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托业题型7 练习模拟题第一套题目- 中行模拟卷Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.Questions 53-54 refer to the following information. 64.Why are the patients advised to contact the reception desk?A To obtain the results of schedule B To request information about their dental history C To learn about the prices of dental treatment D To make an appointment with their general dentist65.What is suggested about the dental cleaning appointment?A The treatment lasts for less than one hour. B The examination is performed by a dental surgeon. C The cost of screening is additional. D All the patients will receive only a fluoride treatment. 66.According to the brochure, for whom is screening NOT necessary?A Patients who require only a cleaning B Patients who have been referred from other clinics C Patients returning within 24 months of their last visit D Patients who will be seeing their general dentistQuestions 67-68 refer to the following letter.67.Where is the merchandise that needs to be delivered?A At the port B At Julia Davis warehouse C At the retail outlets D At the Prime Outlet68.How much merchandise does Sabrina Tan want Julia Davis to deliver?A One third of it B One quarter of it C All of it D Half of it Questions 69-72 refer to the following letter. 72.How are interested customers asked to sign up for this program? A By going to a store B By visiting a web site C By calling the company D By faxing an application form Questions 73-76 refer to the following letter.76.What are the guests asked to do?A Close all the faucets tightly before they leave. B Clean the sediments in the tubs and sinks. CAllow the maintenance staff to access their rooms. D Avoid using the tub and sink until after 2:00 p.m.Questions 77-80 refer to the following. B By building great hotels C By giving money for education D By writing about the town s history80.What does the Fairchild Tropical Hotel feature? A Seminar rooms for up to 30 people B A good view of the skylines of Florida C A waterfall in the lobby D An art galleryQuestions 81-85 refer to the following.81.What is the main purpose of this letter?A To make sure the company sent the order B To complain about some products C To report mistakes in an order D To ask for a refund on all items82.What would Ms. Janet Perez like the company to do about the curtains? A Take both curtains back B Send the other curtain she ordered C Charge her for both of them D Refund her money for one of them 83.What is the problem with the rug? A Ms. Janet Perez feels it is too small. B Ms. Janet Perez never ordered it. C Ms. Janet Perez feels she was undercharged for it. D Ms. Janet Perez ordered two but received one.84.How much of a refund does Ms. Janet Perez want for the bed sheets?A $10.00 B $29.99 C $19.99 D $42.0085.What will Ms. Janet Perez do next?A Go to the company B Collect her refund C Send back the rug D Call the companyQuestions 86-90 refer to the following.88.What is the main purpose of Mr. Tony Higginson s e-mail to Ms. Emilie Green?A To send a business agreement B To go over the sales market C To plan a business trip to Asia D To send a distribution plan 89.What has Ron Evans promised to do? A Sign an agreement B Buy the product from grocery chains C Sell the product to various outlets D Introduce market segments90.What will happen next week?A Mr. Ron Evans will sell the product to specialty stores. B Ms. Emilie Green will meet with Mr. Tony Higginson again. C Mr. Tony Higginson will receive a signed contract. D Mr. Tony Higginson will send a distribution agreement to be signed. Questions 91-95 refer to the following.92.whom should reporters address follow-up questions?A Mr. Charlie McGreger B Mr. Keith Wilson C Ms. Jackie Johnson D Mr. Norman Winter 93.Where was Ms. Jackie Johnson last employed?A At Morin Film Works B At Santos, Ltd. C At Breaking Entertainment D At Grimm Brothers94.In the press release, the word assume in Paragraph 4, Line 1 is closest in meaning to_.A take on B except C apply for D understand95.According to the press release, what can be found on the companys web site? A News of future company project B Details of the latest advertising campaign C A statement about Mr. Charlie McGreger D Information about Ms. Jackie Johnson96.According to the report, how is the change in gas price affecting the sales of SUVs? A Gas price has caused a slight increase in sales. B Increase in gas price will discourage investment in the car industry. C Not much change has been seen. C Car owners who try to save energy D Lovers of luxury cars第一套 答案53. B问题的主旨是弄清Best Western Springfield是什么地方。尽管选项(A)、(C) 都是短文中出现的单词,选项(D)则和短文中的gift shop有关联,但是这只是为 了混淆视听,不要陷入这么幼稚的陷阱!通过文中出现的While you re here(当 你在这里停留时)和stay(停留)这样的信息,可以非常容易猜出Best Western Springfield的性质。况且文的情况,所以正确答案自然就显现出来了。正在做测试的朋友,如果还没有找到正 确答案所在的句子,再试一下。马上! 10秒内务必找到答案!61. B关于申请资格,文中已经明确指出be comfortable using a computer (可以熟练使用电脑),所以正确答案是(B )这个职位包含电脑使用(The job includes some computer use ) 。62. D文章中关于上班时间的介绍为星期六从上午10点到下午3点;星期天则从中午 12点到下午4点(Saturdays from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.; and Sundays from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. ) 。所以正确选项是(D )可以周末上班(Availability to work on the weekends ) 。63. A文章后半部分关于薪水的说明为非周末时间的起薪为每小时7.5美元(The starting wages are $7.50 per hour on weekdays.)所以正确答案为(A)。这属于易如翻掌的问题。64. C问题的核心词汇reception出现的句子有关于Dentistry (牙科)和关于Dental Fee (治疗费用)两个部分。前一部分的内容是向接待处咨询预约的详细事项 (appointment details ),后一部分的内容则是向接待处确认治疗费用。息获得次数当然是一年一次(Once a year) 。72. B文章说,想申请会员的话(To apply for a frequent-saver membership ), 请访问本公司主页(visit our web site )。因此正确答案是(B) By visiting a web site (访问网站)。73. C 文中说,因为要对供水系统和管道进行定期维护(routine maintenance on the water delivery system and pumps ),所以宾馆内的供水会暂时中断(water supply in the hotel may be stopped temporarily )。因此供水中断的原因是定期维护。(D)和文章无关。74. B文中说,如果3分钟后水还没有变清(If the water continues to be discolored ),请联系维修人员。因此要求宾馆客人联系维修人员的情形是选项(B),当水还没有变清时(If the water continues to be discolored)。75. C文中提到,水压变动可能导致水流不畅,但水变色本身对健康无害,具体事 项请咨询前台。因此(A)、(B)、(D)都是涉及的选项,(C)则和文章无关。76. A对客人的要求如下:We would appreciate it if you could shut off all the faucets in the tub and sink securely 写信者要求的床单返款额是$10.00 ( =$29.99-$19.99 )。正 确答案是选项(A)。85. DJanet Perez先生在信的结尾写道:我会给你们公司总部打电话 搞清楚这封信里提到的问题。(I will follow up this letter with a call to your headquarters.)因此他接下来要做的事是选项(D) 给公司打电话(Call the company ) 。86. D会议记录的是关于商品经销的内容,并且在邮件中提到向Kellogg经销公司提出业务合作要求。因此会议召开的原因是选项D87. C问题中的the products sales information (商品销售信息)和文章中的sales statistics (销售统计)是同义词组,因此可以得知Nancy Cook 是提供销售信息的最佳人选。88. A邮件的第一段中先提到非常有益的会议(a very productive meeting )然后提议进行商业合作。所以,Tony Higginson这封邮件的目的是提议生意上的携手,并寄送具体的商业合作协议。89. C首先在文章中找出与Ron Evans有关的句子,然后与选项的内容作较,会发现(A)、(B)、(D)项并不是Ron Evants所许诺要做的事,正确答案是(C)项。90. C文章后半部分说,Please sign it and send it back to me by the end of next week.(请于下周之前在协议书上签cars gasoline consumption )因此可推断,如果油价持续上涨那么人们将会倾向于油耗少 的车辆。99. D。 (第二篇文章)斯蒂芬威尔提及SUV车辆的优点是,发生事故时安全性能强并且车内空间大,适合人口多的大家庭使用。但缺点是,SUV车辆耗油多而且 操纵复杂。也就是说,他认为:There are advantages and disadvantages of owning one.(拥有SUV既有优点也有缺点。)100. B。 斯蒂芬威尔说 Many drivers of SUVs buy them because they feel that they will be well-protected in case of an accident.(很多人买SUV是因为他们觉得 SUV安全性能高。)因此可推断,斯蒂芬o威尔是向Safety-minded motorists(注重安全性的驾车族)推荐SUV。第二套题目-中行模拟卷Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and C E-mail the Swiss Commerce Association. D Send an e-mail to ask for more details. 55. What position do most students in the program hope to obtain?A Dentists B Optometrists C Veterinarians D Doctors 56. What is NOT required for the program eligibility?A A bachelors degree with at least a B average B Completion of a chemistry or biology class while in college C A desire to begin rigorous science coursework in medical school D An ability to attend the program as a full time student57. How many courses must a student pass to receive a certificate?A Five B Six C Seven D Nine61.What is the stated purpose of this organization? A To raise money for school trips B To help local youth lead productive lives C To renovate the community center D To provide training in accounting practices62. What does the job involve?A Working as a cashier B Teaching economics class C Hiring an Account Manager D Managing fiscal operations63. What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for the position?A Being a certified accountant B Being able to work well with others C Being able to address large groups of people D Being an experienced worker in the field 64.What is the main purpose of this fax? D E-mail orders67. For whom was this announcement made? A Pilots and copilots C A newspaper D A monthly magazine70. What kind of seminar is the staff given?A Professional development seminar B Time management seminar C Local development seminar D New-product development seminar 71.Why would an employee need to call Donna Luke?A To obtain specific information regarding the seminar B To get general information about the seminar C To change the venue for this year s seminarD To postpone the seminar until March 20, 200772.What information is NOT required of those registering for a workshop? A Participant s name B Telephone extension number C E-mail address D Office address including zip code73.When is the deadline for registration?A November 28 B December 10 C December 15 D December 22 74.How many fax machines were ordered?A 12 B 27 C 30 D 3175.Why was the discount given on the order?A The sales manager wants to continue the business relationship with the purchaser. B The sales manager is rewarding a loyal customer. C Mr. Thomas Lim is dissatisfied with Cosmo Office Solutions items and services. D The price of the merchandise is going to be reduced significantly. 76.What is included in the price quoted?A Installation fee B Maintenance charges C Delivery cost to the customer D Marine insurance77.What is Mr. Thomas Lim asked to do? A Confirm receipt of a payment B Return a consignment C Approve an order D Cancel the order within 30 working days of receipt of the goods82.What is NOT mentioned as an attraction of the restaurant?A It has a wide selection of foods. B The service is fast. C The prices are reasonable. 85.What does Mr. Bob Schmidt say about Nature Publishing Group?A It maintained a local office. B It refused to pay his allowance C It acquired another company. D It was bought by another company.86.What is the main responsibility of the job?A Proofreading reports such as leave, travel, budget expenditure and revenue projections B Updating the department web page C Maintaining Internet connectivity D Organizing incoming resumes from candidates87.What is NOT mentioned as a requirement for the job?A Planning a business trip B Computer skills with word processing software C Good organizational skills D The ability to speak German88.How can potential employees apply for DAILY NEWS TODAY?A By telephone B By e-mail C By fax D By visiting its headquarters D Leam how to set up a conference call93.What service does Mr. Peter Kelly offer?A Tutoring in geography B Accounting for small businesses C Training in foreign languages D Translating documents from French to German94.How long has the Baltimore Language Institute been operating? A 10 yearsB 15 yearsC 20 years D 30 years95.How can customers qualify for a discount?A By registering online at http:ll B By joining a group C By passing a test given In French or Germany D By registering early96.What is true about Mr. Henry Samuels computer problem?A The problem first happened in the morning. B The problem is unique to his workstation. C The problem is the result of running too many programs. D The cause of the problem has not been identified.97.Who was the person Mr. Henry Samuel first contacted?A Mr. Gavin Newsom B Ms. Kelly Hoffman C Mr. Keith Wilson D Ms. Carol Hewitt98.In the second e-mail, the word randomly in Paragraph 2, Line 1 is closest in meaning toA irregularly B periodically C carelessly D accidentally99.What is Ms. Kelly Hoffman supposed to do? A To consult a manual B To purchase new software C To replace her computer rather than repair it D To consult a system administrator100.What is Mr. Henry Samuel instructed to do?A To use a computer at a different workstation B To delete files C To inform Ms. Carol Hewitt of the problem D To turn off the computer for a while第二套 答案53. 考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 文中明确提到预计将有来自16个国家的37个企业代表(Representatives of 37 firms receive)是同样的意思,因此只要找出4个选项中和文章中关于可以接受的3种补偿(three compensations ) 不一致的选项即为正确答案。事实上,文中最后一句提到Coupons for the Jason Bookstore (书店优惠券)不能使用(not available ),这也可以帮助你很快找到正确答案。61. 考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 关于招聘广告,发出广告的公司或团体通常都会在广告的开头有简单的介绍,从而可以获知该团体的从业目的和信念。来看一下第一句,果然,文中说,The Youth Council of Arlington (阿灵顿青年协会)是为了提高年轻人的生活 (an association dedicated to improving the lives of young people ) .62. 考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 文中已经明确说明招聘种类是Director of Finance,并要求应聘者必须具备公认 的会计资格证(a recognized accounting certificate ),因此可以推知这项工作 要求从事会计类的工作(Managing fiscal operations )。选项C中的Account Manager并不是会计业务主管,而是顾客管理部经理。一定要好好区分。63. 考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 招聘广告典型的写作模式是:1.关于公司的简单介绍;2.招聘职务和对应聘者的资格说明;3.应聘方法;4.求职信和履历的提交。因此关于这个问题的答案只要看第2部分就可以。其他选项都已经涉及,唯独C并未涉及。64.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 传真的发送者Norman Winter代替Tom Morrison成为新的秘书,为了将此事告知大家而发送了此传真,可以推知这个传真的目的是为了告知人事变动。像这样询问传真的目的的问题要注意文中以I am sending this message开头的句子后面的内容。65.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 这个问题的关键词是Tom Morrison和leave (退休,离职),并且When did?询 (研讨会的题目)这些单词都很容易在文章中找到。只要知道 Ext.是extension的缩略语,就可以知道答案了。73.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 分析文章中出现的日期就可以知道截止日期。选项中只出现了 11月和12月两个月份,因此只要在文中找到出现这两个月份的句子进行分析就可以知道答案了。文中第二段中提到为了登记,请不迟于12月10日(no later than December 10 )致电Donna Luke,答案就呼之欲出了。74.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 文中开头部分提到fax machines,并出现了相关数字。只要稍加分析,就可以 知道订购数量了。文章中说We received your order for 27 fax machines,因此正确答案是选项B。75.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 这是道推知商家打折理由的题目。不能忽视因为您是新顾客,所以给予打折 这样的内容。并且文章的结尾又提到希望和阁下做定期的生意,因此可以推知打折的原因是商家想和购买者保持长久的贸易关系。解决这道题,首先要找到核心词汇discount所在的句子进行分析,如果仅仅靠这些仍然难以推出正确答案,这时要扫视全文,快速寻找相关信息。76.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 问题的核心词汇the price quoted (报价)出现在文章中的The price quoted includes insurance and transport insurance and transport charges up to the port of Tokyo这句话里,因此可以知道报价包含了到达东京港为止的保险费和运费,所以选项D是正确答案。77.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 通过分析发信人Bob Penn所提出的要求,可以知道Thomas Lim被要求的事项。Bob Penn在信函的结尾说我们一旦接到您的订购确认(As soon as we receive written confirmation of your order),因此可以推知Thomas Lim被要求确认订单(Approve an order) 。78.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 原文第二段提到,安迪o马修斯先生离职后酒店要招聘新的厨师长,所以这则公 告的主题就是B The contest for the position of head chef (竞聘厨师长一职)。79.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 问题关键词是when,要想把握原文出现的日期中哪天是各位应聘人比赛厨艺的 日子,需要留意这句话,11月7日被邀请的应聘者将烹制BeMagio酒店菜单上的特定菜肴(On November 7, invited candidates will prepare the specific dishes .),因此评审菜肴的日期是在C On November 7 ( 11月7日)。(B) 项10月30日是申请截止日期。 80.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 本题需把握细节内容,文章第一段提到Cascade餐厅内部环境的内容。新餐 厅美观雅致,色调明快(The new restaurant is full of beautiful, vibrant colors and fabrics ) ,因此选项A It is more colorfully decorated.(新Cascade餐厅装饰色调明快。)是本题正确答案。(B)、(C)、(D)与文章内容相反。 81.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 本题要把问题中own (拥有)和原文的proprietor(所有人,业主)联系起来,对细节内容进行分析。可以知道Robert Vamosi是所有人(the proprietor, Robert Vamosi ) 。82.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 本题考査的是细节内容,(A)、(B)、(D)3个选项分别出现在文章第二段、第三段和第一段。选项C涉及到价格,原文中没有出现这一信息。本题难度稍大,需要在短时间内读懂全文才能找出答案。83.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 信件右上方为写信人,左上方为收信人。Bob Schmidt是写这封信的人,他的 地址是加利福尼亚州棕榈泉(Palm Springs, CA )。因此答案为A。84.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 文章第一段提到交房租的内容,请求延长至8月20日(an extension to August20),因此可以得知, Bob Schmidt将于8月20日交房租。85.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 本题考查Bob Schmidt的失业原因,需要找到问题关键词Nature Publishing Group (Nature出版集团)所在的句子,分析细节内容。由Nature出版集团 被One Media Holdings收购(Nature Publishing Group was acquired by One Media Holdings) 可知,其他公司收购了Nature出版集团,因此选项D为正确答案。 86.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 招聘广告类文章经常对职位、资格条件、报名方式等细节内容进行考査。文中明确说明,这个职位的主要业务就是校对行政管理报告,编辑商务文件,但选 项中仅出现校对行政管理报告。选项A包括了行政管理报告(administrative reports )的具体业务,因此A为正确答案。另作补充,商务文件(business documents J 包括purchase orders (采购订单)、invoices (发票)、 product descriptions (产品说明)、shipping schedules (运输日期)。87.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 与报名资格相关的细节内容出现在第二段。比较选项和原文可知,(A选项中的出差计划与报名资格无关。招聘广告大部分是按照职务-资格条件-报名方式的顺序,这3项在招聘广告中缺一不可。但读招聘广告类文章也有一条优势,那就是只看每段首句就可以快速判断这段跟职位有关,还是跟资格条件、报名方 式有关。88.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 报名方式一般都会出现在招聘广告下方。招聘广告中要求通过传真或邮寄递交 申请书,因此选项C By fax (用传真)为正确答案。fax既可用作动词,也可用作名词。89.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 文章第二段涉及到语音邮件相关的内容,通过这句话,往后公司各位职员将继 续拥有个人语音邮件(Each staff member will continue to have individual voice mall)可以推断,现在公司职员使用的是语音邮件。即通过语音邮件 (voice mai丨)接收信息,故选项D为正确答案。90.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 关键词long distance calls (长途电话)所在句出现在文章第二段。通过拨打 长途电话需使用员工号一句可知选项C为正确答案。91.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 在通知或邮件中,要求或委托性语句一般会以祈使句形式出现在原文末尾。 这种类型的问题需要结合细节内容进行推测。通知要求职员参加会议以了解 新电话系统特点并熟练操作(to fully utilize the features of our new phone system ) , 学习电话会议方法是新电话系统特点之一,故D选项为正确 答案。 93.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 问题关键词Mr. Peter Kelly出现在文章最后。皮特凯利先生是西欧语言教师 (West European Language Instructor) ,由此可推知他提供C外语教育 (Training in foreign languages )服务。94.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 首段校历介绍中明确提到,巴尔的摩语言研究所已成立15年(The Baltimore Language Institute has been established for 15 years ) 。故答案为B项。95.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 文章最后,在对讲座性质和听课费用折扣进行说明的部分提到,10位以上 的学生团体可享受每人30%的折扣。加入团体即可享受折扣,故选项B为正 确答案。96.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 (第二篇文章)对Henry Samuel咨询的事项,Kelly Hoffman在回信中指出To determine the cause of the problem and prevent it from happening again(确定问题发生原因,防止问题再次发生),由此可推断,Henry Samuel的电脑出现问题的原因不确定。对照第一篇原文,可知选项A、(B)与文章内容 不一致。文中提到上午没有出现问题。原文还提到您的工作站是今天出现连接问题的其中一个,因此选项B只有他的工作站发生问题(unique to his workstation ) 不符合原文。选项C内容原文中没有提到。97.考霸解析: 正确答案为C。 (第一篇文章+第二篇文章)Henry Samuel首先联系的人是技术支持部管理 员(technical support manager),在第二箱文章中提到这个人的名字是Mr. Keith Wilson。98.考霸解析: 正确答案为A。 (第二篇文章)由单词randomly(随机地,任意地)的意思可知(A) Irregularly (不定期地)为正确答案。99.考霸解析: 正确答案为D。 (第二篇文章)Kelly Hoffman说:我已将您的邮件转给系统管理员以作进 一步调查。(I have forwarded your e-mail to our system administrators for further investigation. ) D项咨询系统管理员(To consult a system administrators )是对文章原句的变形,因此D为正确答案。100.考霸解析: 正确答案为B。 (第二篇文章)Kelly Hoffman请Henry Samuel删除网络临时文件(please delete your temporary Internet files ),因此B To delete files (删除文件)为正确答案。第三套题目工行模拟卷Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.D To employ computer technicians54.How long has Ms. Maria Hernandez owned her own business?A Ten years B Twelve years C Twenty years D Thirty years55.Who is offering the events?A The Barbados Hotel B The Greater Portsmouth C


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