备好备用万一我看到要拍摄的东西。This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology.Although the earth contains extremely large mineral deposits, some of these are not easily accessible. 虽然地球上蕴藏着极大的矿产资源,但是有些矿产又不容易开采。I think that youll find shes very accessible. Their goal was to make adult education more accessible.access n. 接近; 使用; 进入的权利, 接近的机会; 门路, 通道, 入口; 病菌的侵入; 允许进入一个电脑系统和/或接受资料 (计算机用语) v. 取出; 接近; 使用access to The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. An elevator (电梯) provides access to the upper floors.There is easy access to the downtown area by subway(地铁).Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities(s设施). They have a villa with easy access to the sea.have access to Most students in the school can have access to the large source of the library.gain/get access(to) The police managed to gain access (to the flat)through an upstairs window. Some groups still have difficulty gaining access to social services.7.distribute v. 分发; 散布; 分配He showed us how to distribute the paint evenly over the wall. 将漆均匀地刷在墙上。distribute sth (to / among sb/sth) The newspaper is distributed free.In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cultivate it.在19世纪,政府将土地分发给愿意耕种的定居者。The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims. The money was distributed among schools in the poor area.Some people were shouting slogans(口号) and distributing leaflets(分发传单). The police have been watching the man distributing leaflets to passers-by for a long time.In the move(搬家), most of their furniture was left to their neighbours or distributed among friends.be widely(广泛)/evenly (均匀)distributed Make sure the weight of the load is evenly distributed .(放匀) This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world.The population is distributed in a very uneven pattern.distribution n. 分配; 配给物; 分发Some people feel angry about the unfair distribution of wealth among/to the people in the world.The map shows the distribution of this species(物种) across the world. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.8.wind n. 风, 气味, 气息v. 上发条, 蜿蜒, 缠绕(wound ,wound) a winding pathAt last, They came to a river winding through a valley. 在山谷中蜿蜒的河流.The path wound down to the beach. The road winds uphill.wind ones way蜿蜒前进 The river winds its way between two meadows.Highway 99 winds its way along the coast.He wound(绕) the wool into a ball. Wind the bandage(绷带) around your finger.Give the handle another couple of winds.wind sth up摇上, 上发条,结束,处理Could you wind the window up, please? He had forgotten to wind his watch (up).OK, just to wind up结束, could I summarize what weve decided?She hopes to wind up her affairs before leaving the country.她希望在离开这个国家之前把她的事务料理停当wind sth down 摇下 Will you please wind down the window of the car ?ponent n. 零件, 组成整件部分的单件; 构成要素; 成分the components of a machine key components of the governments planTrust is a vital component in any relationship.Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.浓缩铀是核武器的重要构成部分。key/major/important componentExercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle.(compose, vt. 组成, 写作, 作曲, 使平静 be composed of由构成, composition 作曲,作文)10.storage n. 存储器, 保管, 储藏 food storage facilities食物储藏器 data storage数据存储 the storage of informationTheres a lot of storage space in the loft(阁楼). The table can be folded flat for easy storage.They moved to a house with lots of storage space. The area underneath(地下) provides useful storage.in storage收藏,存储 I put some of my things in storage.The collection has been in storage for decades.这集子收藏几十年了。When we moved we had to put our furniture in storage for a while.store n. 商店, 仓库, 贮藏v. 储存, 供给, 贮藏Thousands of pieces of data are stored in a computers memory.in store(for sb) 即将来临 Theres a real treat in store for you this Christmas!As we left, I wondered what the future would be in store for us.11.foresee v. 预见; 预知 (predict)foresee sth The disaster could not have been foreseen.foresee that Few analysts foresaw that oil prices would rise so steeply(sharply).I foresee that there will be problems.我预料认为会有问题。 Maybe nobody can foresee what will happen in the future.No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way.I foresee we shall be very good friends.我想,咱们一定可以成为好朋友的。 He could never have foreseen that one day his books would sell in millions.12.adaptation n. 适应; 改写本; 改编; 适应作用, 适应性的变化(ones) adaptation to sth 对的适应We are surprised at the adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions.He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境。The play is an adaptation of a short novel.这部戏剧是一部短篇小说的改编本.Hes working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel.他正在改写他的最新小说搬上屏幕。The television adaptation of the stage play was very successful.adapt v. 使适应, 使适合; 改建; 改编, 改写; adapt a novel to the stage把小说改编为戏剧 an adapted novel/film/playadapt to sth使适应 adapt ones thinking to the new situation使思想适应新形势 Can you adapt yourself to a new job? 你能适应新的工作吗? The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.They have been tightening their belts for months, adapting themselves to a war economy.几个月来他们一直勒紧腰带以适应战时经济。Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. adapt sth to do sth The car has been adapted to take unleaded(无铅的)gas.These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.She lives in a specially adapted(改建的) flat. The young man drives a specially adapted car.adaptable adj. 能适应新环境的; 适合的; 适应性强的; 可改编的13. sceptical/skeptical adj. 怀疑论的, 不可知论的; 怀疑的, 多疑的; 怀疑宗教教条的He felt himself too cultured and sceptical.他觉得自己既很有教养,又富于怀疑精神.This is a sceptical age. 这是一个怀疑一切的时代。be sceptical of/aboutIm rather sceptical about their sympathy for the poor.他们声称同情穷人,我对此有些怀疑. I am sceptical about his chances(可能) of winning. The public remain sceptical of these claims(说法).Im extremely sceptical about what I read in the press(新闻).highly/deeply skeptical非常怀疑 He is highly sceptical of the reforms.scepticism /skepticism n. 怀疑论, 怀疑主义14.ample adj. 丰富的; 充足的 (enough /large)They had ample food for the party; (They had an ample supply of food).他们有为晚会准备的充足的食物;充足供应。 ample proportions相当大的比例 an ample reward.优厚的报酬an ample living room.宽敞的起居室ample opportunity / evidence / space / proof/time/room ,There is ample evidence to prove his guilt.There was ample time to get to the airport. Ample free parking is available.15.casual adj. 偶然的, 便装的, 不经意的 n. 临时工人; 便鞋; 便装a casual remark; 即席评论 casual income临时收入 casual employment临时雇用This is only the information collected by casual methods in their spare time这只是他们在闲暇时间随意收集的信息。Kids today lean toward casual clothes. 今天的孩子倾向于穿随便的衣服。Never speak to the elders in such a casual manner.He tried to sound casual, but I knew he was worried. They have a casual attitude towards safety (= they dont care enough).Its difficult for me to be casual about anything.casually adv They chatted casually on the phone.She likes to be dressed casually in jeans and T-shirt16.insurance n. 保险, 保险费, 保险业,保障措施 Peoples insurance company of China (PICC) life / car / travel / household insurancean insurance company/group 保险公司/集团 the insurance industry保险业My sister-in-law works in insurance.When her husband died, she received 40 0,000 dollars in insurance.Most people would like to buy insurance against loss of income due to unemploymentinsurance on/for How much is the insurance on your car? Do you have insurance on your house and its contents?claim (for) sth on your insuranceWe can probably claim the damage on our insurance. Can you claim for the loss on your insurance? 依据保险索赔insure (ensure)v. 保险, 确保; 投保险 The car is insured against fire and theft.Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.17.obvious adj. 明显的, 显然的, 明白的For obvious reasons, Id prefer not to give my name.Theres no obvious solution to the problem.The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.The most obvious example of an information source is a dictionary.The obvious thing is to speak to her before you make a decision.It is obvious (that)很显然 It was obvious that Gina was lying.It is obvious to everyone that the child has been badly treated(maltreated).state the obvious 讲众所周知的道理 You have a talent for stating the obvious.To state the obvious, if we dont take precautions(预防措施) now, well suffer for it later.obviously adv.(副词) obviousness n U18.scan n. 细看; 扫描, 粗略一看; 审视; 浏览v. 细看; 扫描; 粗略地看; 审视; 浏览; She scanned his face anxiously. She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast.All luggage has to be scanned at the airport.Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer.She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul.I had a quick scan down the guest list but couldnt see my name. He was rushed to hospital for a brain scan.19.elegant adj. 文雅的; 雅致的; 端庄的elegant handwriting优雅的笔迹 an elegant dark suit有风度的黑色套装 an elegant dress飘逸的连衣裙 an elegant room / restaurant典雅的房间饭店 a tall, elegant young woman You can dine in elegant surroundings .an elegant solution to the problem聪慧而简单的解决方法elegance n U: She dresses with casual elegance.His writing combines elegance and wit(智慧)elegantly adv: elegantly dressed The house is elegantly furnished . 房子布置典雅讲究。He leaned elegantly against the door.20.vote n. 投票, 选票, 选举v. 投票, 选举; 投票选举, 公认, 投票决定In China, everyone has got the right to vote.vote for/ in favour of / against 投赞成/反对票I voted for the Labour candidate (候选人)in the last election.vote on 就投票表决 They had finally been given a chance to vote on the issue(问题).vote to do sth投票表决 Congress(国会) voted to increase foreign aid by 10%.Its the club secretary that counts the votes(数票) .They took a vote on the issue.在这个问题上采取投票21.reject v. 拒绝, 抵制; 驳回; 去除, 丢弃; 否决; n.废品,抛弃物reject an argument / a claim / a decision / an offer / a suggestionSarah rejected her brothers offer of help. The proposal was firmly rejected.The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system. Its obvious why his application was rejected.I feel terribly depressed that Ive been rejected by all the universities I applied to.Her body has already rejected two kidneys.(排异)When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless.Children feel abandoned or rejected if they dont see their parents regularly.reject sth as sth认为而拒绝 Gibson rejected the idea as absurd.reject n. He has a shop selling cheap rejects They felt that they were societys rejects. rejection n. a rejection letter painful feelings of rejectionThe patient has to take a special drug which stops rejection of transplanted (移植的)organs.rejected clothes/a rejected request22.oppose v. 反对, 使对抗, 使对立; 反对oppose sth /oppose doing sthThis party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty(死刑). He found himself opposed by his own deputy(代表). I would oppose changing the law.Congress is continuing to oppose the Presidents healthcare budget(财政预算). Many parents oppose bilingual education(双语教学) in schools.He is opposed by two other candidates.他和其他两位选手竞争。fiercely /bitterly oppose 强烈反对Plans to drill(钻)for oil in the Arctic(北极) region are fiercely opposed by conservationists(环境保护主义者).opposer n.(名词)反对者 opposition (to sth)n. 反对, 相反, 敌对23.valid adj. 有确实根据的, 正当的, 有效的a valid argument; 合理的论点 a valid contract; 有效的合同a valid license.有效的执照 a valid ID card a valid passport有效的护照 a valid credit carda valid date and time有效的日期和时间 Your return ticket is valid for three months.Police officers must have a valid(正当的)reason for stopping motorists.validity /vldti/ n U I would question the validity of that statement.invalid adj. 无效的; 作废的; 没用的; 生病的, 非法的; 程序不知道的, (计算机用语)24.circumstance n. 环境, 事件, 状况The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.公司保留在某种情况下取消协议的权利。Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boys death.警察说孩子的死因无可疑情况。I wouldnt have expected to find you in such happy circumstances.我没料到会在这么开心的情形下遇到你们。Under the circumstances(在这种情况下), a crash was unavoidable. In the circumstances(在这种情况下), Pierres plans looked highly appropriate.I cant imagine a circumstance in which(where) I would be willing to steal.under/in no circumstances 在任何情况下都不,绝不(在句首要用倒装句)She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.Under no circumstances are you allowed to leave the house.economic/financial/personal circumstancesWhether or not you can get a loan(贷款) will depend on your financial circumstances.Can you imagine people living in difficult social circumstances?你能想象人们生活在艰难社 会处境下吗?25.merely adv. 只是, 不过, 仅仅It is not merely(only) a job, but a way of life.这不只是 He said nothing, merely(only) smiled and watched her. They agreed to go merely(only) because they were getting paid for it. Im merely(only) stating(陈述) what everybody knows anyway.Francis was far from being merely a furniture expert. (Francis远远不只是一个家具专家.)Hes merely (only)a boy - you cant expect too much of himHe merely(just) shrugged and walked away.not merely不仅仅Its not merely a matter of cost, but whether shes old enough to go on holiday alone.26.typical adj. 典型的, 象征性的She is a typical American girl with blond hair ,white skin and big blue eyes.be typical of 是典型的 This meal is typical of local cooking. The weather at the moment is not typical for(对于) July.This is not typical of Chinese, but is a feature (特点)of Cantonese(广东话).It is typical of sb to do sth做某事是某人的风格,某人一贯如此 Its not typical of Gill to be so particular about food. 吃饭如此挑剔不是Gill的特点。It is typical of Tom to let us wait for him.27.sacrifice n. 祭品; 牺牲; 献祭; v. 牺牲; 赔本出售; 献出; 献祭; They offered sacrifices to God. a human sacrifice (= a person killed as a sacrifice)The makers of the product assured us that there had been no sacrifice of quality(不牺牲质量). She brought three children up alone, often at great personal sacrifice.make sacrifices作牺牲 Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.In war times , many people were willing to make any sacrifice for peace.He sacrificed himself and so saved his country.sacrifice sth for sth A Labour government chose to sacrifice defence for welfare.sacrifice sth to do sth He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids.28.stable adj. 稳定的, 牢固的; 可靠的, 稳重的, 可信赖的; 平稳的; 坚定的a stable ladder/ stable peace/ a stable relationship/stable prices/ a stable marriage/stable employmentThe situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now.Children benefit from stable relationships within the family unit.in a stable condition He is said to be in a stable condition in hospital.29.for good measure :in addition to the minimum required /as an extra作为额外增添, 另外In addition to dessert, they serve fruit for good measure .除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果 .He sold me the house at a cheap price and included the garage for good measure.他以便宜的价格把房子卖给了我,外加车库。30.rid(rid, rid) v. 使免除; 从.清除; 使摆脱rid sb/s.p. of sth使摆脱,去除 rid sb(oneself) of fear / guilt / pain He struggled to rid himself of his fears.Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.The proposals are an attempt to rid the country of political corruption(腐败).The new vaccine(疫苗) may rid the world of one of its most terrifying diseases.get rid of 摆脱,消除 get rid of poverty/economic depression/ inequality/injustice/ crimeGovernments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons.I cant get rid of this cough.He opened the windows to get rid of the smell.be rid of摆脱 She wanted to be rid of her parents and their authority(权威). I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it. He was a nuisance(令人讨厌的人) and were all well rid of him.8


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