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1. Welcome to Haiku! 欢迎观临Haiku2. Do you have a reservation? 请问您有预约吗?3. How many people? 您几位?4. Just a moment. I will check for you. 请等一下,我查看一下。5. Im sorry, all the tables are reserved. Do you mind sitting at sushi bar? 吧台. 不好意思,所有的桌子都已经被定了,您介意坐在寿司吧或者是吧台吗?6. This way please! 这边请!7. How may I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?8. Please wait a moment while I check on your table.请稍等片刻,我去帮您看一下您的桌子是否已经准备好。9. Do you prefer smoking or nonsmoking? 您要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区?10. Do you prefer outside or inside? 外面还是里面?11. Im sorry, the restaurant is full now. The wait is about 20 minutes. 对不起,餐厅现在已满,恐怕要等20分钟12. Some tables have the check now. The wait is about 10 minutes. 有一桌两位的正在买单,大约要10到15分钟的等候。13. May I have your name? We will call you when we have a table. 您贵姓?一有位置我就来叫您.14. As soon as your table is ready, we will let you know. 您的桌子准备好后,我们会马上告诉您。15. Would you like to wait at the bar? 您愿意在酒吧等吗?16. Excuse me. Your table is ready now. This way please! 不好意思,您的桌子已帮您准备好了,请跟我来。17. Would you like to check your coats? 您或者是您的客人需要挂衣服吗?18. Please remove any valuables from your coat.19. Please watch your step. 小心台阶。20. Can I sit over there? 21. Yes, of course.22. Just a moment. I will check for you. 请等一下,我查看一下。23. No problem.没问题。24. Im sorry, that table is reserved. 对不起,那张桌子已经被定了。25. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening.26. My name is _.27. I will be your server.28. Would you like something to drink first? 需要来点饮料吗?29. If you have any questions please let me know. 如您对菜单有任何疑问,尽管叫我。30. Ill be right back with your drinks. 呆会我会把您的饮料带过来。31. Excuse me, may I borrow this chair? 打扰一下,我可以用这张椅子吗?32. May I take your order now? 您需要现在点菜吗?33. And for you? 您呢?34. Anything else? 需要来点其他的吗?35. What wine would you like to have? -We have 请问,你喜欢什么种类的葡萄酒,我们有。36. Which chopsticks would you like?37. Everything is a la carte (pronounced ah-la-kart). 都是单点。38. Our lunch sets are available Monday to Friday.39. Sorry, it will take more time for this dish, could you wait a little bit longer? 对不起,这个菜将需要一些时间去准备,你介意多等一会吗?40. Im very sorry, that dish is not available now. 非常抱歉,这个菜我们现在销售完了。41. Would you like to try todays special? 你想试一下我们今天的特色吗?42. What is the specialty of the house? 这个房子有什么特别吗?43. I think it will be a little too much for four people. 4个人用餐会有点多。44. I think it will not be enough for six people? Would you like to add some dishes now or later? 我认为这不够6个人用餐,您需要再加点菜吗?还是呆会看。45. What dressing would you like? 您需要什么配料? We have我们有、46. I will repeat your order. 47. May I pour the dressing?48. This is your last dish. 这是您的最后一道菜49. Would you like any dessert? 需要来点甜品吗?50. Would you like ice cream? 冰淇淋?51. May I suggest.? Its very delicious. 我建议您尝尝,味道很不错。52. Im sure you will enjoy it. 我保证您会喜欢的。53. How is everything? 一切是否满意54. If you need anything please let me know. 如果还有什么需要,请告诉我55. I will ask my supervisor. 我将会去问问我的主管56. I will have what theyre having?57. How would you like your steak? Rare/medium-rare/medium/medium-well/well done 你喜欢你的牛排吗?稀土/中稀有/中/中井/良好58. Could you tell me how to eat this? 你可以告诉我怎么吃这个吗?59. Are there any desserts included in this meal? 套餐里都包括这些吗?60. My order hasnt come yet. 我的点单还没有来。61. This is not what I ordered. 这个不是我叫的62. Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert? 我可以把一些甜点替换成水果吗?63. Im sorry. This wine is only sold by the bottle. 对不起,这种酒只有瓶装的了。64. Im sorry. That wine is not available now. Would you mind ordering something else?对不起,您要得酒已经卖完了,您是否介意叫点其他的?65. Excuse me. Here is your soup, please be careful its quite hot.打扰一下,这是您的汤,小心烫到嘴。66. Im sorry. The salmon is not available. Would you like to try something else? 不好意思,三文鱼今天已经卖光了,您需要尝试点别的吗?67. If you would like more dishes, you can order during the meal. 如果您需要别的菜可以边吃边点。68. Enjoy your meal. 请慢用。69. We take the last order at 9:40. 9:40最后一次拉单。70. Would you like one more? 需要续杯吗?71. Excuse me. This is the last order. Would you like anything else? 厨房将会在10分钟后关闭,您还要加点菜吗?72. This is the last call for drinks. Would you like anything else? 这是酒水的最后一次点单,您还要加点菜吗?73. Would you like a cup of coffee? 需要来杯咖啡吗?74. How would you like your coffee? 您想怎么喝它?75. Do you have decaf coffee? 请问有无咖啡因的咖啡吗?76. Im sorry. We only have regular coffee. Is that ok? 先生, 对不起,我们店只有普通的咖啡,可以吗?77. May I clear this plate? 我可以撤掉这个空盘子吗?78. Check / bill please! 买单.79. May I get the bill? 帮忙买一下单,好吗?80. Do you have a dessert menu? 有甜品单吗?81. Would you like to have some fruit? 你想来点果汁吗?82. Here is a complimentary fruit dish. Please enjoy. 赠送的水果,请享用。83. Here is a complimentary mousse. Please enjoy.84. Please enter your pin number. 请输入您的密码。85. Do you have a pin number?86. I would like the invoice? 发票有吗?87. Can you give me the receipt? 可以给我收据吗?88. Would you like personal or company invoice? 发票您是要个人的还是要开公司台头?89. Im glad you like it. 很高兴您喜欢!90. Have a nice evening. 祝您今晚愉快!91. Thank you. Bye-bye.92. Im sorry to make you wait for such a long time? 对不起,让你久等了。93. Im sorry. Are you OK?94. Pardon me. Ive made a mistake about your dish. 打扰一下,你的菜上错了。95. Im really sorry. Ill do it again for you at once. 非常抱歉,我们将马上为你再做一份。96. Excuse me, is this yours? 打扰一下,这是你点的吗?97. Did you enjoy your meal? 你感觉我们的菜品怎么样?98. Sorry to disturb you? 对不起打扰一下?99. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。100. May I clear the table? 我可以清洁这个桌子吗?101. Please sign here. 请在这签名。102. Could you tell me your company name? 可以告诉我你公司的名字吗?103. Our restaurant is open from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm for lunch and 5:30pm to 10:00pm for dinner.我们餐厅营业时间为下午的5:30到晚上的10点。104. Just a moment please. Ill be back as soon as I can.请稍等片刻,我会尽快赶回。105. We are in a hurry. 我们现在很忙 Can you recommend a dish that will arrive quickly?106. Is there parking? 有停车场吗?107. We are celebrating a birthday.我们在庆祝一个生日聚会108. Do you have any free items for birthdays? 你们有免费的节目是为生日准备的么?109. We look forward to seeing you again. 期待您的下次观临。110. Thank you and welcome back again. 非常感谢,欢迎下次光临111. Thank you for joining us. 欢迎下次再来112. Excuse me, where is the restroom/bathroom/toilet/washroom/WC? 请问洗手间往哪走?113. May I 我可以吗?114. Do you deliver? 接受外送吗?115. I suggest you use Sherpas delivery service. Here is Sherpas menu and telephone number. 我建议你通过Sherpas,这是它的菜单及号码。116. Here you are! This is a delivery menu. 这是外卖菜单,供您参考。117. Take away? 打包,带走?118. What are udon and soba noodles? 什么是乌冬面和荞麦面?119. Udon noodles are thick and soba noodles are thin. 乌冬面粗,荞麦面的薄。120. What kind of fish does the mixed sashimi have?121. Do you have vegetarian dishes? 请问有纯素的菜吗?122. Yes, we do. All of the vegetarian dishes have a leaf beside them.对,有。所有的素菜前面都会有一片叶子。123. Please tell me the difference between bento boxes and teishoku? 请问Bento与Teishoku 的区别在哪?124. The big difference between bento boxes and teishoku is that bento boxes come with tempura and teishoku come with steamed egg custard. Bento 和 Teishoku的区别是:Bento主配天妇罗Teishoku主配日式蒸蛋。125. What would you like to start with? 您需要先来点儿开胃菜吗?126. I hope you enjoyed your dinner. 希望你能够享受你的晚餐。127. This is your seat. Please enjoy. 这是您的座位。128. Please have a seat.请坐。129. Sit down please.请坐。130. Would you like to sit here? 坐在这边可以吗?131. Im sorry. Your dining coupon does not include drinks. Would you like to purchase any drinks? 您的餐券不含酒水。132. Its very kind of you to say so. 您这样说真是太好了。133. Im sorry. The credit card machine is out of service. Do you mind paying by cash? 不好意思,刷卡机坏了,您可以付现吗?134. Thank you for your offer, but we are unable to accept tips on a local credit card. 谢谢您的好意,内卡不能刷小费。135. yuan in all, and thank you. 你的消费总共是。谢谢136. Please dont leave anything behind. 请不要留下任何的东西。


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